88 research outputs found

    Iron K-alpha Fluorescent Line Profiles from Spiral Accretion Flows in AGNs

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    We present 6.4 keV iron K-alpha fluorescent line profiles predicted for a relativistic black hole accretion disk in the presence of a spiral motion in Kerr geometry, the work extended from an earlier literature motivated by recent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. The velocity field of the spiral motion, superposed on the background Keplerian flow, results in a complicated redshift distribution in the accretion disk. An X-ray source attributed to a localized flaring region on the black hole symmetry axis illuminates the iron in the disk. The emissivity form becomes very steep because of the light bending effect from the primary X-ray source to the disk. The predicted line profile is calculated for various spiral waves, and we found, regardless of the source height, that: (i) a multiple-peak along with a classical double-peak structure generally appears, (ii) such a multiple-peak can be categorized into two types, sharp sub-peaks and periodic spiky peaks, (iii) a tightly-packed spiral wave tends to produce more spiky multiple peaks, whereas (iv) a spiral wave with a larger amplitude seems to generate more sharp sub-peaks, (v) the effect seems to be less significant when the spiral wave is centrally concentrated, (vi) the line shape may show a drastic change (forming a double-peak, triple-peak or multiple-peak feature) as the spiral wave rotates with the disk. Our results emphasize that around a rapidly-rotating black hole an extremely redshifted iron line profile with a noticeable spike-like feature can be realized in the presence of the spiral wave. Future X-ray observations, from {\it Astro-E2} for example, will have sufficient spectral resolution for testing our spiral wave model which exhibits unique spike-like features.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ, will be presented at 204th Meeting of AAS in Denve

    Evaluation of Kidney Histological Images Using Unsupervised Deep Learning

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    [Introduction] Evaluating histopathology via machine learning has gained research and clinical interest, and the performance of supervised learning tasks has been described in various areas of medicine. Unsupervised learning of histological images has the advantage of reproducibility for labeling; however, the relationship between unsupervised evaluation and clinical information remains unclear in nephrology. [Methods] We propose an unsupervised approach combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and a visualization algorithm to cluster the histological images and calculate the score for patients. We applied the approach to the entire images or patched images of the glomerulus of kidney biopsy samples stained with hematoxylin and eosin obtained from 68 patients with immunoglobulin A nephropathy. We assessed the relationship between the obtained scores and clinical variables of urinary occult blood, urinary protein, serum creatinine (SCr), systolic blood pressure, and age. [Results] The glomeruli of the patients were classified into 12 distinct classes and 10 patches. The output of the fine-tuned CNN, which we defined as the histological scores, had significant relationships with assessed clinical variables. In addition, the clustering and visualization results suggested that the defined clusters captured important findings when evaluating renal histopathology. For the score of the patch-based cluster containing crescentic glomeruli, SCr (coefficient = 0.09, P = 0.019) had a significant relationship. [Conclusion] The proposed approach could successfully extract features that were related to the clinical variables from the kidney biopsy images along with the visualization for interpretability. The approach could aid in the quantified evaluation of renal histopathology

    PDCD4 Knockdown Induces Senescence in Hepatoma Cells by Up-Regulating the p21 Expression

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    While the over-expression of tumor suppressor programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) induces apoptosis, it was recently shown that PDCD4 knockdown also induced apoptosis. In this study, we examined the cell cycle regulators whose activation is affected by PDCD4 knockdown to investigate the contribution of PDCD4 to cell cycle regulation in three types of hepatoma cells: HepG2, Huh7 (mutant p53 and p16-deficient), and Hep3B (p53- and Rb-deficient). PDCD4 knockdown suppressed cell growth in all three cell lines by inhibiting Rb phosphorylation via down-regulating the expression of Rb itself and CDKs, which phosphorylate Rb, and up-regulating the expression of the CDK inhibitor p21 through a p53-independent pathway. We also found that apoptosis was induced in a p53-dependent manner in PDCD4 knockdown HepG2 cells (p53+), although the mechanism of cell death in PDCD4 knockdown Hep3B cells (p53-) was different. Furthermore, PDCD4 knockdown induced cellular senescence characterized by β-galactosidase staining, and p21 knockdown rescued the senescence and cell death as well as the inhibition of Rb phosphorylation induced by PDCD4 knockdown. Thus, PDCD4 is an important cell cycle regulator of hepatoma cells and may be a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

