16 research outputs found

    Evidence of novel finescale structural variation at autism spectrum disorder candidate loci

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) represent a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by a core set of social-communicative and behavioral impairments. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, acting primarily via the GABA receptors (GABR). Multiple lines of evidence, including altered GABA and GABA receptor expression in autistic patients, indicate that the GABAergic system may be involved in the etiology of autism. Methods: As copy number variations (CNVs), particularly rare and de novo CNVs, have now been implicated in ASD risk, we examined the GABA receptors and genes in related pathways for structural variation that may be associated with autism. We further extended our candidate gene set to include 19 genes and regions that had either been directly implicated in the autism literature or were directly related (via function or ancestry) to these primary candidates. For the high resolution CNV screen we employed custom-designed 244 k comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) arrays. Collectively, our probes spanned a total of 11 Mb of GABA-related and additional candidate regions with a density of approximately one probe every 200 nucleotides, allowing a theoretical resolution for detection of CNVs of approximately 1 kb or greater on average. One hundred and sixty-eight autism cases and 149 control individuals were screened for structural variants. Prioritized CNV events were confirmed using quantitative PCR, and confirmed loci were evaluated on an additional set of 170 cases and 170 control individuals that were not included in the original discovery set. Loci that remained interesting were subsequently screened via quantitative PCR on an additional set of 755 cases and 1,809 unaffected family members. Results: Results include rare deletions in autistic individuals at JAKMIP1, NRXN1, Neuroligin4Y, OXTR, and ABAT. Common insertion/deletion polymorphisms were detected at several loci, including GABBR2 and NRXN3. Overall, statistically significant enrichment in affected vs. unaffected individuals was observed for NRXN1 deletions. Conclusions: These results provide additional support for the role of rare structural variation in ASD

    Development of international consensus recommendations using a modified Delphi approach

