2,071 research outputs found

    Acculturation Strategies and Arab Youth Cultural Identity Development: A Review

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    As youth immigrate to a new country, they tend to acculturate in various ways. By definition, acculturation is “the processes through which immigrants gradually adapt their language, behavior and/or values as a result of their contact with the mainstream culture” (Wang et al., 2012). Immigrant youth adopt one of four acculturation strategies, namely assimilation, separation, integration and marginalization (Berry & Sabatier, 2010; Coatsworth & Maldonado-Molina, 2005; Wang et al., 2012). Research has shown that adopting an integrated profile with a balance between both heritage and mainstream cultures translates into greater psychological and socio-cultural adaptation. Synthesized information from research on immigrant youths’ adaptation also holds that the acculturation strategy that they adopt influences their cultural identity development, stability or change. Cultural identity is composed of the immigrant youth’s ethnic identity; shaped by their culture of origin; and their national identity; identity supported by the larger society (Berry & Sabatier, 2010; Berry, 2006; Britto & Amer, 2007; Wang et al., 2012). The purpose of this poster is to provide a greater insight into existing research on Arab youths’ identity development and how this is shaped by the acculturation strategy that they adopt. This can be a base for future research on the stability or fluidity of Arab youth cultural identity development and factors leading to youths’ successful acculturation. Key words: Acculturation strategies, cultural Identity, social goals, Arab youth, immigratio


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    Besides being useful for meeting various needs, a dam also has a very big potential for danger.  In order to know the impact of the collapse of the Tanju Dam, it is necessary to make an approach through a dam failure analysis or Dam Break analysis. The collapse of the Tanju Dam was simulated by a scenario due to overtopping and piping using the HEC-RAS v.5 application. The maximum possible rainfall or probable maximum precipitation (PMP) by the Hersfield method is 143.16 mm and the maximum design flood discharge or probable maximum flood (PMF) is 485.44 m3 / s. Based on the results of runoff modeling, the collapse of the tanju dam due to overtopping occurred within a period of 4.83 hours with a peak discharge due to the collapse of the dam of 8674.2 m3 / s and with a total inundation area of 703.52 hectares, where for Dompu Regency there are 7 villages affected in total an area of 464.38 ha, while the inundation area of 239.14 hectares in Bima Regency and the time it takes to get to the estuary is 7 hours. Based on the results of modeling runoff due to piping with a peak discharge of 8582.1 m3 / s, the total inundation area is 697.35 hectares, where for Dompu Regency there are 7 affected villages with a total area of 458.90 hectares, while the inundation area is 238.45 ha in Bima Regency

    Traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire : étude rétrospective sur les traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire A propos de 26 cas

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    Notre travail est une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective des caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques des traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire dans le service de traumatologie du CHU Frantz Fanon, sur une pĂ©riode de 2 ans, allant du Janvier 2015 au DĂ©cembre 2016. ON a soulignĂ© les donnĂ©es suivantes : L’ñge moyen de nos malades est de 29 ans. Le sexe masculin est le plus atteint (80,76%). Les Ă©tiologies sont dominĂ©es par les AVP avec un pourcentage de 53.84%, suivies des CHUTES (46,15%). La douleur rachidienne de la rĂ©gion traumatisĂ©e est le signe rĂ©vĂ©lateur principal. Les dĂ©ficits neurologiques sont frĂ©quents (96,26%). Les fractures de la charniĂšre dorsolombaire prĂ©dominent sur les atteintes lombaires et dorsales. La fracture- tassement est la lĂ©sion prĂ©dominante (65,35%) avec siĂšge Ă©lectif au niveau de la 1Ăšre vertĂšbre lombaire. Le traitement chirurgical assurant une fixation efficace des lĂ©sions instables, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© chez tous les patients. L’évolution des paraplĂ©giques reste encore menacĂ©e par certaines complications de la pĂ©riode initiale notamment les infections urinaires. L’évolution des troubles neurologiques Ă©tant dans l’ensemble variable. La lĂ©sion mĂ©dullaire complĂšte a un pronostic pĂ©joratif.Notre travail est une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective des caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques des traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire dans le service de traumatologie du CHU Frantz Fanon, sur une pĂ©riode de 2 ans, allant du Janvier 2015 au DĂ©cembre 2016. ON a soulignĂ© les donnĂ©es suivantes : L’ñge moyen de nos malades est de 29 ans. Le sexe masculin est le plus atteint (80,76%). Les Ă©tiologies sont dominĂ©es par les AVP avec un pourcentage de 53.84%, suivies des CHUTES (46,15%). La douleur rachidienne de la rĂ©gion traumatisĂ©e est le signe rĂ©vĂ©lateur principal. Les dĂ©ficits neurologiques sont frĂ©quents (96,26%). Les fractures de la charniĂšre dorsolombaire prĂ©dominent sur les atteintes lombaires et dorsales. La fracture- tassement est la lĂ©sion prĂ©dominante (65,35%) avec siĂšge Ă©lectif au niveau de la 1Ăšre vertĂšbre lombaire. Le traitement chirurgical assurant une fixation efficace des lĂ©sions instables, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© chez tous les patients. L’évolution des paraplĂ©giques reste encore menacĂ©e par certaines complications de la pĂ©riode initiale notamment les infections urinaires. L’évolution des troubles neurologiques Ă©tant dans l’ensemble variable. La lĂ©sion mĂ©dullaire complĂšte a un pronostic pĂ©joratif

    Tumeurs rares de l’ovaire: Ă  propos d’une sĂ©rie de 11 cas de tumeurs non Ă©pithĂ©liales malignes de l’ovaire

