47 research outputs found

    On the Interpretation of 3D Gyroscope Measurements

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    We demonstrate that the common interpretation of angular velocities measured by a 3D gyroscope as being sequential Euler rotations introduces a systematic error in the sensor orientation calculated during motion tracking. For small rotation angles, this systematic error is relatively small and can be mistakenly attributed to different sources of sensor inaccuracies, including output bias drift, inaccurate sensitivities, and alignments of the sensor sensitivity axes as well as measurement noise. However, even for such small angles, due to accumulation over time, the erroneous rotation interpretation can have a significant negative impact on the accuracy of the computed angular orientation. We confirm our findings using real-case measurements in which the described systematic error just worsens the deleterious effects typically attributed to an inaccurate sensor and random measurement noise. We demonstrate that, in general, significant improvement in the angular orientation accuracy can be achieved if the measured angular velocities are correctly interpreted as simultaneous and not as sequential rotations

    Utjecaj društvene mreže na odljev korisnika u mobilnim mrežama

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    As the telecommunications sector has reached its mature stage, maintaining existing users has become crucial for service providers. Analyzing the call data records, it is possible to observe their users in the context of social network and obtain additional insights about the spread of influence among interconnected users, which is relevant to churn. In this paper, we examine the communication patterns of mobile phone users and subscription plan logs. Our goal is to use a simple model to predict which users are most likely to churn, solely by observing each user\u27s social network, which is formed by outgoing calls, and churn among their neighbors. To measure the importance of social network parameters with regard to churn prediction, we compare three models: spatial classification, regression model, and artificial neural networks. For each subscriber, we observe three social network parameters, the number of neighbors that have churned, the number of calls to these neighbors, and the duration of these calls for different time periods. The results indicate that using only one or two of these parameters yields results that are comparable or better than the complex models with large amounts of individual and/or social network input parameters that other researchers have proposed.Kako je telekomunikacijski sektor dosegao zreli stadij, zadržavanje postojećih korisnika od ključne je važnosti za pružatelje telekomunikacijskih usluga. Analizom liste poziva moguće je nadzirati korisnike u kontekstu društvene mreže i dobiti dodatni uvid u širenje utjecaja među povezanim korisnicima, što je relevantno za odljev korisnika. U ovom radu razmatramo obrasce komunikacije korisnika mobilnih mreža i podatke o planu pretplate. Naš cilj je korištenjem jednostavnog modela predvidjeti koji korisnici su najskloniji prijelazu na drugu mrežu, pritom koristeći samo korisnikovu društvenu mrežu koja se formira odlaznim pozivima i prijelazima između mreža njihovih susjeda. S ciljem mjerenja važnosti pojedinog parametra društvene mreže za predikciju prelaska na drugu mrežu uspoređena su tri modela: prostorna klasifikacija, regresijski model i model neuronske mreže. Za svakog pretplatnika razmatramo tri parametra društvene mreže: broj susjeda koji su promijenili mrežu, broj poziva prema njima kao i trajanje spomenutih poziva u različitim vremenskim razdobljima. Rezultati pokazuju kako se korištenjem samo jednog ili dva od navedenih parametara društvene mreže postižu rezultati koji su usporedivi ili bolji od rezultata složenijih modela drugih autora koji koriste veliki broj osobnih parametara i/ili parametara društvene mreže

    Online Outdoor Terrain Classification Algorithm for Wheeled Mobile Robots Equipped with Inertial and Magnetic Sensors

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    Terrain classification provides valuable information for both control and navigation algorithms of wheeled mobile robots. In this paper, a novel online outdoor terrain classification algorithm is proposed for wheeled mobile robots. The algorithm is based on only time-domain features with both low computational and low memory requirements, which are extracted from the inertial and magnetic sensor signals. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks are applied as classifiers. The algorithm is tested on a measurement database collected using a prototype measurement system for various outdoor terrain types. Different datasets were constructed based on various setups of processing window sizes, used sensor types, and robot speeds. To examine the possibilities of the three applied sensor types in the application, the features extracted from the measurement data of the different sensors were tested alone, in pairs and fused together. The algorithm is suitable to operate online on the embedded system of the mobile robot. The achieved results show that using the applied time-domain feature set the highest classification efficiencies on unknown data can be above 98%. It is also shown that the gyroscope provides higher classification rates than the widely used accelerometer. The magnetic sensor alone cannot be effectively used but fusing the data of this sensor with the data of the inertial sensors can improve the performance

