90 research outputs found

    Inferring haplotypes at the NAT2 locus: the computational approach

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    BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have attempted to relate genetic polymorphisms within the N-acetyltransferase 2 gene (NAT2) to interindividual differences in response to drugs or in disease susceptibility. However, genotyping of individuals single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) alone may not always provide enough information to reach these goals. It is important to link SNPs in terms of haplotypes which carry more information about the genotype-phenotype relationship. Special analytical techniques have been designed to unequivocally determine the allocation of mutations to either DNA strand. However, molecular haplotyping methods are labour-intensive and expensive and do not appear to be good candidates for routine clinical applications. A cheap and relatively straightforward alternative is the use of computational algorithms. The objective of this study was to assess the performance of the computational approach in NAT2 haplotype reconstruction from phase-unknown genotype data, for population samples of various ethnic origin. RESULTS: We empirically evaluated the effectiveness of four haplotyping algorithms in predicting haplotype phases at NAT2, by comparing the results with those directly obtained through molecular haplotyping. All computational methods provided remarkably accurate and reliable estimates for NAT2 haplotype frequencies and individual haplotype phases. The Bayesian algorithm implemented in the PHASE program performed the best. CONCLUSION: This investigation provides a solid basis for the confident and rational use of computational methods which appear to be a good alternative to infer haplotype phases in the particular case of the NAT2 gene, where there is near complete linkage disequilibrium between polymorphic markers

    Arylamine N-Acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) Genetic Diversity and Traditional Subsistence: A Worldwide Population Survey

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    Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) is involved in human physiological responses to a variety of xenobiotic compounds, including common therapeutic drugs and exogenous chemicals present in the diet and the environment. Many questions remain about the evolutionary mechanisms that have led to the high prevalence of slow acetylators in the human species. Evidence from recent surveys of NAT2 gene variation suggests that NAT2 slow-causing variants might have become targets of positive selection as a consequence of the shift in modes of subsistence and lifestyle in human populations in the last 10,000 years. We aimed to test more extensively the hypothesis that slow acetylation prevalence in humans is related to the subsistence strategy adopted by the past populations. To this end, published frequency data on the most relevant genetic variants of NAT2 were collected from 128 population samples (14,679 individuals) representing different subsistence modes and dietary habits, allowing a thorough analysis at both a worldwide and continent scale. A significantly higher prevalence of the slow acetylation phenotype was observed in populations practicing farming (45.4%) and herding (48.2%) as compared to populations mostly relying on hunting and gathering (22.4%) (P = 0.0007). This was closely mirrored by the frequency of the slow 590A variant that was found to occur at a three-fold higher frequency in food producers (25%) as compared to hunter-gatherers (8%). These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the Neolithic transition to subsistence economies based on agricultural and pastoral resources modified the selective regime affecting the NAT2 acetylation pathway. Furthermore, the vast amount of data collected enabled us to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date description of NAT2 worldwide genetic diversity, thus building up a useful resource of frequency data for further studies interested in epidemiological or anthropological research questions involving NAT2

    A homogenizing process of selection has maintained an \u27ultra-slow\u27 acetylation NAT2 variant in humans

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    N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) is an important enzyme involved in the metabolism of a wide spectrum of naturally occurring xenobiotics, including therapeutic drugs and common environmental carcinogens. Extensive polymorphism in NAT2 gives rise to a wide interindividual variation in acetylation capacity which influences individual susceptibility to various drug-induced adverse reactions and cancers. Striking patterns of geographic differentiation have been described for the main slow acetylation variants of the NAT2 gene, suggesting the action of natural selection at this locus. In the present study, we took advantage of the whole-genome sequence data available from the 1000 Genomes project to investigate the global patterns of population genetic differentiation at NAT2 and determine whether they are atypical compared to the remaining variation of the genome. The non-synonymous substitution c.590G\u3eA (rs1799930) defining the slow NAT2*6 haplotype cluster exhibited an unusually low FST value when compared to the genome average (FST = 0.006, P-value = 0.016). It was pointed out as the most likely target of a homogenizing process of selection promoting the same allelic variant in globally distributed populations. The rs1799930 A allele has been associated with the slowest acetylation capacity in vivo and its substantial correlation with the subsistence strategy adopted by past human populations suggests that it may have conferred a selective advantage in populations shifting from foraging to agricultural and pastoral activities in the Neolithic period. Results of neutrality tests further supported an adaptive evolution of the NAT2 gene through either balancing selection or directional selection acting on multiple standing slow-causing variants

