532 research outputs found

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    Vom 28. bis 30. Januar [2011] lud Günter Grass auch in diesem Jahr wieder ausgewählte Autoren zum Lübecker Literaturtreffen ein, um über dies und das zu debattieren. Mit einer Neuauflage der berühmt berüchtigten Gruppe 47 hat das Treffen nichts zu tun. Aber wofür stehen die Autoren? (...) Neun Autoren sind angereist, so viele wie noch nie; Altbekannte und weniger Bekannte, manche zum ersten, einige bereits zum sechsten Mal: Sherko Fatah, Olga Flor, Eleonora Hummel, Eva Menasse, Norbert Niemann, Knud Romer, Fridolin Schley, Jens Sparschuh und Tilman Spengler

    Pop theoretisch

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    Konzepte, Philosophie und Ästhetik des Pop-Phänomens zwischen Postmoderne, Tradition, Medien und Massenkultur erörtert Christoph Rauen in seiner umfassenden, akribisch recherchierten Studie Pop und Ironie. Popdiskurs und Popliteratur um 1980 und 2000 In den späten 1990er bis in die 2000er Jahre schwemmte eine Flut junger Autoren der sogenannten Popliteratur die Sparten der deutschen Literaturkritik und Feuilletons. Bis auf einige schnell verfasste ambitionierte Studien tat sich die Literaturwissenschaft zunächst schwer, dem Phänomen einen akademisch begründeten Platz in der Forschung einzuräumen. Inzwischen belegt eine Vielzahl fundierter und interessanter Arbeiten, dass es sich auch bei der Popliteratur der letzten 15 Jahre um eine theoretisch ernst zu nehmende und zu begründende Erscheinung der jüngsten Gegenwartsliteratur handelt. Christoph Rauen zeigt in seiner kulturgeschichtlichen und literatursoziologischen Studie Pop und Ironie. Popdiskurs und Popliteratur um 1980 und 2000, auf welche komplexen theoretischen Überlegungen die jüngste Popliteratur gelesen werden kann, indem er das rezeptive Verhältnis der „Neo-Popliteratur“ (Rauen) der späten 1990er und 2000er Jahre zu den Pop- und Ironiekonzepten der 1980er Jahre analysiert

    Netflix and the Demand for Cinema Tickets - An Analysis for 19 European Countries

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    Netflix, as a potential competitor to the cinema industry, was introduced in various European markets between 2012 and 2014. We use movie ticket sales from 2000 to 2016 for 19 European countries to estimate a causal effect of Netflix entering these markets. We find that Netflix has a positive effect on ticket sales. Thus, the Netflix experience can complement the cinema experience. However, preliminary descriptive statistics show, that this effect reverse starting 2016, when Netflix released more high quality and localized content. It is likely, that this development will continue to a trend, and movie tickets sales will decrease further

    TwinLife survey methodology and fieldwork outcomes. Face-to-face survey of wave 2 (F2F 2a/b)

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    Lesaar S, Prussog-Wagner A, Hess D. TwinLife survey methodology and fieldwork outcomes. Face-to-face survey of wave 2 (F2F 2a/b). TwinLife Technical Report Series. Vol 10 v1.0.0. Bielefeld: Project TwinLife "Genetic and social causes of life chances" (Universität Bielefeld / Universität des Saarlandes); 2020.Presented by infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft Gmb

    TwinLife survey methodology and fieldwork outcomes. Telephone survey of wave 1 subsample b (CATI 1b)

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    Lesaar S, Prussog-Wagner A, Hess D. TwinLife survey methodology and fieldwork outcomes. Telephone survey of wave 1 subsample b (CATI 1b). TwinLife Technical Report Series. Vol 09 v1.0.0. Bielefeld: Project TwinLife "Genetic and social causes of life chances" (Universität Bielefeld / Universität des Saarlandes); 2020.Presented by infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft Gmb

    Contribuições da gamificação no ensino de Ciências :