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc . Funding Information: The content of this manuscript was based on preparatory pre-meeting activities and presentations and discussions during two advisory board meetings that were coordinated and funded by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. All authors or their institutions received funding from BioMarin to attend at least one or both meetings. Additional disclosures: BKB received consulting payments from BioMarin, Shire, Genzyme, Alexion, Horizon Therapeutics, Denali Therapeutics, JCR Pharma, Moderna, Aeglea BioTherapeutics, SIO Gene Therapies, Taysha Gene Therapy, Ultragenyx, and Inventiva Pharma, participated as clinical trial investigator for BioMarin, Shire, Denali Therapeutics, Homology Medicines, Ultragenyx, and Moderna as well as received speaker fees from BioMarin, Shire, Genzyme, and Horizon Therapeutics. AH received consulting payments from BioMarin, Chiesi, Shire, Genzyme, Amicus, and Ultragenyx, participated as clinical trial investigator for Ultragenyx as well as received speaker fees from Alexion, Amicus, BioMarin, Genzyme, Nutricia, Sobi, and Takeda. ABQ received consulting payments from BioMarin, speaker fees from BioMarin, Nutricia, Vitaflo, Sanofi, Takeda, Recordati, and travel support from Vitaflo . SEC received consulting payments and speaker fees from BioMarin as well as consulting payments from Synlogic Therapeutics. COH was clinical trial investigator for BioMarin and received consulting and speaker payments from BioMarin. SCJH received consulting payments and travel support from BioMarin and Homology Medicines. NL received consulting payments from Alnylam, Amicus, Astellas, BioMarin, BridgeBio, Chiesi, Genzyme/Sanofi, HemoShear, Horizon Therapeutics, Jaguar, Moderna, Nestle, PTC Therapeutics, Reneo, Shire, Synlogic, and Ultragenyx, participated as clinical trial investigator for Aeglea, Amicus, Astellas, BioMarin, Genzyme/Sanofi, Homology, Horizon, Moderna, Pfizer, Protalix, PTC Therapeutics, Reneo, Retrophin/Travere therapeutics, Shire, and Ultragenyx, as well as received speaker fees from Cycle Pharmaceuticals, Leadiant and Recordati. MCM II received consulting payments from BioMarin, Horizon Therapeutics, Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Applied Therapeutics, Cycle Therapeutics, and Ultragenyx. ALSP received speaker fees from BioMarin. JCR received consulting payments from Applied Pharma Research, Merck Serono, BioMarin, Vitaflo, and Nutricia, speaker fees from Applied Pharma Research, Merck Serono, BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Vitaflo, Cambrooke, PIAM, LifeDiet, and Nutricia, as well as travel support from Applied Pharma Research, Merck Serono, BioMarin, Vitaflo, Cambrooke, PIAM, and Nutricia. SS received consulting payments, research grants, speaker fees, and travel support from BioMarin and participated as clinical trials investigator for BioMarin. ASV received consulting payments from BioMarin, Horizon Therapeutics, and Ultragenyx and participated as clinical trial investigator for Acadia, Alexion, BioMarin, Genzyme, Homology Medicines, Kaleido, Mallinckrodt, and Ultragenyx. JV received consulting payments from BioMarin, LogicBio Pharmaceuticals, Sangamo Therapeutics, Orphan Labs, Synlogic Therapeutics, Sanofi, Axcella Health, Agios Pharmaceuticals, and Applied Therapeutics as well as travel grants from BioMarin and LogicBio Pharmaceuticals. MW received consulting payments, speaker fees, and travel support from BioMarin, and participated as clinical trial investigator for Mallinckrodt, Roche, Wave, Cycle Therapeutics, and Intrabio. ACM participated in strategic advisory boards and received honoraria as a consultant and as a speaker for Merck Serono, BioMarin, Nestlé Health Science (SHS), Applied Pharma Research, Actelion, Retrophin, Censa, PTC Therapeutics, and Arla Food. Funding Information: Ideally, access to (neuro)psychological/psychiatric support should assist adolescents with identifying, understanding, and reporting of PKU-specific challenges (Table 3), offering individualized recommendations on managing these challenges. Although there is no replacement for mental health services for patients with identified needs, psychosocial support from PKU peers, e.g., through PKU camps, virtual social events, etc., can at least in the short-term help to improve metabolic control by providing individuals an opportunity to participate in supportive PKU-related educational activities potentially reducing perceived social isolation [91]. In addition to PKU camps, which may be very specific to certain regions or countries, HCPs should consider encouraging involvement in local, regional, national and international PKU patient/family advocacy and social support organizations, introducing adolescents and young adults to national/international patient registries [92,93]. Besides support from PKU peers, patients can benefit from non-PKU peer support, although some adolescents and young adults with PKU may not disclose to others and may avoid eating in with others or eating in public due to potential feelings of anxiety or feelings of being ashamed of their disease. In addition, patients with PKU of all ages, but particularly vulnerable adolescents and young adults, can benefit from having the opportunity to learn about and practice strategies that help promote feelings of empowerment and self-efficacy that can be used in both familiar and unfamiliar environments where they may experience peer pressure and feel the need to ‘fit in’. For example, a role-play approach involving behavioral rehearsal, self-monitoring, goal setting, and training in problem-solving skills with emphasis on initiation and inhibition (i.e., how to say no) could be provided by parents, PKU peers, or even members of the PKU team. These types of activities can be used to teach adolescents with PKU how to react in social situations, such as dining out, helping to avoid indulging