23 research outputs found

    Smear Layer Removal from the Apical Third Using the Er,Cr:YSGG Photon-induced Photoacoustic Streaming

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    Introduction: The purpose was to study the influence of Erbium,Chromium:Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser at short pulse duration on smear layer removal from apical root third. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four single-rooted mandibular premolars were used. The roots length was cut to 14 mm and instrumented using the Protaper Gold system to size 40/0.06. The samples were divided into four groups (n=6) as follows: (A) conventional irrigation with 5 mL of 17% Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ( EDTA), (B) passive ultrasonic irrigation with 5mL of 17% EDTA, (C) Er,Cr:YSGG induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) with 5 mL of 17% EDTA and (D)Er,Cr: YSGG induced PIPS with 5 mL of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). After final irrigation with normal saline and drying, the roots were painted with nail varnish externally, and 2%methylene blue dye was injected into the canal. The tooth split horizontally at the fourth millimetres. The picture was taken by a professional Digital SLR camera. The dye penetration was measured using analytical software (measure picture CAD-KAS Kessler Germany). Dunnett's test was used to compare control group against experimental groups. Results: After the statistical test, the highest mean percentage was presented in the laser group with 17% EDTA (Group C=85.9804) followed by the laser group with 5.25% NaOCl (Group D=69.7817) and ultrasonic group (Group B=34.5453) respectively and the lowest mean percentage was in the control group (Group A=20.7969). Conclusion: Based on this in vitro study, PIPS technique using Er,Cr:YSGG pulse laser (0.5 W,5 Hz, air and water off) at short pulse duration and 17% EDTA proved effectively in smear layer removal, while the PIPS proved an acceptable result when the laser is used alone assisted by NaOCl

    Phenotypic and Genotyping Study of Aspergillus Niger: Molecular Detection of Calmodulin, 18srRNA and Pepsin like Protease Genes Based on Multiplex PCR

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    Aims: Aspergillosis can be diagnosed using PCR. For this purpose, the genes encoding the 18S rRNA, Calmodulin and Pepsin-like protease genes of Aspergillus niger, were elucidated. Genus specific sequences could be identified in region of 18S rRNA. Methodology: 24 fungal strains were isolated from different localities of Al-Hillah city. Isolates were screened for glucose oxidase production using submerged fermentation and molecular techniques like 18S rRNA. DNA was isolated and amplified using PCR. Gene sequencing was done and homology analysis was studied. Rate of glucose oxidase production was also analyzed. Results: The method described in this study represents a rapid and reliable procedure to assess the presence in food products of two ochratoxigenic species of section Nigri. Glucose oxidase hyper producing isolate was identified as A. niger strain. The F17 strain gave best reproducible results (87. 5±0.05U/g of cell mass) after 72 h. of fermentation at 30ºC and at a medium pH of 7.2.The 18srDNA  was used to detect A. niger was very affective. The identification and isolation of tannase gene from A. niger which is considered as an important bioreactor and industrial fungus were reported Conclusion: Our results revealed that Glucose oxidase was produced naturally by A. niger in large quantity instead of using other manipulation techniques of genetic. The PCR technique we have used appears to be adequate to study a large group of microorganisms (fungi) and it help to identify risk of pathogenicity of aspergillosis. Keywords:Aspergillus niger, Calmodulin, Pepsin-like protease, 18S rRNA, aspergillosis,  Tannase

    Protective effects of coenzyme Q10 against sodium fluoride-induced reproductive disorders in male rats

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    This study was conducted to investigate the possible protective role of (CoQ10) on reproductive dysfunction of male rats induced by sodium fluoride (NaF). thirty two rats were divided into four even groups and treated for 56 days as follows: the first group served as control (C) The second group (G1) received coenzyme Q10 at dose of 10 mg/Kg.B.W; while third group (G2) received 100ppmsodium fluoride in drinking water and fourth groups (G3) received NaF 100 ppm and CoQ10 10 mg/Kg.B.W for 56 days. The results showed that exposure of rats to NaF caused decrease in serum testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormones (LH) concentrations. Whereas Administration of CoQ10 caused an increase the concentrations of theses hormones in group G3 as compared with group G2. Testicular morphometric and histopathological alterations were observed in group G2 in the form of marked microvacuolation in the basal level of germinal cells, amyloid deposited within seminiferous tubules with disarrangement and depletion of germ cells. Whereas testicular histological alterations were improved in rats treated with CoQ10. In conclusion, the results of the present study showed that use of Co Q10 can alleviating the deleterious effects on male reproductive function following exposure to NaF, may be via improvement the testicular functions or other related endocrine glands

