700 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Dumai dalam Rangka Pelayanan Ekspor Tahun 2011-2013

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    Problems that occur by monitoring the implementation of the Office of Surveillance and Customs and Excise ( KPPBC ) Type Madya B Dumai namely the lack of customs employees, this not optimal control KPPBC TMP B Dumai in export services both in the office and in the field such as the discovery of smuggling illegal goods and reduced foreign exchange in recent months. This type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach . This research was conducted in Dumai where this area there are several official ports and harbors are still vulnerable people smuggling illegal goods. While the data collection by using the technique of interviewing informants were competent in their field as well as by direct observation in the field and documentation writers.This research found the smuggling of illegal goods from Malaysia and services provided by KPPBC TMP B Dumai to service users is still not optimal. Supervision Office of Surveillance and Customs and Excise Dumai in Export Services Framework is not maximized due to the implementation of effective oversight yet that is the size and standard of supervision is still weak, not maximum deviation assessment and correction work that is not running. Factors that hinder the implementation of supervision by KPPBC TMP B Dumai occur due to weak supervision in the field, a lack of human resources experts in the field of customs as well as wide area surveillance in Dumai. We recommend that the Office of Surveillance and Customs and Excise TMP B Dumai further increase the number of employees or officers of customs and excise in order to support the monitoring in KPPBC Dumai.Keywords : Surveillance , Office of Surveillance and Customs and Excise

    Development of a kriging-based regional flood frequency analysis technique for South-East Australia

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    Flood is one of the most common natural disasters, which also triggers other natural disasters such as erosion and landslides. Flood damage can be minimised by ensuring optimum design of drainage infrastructure and other flood management tasks, which depends largely on reliable estimation of flood quantiles. This study investigates flood quantile estimation in ungauged catchments using a kriging-based regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) technique. Three main research objectives are addressed in this study. Firstly, kriging-based RFFA models are developed using 558 catchments from eastern Australia in the range of frequent to rare flood quantiles (2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years of average recurrence intervals (ARIs)). Secondly, a validation of the models by adopting a leave-one-out (LOO) validation technique is undertaken to identify the best and the worst performing catchments across eastern Australia. Finally, a detailed comparison is made for the kriging-based RFFA technique with a generalised least-squares-based quantile regression technique, known as 'RFFE model 2016' using the same dataset to evaluate whether there are general patterns of the performance in different catchments. The study shows that for eastern Australia (a) the developed kriging-based RFFA model is a viable alternative for flood quantile estimation in ungauged catchments, (b) the 10-year ARI model Q(10) performs best among the six quantiles, which is followed by the models Q(5) and Q(20), and (c) the kriging-based RFFA model is found to outperform the 'RFFE model 2016'

    A comparative study of the ensemble and base classifiers performance in Malay text categorization

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    Automatic text categorization (ATC) has attracted the attention of the research community over the last decade as it frees organizations from the need of manually organized documents. The ensemble techniques, which combine the results of a number of individually trained base classifiers, always improve classification performance better than base classifiers. This paper intends to compare the effectiveness of ensemble with that of base classifiers for Malay text classification. Two feature selection methods (the Gini Index (GI) and Chi-square) with the ensemble methods are applied to examine Malay text classification, with the intention to efficiently integrate base classifiers algorithms into a more accurate classification procedure. Two types of ensemble methods, namely the voting combination and meta-classifier combination, are evaluated. A wide range of comparative experiments are conducted to assess classified Malay dataset. The applied experiments reveal that meta-classifier ensemble framework performed better than the best individual classifiers on the tested datasets

    Association between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Iron Deficiency in Children Diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Northern West Bank