    MC Sensor—A Novel Method for Measurement of Muscle Tension

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    This paper presents a new muscle contraction (MC) sensor. This MC sensor is based on a novel principle whereby muscle tension is measured during muscle contractions. During the measurement, the sensor is fixed on the skin surface above the muscle, while the sensor tip applies pressure and causes an indentation of the skin and intermediate layer directly above the muscle and muscle itself. The force on the sensor tip is then measured. This force is roughly proportional to the tension of the muscle. The measurement is non-invasive and selective. Selectivity of MC measurement refers to the specific muscle or part of the muscle that is being measured and is limited by the size of the sensor tip. The sensor is relatively small and light so that the measurements can be performed while the measured subject performs different activities. Test measurements with this MC sensor on the biceps brachii muscle under isometric conditions (elbow angle 90°) showed a high individual linear correlation between the isometric force and MC signal amplitudes (0.97 ≤ r ≤ 1). The measurements also revealed a strong correlation between the MC and electromyogram (EMG) signals as well as good dynamic behaviour by the MC sensor. We believe that this MC sensor, when fully tested, will be a useful device for muscle mechanic diagnostics and that it will be complementary to existing methods


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    V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni analogni in digitalni regulatorji. Predstavljena je strojna in programska oprema krmilnikov Siemens serije S7-300 in S7-1500, natančneje sta predstavljena krmilnika S7-314 IFM in S7-1516-3 PN/DP, za katera so izvedene meritve hitrosti delovanja. V programskem jeziku Step 7 je za oba krmilnika napisana programska koda digitalnega PID regulatorja. Za preizkus delovanja izdelanih regulatorjev smo uporabili univerzalni simulator dinamičnih sistemov. Univerzalni simulator omogoča simulacijo prenosnih funkcij izbrane stopnje in izbranih parametrov. Narejen je na osnovi PC-ja in vhodno/izhodnega vmesnika MyDAQ s programsko opremo LabView.The thesis presents the analog and digital controllers. It describes the hardware and software of Siemens S7-300 series and S7-1500 series of controllers, highlighting the details of the S7-314 IFM and S7-1516-3 PN/DP controllers which were also checked for the operation speed. For both of the controllers, the programming language Step 7 was used to write the programming code of the digital PID regulator. To test the operation of controllers, the universal simulator of the dynamic systems is used. The universal simulator is used to simulate the transfer functions of the selected rate and with the selected parameters. It is PC-based with the MyDAQ input/output interface and LabVIEW software

    Recognizing solo jazz dance moves using a single leg-attached inertial wearable device

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    We present here a method for recognising dance moves in sequences using 3D accelerometer and gyroscope signals, acquired by a single wearable device, attached to the dancer’s leg. The recognition entails dance tempo estimation, temporal scaling, a wearable device orientation-invariant coordinate system transformation, and, finally, sliding correlation-based template matching. The recognition is independent of the orientation of the wearable device and the tempo of dancing, which promotes the usability of the method in a wide range of everyday application scenarios. For experimental validation, we considered the versatile repertoire of solo jazz dance moves. We created a database of 15 authentic solo jazz template moves using the performances of a professional dancer dancing at 120 bpm. We analysed 36 new dance sequences, performed by the professional and five recreational dancers, following six dance tempos, ranging from 120 bpm to 220 bpm with 20 bpm increment steps. The recognition F1 scores, obtained cumulatively for all moves for different tempos, ranged from 0.87 to 0.98. The results indicate that the presented method can be used to recognise repeated dance moves and to assess the dancer’s consistency in performance. In addition, the results confirm the potential of using the presented method to recognise imitated dance moves, supporting the learning process

    Dance tempo estimation using a 3D MEMS accelerometer

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    Time- and Computation-Efficient Calibration of MEMS 3D Accelerometers and Gyroscopes

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    We propose calibration methods for microelectromechanical system (MEMS) 3D accelerometers and gyroscopes that are efficient in terms of time and computational complexity. The calibration process for both sensors is simple, does not require additional expensive equipment, and can be performed in the field before or between motion measurements. The methods rely on a small number of defined calibration measurements that are used to obtain the values of 12 calibration parameters. This process enables the static compensation of sensor inaccuracies. The values detected by the 3D sensor are interpreted using a generalized 3D sensor model. The model assumes that the values detected by the sensor are equal to the projections of the measured value on the sensor sensitivity axes. Although this finding is trivial for 3D accelerometers, its validity for 3D gyroscopes is not immediately apparent; thus, this paper elaborates on this latter topic. For an example sensor device, calibration parameters were established using calibration measurements of approximately 1.5 min in duration for the 3D accelerometer and 2.5 min in duration for the 3D gyroscope. Correction of each detected 3D value using the established calibration parameters in further measurements requires only nine addition and nine multiplication operations