    Fundamental electron-transfer and proton-coupled electron-transfer properties of Ru(iv)-oxo complexes

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    Isolation and characterisation of Ru-IV(O) complexes were accomplished to investigate their fundamental electron transfer (ET) and proton-coupled ET (PCET) properties. Reorganisation energies (lambda) in electron transfer (ET) and proton-coupled ET (PCET) from electron donors to the isolated Ru-IV(O) complexes have been determined for the first time to be in the range of 1.70-1.88 eV (ET) and 1.20-1.26 eV (PCET). It was suggested that the reduction of the lambda values of PCET in comparison with those of ET should be due to the smaller structural change in PCET than that in ET on the basis of DFT calculations on 1 and 1e(-)-reduced 1 in the absence and presence of TFA, respectively. In addition, the smaller lambda values for the Ru-IV(O) complexes than those reported for Fe-IV(O) and Mn-IV(O) complexes should be due to the lack of participation of d(sigma) orbitals in the ET and PCET reactions. This is the first example to evaluate fundamental ET and PCET properties of Ru-IV(O) complexes leading to further understanding of their reactivity in oxidation reactions

    Comparison of self‐expandable metallic stent placement followed by laparoscopic resection and elective laparoscopic surgery without stent placement for left‐sided colon cancer.

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    Aim:Self‐expandable metallic stent (SEMS) placement for obstructive colon cancer is widely performed as a bridge to surgery (BTS) procedure before resection. This study aimed to investigate the surgical and oncological results of laparoscopic elective surgery with or without SEMS placement to assess the efficacy of SEMS placement as a BTS.Methods:We retrospectively analyzed consecutive patients with stage II, III, and IV left‐sided colon cancer who underwent elective laparoscopic resection between 2013 and 2019. All patients were divided into two groups: with and without SEMS placement.Results:The SEMS group included 24 patients, whereas the non‐SEMS group included 86 patients. The serum hemoglobin and albumin levels were lower (P = .049, P = .03), and the serum leukocyte and C‐reactive protein levels were higher (P < .0001, P = .022) in the SEMS group. The tumor diameter and tumor circumferential rate were higher in the SEMS group (both P < .0001). No significant differences were observed in operation time, blood loss, postoperative complications, or postoperative hospital stay. After 1:1 propensity score matching, 15 patients in the SEMS group were compared with 15 patients in the non‐SEMS group. The 3‐year overall survival rates of the SEMS and non‐SEMS groups were 87.5% and 88.9%, respectively (P = .97). The 3‐year recurrence‐free survival rates of the SEMS and non‐SEMS groups were 58.2% and 81.7%, respectively (P = .233). No significant difference was found in the sites of recurrence.Conclusion:The perioperative and long‐term outcomes of SEMS placement as a BTS before laparoscopic resection could be acceptable compared with other elective laparoscopic operations without SEMS placement

    Current status of space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO and B-DECIGO

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    Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (DECIGO) is the future Japanese space mission with a frequency band of 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz. DECIGO aims at the detection of primordial gravitational waves, which could be produced during the inflationary period right after the birth of the universe. There are many other scientific objectives of DECIGO, including the direct measurement of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, and reliable and accurate predictions of the timing and locations of neutron star/black hole binary coalescences. DECIGO consists of four clusters of observatories placed in the heliocentric orbit. Each cluster consists of three spacecraft, which form three Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers with an arm length of 1,000 km. Three clusters of DECIGO will be placed far from each other, and the fourth cluster will be placed in the same position as one of the three clusters to obtain the correlation signals for the detection of the primordial gravitational waves. We plan to launch B-DECIGO, which is a scientific pathfinder of DECIGO, before DECIGO in the 2030s to demonstrate the technologies required for DECIGO, as well as to obtain fruitful scientific results to further expand the multi-messenger astronomy.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The Elevation in Preoperative Procalcitonin Is Associated with a Poor Prognosis for Patients Undergoing Resection for Colorectal Cancer.