    Comparative analysis of xenobiotic metabolising N-acetyltransferases from ten non-human primates as in vitro models of human homologues

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    Xenobiotic metabolising N-acetyltransferases (NATs) perform biotransformation of drugs and carcinogens. Human NAT1 is associated with endogenous metabolic pathways of cells and is a candidate drug target for cancer. Human NAT2 is a well-characterised polymorphic xenobiotic metabolising enzyme, modulating susceptibility to drug-induced toxicity. Human NATs are difficult to express to high purification yields, complicating large-scale production for high-throughput screens or use in sophisticated enzymology assays and crystallography. We undertake comparative functional investigation of the NAT homologues of ten non-human primates, to characterise their properties and evaluate their suitability as models of human NATs. Considering the amount of generated recombinant protein, the enzymatic activity and thermal stability, the NAT homologues of non-human primates are demonstrated to be a much more effective resource for in vitro studies compared with human NATs. Certain NAT homologues are proposed as better models, such as the NAT1 of macaques Macaca mulatta and M. sylvanus, the NAT2 of Erythrocebus patas, and both NAT proteins of the gibbon Nomascus gabriellae which show highest homology to human NATs. This comparative investigation will facilitate in vitro screens towards discovery and optimisation of candidate pharmaceutical compounds for human NAT isoenzymes, while enabling better understanding of NAT function and evolution in primates

    CD1 Gene Polymorphisms and Phenotypic Variability in X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy

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    X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is characterized by marked phenotypic variation ranging from adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) to childhood cerebral ALD (CCALD). X-ALD is caused by mutations in the ABCD1 gene, but no genotype-phenotype correlation has been established so far and modifier gene variants are suspected to modulate phenotypes. Specific classes of lipids, enriched in very long-chain fatty acids that accumulate in plasma and tissues from X-ALD patients are suspected to be involved in the neuroinflammatory process of CCALD. CD1 proteins are lipid- antigen presenting molecules encoded by five CD1 genes in human (CD1A-E). Association studies with 23 tag SNPs covering the CD1 locus was performed in 52 patients with AMN and 87 patients with CCALD. The minor allele of rs973742 located 4-kb downstream from CD1D was significantly more frequent in AMN patients (χ2 = 7.6; P = 0.006). However, this association was no longer significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing. The other polymorphisms of the CD1 locus did not reveal significant association. Further analysis of other CD1D polymorphisms did not detect stronger association with X-ALD phenotypes. Although the association with rs973742 warrants further investigations, these results indicate that the genetic variants of CD1 genes do not contribute markedly to the phenotypic variance of X-ALD

    Comparative structural and evolutionary analyses predict functional sites in the artemisinin resistance malaria protein K13

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    Numerous mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum Kelch13 (K13) protein confer resistance to artemisinin derivatives, the current front-line antimalarial drugs. K13 is an essential protein that contains BTB and Kelch-repeat propeller (KREP) domains usually found in E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes that target substrate protein(s) for ubiquitin-dependent degradation. K13 is thought to bind substrate proteins, but its functional/interaction sites and the structural alterations associated with artemisinin resistance mutations remain unknown. Here, we screened for the most evolutionarily conserved sites in the protein structure of K13 as indicators of structural and/or functional constraints. We inferred structure-dependent substitution rates at each amino acid site of the highly conserved K13 protein during the evolution of Apicomplexa parasites. We found two solvent-exposed patches of extraordinarily conserved sites likely involved in protein-protein interactions, one in BTB and the other one in KREP. The conserved patch in K13 KREP overlaps with a shallow pocket that displays a differential electrostatic surface potential, relative to neighboring sites, and that is rich in serine and arginine residues. Comparative structural and evolutionary analyses revealed that these properties were also found in the functionally-validated shallow pocket of other KREPs including that of the cancer-related KEAP1 protein. Finally, molecular dynamics simulations carried out on PfK13 R539T and C580Y artemisinin resistance mutant structures revealed some local structural destabilization of KREP but not in its shallow pocket. These findings open new avenues of research on one of the most enigmatic malaria proteins with the utmost clinical importance

