29 research outputs found

    Tietoturva Isännöintiverkko

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli luoda toimeksiantajan, Isännöintiverkko Oy:n henkilöstölle tietoturvaohjeistus. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli korostaa tietoturvan merkitystä sekä opastaa mahdollisimman tietoturvalliseen käyttäytymiseen verkossa. Nykyisen digitalisaation myötä, henkilöstön tietoturvaosaaminen tulisi vastata nykyaikaa. Tätä opinnäytetyötä voidaan myös hyödyntää tietoturvan kehittämisessä. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin toiminnallisena menetelmänä, jossa teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui kirjallisista sekä sähköisistä lähteistä. Keskeisenä tuotoksena oli ohjeistus, joka luovutettiin toimeksiantajan hyödynnettäväksi koko henkilöstölle. Kouluttamisesta vastaa Isännöintiverkko. Tulokset opinnäytetyön tavoitteisiin olivat onnistuneet ja palaute toimeksiantajan puolelta oli positiivista. Ohjeistuksesta on suuri apu toimeksiantajalle pelisääntöjen luontiin.The objective of this thesis was to create information security guidelines for Isännöintiverkko Ltd’s personnel. The purpose of the thesis was to emphasize the importance of information security and to guide to the most secure online behaviour as possible. With current digitalisa-tion, the employees information security expertise should be up to date. This thesis can also be used to develop information security. The method used in this thesis was an operational method in which the theoretical framework was based on books and electronic sources. The main result was instructions, that were handed over to the commissioner to be used by the staff. Isännöintiverkko is responsible for the training. The results of the thesis were successful and the feedback from the client was positive. The guidelines help the commissioner to make ground rules

    From national hiking area to a national park - A report on the landscape of Hossa

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    Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Hossan retkeilyaluetta maiseman kannalta. Työn tarkoituksena on koota maisemaselvitykseksi tietoa alueen maisemasta, kulttuurihistoriasta ja virkistyskäytöstä. Maisemaselvityksellä kartoitetaan Hossan aluetta uudesta näkökulmasta ja tuodaan esille Hossaan kesällä 2017 perustettavaan kansallispuistoon liittyviä haasteita sekä tarjotaan niihin ratkaisuja. Työ jakautuu kolmeen eri osioon. Aluksi käydään läpi Suomen suojelualuejärjestelmää ja pohjustetaan siten Hossan retkeilyalueen nykytilannetta sekä tulevaisuutta. Toisessa osiossa keskitytään Hossan esittelyyn ja analysointiin. Analyysiosiossa Hossan retkeilyalueesta pyritään antamaan kokonaisvaltainen kuva niin maiseman, luonnonsuojelun, metsätalouden, kulttuurihistorian kuin virkistyksenkin osalta. Kolmannessa osiossa esitellään analyysin pohjalta koottuja kehitysehdotuksia, joiden tavoitteena on turvata Hossan maisemaa, virkistyskäyttöä sekä luonnonarvoja. Nykyisiin haasteisiin ja ongelmiin vastaamisen lisäksi pohditaan tulevaisuudessa tapahtuvia muutoksia ja paineita luonnonsuojeluun sekä virkistykseen. Kattava ja asiantuntevasti tehty maisemaselvitys on hyvä työkalu, jota voitaisiin käyttää enemmän myös esimerkiksi suojelu- ja virkistysalueiden yhteydessä hahmottamaan laajempia kokonaisuuksia ja tuomaan eri alojen näkökulmia yhteen. Hossan monipuoliset virkistysmahdollisuudet eivät ole päässeet oikeuksiinsa alueen syrjäisen sijainnin vuoksi. Kansallispuisto tuo asiaan parannusta, mutta se myös tarkoittaa, että alueen käyttö täytyy suunnitella entistä paremmin luontoarvojen säilymisen takaamiseksi.This thesis approaches Hossa National Hiking Area from the point of view of landscape. The purpose of the document is to gather knowledge of landscape, cultural history and recreational use of the Hossa area and compile a landscape survey using the knowledge. The thesis offers a fresh point of view to the state of the area and presents features affecting an upcoming National Park, which will be established in Hossa in the summer of 2017. The thesis is split in three parts. First, the law-based system of Finnish conservation areas is presented. In the second part the National Hiking Area of Hossa is introduced and analyzed. The aim is to give a comprehensive explanation, including landscape, nature conservation, forestry, cultural history and recreation features of the area. In the final part, alternatives for developing the area are presented based on the compiled information. The solutions presented aim to conserve the landscape, recreation and nature. In addition to addressing the current challenges in the area, future changes and trends concerning recreation and nature conservation are explored. A comprehensive and professional landscape analysis and survey are good tools, which should be more widely used in planning nature conservation areas and recreational areas. It would help in conceiving large entities and bringing together different perspectives in a cross-disciplinary survey. The diverse recreational qualities of Hossa have not been getting the attention they deserve because of the remote location of the site. The upcoming National Park will improve the situation, but it also increases the erosion caused by use. Thus, it is important to adjust the area planning to address the possible future challenges

