220 research outputs found

    Possibilities of modern procedures in gingival recession therapy

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    This study was designed to compare the effectiveness and predictability of GTR and connective tissue graft in the treatment of gingival recession. 15 recessions Miller class II and III were treated with bioabsorbable barrier and coronally advanced flap. The same number of defects was treated with connective tissue graft in combination with coronally advanced flap. Clinical recordings included hygiene standards and recession depth (RD) probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and keratinized tissue width (KT) Mean (RD) was statistically significant decreased from 5,47mm presurgery to 0.73mm with GTR (87,76%) and from 5,93mm to 0.60 with CTG (89.9%). Prevalence of complete root coverage was 40% for the GTR and 46,66% for CTG group. No statistically significant differences between treatment groups were observed in this study Treatment of gingival recessions with CTG and GTR present effective and highly predictable mucogingival plastic surgical procedures


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    First of all, the authors of this paper examine the organisation, jurisdiction and regulations of the Border Police of the Republic of Serbia and afterwards give comparative review of similar services in countries formed after the breakup of Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. From the given review, one may conclude that the organisation, jurisdiction and procedure in afore- mentioned countries are similar and in some parts even the same, thanks to the fact that all countries have adopted the Concept of Integrated Border Management and the procedure of controlling border crossing and maintain the security of state borders from Schengen Border Code. Accepting these terms represents one of the conditions for entering European Union. All countries have to uniform their activitites in securing and controlling border crossing. One proposition should be concerned- for all the similarities in the organisation, activities and regulation , mutual education and training for all the members of Border Police from ex YU countries could be organised.Аутори текста у раду приказују, организацију, надлежности и прописе које прате рад Граничне полиције Републике Србије, као и њен упоредни приказ са сличним службама свих држава насталих распадом бивше Социјалистичке Федеративне Републике Југославије, њиховим начинима рада и актима на основу којих они спроводе своју делатност. Из компаративног приказа граничних служби наведених држава може се констатовати да су организација, надлежности и процедуре које се примењују веома сличне, чак у неким деловима истоветне, јер су све државе прихватиле Концепт интегрисаног управљања границом, као и процедуре контроле прелажења и обезбеђења државне границе које су предвиђене Шенгенским кодексом о границама, а што је један од услова за њихов улазак у Европску унију. Због тога све државе морају да унифицирају своја поступања приликом обезбеђења и контроле прелажења државне границе. Такође, због свих наведених сличности у организацији, поступцима, прописима, треба се узети у разматрање могућност спровођења заједничке специјалистичке обуке свих припадника граничних полиција, бивших држава Социјалистичке Федеративне Републике Југославије

    Utjecaj ekonomskog rasta na regionalne disparitete: empirijska evidencija iz OECD zemalja

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    In the context of growing regional disparities which exist both in developed and developing countries, the primary goal of this paper is to examine the influence of total economic activities on regional disparities. In the research panel sample of the selected OECD countries has been used with the data for the time period from 2000 to 2011. The empirical analysis reveals that there is a long-term relationship between the variables, that economic growth and regional disparities move in the same direction and that the impact of economic growth on regional disparities is statistically significant. Consequently, in order to reduce regional disparities, it is necessary to increase the share of less developed regions in the total output. In this matter, it should be helpful to adequately coordinate policies about regional development from all levels of governance.U kontekstu sve većih regionalnih razlika koje su prisutne, kako u razvijenim, tako i u zemljama u razvoju, osnovni cilj ovoga rada je ispitati utjecaj ukupne gospodarske aktivnosti na regionalne disparitete. U radu je korišten panel uzorak odabranih OECD zemalja, a vremensko određenje je 2000. – 2011. U okviru empirijske analize utvrđeno je da postoji dugoročna povezanost varijabli, kao i da se gospodarski rast i regionalne razlike kreću u istom smjeru, i da je taj utjecaj snažan i statistički značajan. Shodno tome, u cilju smanjenja regionalnih dispariteta neophodno je da slabije razvijene regije sudjeluju s većim postotkom u ukupnom ostvarenom društvenom proizvodu, u čemu će pomoći adekvatna koordinacija politika usmjerena prema regionalnom razvoju na svim razinama vlasti

    Vrijednost aplikativnih metoda motoričkog učenja u radu s košarkaškim početnicima