    Association of IL-4 and IL-10 maternal haplotypes with immune responses to P. falciparum in mothers and newborns

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    Abstract Background: Particular cytokine gene polymorphisms are involved in the regulation of the antibody production. The consequences of already described IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 gene polymorphisms on biological parameters and antibody levels were investigated among 576 mothers at delivery and their newborns in the context of P. falciparum placental malaria infection. Methods: The study took place in the semi-rural area of Tori-Bossito, in south-west Benin, where malaria is meso-endemic. Six biallelic polymorphisms were determined by quantitative PCR using TaqMan W Pre-Designed SNP Genotyping Assays, in IL-4 (rs2243250, rs2070874), IL-10 (rs1800896, rs1800871, rs1800872) and IL-13 (rs1800925) genes. Antibody responses directed to P. falciparum MSP-1, MSP-2, MSP-3, GLURP-R0, GLURP-R2 and AMA-1 recombinant proteins were determined by ELISA. Results: The maternal IL-4 −590 *T/IL-4 +33 *T haplotype (one or two copies) was associated with favorable maternal condition at delivery (high haemoglobin levels, absence of placental parasites) and one of its component, the IL-4 −590 TT genotype, was related to low IgG levels to MSP-1, MSP-2/3D7 and MSP-2/FC27. Inversely, the maternal IL-10 −1082 AA was positively associated with P. falciparum placenta infection at delivery. As a consequence, the IL-10 −819 *T allele (in CT and TT genotypes) as well as the IL-10 −1082 *A/IL-10 −819 *T/IL-10 −592 *A haplotype (one or two copies) in which it is included, were related to an increased risk for anaemia in newborns. The maternal IL-10 −1082 AA genotype was related to high IgG levels to MSP-2/3D7 and AMA-1 in mothers and newborns, respectively. The IL-13 gene polymorphism was only involved in the newborn's antibody response to AMA-1. Conclusion: These data revealed that IL-4 and IL-10 maternal gene polymorphisms are likely to play a role in the regulation of biological parameters in pregnant women at delivery (anaemia, P. falciparum placenta infection) and in newborns (anaemia). Moreover, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 maternal gene polymorphisms were related to IgG responses to MSP-1, MSP-2/3D7 and MSP-2/FC27 in mothers as well as to AMA-1 in newborns

    Worldwide distribution of NAT2 diversity: Implications for NAT2 evolutionary history

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The N-acetyltransferase 2 (<it>NAT2</it>) gene plays a crucial role in the metabolism of many drugs and xenobiotics. As it represents a likely target of population-specific selection pressures, we fully sequenced the <it>NAT2 </it>coding region in 97 Mandenka individuals from Senegal, and compared these sequences to extant data on other African populations. The Mandenka data were further included in a worldwide dataset composed of 41 published population samples (6,727 individuals) from four continental regions that were adequately genotyped for all common <it>NAT2 </it>variants so as to provide further insights into the worldwide haplotype diversity and population structure at <it>NAT2</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The sequencing analysis of the <it>NAT2 </it>gene in the Mandenka sample revealed twelve polymorphic sites in the coding exon (two of which are newly identified mutations, C345T and C638T), defining 16 haplotypes. High diversity and no molecular signal of departure from neutrality were observed in this West African sample. On the basis of the worldwide genotyping survey dataset, we found a strong genetic structure differentiating East Asians from both Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans. This pattern could result from region- or population-specific selective pressures acting at this locus, as further suggested in the HapMap data by extremely high values of <it>F</it><sub>ST </sub>for a few SNPs positions in the <it>NAT2 </it>coding exon (T341C, C481T and A803G) in comparison to the empirical distribution of <it>F</it><sub>ST </sub>values accross the whole 400-kb region of the <it>NAT </it>gene family.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Patterns of sequence variation at <it>NAT2 </it>are consistent with selective neutrality in all sub-Saharan African populations investigated, whereas the high level of population differentiation between Europeans and East Asians inferred from SNPs could suggest population-specific selective pressures acting at this locus, probably caused by differences in diet or exposure to other environmental signals.</p
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