and increased risk-taking behavior, a hallmark of the adolescent period [94].This work was supported by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.The content of this manuscript was based on preparatory pre-meeting activities and presentations and discussions during two advisory board meetings that were coordinated and funded by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. All authors or their institutions received funding from BioMarin to attend at least one or both meetings. Additional disclosures: BKB received consulting payments from BioMarin, Shire, Genzyme, Alexion, Horizon Therapeutics, Denali Therapeutics, JCR Pharma, Moderna, Aeglea BioTherapeutics, SIO Gene Therapies, Taysha Gene Therapy, Ultragenyx, and Inventiva Pharma, participated as clinical trial investigator for BioMarin, Shire, Denali Therapeutics, Homology Medicines, Ultragenyx, and Moderna as well as received speaker fees from BioMarin, Shire, Genzyme, and Horizon Therapeutics. AH received consulting payments from BioMarin, Chiesi, Shire, Genzyme, Amicus, and Ultragenyx, participated as clinical trial investigator for Ultragenyx as well as received speaker fees from Alexion, Amicus, BioMarin, Genzyme, Nutricia, Sobi, and Takeda. ABQ received consulting payments from BioMarin, speaker fees from BioMarin, Nutricia, Vitaflo, Sanofi, Takeda, Recordati, and travel support from Vitaflo. SEC received consulting payments and speaker fees from BioMarin as well as consulting payments from Synlogic Therapeutics. COH was clinical trial investigator for BioMarin and received consulting and speaker payments from BioMarin. SCJH received consulting payments and travel support from BioMarin and Homology Medicines. NL received consulting payments from Alnylam, Amicus, Astellas, BioMarin, BridgeBio, Chiesi, Genzyme/Sanofi, HemoShear, Horizon Therapeutics, Jaguar, Moderna, Nestle, PTC Therapeutics, Reneo, Shire, Synlogic, and Ultragenyx, participated as clinical trial investigator for Aeglea, Amicus, Astellas, BioMarin, Genzyme/Sanofi, Homology, Horizon, Moderna, Pfizer, Protalix, PTC Therapeutics, Reneo, Retrophin/Travere therapeutics, Shire, and Ultragenyx, as well as received speaker fees from Cycle Pharmaceuticals, Leadiant and Recordati. MCM II received consulting payments from BioMarin, Horizon Therapeutics, Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Applied Therapeutics, Cycle Therapeutics, and Ultragenyx. ALSP received speaker fees from BioMarin. JCR received consulting payments from Applied Pharma Research, Merck Serono, BioMarin, Vitaflo, and Nutricia, speaker fees from Applied Pharma Research, Merck Serono, BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Vitaflo, Cambrooke, PIAM, LifeDiet, and Nutricia, as well as travel support from Applied Pharma Research, Merck Serono, BioMarin, Vitaflo, Cambrooke, PIAM, and Nutricia. SS received consulting payments, research grants, speaker fees, and travel support from BioMarin and participated as clinical trials investigator for BioMarin. ASV received consulting payments from BioMarin, Horizon Therapeutics, and Ultragenyx and participated as clinical trial investigator for Acadia, Alexion, BioMarin, Genzyme, Homology Medicines, Kaleido, Mallinckrodt, and Ultragenyx. JV received consulting payments from BioMarin, LogicBio Pharmaceuticals, Sangamo Therapeutics, Orphan Labs, Synlogic Therapeutics, Sanofi, Axcella Health, Agios Pharmaceuticals, and Applied Therapeutics as well as travel grants from BioMarin and LogicBio Pharmaceuticals. MW received consulting payments, speaker fees, and travel support from BioMarin, and participated as clinical trial investigator for Mallinckrodt, Roche, Wave, Cycle Therapeutics, and Intrabio. ACM participated in strategic advisory boards and received honoraria as a consultant and as a speaker for Merck Serono, BioMarin, Nestlé Health Science (SHS), Applied Pharma Research, Actelion, Retrophin, Censa, PTC Therapeutics, and Arla Food. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsBackground: Early treated patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) often become lost to follow-up from adolescence onwards due to the historical focus of PKU care on the pediatric population and lack of programs facilitating the transition to adulthood. As a result, evidence on the management of adolescents and young adults with PKU is limited. Methods: Two meetings were held with a multidisciplinary international panel of 25 experts in PKU and comorbidities frequently experienced by patients with PKU. Based on the outcomes of the first meeting, a set of statements were developed. During the second meeting, these statements were voted on for consensus generation (≥70% agreement), using a modified Delphi approach. Results: A total of 37 consensus recommendations were developed across five areas that were deemed important in the management of adolescents and young adults with PKU: (1) general physical health, (2) mental health and neurocognitive functioning, (3) blood Phe target range, (4) PKU-specific challenges, and (5) transition to adult care. The consensus recommendations reflect the personal opinions and experiences from the participating experts supported with evidence when available. Overall, clinicians managing adolescents and young adults with PKU should be aware of the wide variety of PKU-associated comorbidities, initiating screening at an early age. In addition, management of adolescents/young adults should be a joint effort between the patient, clinical center, and parents/caregivers supporting adolescents with gradually gaining independent control of their disease during the transition to adulthood. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary international group of experts used a modified Delphi approach to develop a set of consensus recommendations with the aim of providing guidance and offering tools to clinics to aid with supporting adolescents and young adults with PKU.publishersversionpublishe

