130 research outputs found

    Coronal Abundances and Their Variation

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    This contract supported the investigation of elemental abundances in the solar corona, principally through analysis of high-resolution soft X-ray spectra from the Flat Crystal Spectrometer on NASA's Solar Maximum Mission. The goals of the study were a characterization of the mean values of relative abundances of elements accessible in the FCS data, and information on the extent and circumstances of their variability. This is the Final Report, summarizing the data analysis and reporting activities which occurred during the period of performance, June 1993 - December 1996

    Coronal abundances and their variation

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    This contract supports the investigation of elemental abundances in the solar corona, principally through analysis of high-resolution soft x ray spectra from the Flat Crystal Spectrometer on NASA's Solar Maximum Mission. The goals of the study are a characterization of the mean values of relative abundances of elements accessible in the FCS data, and information on the extent and circumstances of their variability. A summation of the data analysis and reporting activities which occurred during the months of June to December 1993 is reported

    Coronal abundances and their variation

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    This contract supports the investigation of elemental abundances in the solar corona, principally through analysis of high-resolution soft x-ray spectra from the Flat Crystal Spectrometer (FCS) on the Solar Maximum Mission. The goals of the study are a characterization of the mean values of relative abundances of elements accessible in the FCS data, and information on the extent and circumstances of their variability. This report is a summation of the data analysis and reporting activities which occurred during the first ten months of the contract, 15 Jun. 1993 to 15 Apr. 1994

    Coronal abundances and their variation

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    This contract supports the investigation of elemental abundances in the solar corona, principally through analysis of high-resolution software X-ray spectra from the Flat Crystal Spectrometer on NASA's Solar Maximum Mission. The goals of the study are a characterization of the mean values of relative abundances of elements accessible in the FCS data, and information on the extent and circumstances of their variability. This report is a summation of the data analysis and reporting activities which occurred since the last report, submitted two months early, in April 1994, to facilitate evaluation of the first year's progress for contract renewal. Hence this report covers the period 15 April 1994 - 15 December 1994. A list of publications resulting from this research is included

    Understanding Space Weather: The Sun as a Variable Star

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    The Sun is a complex system of systems and until recently, less than half of its surface was observable at any given time and then only from afar. New observational techniques and modeling capabilities are giving us a fresh perspective of the solar interior and how our Sun works as a variable star. This revolution in solar observations and modeling provides us with the exciting prospect of being able to use a vastly increased stream of solar data taken simultaneously from several different vantage points to produce more reliable and prompt space weather forecasts. Solar variations that cause identifiable space weather effects do not happen only on solar-cycle timescales from decades to centuries; there are also many shorter-term events that have their own unique space weather effects and a different set of challenges to understand and predict, such as flares, coronal mass ejections, and solar wind variation


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    O presente artigo examina a possibilidade de retenção das arras confirmatórias em casos de resilição e resolução contratual, mediante a análise de suas funções, comparando-as, ainda, com o instituto das arras penitenciais e à obrigação acessória que constitui a cláusula penal. Para isso, foram analisadas as diferentes interpretações concedidas aos artigos 417 e 418 do Código Civil, bem como ao artigo 53 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, traçando-se as similitudes e as diferenças que se verificam na doutrina e na jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça à luz das relações consumeristas neste âmbito. Dessa forma, utilizando como método de pesquisa o hipotético-dedutivo, e como técnicas a da pesquisa jurisprudencial, doutrinária, legislativa e a do referente, concluiu-se que há pacificação jurisprudencial acerca da impossibilidade de retenção de arras confirmatórias, que vai em sentido contrário à posição doutrinária. Observou-se, ainda, a existência do marco jurisprudencial que sedimentou tal entendimento, que foi o julgado AgInt no AgRg no REsp 1.197.860/SC. Com efeito, é possível ver duas fases na análise jurisprudencial de 57 decisões do STJ acerca do tema. Na primeira fase, antes do julgado supracitado, de 20 decisões, 10 decidiram pela retenção do valor pago a título de sinal (confirmatório), e 10 pela devolução a quem deu as arras, contudo. Contudo na segunda fase, após o julgado, houve significativa mudança quantitativa, na qual em 37 decisões, 30 não permitiram a retenção de arras confirmatórias, e, em 7, se permitiu, sendo 6 parcialmente e 1 integralmente.

    GSFC Heliophysics Science Division 2008 Science Highlights

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    This report is intended to record and communicate to our colleagues, stakeholders, and the public at large about heliophysics scientific and flight program achievements and milestones for 2008, for which NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Heliophysics Science Division (HSD) made important contributions. HSD comprises approximately 261 scientists, technologists, and administrative personnel dedicated to the goal of advancing our knowledge and understanding of the Sun and the wide variety of domains that its variability influences. Our activities include Lead science investigations involving flight hardware, theory, and data analysis and modeling that will answer the strategic questions posed in the Heliophysics Roadmap; Lead the development of new solar and space physics mission concepts and support their implementation as Project Scientists; Provide access to measurements from the Heliophysics Great Observatory through our Science Information Systems, and Communicate science results to the public and inspire the next generation of scientists and explorers

    Blockade of tumor necrosis factor in collagen-induced arthritis reveals a novel immunoregulatory pathway for Th1 and Th17 cells

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    IL-17 is implicated in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and has previously been shown to be induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in vitro. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of TNF inhibition on IL-17 production in collagen-induced arthritis, a model of RA. TNF blockade using TNFR-Fc fusion protein or anti-TNF monoclonal antibody reduced arthritis severity but, unexpectedly, expanded populations of Th1 and Th17 cells, which were shown by adoptive transfer to be pathogenic. Th1 and Th17 cell populations were also expanded in collagen-immunized TNFR p55−/− but not p75−/− mice. The expression of IL-12/IL-23 p40 was up-regulated in lymph nodes (LN) from p55−/− mice, and the expansion of Th1/Th17 cells was abrogated by blockade of p40. Treatment of macrophages with rTNF also inhibited p40 production in vitro. These findings indicate that at least one of the ways in which TNF regulates Th1/Th17 responses in arthritis is by down-regulating the expression of p40. Finally, although TNF blockade increased numbers of Th1 and Th17 cells in LN, it inhibited their accumulation in the joint, thereby providing an explanation for the paradox that anti-TNF therapy ameliorates arthritis despite increasing numbers of pathogenic T cells

    GSFC Heliophysics Science Division FY2010 Annual Report

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    This report is intended to record and communicate to our colleagues, stakeholders, and the public at large about heliophysics scientific and flight program achievements and milestones for 2010, for which NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Heliophysics Science Division (HSD) made important contributions. HSD comprises approximately 323 scientists, technologists, and administrative personnel dedicated to the goal of advancing our knowledge and understanding of the Sun and the wide variety of domains that its variability influences. Our activities include: Leading science investigations involving flight hardware, theory, and data analysis and modeling that will answer the strategic questions posed in the Heliophysics Roadmap; Leading the development of new solar and space physics mission concepts and support their implementation as Project Scientists; Providing access to measurements from the Heliophysics Great Observatory through our Science Information Systems; and Communicating science results to the public and inspiring the next generation of scientists and explorers
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