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    The aim of this study was to identify the efficacy of three different teaching methods existing in contemporary sport: the analytical, synthetic and situational methods. The sample of subjects comprised 90 boys, 9 – 10 years of age, who were beginners in basketball. A six-month program was implemented that, regarding the groups analyzed, varied only according to the selection of the motor teaching methods. The assessment of the effects of certain methods was carried out through the analysis of the development of the basic elements of basketball technique. The effects of the program were analyzed using the variance analysis. The kinesiological influence that the subjects were exposed to led to significant changes, regardless of the teaching method, in most of the applied tests for the assessment of the basic motor abilities and the specific motor skills. The biggest effects were initiated by the synthetic teaching method; the analytical method proved to be the most successful one in the most demanding elements, whereas the positive effects of the situational teaching method were manifested the least.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi djelotvornost metoda učenja – analitičke, sintetičke, situacijske, u poduci košarkaške igre. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 90 dječaka uzrasta od 9 do 10 godina, košarkaških početnika. Proveden je šestomjesečni program rada koji se razlikovao jedino prema navedenim metodama učenja između odabranih podskupina. Procjena efekata pojedinih metoda učenja provedena je uvidom u razvoj specifičnih motoričkih znanja – temeljnih elemenata košarkaške tehnike i uspješnosti u igri. Učinci programa analizirani su jednosmjernom analizom varijance. Kineziološki program kojemu su bili podvrgnuti ispitanici uključivao je tri košarkaška treninga tjedno i nastavu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Tijekom trajanja programa došlo je do značajnih pozitivnih promjena, neovisno o metodi učenja u svim testovima za procjenu specifičnih motoričkih znanja. Najveći pomaci kako kod većine elemenata košarkaške tehnike tako i kod uspješnosti u igri uočljivi su uvidom u rezultate grupe koja je trenirala sintetičkom metodom učenja. Analitička metoda pokazala se najprimjenjivijom kod usvajanja složenijih elemenata osnovne košarkaške tehnike, dok su pozitivni efekti situacijske metode bili najmanje izraženi. Prema dobivenim rezultatima i provedenoj analizi može se zaključiti da je za populaciju djece, košarkaških početnika, u procesu učenja košarkaške igre najprimjenjivija sintetička metoda, dok bi se analitička metoda trebala primjenjivati u procesu učenja strukturalno složenih elemenata

    Risk assessment of the exposure to organohalogenated contaminants and heavy metals in food

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    Zadatak svih činilaca uključenih u proizvodnju hrane je da stvore uslove da hrana koja dolazi do potrošača bude bezbedna. Ocena bezbednosti hrane, između ostalog, podrazumeva i procenu rizika od supstanci prisutnih u hrani, naročito od onih koje nemaju gradivnu ili fiziološku vrednost. U realnim okolnostima ljudi su preko hrane istovremeno izloženi delovanju brojnih ksenobiotika, pa i teških metala i organohalogenih jedinjenja koji su odabrani za proučavanje u ovoj studiji. Pored procene rizika zasnovane na ispitivanju svakog pojedinačnog kontaminanta, cilj ove studije je bio i sprovođenje integrativne procene rizika poređenjem toksičnih efekata pojedinačnih kontaminanata i njihove smeše zbog istovremene izloženosti ovim toksičnim supstancama. Pretpostavka je da, iako ne postoji rizik pri izloženosti pojedinačnim toksičnim supstancama, integralni pristup proceni izloženosti može da ukaže na povećan rizik. Svi uzorci ispitanih namirnica su bili u skladu sa važećim propisom, sa izuzetkom jednog uzorka ribe (Hg) i 16 uzoraka kakaoa (Cd). Kadmijum je detektovan u najvećem broju vrsta namirnica kao i u najvećem broju ispitanih uzoraka; organohalogena jedinjenja su detektovana isključivo u namirnicama animalnog porekla – DDT u mleku, proizvodima od mleka i ribi, a ndl-PCB i PBDE isključivo u ribi. Najviše koncentracije kadmijuma dokazane su u lignjama i školjkama, žive u rečnim ribama, olova u čajevima i začinima, DDT u slatkovodnoj ribi a ndl-PCB i PBDE u morskoj ribi. Zbog značajnog udela u ishrani glavni izvor ekspozicije kadmijumu u sve tri posmatrane grupe bile su žitarice i povrće. Unos žive bio je dominantno preko ribe, a olova preko žitarica, voća i povrća. Determinističkom metodologijom dokazan je povećan rizik od unosa ispitanih kontaminanata u prosečnoj opštoj populaciji, populaciji na mediteranskoj dijeti i populaciji dece samo za ndl-PCB. Pored ndl-PCB, probabilističkom metodologijom je procenjen povećan rizik i od unosa Cd za prosečno izloženu populaciju sve tri ispitivane grupe...The principal goal of food-producing stakeholders is to provide safe food for the consumer. Food safety assessment consists of (among the other) risk assessment in respect to supstances that can be present in food, especially those of no nutritional or physiological significance. In real-life circumstances, humans are exposed to various xenobiotics, even heavy metals and organohalogenated compounds through food consumption, which are chosen for investigation in this study. Besides the risk assessment based on investigation of each contaminant individually, the aim of this study was to conduct integrative risk assessment by comparison of toxic effects between individual contaminants and their mixtures, due to the simultaneous exposure to these toxic substances. The hypothesis is, that even no increased risk exists through exposure to individual toxic substances, integrative approach to risk assessment may reveal increased risk. All samples of investigated foodstuffs were compliant with current legislative except one fish sample (Hg) and 16 cocoa powder samples (Cd). Cadmium was the most detected element in most types of foodstuffs and in largest number of tested samples as well; organohalogenated compounds were detected exclusively in animal-originated foodstuffs – DDT in milk, dairy products and fish, while ndl-PCBs and PBDE were detected in fish only. The highest concentrations of cadmium were found in squids and clams, mercury in freshwater fish, lead in teas and spices, DDT in freshwater fish, while the highest concentrations of ndl-PCBs and PBDE were found in marine fish. Due to the significant contribution to the total diet, the major exposition sources of cadmium in all three investigated groups were cereals and vegetables. Dominant intake of mercury is through fish, while intake of lead occurs through cereals, fruits and vegetables..

