34 research outputs found

    Extraction socket healing in rats treated with bisphosphonate : animal model for bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of jaws in multiple myeloma patients

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to replicate both clinical and histological presentation of bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (BONJ) in an animal model of the disease state. Successful recapitulation of a BONJlike indication in an animal model will be useful for studying pathogenesis, as well as prevention and treatment strategies for BONJ. Materials and Methods: Eighty (80) rats were prospectively and randomly divided into two groups; control group(40) and study group(40). All animals in study group, injected with a dose of 1 mg/kg dexamethasone (DX) subcutaneously on day 7, 14, or 21; and 1, 2, or 3 doses of 7.5 ?g/kg zoledronic acid (ZA) subcutaneously administered to coincide with the last day of DX. Half of the animals from each group underwent extraction of the left mandibular molars and the remaining animals underwent extraction of the left maxillary molars under pentobarbital-induced general anesthesia. All animals were euthanized twenty-eight (28) days following tooth extractions. Results: The amount of new bone trabecules as significantly decreased in bisphosphonate-dexamethasone (BPDX) treated sockets. Difference between both groups was found statistically significant (p=0,0001). There's no foreign body reaction in sockets of both groups and no significance difference observed for fibrosis (p=0,306). The necrosis scores were significantly higher in BP-DX treated sockets (p=0,015). The inflamation scores were significantly higher for study group (p=0,0001). Conclusion: This study provides preliminary observations for the development of an animal model of BONJ. But we think that there is need for other studies have only BP treated group and larger study population. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Use of Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography for Evaluation of Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws in an Experimental Rat Model

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    Background: Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ) is a frequently reported complication. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and histopathological presentation of BONJ with the Hounsfield score and to evaluate the reliability of the score for determining necrosis in an animal model

    Hardware-in-the-loop testing of control of a precooled desiccant air-cooling system

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    Increasing the energy efficiency of cooling in buildings is an important component of the management of global energy consumption. A super-efficient cooling system based on the evaporation concept has been developed, and initial simulation results using the MATLAB/Simulink software tool have already been published by our team. In this paper, we present the results of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of the real-time controller for the cooler. HIL testing is an engineering process in which the actual controller hardware and software are implemented and interfaced with a real-time simulated model of the controlled system. Using HIL testing, many real-world problems can be fixed before testing on the actual prototype. The controller design is implemented on a small-footprint industrial PC with CODESYS RTE and application code, while control software is implemented using IEC 61131-3 programming languages. Similarly, a real-time thermodynamic and input–output variable-based model of the room, environment, and cooler and its mechanical components (sensors and actuators) are modeled using another industrial PC with the same software tools. HIL test results show very good agreement with the offline simulations

    Effect of Parameters to the Coating Formation during Cold Spray Process

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    Abstract -In this study, the effects of parameters such as substrate hardness, substrate surface roughness and stand-off distance to the coatings formation and properties of the coatings during cold spraying process were examined. For this purpose, coatings were deposited onto the copper substrate with using of commercially available copper powder. Substrate hardness of 55 HV, 107 HV and 140 HV were obtained by heat treatment and deformation hardening methods. Different substrate surface roughness was obtained by using of SiC emery papers which have different grits and stand-off distance during cold spray process was manipulated as 5, 10, 20 and 30 mm. After the production of the coatings, characterisation procedures were performed by microstructural observations which are optical and scanning electron microscope surveys, porosity concentrations, coating thickness and hardness measurement

    Performance evaluation of an air conditioning system based on quasi isothermal dehumidifcation

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    This paper presents a first study of novel air conditioning system based on quasi isothermal dehumidification combined with dew-point evaporative cooling through the Maisotsenko cycle (M-Cycle). The dehumidification process is realized in desiccant coated heat exchanger with heat rejection system. The key idea behind the solution is to maximize the cooling effectiveness by creating favourable conditions for dehumidification and evaporative cooling process. This is achieved by rejecting the heat of sorption in the desiccant system and providing cold and dry air for M-Cycle air cooler, which allows the system to be powered by using low-grade heat energy at 50 °C. The analysis is performed on the basis of experimentally validated numerical models of each component combined in a unified model of the system. The goal of the study is to determine the performance of the solution under different operational conditions. In addition two types of M-Cycle air coolers (i.e. cross-flow and regenerative unit) are compared to establish which unit is more suitable as the source of cooling energy for the system. It was established that proposed system is able to provide comfortable room parameters (supply air temperature equal 17 °C and humidity ratio equal 0.010 kg/kg-da) for outdoor air temperatures ranging from 28 to 36 °C and outdoor air humidity ranging from 0.010 to 0.018 kg/kg-da. This means that the proposed solution is able to provide comfortable conditions in temperate and humid climates. Results also indicate that the system consisting of the regenerative M-Cycle HMX allows better cooling load management, offers higher thermal Coefficient of Performance (COPth) and uses less water compared to the system with the cross-flow HMX. However, the system with cross-flow heat and mass exchanger (HMX) has a relatively greater electrical Coefficient of Performance (COPel) in most cases

    Reconstruction of Extraoral Fistula of Dental Origin

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    Odontogenic extraoral fistulas often lead to intense levels of patient discomfort and incidence of complications, which are relieved by treatment. However, the cosmetic outcome following treatment may not meet the expectations of the patient. A 51-year-old male presented with a chronically draining lesion on his left cheek. Clinical examination revealed necrosis in the mandibular left first molar and a panoramic radiograph demonstrated periapical abscess surrounding the root apex. A diagnosis of extraoral fistula of odontogenic origin was made, and the affected tooth was extracted. The extraoral fistula disappeared but the defect on the cheek exhibited no improvement over the 2 month follow-up period. Surgical revision of the defect was therefore necessary. A Limberg flap was designed and then transposed to the defect region, followed by primary closure of the donor region. The 6-month follow-up visit revealed satisfactory results for both the patient and the surgeon. This manuscript is the first case report focusing on residual defect elimination of an extraoral fistula with the use of a transpositional flap in the cheek region


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    WOS: 000477688700079Drought indices are useful tools to characterize and monitor drought conditions in a region. Primary objectives of this research were to: 1) develop regional meteorological drought maps of Sand 10-year return periods by using drought indices of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Percent of Normal Index (PNI), 2) investigate changes in drought classes by the methods used. Long-term (1950-2006) annual and monthly precipitation series of 63 meteorological stations located in the Seyhan River basin of Turkey were utilized in the study. Because the SPI method does not allow missing data in precipitation series, data were completed by regression analysis through utilizing nearby station's data. Frequency analysis was performed on SPI series of monthly data calculated for 12-month time-scale and annual total precipitation series. The most suitable probability distribution models for the series were determined by Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test at 5% significance level. SPI of 5- and 10-year recurrence intervals and yearly precipitation amounts with 2-, 5- and 10 year return periods for each station were determined from probability distribution models. PNI of 5- and 10-year return periods were calculated, too. Maps of SPI and PNI values with return period of 5- and 10-year were generated by using Ordinary Co-kriging interpolation technique. Drought classes of SPI with a given return period did not generally match up with PNI drought classes. Drought with return period of 10-year or over would be evaluated as potentially risky in Seyhan Basin. Droughts by SPI were less influenced from mean precipitation fluctuations compared to PNI