1,537 research outputs found

    Light effective hole mass in undoped Ge/SiGe quantum wells

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    We report density-dependent effective hole mass measurements in undoped germanium quantum wells. We are able to span a large range of densities (2.0−11×10112.0-11\times10^{11} cm−2^{-2}) in top-gated field effect transistors by positioning the strained buried Ge channel at different depths of 12 and 44 nm from the surface. From the thermal damping of the amplitude of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, we measure a light mass of 0.061me0.061m_e at a density of 2.2×10112.2\times10^{11} cm−2^{-2}. We confirm the theoretically predicted dependence of increasing mass with density and by extrapolation we find an effective mass of ∼0.05me\sim0.05m_e at zero density, the lightest effective mass for a planar platform that demonstrated spin qubits in quantum dots

    Low disordered, stable, and shallow germanium quantum wells: a playground for spin and hybrid quantum technology

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    Buried-channel semiconductor heterostructures are an archetype material platform to fabricate gated semiconductor quantum devices. Sharp confinement potential is obtained by positioning the channel near the surface, however nearby surface states degrade the electrical properties of the starting material. In this paper we demonstrate a two-dimensional hole gas of high mobility (5×1055\times 10^{5} cm2^2/Vs) in a very shallow strained germanium channel, which is located only 22 nm below the surface. This high mobility leads to mean free paths ≈6μm\approx6 \mu m, setting new benchmarks for holes in shallow FET devices. Carriers are confined in an undoped Ge/SiGe heterostructure with reduced background contamination, sharp interfaces, and high uniformity. The top-gate of a dopant-less field effect transistor controls the carrier density in the channel. The high mobility, along with a percolation density of 1.2×1011 cm−21.2\times 10^{11}\text{ cm}^{-2}, light effective mass (0.09 me_e), and high g-factor (up to 77) highlight the potential of undoped Ge/SiGe as a low-disorder material platform for hybrid quantum technologies

    Experimental studies of the non-adiabatic escape problem

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    Noise-induced transitions between coexisting stable states of a periodically driven nonlinear oscillator have been investigated by means of analog experiments and numerical simulations in the nonadiabatic limit for a wide range of oscillator parameters. It is shown that, for over-damped motion, the field-induced corrections to the activation energy can be described quantitatively in terms of the logarithmic susceptibility (LS) and that the measured frequency dispersion of the corresponding corrections for a weakly damped nonlinear oscillator is in qualitative agreement with the theoretical prediction. Resonantly directed diffusion is observed in numerical simulations of a weakly damped oscillator. The possibility of extending the LS approach to encompass escape from the basin of attraction of a quasi-attractor is discussed

    Gender, war and militarism: making and questioning the links

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    The gender dynamics of militarism have traditionally been seen as straightforward, given the cultural mythologies of warfare and the disciplining of ‘masculinity’ that occurs in the training and use of men's capacity for violence in the armed services. However, women's relation to both war and peace has been varied and complex. It is women who have often been most prominent in working for peace, although there are no necessary links between women and opposition to militarism. In addition, more women than ever are serving in many of today's armies, with feminists rather uncertain on how to relate to this phenomenon. In this article, I explore some of the complexities of applying gender analyses to militarism and peace work in sites of conflict today, looking most closely at the Israeli feminist group, New Profile, and their insistence upon the costs of the militarized nature of Israeli society. They expose the very permeable boundaries between the military and civil society, as violence seeps into the fears and practices of everyday life in Israel. I place their work in the context of broader feminist analysis offered by researchers such as Cynthia Enloe and Cynthia Cockburn, who have for decades been writing about the ‘masculinist’ postures and practices of warfare, as well as the situation of women caught up in them. Finally, I suggest that rethinking the gendered nature of warfare must also encompass the costs of war to men, whose fundamental vulnerability to psychological abuse and physical injury is often downplayed, whether in mainstream accounts of warfare or in more specific gender analysis. Feminists need to pay careful attention to masculinity and its fragmentations in addressing the topic of gender, war and militarism

    Is there still a need for prophylactic intra-abdominal drainage in elective major gastro-intestinal surgery?

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    SummaryProphylactic drainage of the abdominal cavity after gastro-intestinal surgery is widely used. The rationale is that intra-abdominal drainage enhances early detection of complications (gastro-intestinal leakage, hemorrhage, bile leak), prevents collection of fluid or pus, reduces morbidity and mortality, and decreases the duration of hospital stay. However, dogmatic attitudes favoring systematic drain placement should be questioned. The aim of this review was to evaluate the evidence supporting systematic use of prophylactic abdominal drainage following gastrectomy, pancreatectomy, liver resection, and rectal resection. Based on this review of the literature: (i) there was no evidence in favor of intra-peritoneal drainage following total or sub-total gastrectomy with respect to morbidity-mortality, nor was it helpful in the diagnosis or management of leakage, however the level of evidence is low, (ii) following pancreatic resection, data are conflicting but, overall, suggest that the absence of drainage is prejudicial, and support the notion that short-term drainage is better than long-term drainage, (iii) after liver resection without hepatico-intestinal anastomosis, high level evidence supports that there is no need for abdominal drainage, and (iv) following rectal resection, data are insufficient to establish recommendations. However, results from the French multicenter randomized controlled trial GRECCAR5 (NCT01269567) should provide new evidence this coming year. Accumulating data support that systematic drainage of the abdominal cavity in digestive surgery is a non-beneficial and obsolete practice, except following pancreatectomy where the consensus appears to indicate the usefulness of short-term drainage. While the level of evidence is high for liver resections, new randomized controlled trials are awaited regarding gastric, pancreatic and rectal surgery

    Passive smoking in the etiology of non-syndromic orofacial clefts:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Studies have found a consistent positive association between maternal smoking and nonsyndromic orofacial clefts (NSOFC). However, no comprehensive assessment of the association between NSOFC and passive smoking has been undertaken. This systematic review and meta-analysis explores the relationship between maternal passive smoking and NSOFC, and compares the associations between passive and active smoking. Methods and Findings Search strategy, inclusion / exclusion criteria, and data extraction from studies reporting maternal passive smoking and NSOFC was implemented without language restrictions. Risks of bias in the identified studies were assessed and this information was used in sensitivity analyses to explain heterogeneity. Meta-analysis and meta-regression of the extracted data were performed. Egger's test was used to test for small study effects. Fourteen eligible articles were identified. Maternal passive smoking exposure was associated with a twofold increase in risk of NSOFC (odds ratio: 2.11, 95% confidence interval: 1.54-2.89); this was apparent for both cleft lip with and without palate (OR: 2.05, 95% CI: 1.27-3.3) and cleft palate (OR: 2.11, 95% CI: 1.23-3.62). There was substantial heterogeneity between studies. In the studies that provided data enabling crude and adjusted odd ratios to be compared, adjustment for potential confounders attenuated the magnitude of association to about a 1.5-fold increase in risk. Conclusion Overall, maternal passive smoking exposure results in a 1.5 fold increase in risk of NSOFC, similar to the magnitude of risk reported for active smoking, but there is marked heterogeneity between studies. This heterogeneity is not explained by differences in the distribution of cleft types, adjustment for covariates, broad geographic region, or study bias/quality. This thorough meta-analysis provides further evidence to minimize exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in policy making fora and in health promotion initiatives.</p
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