11,036 research outputs found

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    Resurrecting Minimal Yukawa Sector of SUSY SO(10)

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    Supersymmetric SO(10)SO(10) models with Yukawa coupling matrices involving only a 10H10_H and a 126H\overline{126}_H of Higgs fields can lead to a predictive and consistent scenario for fermion masses and mixings, including the neutrino sector. However, when coupled minimally to a symmetry breaking sector that includes a 210H210_H and a 126H126_H, these models lead either to an unacceptably small neutrino mass scale, or to non-perturbative values of the gauge couplings. Here we show that with the addition of a 54H54_H to the symmetry breaking sector, the successful predictions of these models for fermion masses and mixings can be maintained. The 54H54_H enables a reduction of the BLB-L symmetry breaking scale to an intermediate value of order 101210^{12} GeV, consistent with the observed neutrino mass spectrum, while preserving perturbative gauge coupling unification. We obtain an excellent fit to all fermion masses and mixings in this framework. We analyze carefully the prediction of the model for CP violation in neutrino oscillations. Consistency with proton lifetime, however, requires a mini-split SUSY spectrum with the squarks and sleptons having masses of order 100 TeV, accompanied by TeV scale gauginos and Higgsinos. Such a spectrum may arise from pure gravity mediation, which would predict the partial lifetime for the decay pνK+p \rightarrow \overline{\nu} K^+ to be an order of magnitude above the current experimental limit.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, replacement to match the published versio

    Numerical simulation of Faraday waves

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    We simulate numerically the full dynamics of Faraday waves in three dimensions for two incompressible and immiscible viscous fluids. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a finite-difference projection method coupled with a front-tracking method for the interface between the two fluids. The domain of calculation is periodic in the horizontal directions and bounded in the vertical direction by two rigid horizontal plates. The critical accelerations and wavenumbers, as well as the temporal behaviour at onset are compared with the results of the linear Floquet analysis of Kumar and Tuckerman [J. Fluid Mech. 279, 49-68 (1994)]. The finite amplitude results are compared with the experiments of Kityk et al. [Phys. Rev. E 72, 036209 (2005)]. In particular we reproduce the detailed spatiotemporal spectrum of both square and hexagonal patterns within experimental uncertainty

    On-Line Learning Theory of Soft Committee Machines with Correlated Hidden Units - Steepest Gradient Descent and Natural Gradient Descent -

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    The permutation symmetry of the hidden units in multilayer perceptrons causes the saddle structure and plateaus of the learning dynamics in gradient learning methods. The correlation of the weight vectors of hidden units in a teacher network is thought to affect this saddle structure, resulting in a prolonged learning time, but this mechanism is still unclear. In this paper, we discuss it with regard to soft committee machines and on-line learning using statistical mechanics. Conventional gradient descent needs more time to break the symmetry as the correlation of the teacher weight vectors rises. On the other hand, no plateaus occur with natural gradient descent regardless of the correlation for the limit of a low learning rate. Analytical results support these dynamics around the saddle point.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Perspektif Hadis Nabi Saw. Tentang Zuhud

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    Dilihat dari perspektif hadis Nabi saw, zuhud bukan berarti mengharamkan yang halal atau menyia-nyiakan hal-hal duniawi, tetapi merasa hati lebih terpaut kepada apa yang di sisi Allah daripada kepada harta, serta lebih berharap akan pahala dari musibah yang menimpa. Zuhud tidak selalu identik dengan kemiskinan. Kaya harta dengan cara yang halal, dan tidak menghambakan diri kepada kekayaan tersebut, sebaliknya hati selalu terpaut dengan apa yang ada di sisi Allah, juga merupakan zuhud.Dari perspektif hadis pula, pada hakikatnya zuhud ada dua: 1) zuhud dari dunia, dan 2) zuhud dari apa yang dimiliki manusia. Zuhud terhadap dunia, bukanlah dengan mengharamkan hal-hal yang dihalalkan oleh syariat, tetapi "hati lebih terpaut kepada apa yang ada di sisi Allah dari pada kepada apa yang kita miliki\u27: dan \u27Jika ditimpa musibah duniawi, lebih berharap akan pahalanya daripada tidak adanya musibah itu sendiri\u27: Sementara, zuhud terhadap milik manusia akan menimbulkan rasa cinta mereka kepada kita

