15 research outputs found

    “Green Pack” in Function of Green Marketing as a Form of Social Responsibility in Serbia

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    Green marketing is defined as a partnership of all interested stakeholders to sustainable development. This form of marketing is a relatively new form of social responsibility in Serbia and as such it is subject of this paper. The necessity of integration of green marketing in a social responsible behavior is justified by the fact that purely commercial marketing business ignores the possible conflict between short-term desires and long-term benefits of market entities and society, with regard to global environmental problems. The laws are the lower limits of business and the community social responsibility, which includes green marketing, a higher level. Whereas the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in May 2009 adopted 16 laws on environmental protection, that is called the “Green Package”. Laws were passed with the aim of regulating the business and social responsibility and green marketing and development. The aim of this analysis is the “Green Package” as a basis for application of green marketing in Serbia. The work will result in efficiencies that are realized by applying the law of “green package” and point to existing gaps

    Marketing sa društvenim ciljem i ekološki odgovorno ponašanje potrošača sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije

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    In order to survive, business organizations need to create and maintain the ability to overcome their rivals in the competitive market of today\u27s globalized and networked world. To achieve this, business organizations need to find an answer to the question of how to do something better, or different than their competitors, and to have that so accepted by the potential customers. In theory and in practice, this kind of activity is known as strategic management. To achieve its goals, a business organization communicates with its surroundings, and by doing this, the communication itself becomes an important part of strategic management. To put it most simply, the surroundings can be perceived as the interior or the exterior one. Communication with the interior surroundings has in its goal to create a product or a service, and communication with the exterior surroundings has in its goal to sell that product or service. The process of exchange begins and ends with communication. Therefore, communication becomes an instrument for, and the area of achieving competition advancement. The satisfaction of customers can’t be achieved without the satisfaction of people who communicate with the customers directly,or indirectly.U suvremenom globaliziranom i umreženom svijetu poslovne organizacije da bi opstale na tržištu moraju stvoriti i održati sposobnost pobjeđivanja svojih suparnika u tržišnom natjecanju. Kako bi to uspjele poslovne organizacije moraju nalaziti odgovor na pitanje kako nešto učiniti bolje i/ili drugačije od konkurenata, a što će prihvatiti potencijalni potrošači. U teoriji i praksi ovakvo djelovanje poznato je kao stretegijski menadžment. Da bi ostvarila svoje ciljeve poslovna organizacija komunicira sa svojom okolinom, a time i komunikacija postaje važan dio strategijskog menadžmenta. Okolina se može najjednostavnije promatrati kao unutarnja i vanjska. Komunikacija sa unutarnjom okolinom ima za cilj proizvesti, stvoriti proizvod ili uslugu, a komunikacija sa vanjskom okolinom prodati proizvod ili uslugu. Proces razmjene počinje i završava komunikacijom, tako komunikacija postaje i alat i područje za ostvarivanje konkurentske prednosti. Zadovoljstvo potrošača ne može se postići bez zadovoljstva ljudi koji sa tim potrošačima komuniciraju direktno ili indirektno

    Marketing sa društvenim ciljem i ekološki odgovorno ponašanje potrošača sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije

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    Aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetništva

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    Entrepreneurship as a science was significantly associated with the analysis of successful practices. Therefore, active learning methods in the field of entrepreneurship workshops are in addition to the theoretical foundations and include many practical examples which are analyzed using different methods based on team work of teachers and students. Analysis of successful companies by using methods such as case studies and organizing lectures in which guest speakers present their practical experience, students become more interested in the subject and get ideas that later on as entrepreneurs they can apply in practice. In addition, analysis of company operations can also be arranged in the form of workshops where students solve practical problems based on real problems in practice and thus improve their entrepreneurial skills. This paper presents the proposal of the examples that can be part of the workshop, and offer new methods that can be used in active learning in the field of entrepreneurship.Preduzetništvo kao nauka je u značajnoj meri povezana sa analizom uspešnih primera iz prakse. Upravo zbog toga, aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetništva predstavljaju radionice koje pored teorijske osnove obuhvataju što više primera iz prakse koji se analiziraju upotrebom različitih metoda zasnovanih na zajedničkom radu predavača i studenata. Analizom uspešnih kompanija korišćenjem metoda kao što su studije slučaja i organizovanje predavanja na kojima gostujući predavači prezentuju svoje iskustvo iz prakse, studenti postaju više zainteresovani za predmet i dobijaju ideje koje će kasnije kao preduzetnici primeniti u praksi. Pored toga, analiza poslovanja kompanija se takođe može organizovati u obliku radionica gde studenti rešavaju praktične probleme zasnovane na realnim problemima iz prakse i na taj način usavršavaju svoje preduzetničke veštine. U ovom radu će biti dat predlog primera koji mogu biti deo radionica, kao i predlog novih metoda koje se mogu koristiti prilikom aktivnog učenja iz oblasti preduzetništva

    Aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetništva

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    Entrepreneurship as a science was significantly associated with the analysis of successful practices. Therefore, active learning methods in the field of entrepreneurship workshops are in addition to the theoretical foundations and include many practical examples which are analyzed using different methods based on team work of teachers and students. Analysis of successful companies by using methods such as case studies and organizing lectures in which guest speakers present their practical experience, students become more interested in the subject and get ideas that later on as entrepreneurs they can apply in practice. In addition, analysis of company operations can also be arranged in the form of workshops where students solve practical problems based on real problems in practice and thus improve their entrepreneurial skills. This paper presents the proposal of the examples that can be part of the workshop, and offer new methods that can be used in active learning in the field of entrepreneurship.Preduzetništvo kao nauka je u značajnoj meri povezana sa analizom uspešnih primera iz prakse. Upravo zbog toga, aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetništva predstavljaju radionice koje pored teorijske osnove obuhvataju što više primera iz prakse koji se analiziraju upotrebom različitih metoda zasnovanih na zajedničkom radu predavača i studenata. Analizom uspešnih kompanija korišćenjem metoda kao što su studije slučaja i organizovanje predavanja na kojima gostujući predavači prezentuju svoje iskustvo iz prakse, studenti postaju više zainteresovani za predmet i dobijaju ideje koje će kasnije kao preduzetnici primeniti u praksi. Pored toga, analiza poslovanja kompanija se takođe može organizovati u obliku radionica gde studenti rešavaju praktične probleme zasnovane na realnim problemima iz prakse i na taj način usavršavaju svoje preduzetničke veštine. U ovom radu će biti dat predlog primera koji mogu biti deo radionica, kao i predlog novih metoda koje se mogu koristiti prilikom aktivnog učenja iz oblasti preduzetništva


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    S obzirom na korisne informacije koje se dobivaju mjerenjem efekata promotivnih aktivnosti i na njihovo rijetko provođenje, kao i na današnji značaj interneta kao promotivnog medija, predmet rada su opće i specifične metode mjerenja efekata promotivnih aktivnosti preko interneta. Cilj rada je izdvojiti najpogodnije metode za mjerenje komunikacijskih i ekonomskih efekata različitih oblika e-promocije: unapređenja prodaje, oglašavanja, direktnog marketinga, osobne prodaje i promocije „od usta do usta“. Krajnja svrha rada ogleda se u motiviranju svih poduzeća da mjere svoje promotivne efekte, putem predloženih najpogodnijih metoda za mjerenje postignutih komunikacijskih i ekonomskih efekata

    Demographic characteristics of consumers in consumption of organic food products: Case study: Serbia

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    The purpose of the paper is to determine the differences between demographic characteristics of consumers in relation to discouraging and motivating factors of consuming organic food products in Serbia. An empirical research was conducted in Serbia on a sample of 833 respondents, using e-questionnaire. T-test for independent samples was used. The results indicate that in relation to discouraging factors for consumption of organic food products there are differences in the demographic characteristics of consumers, exception is age. Also, in relation to motivation factors, differences exist in majority of consumers' demographic characteristics, except the level of education and place of residence. Practical application of the results enables adequately managed consumption of organic food products which directly affects the reduction of ecological, social, health and economic problems. On the other side, the theoretical application of the results enables the creation of a consumers' profile for organic food products

    The differences between human resource management in domestic and international environment

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    Today's business operation of a company goes beyond national boundaries while human resources are the only active resource of companies. Therefore, the topic of the actuality of human resources management in the domestic and international environment is becoming larger, which is also the starting point in the analysis of this issue. Considering the importance of human resources in business, this paper is concerned with the international human resource management, or the differences between human resource management in the domestic and international environment. The aim of this paper is to present international human resource management as a broader concept than national human resource management. Accordingly, the paper will show differences that come from human resources management in the national and international environment as well as some of the implications regarding the purpose and learning opportunities of companies that internationalize their business. The basic premise in this paper is that there are differences between human resource management in the domestic and international environment


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    Agriculture around the world faces a number of challenges. The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of gross investments and agriculture investments on the level of food security in the member countries of the European Union (EU) and non-EU member countries. In the paper as a method of research hierarchical regression analysis was used. The results of the research showed that there is a statistically significant influence of gross investments and agriculture investments on the level of food security in the EU and non-EU member countries. The largest amount of gross investments and investments in agriculture was recorded in Croatia and Slovenia, as a EU members countries, which have the highest level of food security. On the other hand, the lowest volume of gross investments and investments in agriculture was recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as non-EU member country, which has the lower level of food security