    A de novo 1.5 Mb microdeletion on chromosome 14q23.2-23.3 in a patient with autism and spherocytosis

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    Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication as well as restricted interests or repetitive behaviors. Cytogenetic studies have implicated large chromosomal aberrations in the etiology of approximately 5–7% of autism patients, and the recent advent of array-based techniques allows the exploration of submicroscopic copy number variations (CNVs). We genotyped a 14-year-old boy with autism, spherocytosis and other physical dysmorphia, his parents, and two non-autistic siblings with the Illumina Human 1M Beadchip as part of a study of the molecular genetics of autism and determined copy number variants using the PennCNV algorithm. We identified and validated a de novo 1.5Mb microdeletion of 14q23.2-23.3 in our autistic patient. This region contains 15 genes including spectrin beta ( SPTB ), encoding a cytoskeletal protein previously associated with spherocytosis, methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1 ( MTHFD1 ), a folate metabolizing enzyme previously associated with bipoloar disorder and schizophrenia, pleckstrin homology domain-containing family G member 3 ( PLEKHG3 ), a guanide nucleotide exchange enriched in the brain, and churchill domain containing protein 1 ( CHURC1 ), homologs of which regulate neuronal development in model organisms. While a similar deletion has previously been reported in a family with spherocytosis, severe learning disabilities, and mild mental retardation, this is the first implication of chr14q23.2-23.3 in the etiology of autism and points to MTHFD1, PLEKHG3 , and CHURC1 as potential candidate genes contributing to autism risk

    Clinical study of ferredoxin-reductase-related mitochondriopathy: Genotype-phenotype correlation and proposal of ancestry-based carrier screening in the Mexican population

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    Purpose: Ferredoxin reductase (FDXR) is a flavoprotein that functions in both iron sulfur cluster biogenesis and steroid biosynthesis pathways in the mitochondria. Not surprisingly, loss of FDXR function causes severe mitochondrial diseases in humans. Although several FDXR-related mitochondriopathy (FRM) cohorts have been reported in the literature, further characterization of the natural history of FRM is warranted. Methods: To better understand the spectrum of FRM, a natural history study of FRM was performed. New cases were added to previously reported FRM cases for analysis (n = 62 cases). Results: Optic atrophy, movement disorder, and developmental delay were frequent findings. Mortality is high, with 18% of patients, often infants, passing from complications. Notably, 25% of cases were homozygous or compound heterozygous for the previously reported p.Arg386Trp “hotspot” variant. Of the obtained ancestry, all but 1 individual heterozygous for the p.Arg386Trp variant was Hispanic, with many reporting Mexican heritage. Utilizing recent large-scale genome sequencing surveys, the carrier frequency of the p.Arg386Trp variant was estimated as 1 of 185 in the Mexican population. Conclusion: Given the high mortality of FRM and carrier frequency of the common variant, consideration of a new approach for population carrier screening and development of therapeutics for affected individuals is needed

    MPV17â related mitochondrial DNA maintenance defect: New cases and review of clinical, biochemical, and molecular aspects

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    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance defects are a group of diseases caused by deficiency of proteins involved in mtDNA synthesis, mitochondrial nucleotide supply, or mitochondrial dynamics. One of the mtDNA maintenance proteins is MPV17, which is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein involved in importing deoxynucleotides into the mitochondria. In 2006, pathogenic variants in MPV17 were first reported to cause infantileâ onset hepatocerebral mtDNA depletion syndrome and Navajo neurohepatopathy. To date, 75 individuals with MPV17â related mtDNA maintenance defect have been reported with 39 different MPV17 pathogenic variants. In this report, we present an additional 25 affected individuals with nine novel MPV17 pathogenic variants. We summarize the clinical features of all 100 affected individuals and review the total 48 MPV17 pathogenic variants. The vast majority of affected individuals presented with an earlyâ onset encephalohepatopathic disease characterized by hepatic and neurological manifestations, failure to thrive, lactic acidemia, and mtDNA depletion detected mainly in liver tissue. Rarely, MPV17 deficiency can cause a lateâ onset neuromyopathic disease characterized by myopathy and peripheral neuropathy with no or minimal liver involvement. Approximately half of the MPV17 pathogenic variants are missense. A genotype with biallelic missense variants, in particular homozygous p.R50Q, p.P98L, and p.R41Q, can carry a relatively better prognosis.MPV17 is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein involved in importing deoxynucleotides into the mitochondria. To date, 75 individuals with MPV17â related mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance defect have been reported with 39 different MPV17 pathogenic variants. In this report, we present an additional 25 affected individuals with 9 novel MPV17 pathogenic variants. The vast majority of affected individuals presented with an earlyâ onset encephalohepatopathic disease. Rarely, MPV17 deficiency can cause a lateâ onset neuromyopathic disease with no or minimal liver involvement.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142478/1/humu23387_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142478/2/humu23387.pd

    LHX2 haploinsufficiency causes a variable neurodevelopmental disorder.