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    Background:Procalcitonin (PCT) is a well-known marker for bacterial infection; however, the clinical significance of PCT in the long-term prognosis after colorectal cancer (CRC) surgery remains unclear.Methods:This is a retrospective review of 277 patients that underwent CRC surgery to investigate the relationship between preoperative PCT, clinicopathological condition, cancer-specific overall survival (OS), and relapse-free survival (RFS).Results:Median follow-up interval was 5.0 years in all patients. Thirty-six patients developed recurrence, and 46 patients died due to recurrences or metastases of CRC. Preoperative PCT levels were highest in Stage IV patients. The cancer-specific OS in patients with Stage IV/PCT ≤0.05 ng/mL was significantly higher than those with Stage IV/PCT >0.05 ng/mL (3 years survival; 42.3 vs. 14.3%, p = 0.0413). On multivariate analysis, gender, TNM classification, and PCT were identified as significant risk factors for cancer-specific OS in patients with Stage I-III CRC. The cancer-specific OS rate of these patients with PCT ≥0.08 ng/mL, compared with PCT <0.08 ng/mL, was significantly decreased (5 years survival; 59.1 vs. 92.7%, p < 0.0001). TNM classification was finally identified as an independent risk factor for cancer-specific RFS in these patients by multivariate analysis.Conclusion:High preoperative PCT values in CRC patients appeared to be associated with poor OS but not RFS following surgical treatments

    トウイン ニオケル セツジョ フノウ キョクショ シンコウ ショクドウガン ノ チリョウ セイセキ

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    【背景】遠隔転移のない切除不能局所進行食道癌に対する標準治療は根治的化学放射線療法(CRT)だが,近年Docetaxel/5-FU/ Cisplatin 療法をはじめとした導入化学療法(ICT)からの外科的切除の有用性が報告されている.今回,当院での切除不能局所進行食道癌に対する治療成績について検証した.【対象と方法】2016年から2019年の期間で,当院で治療した切除不能局所進行食道癌9例(リンパ節T4bも含む)を対象とした.【結果】男性:6例,女性:3例.年齢:中央値 64(41-78)歳.腫瘍主占居部位:Ut/Mt/Lt=1/7/1.浸潤臓器:気管/左主気管支/大動脈=2/4/3,cN0/1/2=1/3/5,初回治療: ICT/CRT=7/2であった.初回治療別に検証すると,奏効率:ICT/CRT=5(71.4%)/0(0%)であり,ICTにて奏効が得られた5例は根治切除可能と判断し,4例(80%)でR0切除が得られた.術後合併症は,縫合不全0例,肺炎1例(20%),反回神経麻痺2例(40%)であった.術後在院日数中央値は16日(13-21)であった.R0切除4例は全例1年以上の生存が得られているが,2例で再発(リンパ節再発1例,肺・リンパ節再発1例)を認めた.R1切除例はCRTを追加し,術後2年無再発生存中である.根治切除を施行していない4例の初回治療からの1年生存率は25%と予後不良であった.【結語】切除不能局所進行食道癌であってもICTを組み入れることでconversion surgeryが安全に施行され,高いR0切除率が得られ,予後の延長に寄与する可能性がある.Background:Recently, the usefulness of surgical resection after induction chemotherapy (ICT) including Docetaxel / 5-FU / Cisplatin therapy for locally advanced esophageal cancer has been reported. Methods:Nine patients with locally advanced unresectable esophageal cancer who underwent multidisciplinary treatment in our hospital from 2016 to 2019 were eligible for this study. Results:The patients’ characteristics included a median age of 64 years; the male/female ratio of 6/3; Tumor main occupancy site Ut / Mt / Lt = 1/7/1; Invading adjacent organs: trachea / left main bronchus / aorta; 2/4/3, Lymph node metastasis (0/1/2); 1/3/5, and initial treatment ICT / CRT; 7/2. Response rate of ICT were 71.4% (5 cases) and that of CRT were 0%. Four patients (80%) of 5 patients who responded to ICT were underwent R0 resection. Postoperative complications were anastomotic leakage in 0 cases, pneumonia in 1 case (20%), and recurrent nerve paralysis in 2 cases (40%). The median length of hospital stay after surgery was 16 days. All 4 cases of R0 resection had survived for 1 year or more. The 1-year survival rate from the initial treatment of 4 patients who did not undergo radical resection was 25%. Conclusion:Conversion surgery after ICT for locally advanced unresectable esophageal cancer may contribute to a high R0 resection rate and better clinical outcomes