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    Iron has an important role in cognitive, behavioral, and motor development. A high prevalence of iron deficiency (ID) has been reported in people with autism. Children with autism are at risk for ID and this condition may increase the severity of psychomotor and behavioral problems, some of which already inherently exist in these children. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to investigate the association between autism and iron deficiency in autistic children in the Northern West Bank and to identify food selectivity and compare indices of food selectivity among children with autism, children with mental disorders and typically developing children (normal children).Background: Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by qualitative abnormalities of social interaction, impairments in communication, and unusual forms of repetitive behavior . Research shows that a high prevalence of iron deficiency has been reported in children with autism spectrum disorders. Inadequate dietary iron intake was considered as a cause of iron deficiency, and low iron intake was thought to be associated with food selectivity which is commonly seen in children with autistic disorders. Method: 90 children with an age range of 3 to 13 years participated in a case control study distributed into study group and two control groups. Thirty children diagnosed with autism according to DSMIV and ICD-10 criteria served as a study group, 30 children with mental disorders other than autism served as a control group, and 30 typically developing children taken from the public functioned as a second control group. The three groups were matched for age, gender and geographical area. Serum ferritin, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, and red cell distribution width values were measured and analyzed with food habit survey and demographic data. Results: ID was detected in 20% (N = 6/30) of autistic children based on Serum ferritin level (SF< 10μ/l), compared with 0% for the two control groups (p= 0.0001). Anemia was defined as hemoglobin <110g/l for children under the age of 6 years and hemoglobin <120g/l for children between 6 and 13 years of age .When analysis done for HGB to these six children (children who have low serum ferritin); it was found that 66.6% (4/6) of the children two were pre-school male children (HGB is less than 110g/1), and the other two were one male and one female of school children (HGB is less than 120g/l) have iron deficiency anemia, and the iron deficiency anemia was 13.3% (4\30) for all autistic group. The results indicated that these differences were for males. It was found also that the frequency of low iron intake in these children was associated with feeding difficulties and food selectivity; there was a significant difference between children in the autistic group who chose foods with a red color as a favorite 23% (7/30) compared to the other two control groups: 0%, respectively (p= 0.0001). The results demonstrated also a significant difference in the frequency of snacks per day (≥ 4) in autistic children 40% (12/30) compared to both mental disorder 16.7 % (n = 5/30) (p = 0.006) and typically developing children 6.7% (n = 2/30) groups (p = 0.001).Conclusions: Results of this study indicated that there is an association between autism, iron deficiency and anemia. Low levels of serum ferritin in autistic children might be a sign of iron deficiency and an early precursor of iron deficiency anemia. These findings suggest that food selectivity is more common in children with autism than in typically developing children. These findings suggest that ferritin levels should be measured in children with autism as a part of routine investigation. Keywords: Child, Autism, Mental disorder, typically developing children, Iron deficiency, Iron deficiency anemia, Ferritin

    Special Issue on ‘Multiaxial fatigue 2016: Experiments and modeling’: Selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF11), held in Seville, Spain, on 1–3 June 2016

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    This Special Issue of the International Journal of Fatigue contains selected papers presented at the International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture held in Seville, Spain, on 1–3 June 2016

    Pengaruh Cash Conversion Cycle, Firm Size, Tax Avoidance, Working Capital, dan Board Size terhadap Cash Holding

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris terkait pengaruh Cash Conversion Cycle, Firm Size, Tax Avoidance, Working Capital dan Board Size terhadap Cash Holding. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah Cash Holding. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah Cash Conversion Cycle, Firm Size, Tax Avoidance, Working Capital, dan Board Size. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan properti dan real estate yang terdaftar di BEI secara berturut-turut selama tahun 2017- 2021. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan dan dianalisis menggunakan persamaan regresi linear berganda. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 11 perusahaan properti dan real estate yang memenuhi kriteria. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) cash conversion cycle tidak berpengaruh terhadap cash holding, (2) firm size berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap cash holding, (3) tax avoidance tidak berpengaruh terhadap cash holding, (4) working capital tidak berpengaruh terhadap cash holding, (5) board size berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap cash holding, dan (6) cash conversion cycle, firm size, tax avoidance, working capital dan board size secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap cash holding

    Laporan Kerja Magang Jasa Layanan Accounting dan Taxation di PT. Ofisi Prima Konsultindo

