44 research outputs found

    Toisen vuosikurssin musiikinopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillinen sosialisaatio

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä pro gradu tutkimuksessa tutkitaan musiikinopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillista sosialisaatiota. Miten se näyttää muotonsa ennen opiskeluja, opiskelujen aikana sekä myöhemmässä vaiheessa jo työelämän saralla. Musiikinopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillinen sosialisaatio tarkoittaa kykyä sovitella omia identiteettejä keskenään, pääasiassa muusikon sekä opettajan identiteetit. Käsitykset musiikinopettajan toimenkuvasta, arvoista ja pätevyydestä piirtyvät mieleemme primaareista kokemuksistamme ja esimerkkiä antavista musiikinopettajista. Näissä käsityksissä on suurta vaihtelua, eikä yksikään niistä kuvaile totuutta objektiivisesti. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muotoutuu kasvatussosiologian perinteistä, osaidentiteeteistä, aiemmista tutkimuksista musiikin ja sekä musiikkikasvatuksesta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada uutta tietoa opiskelujen roolista professioammattiin tähtäävänä koulutuksena ja tutkimustulokset viittaavat siihen, että koulutus vaatii lisää resursseja, jotta opiskelijat voisivat paremmin asettua opettajuuden rooliin. Pro gradu -tutkielmamme on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena tutkimuksena. Analyysimenetelmänä olemme käyttäneet fenomenografiaa, jonka tulososiossa hyödynnetään kuvauskategoriajärjestelmää. Tulososiossa hyödynsimme teemahaastattelua haastatellen kuutta (6) eri Oulun yliopiston musiikkikasvatuksen opiskelijaa. Tulosten mukaan opettajaopiskelijat pohtivat omaa suhdettaan opettamiseen, koulutukseen, musiikin osaamiseen sekä ihmisläheisyyteen. Käsitysten variaatio loivat analyysissa linssin, jonka kautta koulutuksen tavoitteita voidaan tarkastella ja arvioida. Opiskelijoiden käsitykset viittaavat suureen motivaatioon kehittyä ammattilaisiksi, mutta mahdollisuuksia opettajuuden kehittämiseen on tarjottu rajatusti. Tulokset viittaavat muutostarpeisiin kandidaattivaiheen koulutuksen sisällöistä ja pedagogisten opintojen menettelyistä

    Association between parent mental health and paediatric TBI: epidemiological observations from the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort

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    BACKGROUND:This study examined whether parental mental illness has implications for child risk for traumatic brain injuries (TBI).METHOD: Data on 60 069 Finnish children born in 1987 and their parents were examined for demographic and mental health-related variables in relationship with paediatric TBI. Altogether, 15 variables were derived from the cohort data with ICD-10 F-codes being available for mental health diagnoses for all parents. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were carried out using inpatient and outpatient diagnoses of child TBI.RESULTS: Paternal disorders due to psychoactive substance use (F10-F19) was associated with an increased inpatient TBI (OR=1.51; CI=1.07 to 2.14). Mood disorders (F30-F39) were associated with higher rates of outpatient TBI (OR=1.42; CI=1.06 to 1.90). Paternal personality and behavioural disorders (F60-F69) were linked with a twofold increase in risk across both categories of child TBI (OR=2.35; CI=1.41 to 3.90) and (OR=2.29; CI=1.45 to 3.61), respectively. Among the maternal mental health factors associated with child TBI, schizophrenia and other non-mood psychotic disorders (F20-F29) were associated with an increase in inpatient traumatic brain injuries (iTBI) (OR=1.78; 1.22 to 2.59). Mothers having mood disorders (F30-F39) were more likely to have had a child who experienced an iTBI (OR=1.64; CI=1.20 to 2.22). Mothers with personality and behavioural disorders (F60-F69) were also found to have had children with an increased risk for iTBI (OR=2.30; CI=1.14 to 3.65).CONCLUSION: Taken together, these data should call attention to methods and strategies designed to augment and support caregiving environments with modalities that can foster mutually supportive households in cooperation with parents who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder.</h4

    Maternal childbirth experience and induction of labour in each mode of delivery: a retrospective seven-year cohort study of 95,051 parturients in Finland

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    Childbirth experience has been shown to depend on the mode of delivery. However, it is unclear how labour induction influences the childbirth experience in different modes of delivery. Thus, we assessed the childbirth experience among mothers with spontaneous and induced labours.Background Childbirth experience has been shown to depend on the mode of delivery. However, it is unclear how labour induction influences the childbirth experience in different modes of delivery. Thus, we assessed the childbirth experience among mothers with spontaneous and induced labours. Design A retrospective cohort study. Setting Childbirths in four delivery hospitals in Helsinki and Uusimaa District, Finland, in 2012-2018. Sample 95051 childbirths excluding elective caesarean sections. Methods Obstetric data combined to maternal childbirth experience measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was analysed with univariate linear modelling and group comparisons. The primiparas and multiparas were analysed separately throughout the study due to the different levels of VAS. Main outcome measures Maternal childbirth experience measured by VAS. Results The negative effect of labour induction on the childbirth experience was discovered in each mode of delivery. Operative deliveries were perceived more negatively when they were preceded by labour induction. The rate of poor childbirth experience (VASPeer reviewe

    Drop-out and mood improvement: a randomised controlled trial with light exposure and physical exercise [ISRCTN36478292]

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    BACKGROUND: Combining bright light exposure and physical exercise may be an effective way of relieving depressive symptoms. However, relatively little is known about individual factors predicting either a good response or treatment failure. We explored background variables possibly explaining the individual variation in treatment response or failure in a randomised trial. METHODS: Participants were volunteers of working-age, free from prior mental disorders and recruited via occupational health centres. The intervention was a randomised 8-week trial with three groups: aerobics in bright light, aerobics in normal room lighting, and relaxation/stretching in bright light. Good response was defined as a 50% decrease in the symptom score on either the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) or 8-item scale of atypical symptoms. Background variables for the analysis included sex, age, body-mass index, general health habits, seasonal pattern, and sleep disturbances. RESULTS: Complete data were received from 98 subjects (11 men, 87 women). Of them, 42 (5 men, 37 women) were classified as responders on the HDRS. Overall, light had a significant effect on the number of responders, as assessed with the HDRS (X(2 )= .02). The number needed to treat (NNT) for light was 3.8. CONCLUSIONS: We investigated the effect of bright light and exercise on depressive symptoms. Problems with sleep, especially initial insomnia, may predict a good response to treatment using combined light and exercise. Bright light exposure and physical exercise, even in combination, seem to be well tolerated and effective on depressive symptoms