21 research outputs found

    Milk removal

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    Milk from dairy cows is a staple dietary component for humans all over the world. Regardless of whether milk is consumed in its purest, unaltered form or as high-end products such as fine cheese or ice cream, it needs to be of high quality when taken from the cow, produced at a low price and produced in a system that consider aspects such as animal health, animal welfare and sustainability. This thesis investigated the role of milk removal and the importance of residual milk on milk yield, milk composition and milking efficiency in dairy cows. The specific aspects examined were whether residual milk retained in the udder, specifically its fat component, is involved in regulation of milk synthesis and secretion and whether removal of this residual milk influences milk yield, composition and quality, measured as milk fatty acid composition and free fatty acid content. The results showed that milking efficiency could be increased by increasing the pulsation ratio or using a higher cluster or teat cup take-off threshold, without negative effects on milk yield or milk composition. Milking time in automatic milking systems could thereby be decreased by one minute per cow and milking or more. Milk fatty acid composition was affected by several treatments tested, but the content of free fatty acids and the size distribution of milk fat globules were unaffected. Residual milk yield increased both due to repeated residual milk removal and to use of a higher cluster take-off level. Residual milk removal also increased the relative proportion of short-chain fatty acids in milk. The overall conclusion of this thesis is that residual milk removal in mid-lactation dairy cows does not affect milk yield and that milking efficiency in an automatic milking system can be increased with higher takeoff levels without affecting milk yield or composition. No evidence of a regulatory mechanism in residual milk was found, but residual milk removal increased milk fat synthesis

    Effects of achromatic and chromatic lights on pupillary response, endocrinology, activity, and milk production in dairy cows

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    Artificial light can be used as a management tool to increase milk yield in dairy production. However, little is known about how cows respond to the spectral composition of light. The aim of this study was to investigate how dairy cows respond to artificial achromatic and chromatic lights. A tie-stall barn equipped with light-emitting diode (LED) light fixtures was used to create the controlled experimental light environments. Two experiments were conducted, both using dairy cows of Swedish Red and light mixtures with red, blue or white light. In experiment I, the response to light of increasing intensity on pupil size was evaluated in five pregnant non-lactating cows. In experiment II 16h of achromatic and chromatic daylight in combination with dim, achromatic night light, was tested on pregnant lactating cows during five weeks to observe long term effects on milk production, activity and circadian rhythms. Particular focus was given to possible carry over effects of blue light during the day on activity at night since this has been demonstrated in humans. Increasing intensity of white and blue light affected pupil size (P<0.001), but there was no effect on pupil size with increased intensity of red light. Milk yield was maintained throughout experiment II, and plasma melatonin was higher during dim night light than in daylight for all treatments (P<0.001). In conclusion, our results show that LED fixtures emitting red light driving the ipRGCs indirectly via ML-cones, blue light stimulating both S-cones and ipRGCs directly and a mixture of wavelengths (white light) exert similar effects on milk yield and activity in tied-up dairy cows. This suggests that the spectral composition of LED lighting in a barn is secondary to duration and intensity

    Investigating cow−calf contact in a cow-driven system: performance of cow and calf

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    In this research communication we describe the performance of dairy cow−calf pairs in two cow-driven CCC-systems differing in cows' access to the calves through computer-controlled access gates (smart gates, SG). We investigated cows' machine milk yield in the automatic milking system (AMS), calf growth, and intake of supplemental milk and concentrate. Two groups each with four cow-calf pairs were housed in a system with a cow area, a calf creep and a meeting area. SG's controlled cow traffic between the meeting area and the cow area where cows could obtain feed, cubicles and the AMS. Calves had ad libitum access to supplemental milk and concentrate. During the suckling phase of 31 d, cow access to the meeting area was free 24 h/d (group 1) or restricted (group 2) based on milking permission. Following the suckling phase, cow access was gradually decreased over 9 d (separation phase). During the suckling phase, cows' machine milk yield (mean ± sd) in the AMS was 11.4 ± 6.38 kg/d. In the separation phase, the yield increased to 25.0 ± 10.37 kg/d. Calf average daily gain (ADG) was high during the suckling phase: 1.2 ± 0.74 kg. During the separation phase, ADG decreased to 0.4 ± 0.72 kg which may be related to a low intake of supplemental milk. Calves' concentrate intake increased with age, and all calves consumed >1 kg/d after separation. We conclude that cows nurse the calf in a cow-directed CCC system well resulting in high ADG, and AMS milk yields were, at least, partially maintained during the suckling phase. Although the AMS yields increased in response to separation, calf ADG was decreased. A low sample size limits interpretation beyond description but provides a basis for hypotheses regarding future research into CCC-systems.publishedVersio