    Genetic Study of TORCH Infections in Women with Bad Obstetric History: Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of Common Pathogens and Agents of Congenital Infections

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    To revealed the incidence of TORCH infections among pregnancy wastage in women which had bad obstetric history (BOH). METHODS: The study included 132 women with bad obstetric history. Genetic evaluation for TORCH infections was carried out by specific primers designed for that purpose using PCR method. RESULT: Toxoplasma was 36.36%, rubella 20.45%, cytomegalovirus 29.55% and herpes simplex virus 13.64%. Maximum number of cases of abortion 52 (39.39%), preterm labor 29 (21.96%) was associated with toxoplasma infection, early neonatal deaths 19 (14.39%) were maximally associated with toxoplasma and CMV infections. while congenital malformations 14 (10.6%) were evident maximally with toxoplasma infection and intrauterine death 8 (6.06%). CONCLUSIONS: Women with BOH are significantly higher in infection compared with that in control. A previous history of pregnancy wastage, genetic infestation using specific primers for TORCH agent’s detection and the serological reaction for TORCH infections during current pregnancy must be considered while managing BOH cases so as to reduce the adverse fetal outcome

    Retarding of Precipitation Hardening of Al-Cu Alloy by Cadimium Addition

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    The aim of the present work is to prepare a set of Al-Cu alloys with slow precipitation hardening by aging. Present work results can be utilized during the importing or exporting of such alloys at solution treatment conditions. In order to establish this aim, a set of Al-4%Cu alloys have been prepared in the laboratory to investigate the effect of Cd-addition with the percentage varied from (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5) weight percentage. The prepared alloys with different Cd additions were subjected to a natural aging up to 60 days after solution treatment. As a result, the alloys showed an obvious retarding in the aging kinetics as the percentage of Cdadditions increasing. This retarding was found to be due to the trapping of the vacancies that resulted during the quenching step that resulted in delays of Gunier- Preston zones precipitation. SEM has been used in monitoring of microstructure as well as optical microscop

    A Macroscopic and Microscopic Study of Liver in Female Iraqi Green Freshwater Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Linnaeus,1758 during the Active Period

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    The study aims to provide anatomical and histological information about the liver in female Iraqi green freshwater turtles. Ten female green freshwater turtles (Chelonia mydas) were collected from Shatt Al-Hilla and used in this study. They were anesthetized by chloroform in closed chambers. The anatomical information was recorded and the histological sections of the liver were stained by using hematoxylin and Eosin stains. The result showed that the liver of a female green freshwater turtle (Chelonia mydas) is a large elongated organ. The mean weight of turtles is 735±0.04 gm, and the mean weight of the liver is 28±0.02 gm. The ratio between the weight of the liver to the weight of the body was 3.809 %. The liver of (Chelonia mydas) is formed from three lobes right, left and middle (central) lobes. The right lobe is the large one with an average weight of 13 ±0.022 gm.  It looks like a square and has two surfaces ventral and dorsal (visceral) surface. The left lobe is smaller than the right with an average weight of 9±0.05gm, and its shape is rectangular. The middle lobe is rounded and small. Its mean weight is 7±0.01gm. Histologically, the liver is covered by mesothelium under its connective tissue layer as a hepatic capsule which divided the liver into lobules in the shape of hexagons with portal spaces, from the central to the walls of the hepatocyte

    Effect of nitrogen fertilization levels and plant density on dry weight, yield components and bulb quality of onion plant