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    PURPOSE LHX2 encodes the LIM homeobox 2 transcription factor (LHX2), which is highly expressed in brain and well conserved across species, but has not been clearly linked to neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) to date. METHODS Through international collaboration, we identified 19 individuals from 18 families with variable neurodevelopmental phenotypes, carrying a small chromosomal deletion, likely gene-disrupting or missense variants in LHX2. Functional consequences of missense variants were investigated in cellular systems. RESULTS Affected individuals presented with developmental and/or behavioral abnormalities, autism-spectrum disorder, variable intellectual disability, and microcephaly. We observed nucleolar accumulation for two missense variants located within the DNA-binding HOX domain, impaired interaction with co-factor LDB1 for another variant located in the protein-protein interaction mediating LIM domain, and impaired transcriptional activation by luciferase assay for four missense variants. CONCLUSION We implicate LHX2 haploinsufficiency by deletion and likely gene-disrupting variants as causative for a variable NDD. Our findings suggest a loss-of-function mechanism also for likely pathogenic LHX2 missense variants. Together, our observations underscore the importance of LHX2 in nervous system and for variable neurodevelopmental phenotypes

    Phenotypic and genetic spectrum of ATP6V1A encephalopathy: a disorder of lysosomal homeostasis

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    : Vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) is a multimeric complex present in a variety of cellular membranes that acts as an ATP-dependent proton pump and plays a key role in pH homeostasis and intracellular signalling pathways. In humans, 22 autosomal genes encode for a redundant set of subunits allowing the composition of diverse V-ATPase complexes with specific properties and expression. Sixteen subunits have been linked to human disease. Here we describe 26 patients harbouring 20 distinct pathogenic de novo missense ATP6V1A variants, mainly clustering within the ATP synthase α/β family-nucleotide-binding domain. At a mean age of 7 years (extremes: 6 weeks, youngest deceased patient to 22 years, oldest patient) clinical pictures included early lethal encephalopathies with rapidly progressive massive brain atrophy, severe developmental epileptic encephalopathies and static intellectual disability with epilepsy. The first clinical manifestation was early hypotonia, in 70%; 81% developed epilepsy, manifested as developmental epileptic encephalopathies in 58% of the cohort and with infantile spasms in 62%; 63% of developmental epileptic encephalopathies failed to achieve any developmental, communicative or motor skills. Less severe outcomes were observed in 23% of patients who, at a mean age of 10 years and 6 months, exhibited moderate intellectual disability, with independent walking and variable epilepsy. None of the patients developed communicative language. Microcephaly (38%) and amelogenesis imperfecta/enamel dysplasia (42%) were additional clinical features. Brain MRI demonstrated hypomyelination and generalized atrophy in 68%. Atrophy was progressive in all eight individuals undergoing repeated MRIs. Fibroblasts of two patients with developmental epileptic encephalopathies showed decreased LAMP1 expression, Lysotracker staining and increased organelle pH, consistent with lysosomal impairment and loss of V-ATPase function. Fibroblasts of two patients with milder disease, exhibited a different phenotype with increased Lysotracker staining, decreased organelle pH and no significant modification in LAMP1 expression. Quantification of substrates for lysosomal enzymes in cellular extracts from four patients revealed discrete accumulation. Transmission electron microscopy of fibroblasts of four patients with variable severity and of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons from two patients with developmental epileptic encephalopathies showed electron-dense inclusions, lipid droplets, osmiophilic material and lamellated membrane structures resembling phospholipids. Quantitative assessment in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons identified significantly smaller lysosomes. ATP6V1A-related encephalopathy represents a new paradigm among lysosomal disorders. It results from a dysfunctional endo-lysosomal membrane protein causing altered pH homeostasis. Its pathophysiology implies intracellular accumulation of substrates whose composition remains unclear, and a combination of developmental brain abnormalities and neurodegenerative changes established during prenatal and early postanal development, whose severity is variably determined by specific pathogenic variants