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    A gamificação envolve o uso de elementos do jogo em um contexto não necessariamente de jogo. Estamos em um período histórico, cuja pandemia tomou conta do mundo, por isso justifica-se a aplicação da gamificação no ensino remoto. Neste contexto foi desenvolvido um plano de aula gamificado com o objetivo de exercitar o aprendizado e incentivar os alunos a participarem das aulas a fim de entender o conteúdo de ácidos e bases. Devido ao cenário atual, para a criação do jogo foi utilizado o power point por ser mais acessível para os alunos e professores. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos através de uma revisão de literatura nas plataformas LUME (UFRGS), Google Acadêmico e SCIELO. Analisou-se três TCCs, duas dissertações, uma tese, dois artigos e capítulos de um livro. Além da revisão de literatura e revisão bibliográfica investigou-se algumas plataformas digitais educacionais com a intenção de verificar seus elementos gamificados, quais sejam, Socrative, Kahoot e Geogebra. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram: pontos positivos sobre a gamificação no ensino de ciências; maior engajamento e motivação dos estudantes. Diante disso, elencamos alguns elementos da gamificação: os pontos são convertidos pelas atividades realizadas; o feedback é extremamente importante para a motivação intrínseca do aluno; prevalece a vontade de aprender e não apenas receber uma recompensa. Além disso, os níveis são transformados em desempenho dos estudantes, e através desses níveis é possível identificar a progressão dos mesmos. O trabalho de conclusão de curso, a partir dos resultados obtidos, desenvolveu como produto educacional um plano de aula gamificado e um jogo interativo denominado CLASS GAME DO MILHÃO.Gamification involves the use of game elements in a context that is not necessarily a game. We are in a historic period, whose pandemic took over the world, so the application of gamification in remote education is justified. In this context, a gamified lesson plan was developed in order to exercise learning and encourage students to participate in classes in order to understand the content of acids and bases. Due to the current scenario, the power point was used to create the game because it is more accessible to students and teachers. This paper presents the results obtained through a literature review on the platforms LUME (UFRGS), Google Acadêmico and SCIELO. Three CBTs, two dissertations, one thesis, two articles and book chapters were analyzed. In addition to the literature review and bibliographic review, some educational digital platforms were investigated with the intention of verifying their gamified elements, namely Socrative, Kahoot and Geogebra. The survey results showed: positive points about gamification in science education; greater student engagement and motivation. Therefore, we list some elements of gamification: the points are converted by the activities performed; feedback is extremely important for the student's intrinsic motivation; the will to learn prevails and not just receive a reward. In addition, the levels are transformed into student performance, and through these levels it is possible to identify their progression. The course conclusion work, based on the results obtained, developed as a educational product a gamified lesson plan and an interactive game called CLASS GAME DO MILHÃO

    A Comparison of Abdominal Muscle Activity during the Crunch, Crunch on Ball, and Abslide Exercises

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    People have developed an obsession with flattening their stomachs and slimming down their waistlines. The so called ab machines have become the most popularly purchased home exercise tools. Although numerous electromyographic (EMG) analysis studies have been done on various forms of equipment-free abdominal exercise, little research has been done to evaluate the effectiveness of equipment-aided exercise. The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate any differences in EMG activity between three abdominal exercises: the traditional crunch, the crunch on a ball, and utilization of a prone rolling machine (AbSlide®). Thirty, healthy subjects between the ages of 19 and 29 performed a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and two trials of each abdominal exercise. Abdominal EMG activity was recorded through surface electrodes and then normalized to percent MVC (%MVC) by comparing the muscle activity in the trial with the muscle activity during the reference MVC. Results of this study showed no significant difference in %MVC between the upper rectus abdominis, lower rectus abdominis, and external oblique during the crunch, crunch on a ball, and the AbSlide®. However, equipment-aided abdominal strengthening could be utilized to add variety or motivation to a current strengthening routine provided they are not contraindicated by a person\u27s health status