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    A field experiment was carried out during the two successive winter seasons of 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 to study the effect of mineral nitrogen levels and plant density on dry weight, yield and its components, as well as bulb quality of onions (cv. ‘Ahmar Tanawy’). This experiment included 12 treatments, which were combinations between four levels of mineral nitrogen (0, 192, 240 and 288 kg N/ha) and three plant densities (4, 5 and 6 rows/ridge equal 33.33, 41.67 and 50 plants/m2, respectively). These treatments were arranged in a split-plot design with three replications. Nitrogen levels were randomly arranged in the main plots, and plant densities were randomly distributed in the subplots. Nitrogen application at 192,244 and 288 kg N/ha led to increase dry weight/plant compared to control (zero N) and 288 kg N/ha gave the highest values of dry weight of leaves, dry weight of bulbs, and total dry weight per plant at 100 days in both seasons. The increases in total dry weight per plant were about 4.84 and 4.80 g per plant for 192 kg N/ha, 4.76 and 3.87 g per plant for 244 kg N/ha, and 6.86 and 5.74 g per plant for 288 kg N/ha over the control at 100 days in the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively. The interaction between N at 288 kg/ha and low plant density (4 rows/ridge) gave the highest values of dry weight of leaves, bulb, and total dry weight/plant and increased yield of grade 1, exportable yield, average bulb weight, as well as nitrate and sulphur contents in bulbs, whereas the interaction between N at 244 kg/ha and high plant density (6 rows/ridge) increased grades 2, 3, and 4, marketable yield, and total yield/ha

    Removal of Heavy Metals by Natural Adsorbent: Review

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    Water pollution by heavy metals has been recorded as a major problem in the global context. It occurs due to the direct and indirect discharge of diverse chemicals into the water bodies without sufficient treatment to reduce and diminish the harmful compounds. Many methods and materials are used in heavy metal removal from water. Biosorption by plant leaves is a potent and environmentally alternative technique for heavy metals removal from water. This review article revises the most recent studies of biosorbents such as plants’’ leaves, plants’ seeds, barks, and agricultural wastes and their efficiency on heavy metals adsorption, like Lead. Cadmium, Mercury, Chromium, Arsenic, Copper, Zinc and Nickel. This literature revision draw the base line of our ongoing study which explores the removal efficiency of Moringa oleifera leaves on cadmium and the sorption properties of the plant Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves for decontamination of Cd at laboratory scale

    The effect of coffee consumption on liver function in adult male rabbits

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    This study was carried out on 10 adult male Rabbits to investigate  the effect of Coffee at a dose  ( 100 mg/ Kg B.W. / day) orally on the liver function by measuring the Liver enzymes such as [Glutamic Oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) , Glutamic Pyruvic Transminase (GPT) , Total serum Billirubin  (TSB) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)].  This study was lasted for one month and blood samples was taken at the end of the 2nd week and 4th week for determination the biochemical parameters.(GOT/GPT/ALP/TSB)    The results showed that a significant increasing (P < 0.05) in the level of GPT, GOT and ALP enzymes in2nd&4th weeks in treated group as compared with the Control group with no significant increasing  (P < 0.05) in the TSB level in treated group as compared with the Control group.    That indicate the stimulatory effect of Coffee on liver functions.Key word: Coffee, Caffeine, GPT, GOT , TSB ,. ALP

    Environmentally Friendly Biosorbent from Moringa Oleifera Leaves for Water Treatment

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    In this study Moringa oleifera leaves (biosorbent) is used for Cadmium (II) removal from water as a natural alternative for synthetic sorbents. Synthetic water was used to find optimum conditions for water treatment using biosorbent. The effect of biosorbent dosage and particle size, contact time, and pH effect were studied. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) was used to monitor the Cd (II) concentration before and after treatment with biosorbent. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to monitor biosorbent structure changes before and after loading with Cd (II). Many parameters were studied such as: dosage of biosorbent (1 – 10 g/L), contact time (2 – 20 min), particle size (2 mm, 1 mm, 500 µm, 250 µm, and <250 µm), pH range (4-10), and Cd (II) concentrations (1, 3, 5, and 7 ppm). The statistical analysis of studied parameters showed that all parameters has an effect on Cd (II) removal with p values <0.05 except pH. FTIR result showed changes in the finger print area of biosorbent functional groups due to adsorption of Cd (II). As a conclusion, Moringa oleifera leaves can be used as an effective, low cost, and environmentally friendly biosorbent for the removal of Cd (II) from water