    Peranan Kupem dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Kentang di Kabupaten Kerinci

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat produksi dan pendapatan USAhatani kentang yang memanfaatkan kredit dan tanpa kredit. (2) Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat produksi USAhatani kentang di Kabupaten Kerinci.Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling yakni petani yang mengusahakan tanaman kentang dengan menggunakan kredit dan tanpa kredit. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 orang yang terdiri dari 17 orang petani yang memanfaatkan kredit dan 15 orang yang tidak memanfaatkan kredit.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat produksi USAhatani dengan bantuan kredit (15.770 kg/ha) lebih tinggi daripada USAhatani tanpa kredit (10.390 kg/ha). Pada USAhatani kentang dengan kredit diperoleh R/C ratio sebesar 1,43 sedangkan USAhatani kentang tanpa kredit hanya sebesar 1,34. serta nilai B/C ratio sebesar 1,65. Artinya pendapat USAhatani kentang dengan kredit lebih besar dari pada tanpa kredit. Hasil sidik ragam dari fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas menunjukkan bahwa produksi USAhatani kentang per hektar, secara bersama—sama dipengaruhi oleh jumlah bibit, pupuk, pestisida, tenaga kerja yang digunakan, status lahan yang digarap serta pemanfaatan kredit. Hasil uji parsial menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah produksi kentang per hektar adalah jumlah bibit, pupuk NPK, pupuk SP36 dan pestisida serta pemanfaatan kredit

    Model Based System Engineering for the development of System on Chip

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    Abstract. Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) has been utilized in auto manufacturing industries, airplane manufacturing and maintenance, and factory process automation industries. These are some of the complex fields. As SoC design is a complex process and requires years of work, MBSE can reduce time, complexity, reuse, and maintenance costs. It seems a fruitful idea/decision to take MBSE into use in SoC design depending on the previously mentioned elements. System on Chip (SoC) is obtaining the interest of many big companies. Therefore, MBSE will represent a huge competitive advantage once it is taken fully into the systems engineering roles of SoC. The existence of geographically dispersed teams, complexity of systems, interdisciplinarity, personalized system description, and their integration can be enabled by MBSE. As an emerging paradigm for the systems of the 21st century, MBSE paved the way for creating successful systems (for the companies) that are end to end connected. This research focuses on making use of MBSE in SoC. The thesis will show how SoC processes can be implemented in one complete model with top to bottom approach. Firstly, the traditional systems engineering approach has been explained with its tools and examples. Secondly, the need for taking up MBSE by the systems engineers is expressed. This contains the applications, use in modern systems, and benefits of MBSE. Moreover, MBSE methodology tools, languages, and their use in SoC is illustrated with examples. As SoC development is a huge and complex process; therefore, a small component of the chip has been taken in consideration for the purpose of understanding and making of the thesis. MBSE is a model-based approach hence a language needs to be present to produce these models and that language is SysML and OPD/OPL. SysML language and MagicDraw tool is used for expressing the architecture of the system. MagicDraw supports several external evaluators for evaluation of expressions and MATLAB is one of them. With MagicDraw we can do simulations, input parameters, and analyze data by processing on it using algorithms developed in MATLAB

    First Order Uniform Solution for General Perturbed Harmonic Oscillator

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    In this paper, first order uniform solutions with respect to small parameter  are established analytically for general perturbed harmonic oscillator of the form,    are nonnegative integers. Comparison between these analytical solutions and the numerical solutions of the differential equations is also given for different n, m, and, and showed excellent agreement. A result that confirming the validity of our analytical solutions