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    The internship was conducted at PT. Ofisi Prima Konsultindo from June 14th 2021, until September 14th 2021 with the place of assignment as junior consultant in tax and accounting division. During the internship period, the tasks that were done for accounting are inputting sales journal, purchase journal, bank receipt, bank payment, petty cash receipt, petty cash payment, making a recapitulation for bank mutations, and re-checking the accuracy of the input sales journals in accurate application. The tasks that were done for tax are recapitulating SPT PPh Article 21, SPT PPh Article 23, SPT PPh 25, SPT PPN, Bukti Potong Final 15, and Bukti Potong Final 23 During the internship, most of the tasks can be executed properly. However, there were a few obstacles that were found during the internship. Such as, incomplete and unordered voucher numbers and the varieties of accounts that are not yet listed in the previous transactions for bank mutation or told by the mentor. The solution to the osbtacle regarding voucher number is re-ordering and making a new list of voucher numbers, and the solution to the obstacle related to accounts is checking the previous transactions to see if there are the same kind of transaction or ask the mentor directly about it

    La viabilidad del Estado de Mali: condicionantes del escenario regional del Sahel

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    La presente tesis doctoral constituye un trabajo de investigación que se refiere al estudio de la viabilidad del Estado en el Sahel africano, mas especialmente en Mali, país de alta importancia en esta subregión del mundo que es, hoy en día, un elemento esencial del escenario geopolítico internacional. Habiendo sido objeto de numerosas crisis con carácter sistémico, tan complejas unas como otras, las aproximaciones descriptivas e históricas dejaron de aportar a la resolución de crisis y al proceso de reconstrucción del Estado un diagnostico fiable y una trayectoria investigadora idónea que adoptar. En efecto, entre terrorismo, crimen organizado, conflictos intestinos, las crisis en Mali se perpetúan cíclicamente y tienen cada vez más impacto en los países de la subregión del Sahel. El escenario político local regentado por los preceptos de un abanico multiétnico muy particular conoció, en múltiples periodos, acontecimientos políticos oscilando entre el socialismo de Estado al ejercicio del poder militar y más tarde a la democratización de los años 90. Para garantizar la objetividad de la investigación, hemos obrado para que esta tesis doctoral tenga como punto de partida una problemática que formulamos de la siguiente manera: ¿Existiría o no una ecuación política que regenta el escenario político maliense post crisis y que permitiría y garantizaría la viabilidad democrática del país?.


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    ABSTRAK Cerpen merupakan cerita pendek yang di dalamnya terdapat unsur-unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik, dimulai dengan pengenalan tokoh, adanya konflik serta penyelesaiannya. Di dalamnya juga terdapat nilai-nilai kehidupan yang dapat diambil. Apresiasi cerpen merupakan tindakan untuk memahami, mengenal dan menikmati karya sastra. Banyak orang yang meremehkan bacaan dari cerpen dan kurangnya minat untuk membaca. Sedangkan banyak manfaat dari membaca, bukan hanya menambah pengetahuan. Namun, dari beberapa siswa ada yang belum memiliki kemampuan memahami isi dari teks cerpen. Salah satunya terdapat siswa yang belum mampu memahami nilai apa yang terkandung dalam teks cerpen. Dengan adanya hal tersebut maka harus digiatkan kegiatan literasi di sekolah terutama membaca pemahaman. Banyak keunggulan dari membaca, yaitu memperkaya kosa kata, dapat mengetahui karakter dan memperluas imajinasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana siswa paham dengan teks cerpen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Data primer yang digunakan adalah observasi, tes dan wawancara. Data lalu dianalisis sehingga tergambar tujuan penelitian yang dimaksud. Bersumber pada hasil penelitian, banyak siswa yang belum memahami isi teks cerpen tersebut. Kata Kunci :Cerpen, Membaca Pemahaman, Kemampuam Membaca Pemahaman, Penggiatan Literasi di Sekola
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