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    Les tumeurs non épithéliales malignes de l'ovaire représentent environ 20% des cancers de l'ovaire. L'objectif de notre travail est de dresser lesparticularités diagnostiques cliniques et d'imagerie de ces tumeurs. Nous avons procédé à une étude rétrospective portant sur 11 cas de tumeursnon épithéliales de l'ovaire. Ces tumeurs ont été colligées au service de gynécologie et obstétrique I du CHU Hassan II de FÚs sur une période de 4 ans, entre janvier 2009 et décembre 2012. Les tumeurs germinales représentant 54% (6 patientes) des cas alors que les tumeurs du cordonsexuel ont été représentées par 4 cas de tumeurs de granulosa de type adulte et nous avons colligés un cas de lymphome ovarien primitif. Lasymptomatologie clinique était dominée par la distension abdominale associée souvent à des douleurs abdominopelviennes chroniques. La tailletumorale moyenne était de 175 mm avec un aspect solido-kystique dans 54% des cas. Le dosage des marqueurs tumoraux (hormone chorioniquegonadotrope, lactate déshydrogénase, CA 125, alpha-foetoprotéine) a été réalisé chez toutes les patientes. La découverte d'une masse annexiellesuspecte chez une jeune femme doit, outre une tumeur frontiÚre ou un cancer épithélial de l'ovaire, évoquer une tumeur non épithéliale, a fortiorisi cette masse est volumineuse, si elle est associée à des signes d'hyperestrogénie ou d'androgénie

    Reuse of Iraqi Agricultural Drainage Water Using Nanofiltration

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    Abstract: Irrigated areas between Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Iraq suffer from salinity buildup in the root zone of corps. Agricultural drain water (ADW) from these areas is collected in a single main drain canal, in an annual flow rate of about 6 billion cubic meter. In the present work, a pilot-scale nanofiltration membranes unit was used to evaluate the feasibility of desalinating ADW from the main drain canal for further reuse. Bench scale experiments were conducted to determine the optimum anti-scale dosage values in the unit. These values were verified in a plate type laboratory scale NF membrane to visually monitor the onset of crystal appearance behavior. A method for calcium sulfate precipitation control is presented and an empirical correlation of anti-scale dosage as a function of concentration factor (CF) was obtained. A pilot-scale unit was used to investigate the performance of NF membrane. High rejection values for both cations and anions indicate that the use of NF membrane in desalinating ADW from the Iraqi main drain canal is promising. The treated drainage water is considered good for irrigation when classified according to Wilcox classification

    Setting international standards for patient and parent involvement and engagement in childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer research: A report from a European Collaborative Workshop

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    BACKGROUND: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in research, advocates for research conducted ‘with’ not ‘for’ the affected population. In paediatric oncology research, the parents of children, adolescents and young adults affected by cancer are represented by the term ‘public’ in the acronym PPIE. Patients (those with cancer and cancer survivors) are also passionate advocates who drive forward the research priorities of children, adolescents and young adults throughout the entire research process. AIMS: A workshop was held at an international professional meeting in 2019 with the aim to define Patient and Parent Involvement and Engagement (PPIE); capture PPIE activities on a European level; and to explore the role of PPIE in non-interventional research. A proposed framework for a European PPIE strategy for childhood, adolescent and young adult cancers was also discussed. METHODS: The 60-minute workshop was attended by health care professionals, researchers, scientists, parents, survivors and charity/support organisations. A presentation to define PPIE, including the difference in terminology for PPIE in the context of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancers was discussed. Best practice examples from the United Kingdom (UK) helped to demonstrate the positive impact of PPIE in paediatric oncology research. Three breakout groups then explored themes relating to PPIE, namely PPIE priorities, PPIE mapping for Europe, and PPIE in non-interventional research and data-linkage. RESULTS: Disparity in PPIE activities across Europe was evident, with ambiguity surrounding terminology and expected roles for PPIE representatives in paediatric oncology research. A lack of PPIE activity in Eastern Europe correlated with a lack of availability for clinical trials and poorer survival rates for paediatric oncology patients. There was unanimous support for PPIE embedded research in all areas, including in non-interventional studies. CONCLUSION: A European-level definition of PPIE for paediatric oncology research is needed. Further exploration into the role and responsibilities of patients, parents, and professionals when undertaking PPIE related activities is also recommended. Best practice examples from the UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium demonstrated a preliminary evidence base from which a European PPIE strategy framework can be designed, inclusive of the patient and parent voice

    Protective Activity of Glycyrrihzaglabra against Histopathological Changes in White Albino Rats

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    The study was aimsto evaluation the protective activity of methanol-water extract of Glycyrrihzaglabraroot (GL) against histopathological changes induced by cyclophosphamide in white albino rats. Multiple doses for drug and extract were used to investigate the accumulation effect of drug and extract onliver and kidney. Results show that drug causes different harmful changes in rat organs in all doses concentrations used in study and extract have protective activity to prevent changes in tissue in 1000, 750 and 250 mg \kg , but dose 500 was failure to protect liver and lowest effect on kidney. Conclusion of present study is Glycyrrihzaglabrauseful for protective body organs against side effect of drugs and harmful effect of oxidative stress. Keywords: Glycyrrihzaglabra  ,cyclophosphamide, liver, kidney

    Inhibition of cyclophosphomide mutagenicity using Glycyrrihza glabra root extract

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    The aims of the studying is using methanolic - water extract of the Glycyrrihza glabra root for inhibition the mutagenicity of anticancer drug by cytogenetic assays in vivo in three interaction between the drug and extract. The result shows that the extract is bioantimutagenesis. The treatment by extract after drug causes increase mitotic index and decrease chromosome aberration and sperm head abnormalities. The thin layer chromatography of the extract show that is contains different polar compounds