    Determinant characteristics of an adolescent member of a fan group

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    Radom se želi odgovoriti na pitanje da li postoje određujuće zajedničke karakteristike adolescenata koji se priključuju navijačkim grupama. Osnova za to biće rezultati statističke analize podataka prikupljenih istraživanjem u periodu 2012–2014. godine. Uzorak je obuhvatio učenike sa teritorije Republike Srbije iz 12 gradova koji su imali prvoligaške fudbalske klubove u sezoni odigranoj 2012/2013. godine. Anketirano je 3662 učenika. Analiza prikupljenih podataka pokazala je da se mladi član navijačke grupe može opisati kao muškarac koji učestvuje u sukobima zbog pogrešno usmerenih navijačkih strasti, koji zloupotrebljava narkotike i protiv kojeg je policija podnosila krivične prijave nakon privođenja zbog navijačkog nasilja. On smatra da je dovoljno upoznat sa problemom navijačkog nasilja i njegovim posledicama i ne želi da se dodatno edukuje, ali i prepoznaje rasističke ispade kada se dese na sportskim borilištima

    Proactive approach of police in combat against football hooliganism

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    Hooliganism of certain fans at football matches has been decadesold problem faced by many countries of the world. Our country is not an exception. Moreover, this kind of threat to security in our country shows the tendency of escalation. It is evident from our experience that solely repressive model for solving the football hooliganism does not provide satisfactory results. Analyzing the security methods of major football competitions held in many Western European countries, it can be concluded that the proactive police operations in confronting hooliganism at football matches are much more efficient and provide more acceptable results. The paper analyzes the experience of the police organizations of Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Germany acquired during the security of the European and the World Championship from the aspect of proactive police activity and generalization of experience on the ways of information collecting, processing and distribution on football hooliganism. In addition to this, the paper deals with the international police cooperation in order to share the intelligence databases on hooligans, primarily in the European Union; and it likewise provides guidelines on to which way our country’s efforts should be directed in combat against hooliganism at football matches

    Uporedni prikaz graničnih policija država nastalih raspadom Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije i Granične policije Republike Srbije

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    First of all, the authors of this paper examine the organisation, jurisdiction and regulations of the Border Police of the Republic of Serbia and afterwards give comparative review of similar services in countries formed after the breakup of Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. From the given review, one may conclude that the organisation, jurisdiction and procedure in afore-mentioned countries are similar and in some parts even the same, thanks to the fact that all countries have adopted the Concept of Integrated Border Management and the procedure of controlling border crossing and maintaing the security of state borders from Schengen Border Code. Accepting these terms represents one of the conditions for entering European Union. All countries have to uniform their activitites in securing and controlling border crossing. One proposition should be concerned- for all the similarities in the organisation, activities and regulation , mutual education and training for all the members of Border Police from ex YU countries could be organised.Autori teksta u radu prikazuju, organizaciju, nadležnosti i propise koje prate rad Granične policije Republike Srbije, kao i njen uporedni prikaz sa sličnim službama svih država nastalih raspadom bivše Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, njihovim načinima rada i aktima na osnovu kojih oni sprovode svoju delatnost. Iz komparativnog prikaza graničnih službi navedenih država može se konstatovati da su organizacija, nadležnosti i procedure koje se primenjuju veoma slične, čak u nekim delovima istovetne, jer su sve države prihvatile Koncept integrisanog upravljanja granicom, kao i procedure kontrole prelaženja i obezbeđenja državne granice koje su predviđene Šengenskim kodeksom o granicama, a što je jedan od uslova za njihov ulazak u Evropsku uniju. Zbog toga sve države moraju da unificiraju svoja postupanja prilikom obezbeđenja i kontrole prelaženja državne granice. Takođe, zbog svih navedenih sličnosti u organizaciji, postupcima, propisima, treba se uzeti u razmatranje mogućnost sprovođenja zajedničke specijalističke obuke svih pripadnika graničnih policija, bivših država Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije