9 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPermasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Kelompok tani Suka Maju hingga saat ini yaitu masih menggunakan metode manual dalam proses penanaman benih jagung, hal ini membuat waktu pengerjaan lebih lama dan posisi lubang tidak sejajar dan presisi. Dampak dari dua hal tersebut yaitu akan menambah biaya tenaga kerja dan posisi jagung yang tidak sejajar ataupun berhimpitan akan membuat petumbuhan tanaman jagung tidak optimal. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan teknologi alat penanam benih tipe row seeder untuk mengurangi jerih kerja petani pada saat proses penanaman benih khususnya tanaman jagung. Kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan di lahan Kelompok tani Suka Maju  Kelurahan Juata Laut Kecamatan Tarakan Utara, Kota Tarakan. Kegiatan ini dibagi dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu survey, sosialisasi, pembuatan alat, bimbingan teknis serta evaluasi pelaksanaan dan keberlanjutan program oleh Kelompok Tani. Kegiatan PKM penerapan teknologi alat penanam tipe row seeder di kelompok tani Suka Maju berjalan dengan baik serta para petani bersemangat untuk mengaplikasikan alat penanam di setiap lahan mereka. Selain itu terjadi peningkatan efisiensi dalam proses budidaya tanaman jagung dikelompok tani suka maju yaitu proses penananam jagung bisa lebih cepat 45% dibandingkan pada saat penanaman benih jagung secara manual Kata kunci: penerapan; alat penanam benih jagung; tipe row seeder. ABSTRACTThe problem faced by the Suka Maju farmer group until now is that they still use manual methods in the process of planting corn seeds, this makes the processing time longer and the position of the planting holes is not parallel and precise. The impact of these two things is that it will increase labor costs and the position of corn that is not parallel or coincides will make corn plant growth not optimal. This service aims to apply row seeder type seed planter technology to reduce the labor of farmers during the seed planting process, especially for corn plants. This PKM activity was carried out on agricultural land belonging to the Suka Maju farmer group, Juata Laut Village, North Tarakan District, Tarakan City. This activity is divided into several stages, namely survey, socialization, tool making, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation and sustainability of the program by the Farmer Group. The PKM activity for the application of row seeder type planter technology in the Suka Maju farmer group is going well and the farmers are excited to apply the planter in each of their lands. In addition, there is an increase in efficiency in the corn cultivation process in the advanced farmer group, namely the corn planting process can be 45% faster than when planting corn seeds manually. Keywords: application; corn seed planter; row seeder type

    Pengaruh Metode Pengeringan Terhadap Karakteristik dan Sifat Organoleptik Biji Kopi Arabika (Coffeae Arabica) Dan Biji Kopi Robusta (Coffeae Cannephora)

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    Abstrak. Pengeringan merupakan faktor penting dari pengolahan kopi, tanpa pengeringan yang tepat baik itu pengeringan mekanis maupun secara tradisional kualitas biji kopi tidak akan memenuhi standar yang disyaratkan. Proses pengeringan yang baik tidak hanya berpengaruh terhadap sifat fisik biji kopi seperti tingkat kadar air, namun juga meningkatkan citarasa dan aroma dari biji kopi tersebut. Karakteristik terbaik yang diperoleh dari biji kopi setelah proses pengeringan akan menentukan kualitas produk kopi di pasaran. penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh metode pengeringan terhadap penurunan kadar air dan sifat organoleptik biji kopi arabika dan robusta sehingga didapatkan metode terbaik dalam pengolahan kopi. 50 kg biji kopi Arabica dan robusta dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari dengan menggunakan alas terpal, sedangkan 50 kg sisanya dikeringkan menggunakan mesin pengering biji-bijian tipe batch. Uji organoleptik (rasa dan aroma) menggunakan metode uji Hedonik dan diolah dengan analisis sidik ragam. Pengeringan biji kopi secara mekanis menunjukkan penurunan kadar air yang lebih cepat (17jam) daripada pengeringan secara tradisional (23 jam). Hasil pengujian rasa dan aroma menunjukkan biji kopi Arabica yang dikeringkan menggunakan mesin pengering mekanis lebih disukai panelis dengan nilai uji hedonik tertinggi (67 dan 63 poin). The Effect of Drying Methods on the Characteristics and Organoleptics of Arabica Coffee Beans (Coffeae Arabica) and Robusta Coffee Beans (Coffeae Cannephora) Abstract. Drying is an important factor in coffee processing, without proper drying, both mechanical drying and traditionally the quality of coffee beans will not meet the required standards. A good drying process not only affects the physical properties of coffee beans such as the level of water content, but also increases the flavor and aroma of the coffee beans. The best characteristics obtained from coffee beans after the drying process will determine the quality of coffee products on the market. This study aims to determine the effect of drying method on decreasing water content and organoleptic properties of arabica and robusta coffee beans so that the best method in coffee processing is obtained. 50 kg of Arabica and robusta coffee beans are dried under the sun by using terpal, while the remaining 50 kg is dried using a batch-type grain drying machine. Organoleptic test (taste and aroma) using Hedonic test method and processed by analysis of variance. Mechanical drying of coffee beans shows a decrease in water content faster (17 hours) than traditional drying (23 hours). The taste and aroma test results showed Arabica coffee beans dried using a mechanical drying machine were preferred by panelists with the highest hedonic test values (67 and 63 points)

