40 research outputs found

    The Potency Of Metacognitive Learning To Foster Mathematical Logical Thinking

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    The ability of thinking logically needs to be developed due to the fact that it is an essential basic skill. Logical thinking affects that giving reason must be true, and that a sequence of assumptions is based on the high truth value. Mathematics is a subject that functions to train students to think logically. The understanding of logic will help students to arrange the proof that support through process to finally arrive at a conclusion. Currently, metacognition is viewed as an essential element of learning. It refers to someone knowledge of processes and the result itself or of that connected to the process. Metacognition is needed when student solves the task that needs argumentation and logical understanding. In order to help student to skillful think logically, mathematics learning must be designed as such so that the condition will raise the skill of metacognitive acts. Key words: metacognitive learning, mathematical logical thinkin

    Analisis kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa kelas VIII SMPN 3 ngamprah pada materi relasi dan fungsi

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    The aim of this study was to describe how well students understood relational and functional mathematics. By examining the typical student responses to prepared instrument questions, descriptive qualitative research methodology is applied. The study's instrument was a written test of math comprehension that had six questions and three indicators of math understanding: classifying objects with specific properties in accordance with the concept, presenting the concept in various mathematical representations, and using a problem-solving strategy or algorithm. 30 pupils from SMPN 3 Ngamprah in grade VIII served as the study's subjects. According to the analysis's findings, class VIII pupils at SMPN 3 Ngamprah's mathematics knowledge abilities were rated as low, and students received a sufficient

    Pengembangan LKPD problem based learning berbantuan liveworksheet pada materi aritmatika sosial

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the feasibility and validity of problem-based learning worksheets assisted by liveworksheets. This development research was carried out using the 4D method which includes the Define, Design, and Development stages. In the analysis stage of the feasibility and validity test data, questionnaires and documentation were collected. The feasibility of teaching materials was analyzed based on the results of expert validation and the practicality of teaching materials based on the results of students' answers. The results of this study indicate that the tested LKPD is feasible and valid as learning material for students. Expert validation results produce an average score of 89.8% with a very valid category, it can be said that it is feasible to use in the field. The results of the student response questionnaire analysis showed that LKPD was considered practical by students with a percentage of 75% in the limited trial while 82% in the broad trial with the very practical category. This can show that the problem-based learning worksheet on social arithmetic material assisted by the liveworksheet is very good for use during the mathematics learning process

    Effectiveness of Progressive Learning Approach toward Enhancement of Studentsā€™ Competency on Mathematics Journal Writing and Mathematical Proof

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    This is quasi-experimental research of two different groups of 41 and 46 mathematics students. This research was conducted at Haluoleo University of Kendari South-East Sulawesi Indonesia. Progressive learning approach was applied to group of 41 students as an experimental group and conventional learning approach was applied to the other group of 46 students as conventional group. The students were also categorized by their grade point average (GPA) into higher, medium, and lower levels. Mathematical journal writing and mathematics proof competencies were measured by pre-test and post-test on both areas. Scores of these tests were analised with Anacova test, two-way Anova, t-test, and Mann-Whitney U test. In this reaseach students were expected to have mathematics journal writing and mathematical proof competencies. The results of the research are (1) studentsā€™ mathematics journal writing competency and studentsā€™ increment at mathematics journal writing competency of progressive learning approach is better than that of conventional one; (2) studentsā€™ mathematical proof competency and studentsā€™ increment at mathematical proof competency of progressive learning approach is better than that of conventional one, but studentsā€™ increment of mathematical proof competency at lower level of GPA is not significantly different. Keywords: progressive learning approach, mathematics journal writing competency, mathematical proof competenc

    Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Struktur Aljabar Yang Berbasis Komputer Dan Tugas Terstruktur Untuk Menggali Potensi Kreatif Dan Daya Matematik Mahasiswa

