9 research outputs found

    Lakuan pernyataan dalam wacana wawancara

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    Dalam analisis ini, wacana wawancara dikaji dari sudut lakuan pertuturan. Lakuan pertuturan merupakan satu kerangka yang memperlihatkan penggunaan bahasa yang mempersembahkan lakuan. Wawancara sebagai satu peristiwa bahasa yang memaparkan tanya jawab antara pemeran, nampak sangat mudah tetapi sarat dengan lakuan pertuturan. Sesuatu peristiwa bahasa dicirikan oleh sekurang-kurangnya satu lakuan pertuturan. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan memaparkan dan menjelaskan salah satu jenis lakuan pertuturan yang terdapat dalam peristiwa bahasa wawancara iaitu lakuan pernyataan. Kajian ini menggunakan data daripada teks wawancara yang dipilih berdasarkan kerelevanannya dalam objektif kajian. Wawancara dipilih secara rawak daripada sembilan buah majalah terbitan Kumpulan Karangkraf, iaitu penerbit majalah terbesar di Malaysia. Aspek lakuan pertuturan dirincikan mengikut kerangka Asmah (1997) dengan mengambil kira teori lakuan pertuturan yang dibangunkan oleh pengkaji terdahulu. Lakuan pernyataan didapati sangat menonjol dalam wawancara. Melaluinya, audiens (pembaca atau pendengar) mendapat sebanyak mungkin maklumat dan penjelasan daripada orang yang diwawancara (ODW). Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat enam subkategori dalam lakuan pernyataan, iaitu pernyataan biasa, pernyataan retorik, pengakuan, pengesahan, penolakan dan penerimaan. Selain daripada memperoleh maklumat dan penjelasan, kita dapat mengenal pasti emosi dan perasaan orang yang diwawancara (ODW) dengan jelas melalui subkategori lakuan pernyataan yang dipersembahkan

    A hybrid Markov chain model of manpower data

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    A hybrid model based on Markov chain and data interpolation is proposed for evaluating the manpower recruitment policy in higher learning institution.The model is developed and analysed on Excel spreadsheet.Based on the model, the new estimation of the states transition matrix for each category of manpower driven by interpolation technique is devised.The recruitment policy changes require some data needs modification while other data remains.This dataset are numerically intractable.But the revised transition matrix of Markov chain can be substituted by an interpolated data for which a revised transition probability matrix can be used as an equation solver to calculate mean time estimation for each category of manpower.The hybrid model results are then compared to the classical Markov chain result for both old and new policies by means of mean time estimation.Two scenarios were considered in the study; scenario 1 was based on historical data pattern between year 1999 – 2014 and scenario 2 was based on RMK 9 policies.The results showed the possibility average length of stay by position and probability of loss for both scenarios.The greater impact is expected for average length of stay of senior lecturers compared to other faculty position considering the new policy

    Classification Of EMG Signal Based On Time Domain And Frequency Domain Features

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    Electromyography (EMG) is widely used in controlling the signal in manipulating the robot assisted rehabilitation. In order to manipulate a more accurate robot assisted, the feature extraction and selection were equally important. This study evaluated the performance of time domain (TD) and frequency domain (FD) features in discriminating EMG signal. To investigate the features performance, the linear discriminate analysis (LDA) was introduced. The present study showed that the FD features achieved the highest accuracy of 91.34% in LDA. The results were verified by LDA classifier and FD features showed best classification performance in EMG signal classification application

    Evaluating Biosedimentation on Strength Improvement for Acidic Soil

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    Marine clay soils are problematic soils in the construction industry when they are subjected to construction loads. When these soils are loaded, they lose their structure. This leads to the soil being unable to withstand loads of any magnitude without exhibiting significant, permanent deformations. In order to stabilize the marine soil, new methods for soil improvement were built upon biogrouting by incorporating physical, biological and chemical treatments into the soil. However, the biggest challenge of this method is the bacteria migration through the soil medium. To overcome this issue, the electrokinetic phenomenon can be utilized alongside biogrouting to prevent the bacteria migration. In this regard, the present study applied electrobiogrouting stabilization to investigate the improvement of acidic marine clay soil with a pH of 3.69. To accomplish this, two large-scale physical models with dimensions of 500 × 300 × 1200 mm were fabricated to examine the influence of two different treated distances between the inlet and outlet—450 mm (D45) and 600 mm (D60)—on the stability of the treated soil. It was observed that the shear strength of the treated soil improved significantly. The shear strength at the D45 treated distance increased from 3.65 kPa (untreated soil) to 28.14 kPa (treated soil). However, the strength increased by increasing the treated distance. In addition, compressibility and soil electrical conductivity were reduced significantly, and the Atterberg limits were significantly enhanced from OH to OL. The reasons for the enhancement of treated soil were the formation of CaCO3, which filled the soil voids, and that the water content was reduced. To address issues with marine clay soil, this study aims to minimize the high cost of a special foundation system and the use of non-environmentally friendly materials such as calcium-based binders, aside from the reduction of deformations caused by loading. The findings of this study can be used for acidic soils and the improvement of soil’s geotechnical behavior in general