    POTENSI JAMUR TIRAM PUTIH (Pleurotus ostreatus) TERHADAP PENGHAMBATAN Candida albicans DAN Propionibacterium acnes

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    Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is not a new food for the community. Long time ago oyster mushrooms is food but not so well known. Now oyster mushrooms have been accepted by the community as a healthy food. This is the background of this research to produce mushrooms not only as nutritious food but also natural medicine. The purpose of this study was to examine the antimicrobial potential of oyster mushrooms by determination of clear zone against Candida albicans and Propionibacterium acnes bacterias. This research was conducted at Forest Products Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman University. The resources of oyster mushroom we used in this study comes from the cultivation of the entrepreanure forestry student group in Mulawarman University. This study used successful extraction with hexane solvent, ethyl acetate, ethanol, water, and crude ethanol. The results obtained that the highest antimicrobial inhibition against Candida albicans bacteria with 47.60% with a concentration of 100 ppm but, on the antimicrobial against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria did not show any significant inhibition

    Is Agricultural Institutions Affect the Sustainability of Local Adan Rice Farming?

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    Krayan's main commodity is Adan rice which has received a Geographical Indication Certification (GIS). This rice has high economic value and competitiveness because it is cultivated organically. Therefore, local rice commodities need to be cultivated in a sustainable manner. One dimension of local rice sustainability is the institutional dimension. The institutional dimension is an important for sustainable agricultural development because it plays a supporting role in the success of farming. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of local Adan rice farming on the institutional dimension in Krayan District, Nunukan Regency, Indonesia. This research was completed by using the Multi Dimensional Scaling Method and sample was obtained of 50 respondents. The results showed that the institutional dimension of local Adan rice farming in Krayan District was 58.41 which means the institutional dimension has an affect on the sustainability of Adan rice  farming in Krayan sub-district with a quite sustainable status. The results of the analysis of sensitive attributes on the institutional dimension are capital loans from financial institutions (banks or other capital assistance institutions), the existence of cooperative institutions, capital assistance from cooperatives and Membership in indigenous forums. This implies that, considering all sensitive attributes of institutional dimension are important aspect to support the sustainability of local Adan rice farming


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    Indonesia merupakan negara hutan tropis yang luas, maka tak heran negara ini menjadi negara megabiodiversitas. Jamur tiram merupakan salah satu hasil kekayaan alam Indonesia yang memiliki potensi sebagai tanaman kesehatan dan obat. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memunculkan potensi aktivitas antioksidan pada jamur tiram yang banyak dibudidaya di Kalimantan Timur khususnya Samarinda. Sampel kami ambil dari rumah jamur borneo dan penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kimia Hasil Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman. Metode ekstraksi bertingkat menggunakan n-heksan, etil asetat, dan etanol. Metode antioksidan yang digunakan adalah penangkal radikal bebas (DPPH) dengan masing-masing tiga kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi pada ekstrak air dengan nilai penghambatan 25% pada kosentrasi 100 ppm. Pada ekstrak heksan merupakan hambatan terkecil dengan nilai penghambatan 2,41% pada kosentrasi 25ppm.

