493 research outputs found

    The High Energy Radiation Pattern from BFKLex

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    We discuss a recent study on high-energy jet production in the multi-Regge limit done with the use of the Monte Carlo event generator BFKLex which includes collinear improvements in the form of double-log contributions. We will show results for the average transverse momentum and azimuthal angle of the final state jets when at least one of them is very forward in rapidity and another one is very backward. We also discuss the introduction of a new observable which accounts for the average rapidity ratio among subsequent emissions.Comment: 6 pages, presented by G. Chachamis at the XXIV International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 11-15 April 2016, DESY Hamburg, German

    Two aspects of the Regge limit in QCD: Double Logs in Exclusive observables and Infrared Effects in Cross Sections

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    Two relevant points related to the application of the BFKL formalism to phenomenology are discussed. First, we have presented a set of observables characterizing multi-jet configurations event by event (average transverse momentum, average azimuthal angle, average ratio of jet rapidities) which can be used to find distinct signals of BFKL dynamics at the LHC. A numerical analysis has been shown using the Monte Carlo event generator BFKLex, modified to include higher-order collinear corrections in addition to the transverse-momentum implementation of the NLO kernel. We require to have two tagged forward/backward jets in the final state. Second, the structure of the BFKL equation changes if infrared boundary conditions are imposed when considering the running of the coupling. The cut in the complex angular momentum plane becomes an infinite series of Regge poles. Integrating along a contour off the real axis we find a strong dependence of the intercepts and collinear regions on the choice of the boundary conditions. The mean transverse scales dominant in the gluon ladder increase. This could have interesting phenomenological consequences.Comment: 6 pages, presented by A. Sabio Vera at the 25th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics, 3-7 April 2017, Birmingham, U

    Exclusive central production of heavy quarks at the LHC

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    We study the exclusive production of heavy flavors at central rapidities in hadron-hadron collisions within the kT factorisation formalism. Since this involves regions of small Bjorken x in the unintegrated gluon densities, we include the next-to-leading order BFKL contributions working directly in transverse momentum representation. Our results are presented in a form suitable for Monte Carlo implementation.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    BFKL predictions for inclusive three jet production at the LHC

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    We define new observables sensitive to BFKL dynamics in the context of multijet production at the large hadron collider (LHC). We propose the study of the inclusive production of three jets well separated in rapidity from each other, with two of them being very forward. We show that the tagging of a third jet in the central region of rapidity allows for a very strong test of the BFKL formalism. In particular, we have studied two projections on azimuthal angles for the differential cross section which allow for the definition of many different observables whose behavior when varying the ptp_t and rapidity of the central jet is a distinct signal of BFKL dynamics. In order to reduce the theoretical uncertainties and influence of higher order corrections, we propose the study of ratios of correlation functions of products of cosines of azimuthal angle differences among the tagged jets.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Gluon Regge trajectory at two loops from Lipatov's high energy effective action

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    We present the derivation of the two-loop gluon Regge trajectory using Lipatov's high energy effective action and a direct evaluation of Feynman diagrams. Using a gauge invariant regularization of high energy divergences by deforming the light-cone vectors of the effective action, we determine the two-loop self-energy of the reggeized gluon, after computing the master integrals involved using the Mellin-Barnes representations technique. The self-energy is further matched to QCD through a recently proposed subtraction prescription. The Regge trajectory of the gluon is then defined through renormalization of the reggeized gluon propagator with respect to high energy divergences. Our result is in agreement with previous computations in the literature, providing a non-trivial test of the effective action and the proposed subtraction and renormalization framework.Comment: 22 page
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