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    Mata kuliah Struktur Aljabar merupakan suatu mata kuliah yang memuat konsep ā€“konsep yang abstrak, karena sifat dari mata kuliah tersebut seperti itu maka mahasiswa seringkali mendapat kesulitan dalam mempelajarinya. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, seorang dosen harus mampu membantu dan mengarahkan mahasiswanya supaya dapat mempelajari materiā€materi pada mata kuliah tersebut menjadi lebih menarik dan bermakna. Pemanfaatan media komputer (ISETL) dan pemberian tugas yang menarik dan menantang diharapkan dapat menjadi stimulus bagi mahasiswa untuk belajar yang dapat menggali potensi kreatif dan menggali daya matematiknya. Penelitian eksperimen untuk menggali potensi kreatif dan daya matematik telah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan media komputer dan tugas terstruktur. Kata Kunci : ISETL, tugas terstruktur, daya matematik dan kreativitas matematik

    Pengembangan bahan ajar dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual berbantuan liveworksheet pada materi statistika

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    ƂĀ This study aims to develop teaching materials using a contextual approach assisted by liveworksheets on statistical material. The research method used in this research is the R&D (Research and Development) method using the 4D model which is limited to step 3 namely define, design, develop. The instruments in this study were in the form of non-tests and written tests in the form of student response questionnaires with a total of 25 questions and 5 written test questions according to the steps of the contextual approach. The subjects of this study were class VIII students at one of the junior high schools in the Batujajar District with a sample of 30 class VIII students as respondents for the level of product effectiveness. The results of this study are that the teaching materials developed are declared valid and suitable for use, this is in accordance with the results of the validation of experts, as well as getting a positive response from students. So the teaching materials developed are good for use during the learning process of mathematics

    Hidden Curriculum in Promoting Self-Regulated Learners for Teachers

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    Teachers and students in general are surrounded by many things and information when they are interacting with people on campus or off campus. Therefore they might absorb many lessons that are not included formally in the formal course of study on campus. Those aspects that they absorb in the long run somehow may contribute to their performance in terms of their achievements, skills or on their character. What they absorbed might be positive or negative, depends on the environment that the students as well as the teachers have on campus. The situation might be so diverse in terms of culture, languages, races, social status etc. It means that the student as well as the teachers must realize the importance of becoming self regulated learners, that they must learn how and what to learn or what to teach related to the issue of hidden curriculum. Very often the students as well as the teachers did not realize that when they interact with one another there must be certain message that they convey to one another that they must take the advantage of being interactive is a very important momentum to be used appropriately. It is important that the interaction should be conducted intentionally in order for them to learn from the hidden curriculum. This means that they need to be sensitive in noticing a good momentum to learn different aspects so as to act to change what could be changed in the future


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    This study aims to determine the characteristics of the problem solving abilities of class VIII students in a junior high school in West Bandung Regency. In this study using a qualitative descriptive research method. The data collection technique in this study was in the form of test questions. The test results were analyzed by the emergence of problem solving abilities based on the Polya procedure for each question. The test instrument used is a description test. Based on data analysis of the study found that the stages of solving problems obtained 87% results, and at the other 3 stages namely understanding the problem obtained 55% results, planning problem solving obtained 30% results and checking again obtained 20 results %. Thus, there are still many students who do not write down what is known, are asked, and do not describe these elements, are not systematic in the problem solving process, do not understand the problem, are wrong in calculating answers, and do not write conclusions, and the main factor is not students are used to solving problems in the form of stories with complex daily life contexts, so there are still many errors in problem solving systematics found in junior high school students

    Analisis kesulitan siswa SMP kelas VIII dalam menyelesaikan soal pada materi persamaan garis lurus berdasarkan teori newman

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the mistakes students made when solving questions on straight line equations material and to find out what are the causative factors of the difficulties students experience when working on solving straight line equations material answers. The subjects of this study were eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Ngamprah and the sample was 25 students. Qualitative descriptive method is the method used in this study. Data obtained from the tests result that have been carried out. The questions given with the level of difficulty are easy, difficult, and very difficult. The results of this study indicate that when students complete the answers to questions, students are not careful in understanding straight-line equations, students are wrong in transforming questions, students make mistakes when carrying out arithmetic operations, students do not master the concept of material in a comprehensive way. broad, the inaccuracy of students when determining the final answer to the question. The low interest of students in learning mathematics and the lack of motivation in learning students are the main factors for mistakes made by students in solving the answers to questions.mathematics so they make many mistakes in answering questions. straight line equation material