    UJI POTENSI EKSTRAK DAUN TANAMAN KETEPENG (Cassia alata L) DALAM MENGHAMBAT PERTUMBUHAN BAKTERI Ralstonia solanacearum dan Streptococcus sobrinus

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    Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) was a group of plants included in the Magnoliophyta division which can be found in tropical or subtropical areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of Ketepeng leaves to inhibit the growth of R. solanacearum and S. sobrinus bacteria. The method used in this study is agar well diffusion with 3 replications. The sample used was Ketepeng leaf extract with several concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, 2%. Positive controls in this study were Chloramphenicol and negative control of 40% ethanol. The variables calculated are the calculation of water content, percentage of yield and percentage of area diameter barriers (DDH). In addition, the DDH results show the ethanol extract of Ketepeng leaves at concentrations of 0.5% and 1% not able to inhibit the growth of R. solanacearum, but at a concentration of 2% able to inhibit R.solanacearum with a diameter of 11,7 mm and the ethanol extract of Ketepeng leaves at concentrations was able to inhibit the growth of S. sobrinus bacteria with the highest diameter of 16 mm at a concentration of 2%.

    Aktivitas Antimikroba Ekstrak Bakau (Rhizophora mucronata) dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Ralstonia solanacearum Penyebab Penyakit Layu

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    R. mucronata telah banyak digunakan sebagai tanaman obat-obatan tradisional karena mampu menghasilkan metabolit sekunder seperti tanin, alkaloid, terpenoid, sapponin dan flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi bagian tanaman daun dan kulit batang sebagai penghambat bakteri R. solanacearum, dengan konsentrasi 5000 ppm, 10000 ppm dan 20000 ppm, kontrol positif (Chlorampenicol), kontrol negatif (Etanol). Metode yang digunakan untuk uji daya hambat menggunakan metode difusi agar sumuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukan faktor kelembaban daun R. mucronata (0.33g) kulit batang (0.58g). Hasil rendemen ekstrak daun (17.61%) kulit batang (7.85%). Persentase penghambatan menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun R. mucronata memiliki daya hambat terhadap R. solanacearum pada konsentrasi 20000 ppm dan 10000 ppm masing-masing 31% dan 29%, namun disisi lain pada daun R. mucronata konsentrasi 5000 ppm tidak ada aktivitas daya hambat. Pada sampel yang berbeda Kulit batang R. mucronata menunjukkan adanya aktivitas daya hambat pada konsentrasi 5000 ppm, 10000 ppm dan 20000 ppm dengan nilai persentase secara berturut-turut 34%, 39%, dan 44%.

    Chemical Constituent of Acacia auriculiformis Wood Extractives and Their Antioxidant Activity

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    Acacia auriculiformis showed good potential to be developed as a raw material for bioactive compounds. The heartwood of A. auriculiformis is still rarely explored. The purpose of this study was to identify the bioactive components of the heartwood. Six compounds were identified from the heartwood through nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy, namely the C-3,4',7,8 hydroxyl substituted flavonoids and chalcone. Two methylated teracacidins and chalcone-like teracacidin were identified for the first time in the A. auriculiformis heartwood, along with three known compounds. These compounds showed good radical scavenging and reduction activity, compared to crude extract and ascorbic acid, using three different antioxidant assays. The molecular structure-dependent activity was observed to affect the trend of the different antioxidant activities. This finding shows good potential for further development of plant parts of A. auriculiformis from Indonesia as new raw materials for medicines. Keywords: Acacia auriculiformis, antioxidant, chalcone, flavonoid, heartwoo


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    White oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a mushroom that has a variety of basidiomycetes that grow in tropical forests with high humidity. This mushroom is classified as edible, has even been cultivated for a long time by the community. Therefore, nowadays oyster mushrooms have a high value, it caused many people have cultivated these mushrooms. In this study we want to show a difference in the growth of the white oyster mushroom mycelium before given promol 12 (as control) and after being given 12 types of local microbial probiotics (PROMOL12). The method used is RAK (Design random groups). In this study, it was shown that the influence of the growth of white oyster mushroom mycelium was given PROMOL12. The growth of oyster mushrooms showed a difference for baglog 12 promol medium having an average growth of 0.6 cm and a growth period of 14 days, on the other hand baglog media control had an average growth of 0.7 cm with a growth period of 17 days. With the same environmental conditions, the average temperature is 27-29.5OC and the humidity is also not less than 60%, which has an average of 70% -81% which is in accordance with the growth of oyster mushroom mycelium