    Investigating cow−calf contact in cow-driven systems: behaviour of the dairy cow and calf

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    Research is needed on how technology can facilitate cow−calf contact (CCC). This research communication describes the behaviour of dairy cow−calf pairs in two cow-driven CCC-systems differing in cows' access to the calves through computer-controlled access gates (smart gates, SG). Specifically, cow traffic through SG when visiting their calves, allogrooming, suckling and cross-suckling, cows' eating and resting behaviour and finally vocal response to separation were assessed. After 3 d in an individual calving pen, pairs (n = 8) were moved to the CCC compartment with a cow area, a calf creep and a meeting area. During the next 31 d calves could suckle the cows whenever they visited the meeting area (suckling phase). Cows had free (group 1, n = 4 pairs) or restricted access to the calves based on previous activity in the automatic milking system (group 2, n = 4 pairs). SG's controlled cow traffic between the meeting area and the cow area, in which the cows could access resources such as feed, cubicles, and the automatic milking system. Following the suckling phase cow access into the meeting area was gradually decreased over 9 d (separation phase). During the suckling phase, cows paid frequent and short visits to their calves. Pairs spent in total approximately one h/d suckling and allogrooming. However, the duration and frequencies of these events varied among pairs and groups, as did the vocal response to separation. Restricted access − cows performed more (unrewarded) attempts to visit the calves who cross-suckled more. Collectively, free access to the calves may have been more intuitive and welfare friendly. Although a low sample size limits interpretation beyond description and enabling hypothesis formulation for future research, the results indicate that the cow is motivated to visit her calf, albeit through a SG, thus facilitating particular behaviours for which cow-calf pairs are highly motivated.publishedVersio

    Methodology for studying human attitudes and behaviour to cow-calf contact systems

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    This position paper describes a common stand on methodology of human attitudes and behaviour that is suitable to use in studies regarding cow-calf contact (CCC) in dairy production, in order to create a common knowledge base and foundation for future recommendations of CCC systems. We describe how different quantitative and qualitative methods can be used to study human attitudes to CCC as well as farmer or consumer behaviour. We aim to contribute to a better understanding of the available methods, and hope that this paper can be used as a guideline for future studies in this area

    Calf performance in a cow-driven cow-calf contact system: Effect of 2 methods to gradually reduce cows' access to their calf

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    ABSTRACT: Knowledge is lacking on separation strategies that can best prepare calves to final separation from the dam in cow-calf contact (CCC) systems. This controlled trial compared the effects of 2 different methods to gradually reduce cows' access to their calf termed “debonding” on calf growth in a cow-driven CCC system. Initially, cows (Norwegian Red breed) had 24 h/d computer-controlled access to their calves. In the long debonding (LDB) treatment (n = 16), a gradual reduction of cows' access to their calves was initiated 28 d after calving over a total duration of 28 d; first to 12 h/d (14 d), and then to 6 h/d (14 d). In the short debonding (SDB) treatment (n = 14), reduction was initiated 45 d after calving over a total duration of 10 d; first to 12 h/d (5 d), and then to 6 h/d (5 d). From 6 h/d, access was finally reduced to 0 h/d for 4 d for both treatments, resulting in a study period of 60 d in total. Calves had ad libitum access to concentrate, hay and water throughout the study. Independent of treatment, ad libitum access to whole milk from an automatic feeder was granted once cow access was reduced. Cows and calves had the possibility for fence line contact at all times. The primary outcome variable calf weight gain was registered biweekly. Calf ADG was analyzed with a linear mixed model. The ADG was similar across treatments during 24 h/d access (1.04 ± 0.07 kg). Debonding treatment affected calf growth differently with each gradual reduction in cow access (12 h/d, 6 h/d and 0 h/d); however, no main effect of treatment was detected. The SDB calves had a pattern of increased ADG with the first reduction in access (+0.39 ± 0.18kg), followed by significant growth checks as access was reduced further to 6 h/d and 0 h/d (−0.41 ± 0.20 kg and −1.15 ± 0.31 kg, respectively). The LDB calves only showed significant weight checks at the final reduction in access (0 h/d access), yet at a lower degree (−0.46 ± 0.21 kg) than SDB calves. As expected, ADG was negatively associated with health events but positively associated with intake of concentrate and supplemental milk. Collectively, the results from the present study might point toward a long adaptation to separation which is initiated at a younger age being more favorable for calf performance