    ショクドウ ソウカン ニヨル フンゴウブ カンゼン リカイ オ カイケッチョウ サイケン デ シュウフクシタ ショクドウ セツジョ ノ 1レイ

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    症例は60 歳代, 男性. 身長162.6 cm, 体重40.0 kg, Body Mass Index(BMI)15.1 kg / m2であり, 既往歴に慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)を認めた. 胸部上部食道癌 T1b N0 M0 Stage Iに対して食道亜全摘, 3領域リンパ節郭清, 胸骨後胃管再建を施行した.術当日に抜管したが, 術後肺炎に伴う呼吸不全のため, 術後6日目に気管内挿管を試みたが、食道挿管となった.再挿管, 人工呼吸管理の後に軽快し術後13日目に抜管となったが, 術後透視で吻合部周囲に造影剤漏出を認めた. 2ヶ月間の保存的加療で造影剤漏出は消失したが吻合部に長径4 cmの高度狭窄を認めた.内視鏡的拡張術での改善は困難であり, 術後243日目に消化管再建術を施行した. 手術所見として, 第2肋間より頭側の胸骨を切除したところ, 胃管の口側断端は第2肋間の高さの胸骨後面に位置していた.食道断端までは肉芽で置換されていた.胸骨前経路回結腸再建を施行し, 再建術後 8日目に食事を開始し, 合併症なく再建術後30日目に退院となった. 回結腸再建後2年経過後も食道癌の再発は認めず, 通過障害なく経口摂取のみでの生活が可能となっている.A 60s-year-old man underwent endoscopic screening during which a tumor was detected in the upper thoracic esophagus, which was diagnosed as T1bN0M0 Stage I esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. He had a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He underwent subtotal esophagectomy with 3 field lymph node dissection. Reconstruction was performed by gastric tube through the posterior sternal route. Extubation was performed on the day of surgery. Respiratory failure by postoperative pneumonia occurred, and ventilatory management was performed on the sixth postoperative day. However, the intubation was put into the esophagus. He became well and extubation was performed on the 13th postoperative day. Postoperative fluoroscopy showed contrast leakage around the anastomotic site. After 2 months of conservative treatment, the contrast leak disappeared, but there was a severe stenosis of 4 cm in length at the anastomosis. Endoscopic dilatation was not sufficient to improve the stenosis. Gastrointestinal reconstruction was performed on the 243rd postoperative day. The cephalic sternum was resected, and the gastrointestinal canal opening margin was located on the posterior surface of the sternum, at the level of the second intercostal space. The segment was replaced by a granulation. The patient underwent anterior sternal ileocolic reconstruction. Oral intake started on the 8th day after the reconstruction, and hospital discharge was on the 30 th day after the reconstruction without any complications. Two years after ileocolic reconstruction, there has been no cancer recurrence, and he lives well on oral intake only