    Improving Feature Lead Time in Digital Service Development

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    The case company has a decades-long history as a digital frontrunner in its industry. To remain competitive in the future as well, it has set ambitious targets for digitalization. While investing in digital leadership, income growth and operational efficiency are also strong focus areas. The case organization plays a significant role in realizing these aspirations while maintaining strict cost control. In an ever-tightening competitive environment, it is crucial to speed up the time to market, i.e. feature lead time when developing new digital services. Research strategy for this project was case study. The case organization is a SAFe based large Agile Release Train (ART) responsible for number of value streams, having a need to shorten the feature lead times of its digital deliveries. Current baselines for feature lead times were established at first on ART, development team and selected value stream levels, in order to be able evaluate the effectiveness of the improvement measures in the future. This was done by using statistical analysis on historical feature lead time data. After establishing the baselines, the next step was to investigate the reasons for long feature lead times in selected value streams. That turned out to be impossible to perform just based on the lead time data. Quality of the data was not reliable and comprehensive enough for conclusive analysis. Therefore, manual in-depth analysis was performed on features with a very long lead time, in this case more than one year. Analysis revealed two main reasons and few smaller factors for long feature lead times. In many cases the work items were too large to begin with, which has led to slower implementation, longer lead times and thus delayed value realization. Teams have often failed to address the delays actively and swiftly when they were noticed. Introduction of new technology tends to lead into increased lead times. The same happens when teams fail to identify and mitigate risks in advance related to complex features. Analysis exposed problems with the lead time data quality. It is sufficient for measuring overall feature lead times, but not reliable enough for more detailed analysis of the feature development and delivery process. This study was able to identify number of root causes for long feature lead times. The study also produced a list of suggested measures for the case organization, not only to improve feature lead times in the future, but also the quality of the lead time data

    Surface plasmons carry a pancharatnam-berry phase

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    Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are electromagnetic surface waves that travel along the boundary of a metal and a dielectric medium. They can be generated when freely propagating light is scattered by structural metallic features like gratings or slits. In plasmonics, SPPs are manipulated, amplified, or routed before being converted back into light by a second scattering event. In this process the light acquires a dynamic phase, and possibly an additional geometric phase associated with polarization changes. We examine the possibility that SPPs can mediate a geometric Pancharatnam-Berry phase, and find that this is indeed the case. Moreover, the geometric phase is shown to survive the light → SPP → light process

    Surface Plasmons Carry the Pancharatnam-Berry Geometric Phase

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    Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are electromagnetic surface waves that travel along the boundary of a metal and a dielectric medium. They can be generated when freely propagating light is scattered by structural metallic features such as gratings or slits. In plasmonics, SPPs are manipulated, amplified, or routed before being converted back into light by a second scattering event. In this process, the light acquires a dynamic phase and perhaps an additional geometric phase associated with polarization changes. We examine the possibility that SPPs mediate the Pancharatnam-Berry phase, which follows from a closed path of successive in-phase polarization-state transformations on the Poincaré sphere and demonstrate that this is indeed the case. The geometric phase is shown to survive the light→SPP→light process and, moreover, its magnitude agrees with Pancharatnam's rule. Our findings are fundamental in nature and highly relevant for photonics applications

    Grating theory approach to optics of nanocomposites

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    Nanocomposites, i.e., materials comprising nano-sized entities embedded in a host matrix, can have tailored optical properties with applications in diverse fields such as photovoltaics, bio-sensing, and nonlinear optics. Effective medium approaches such as Maxwell-Garnett and Bruggemann theories, which are conventionally used for modeling the optical properties of nanocomposites, have limitations in terms of the shapes, volume fill fractions, sizes, and types of the nanoentities embedded in the host medium. We demonstrate that grating theory, in particular the Fourier Eigen-mode Method, offers a viable alternative. The proposed technique based on grating theory presents nanocomposites as periodic structures composed of unit-cells containing a large and random collection of nanoentities. This approach allows us to include the effects of the finite wavelength of light and calculate the nanocomposite characteristics regardless of the morphology and volume fill fraction of the nano-inclusions. We demonstrate the performance of our approach by calculating the birefringence of porous silicon, linear absorption spectra of silver nanospheres arranged on a glass substrate, and nonlinear absorption spectra for a layer of silver nanorods embedded in a host polymer material having Kerr-type nonlinearity. The developed approach can also be applied to quasi-periodic structures with deterministic randomness or metasurfaces containing a large collection of elements with random arrangements inside their unit cells.publishedVersionPeer reviewe