    Effect of Different S AC Based Nanoparticles Types on the Reflow Soldering Process of Miniaturized Component using Discrete Phase Model Simulation

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    The wetting formation and nanoparticles dispersion on adding nanoparticles to the lead free solder Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC305) is methodically investigated using Discrete Phase Model (DPM) simulation and applied on a 01005 capacitor component. Different types of nanoparticles, namely titanium dioxide (TiO2), nickle oxide (NiO) and Iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) with varying weight percentages, 0.01wt%, 0.05wt% and 0.15wt% that is doped in SAC305 are used. The study of two-way interactions between multiphase volume of fluid (VOF) and discrete phase model (DPM) shows excellent capability in tracking the dispersed nanoparticles immersed in the wetted molten solder. In this study, real reflow profile temperature setup will be used to mimic the conventional reflow process. Based on the findings, the fillet height managed to achieve the minimum required height set by IPC standards. As the concentration of the nanoparticles doped in the molten solder increases, higher time is required for the wetting process. In general, the doped NiO nanoparticles at 0.05wt% has the lowest wetting time compared to other cases. The study of the instantaneous nanoparticles trajectory tracking was also conducted on a 3D model and 2D cross sectional view to identify the exact movement of the particles. Additionally, it was also observed that the velocity and pressure distribution increases as the weight percentage of the nanoparticles increases

    Lakuan pertuturan dalam wacana wawancara

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    Lakuan pertuturan merupakan satu kerangka yang memperlihatkan penggunaan bahasa yang mempersembahkan lakuan. Sesuatu peristiwa bahasa dicirikan oleh sekurang-kurangnya satu lakuan pertuturan. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti, menghuraikan dan menjelaskan lakuan pertuturan dalam peristiwa bahasa wawancara. Wawancara bukan perbualan atau dialog kosong. Berbeza daripada perbualan biasa, wawancara mempunyai tujuan dan arah yang jelas. Wawancara berkait rapat dengan cara bertanya dan menjawab soalan. Bertanya dan menjawab merupakan satu lakuan, iaitu lakuan yang menghasilkan ujaran. Setiap ujaran yang dituturkan mempunyai maksud tertentu. Wawancara yang terdapat dalam majalah menjadi bahan kajian. Wawancara dipilih secara rawak daripada sembilan buah majalah terbitan Kumpulan Karangkraf, iaitu penerbit majalah terbesar di Malaysia. Aspek lakuan pertuturan dirincikan mengikut kerangka Asmah (1997) dengan mengambil kira teori lakuan pertuturan yang dibangunkan oleh pengkaji terdahulu. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat enam jenis lakuan pertuturan telah dikenal pasti, iaitu lakuan permintaan maklumat, lakuan pernyataan, lakuan pembuka komunikasi, lakuan vokatif, lakuan performatif dan lakuan indeksikal. Namun didapati lakuan pertuturan tersebut tidak semestinya hadir serentak dalam satu wawancara. Melalui kajian ini juga, didapati sesuatu wawancara memaparkan lakuan pertuturan yang berbeza mengikut konteks dan matlamat wawancara. Aspek lakuan pertuturan dalam dunia kewartawanan penting dikaji untuk melihat dan mengenal pasti jenis lakuan pertuturan yang mendominasi sesi wawancara. Keadaan ini dapat memperjelas senario pengaruh bahasa yang wujud dan digunakan oleh pemeran dalam peristiwa bahasa wawancara. Dengan adanya kajian seumpama ini, diharap kajian dalam bidang lakuan pertuturan semakin bertambah kukuh dan berkembang

    Cointegration in misspecified models

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN059924 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    A Systematic Review of Machine Learning Techniques and Applications in Soil Improvement Using Green Materials

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    According to an extensive evaluation of published studies, there is a shortage of research on systematic literature reviews related to machine learning prediction techniques and methodologies in soil improvement using green materials. A literature review suggests that machine learning algorithms are effective at predicting various soil characteristics, including compressive strength, deformations, bearing capacity, California bearing ratio, compaction performance, stress–strain behavior, geotextile pullout strength behavior, and soil classification. The current study aims to comprehensively evaluate recent breakthroughs in machine learning algorithms for soil improvement using a systematic procedure known as PRISMA and meta-analysis. Relevant databases, including Web of Science, ScienceDirect, IEEE, and SCOPUS, were utilized, and the chosen papers were categorized based on: the approach and method employed, year of publication, authors, journals and conferences, research goals, findings and results, and solution and modeling. The review results will advance the understanding of civil and geotechnical designers and practitioners in integrating data for most geotechnical engineering problems. Additionally, the approaches covered in this research will assist geotechnical practitioners in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of artificial intelligence algorithms compared to other traditional mathematical modeling techniques.Applied Science, Faculty ofAlumniNon UBCEngineering, School of (Okanagan)ReviewedFacultyResearcherOthe