14 research outputs found

    Actualidad y prospectiva de la investigación científica en el Centro Universitario Amecameca de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    Con responsabilidad, se organizó un programa cuya finalidad fuera publicitar con transparencia dichos avances, a través de un esfuerzo de rendición de cuentas a la comunidad inmediata, la universitaria, y a la comunidad abierta, la sociedad que la principal referencia para tal efecto. El programa se concretiza a través del presente libro, conformado con una inspiración de investigación multidisciplinaria; sin embargo, para llegar a tal fin, el reto es realizar el proceso de búsqueda y generación de conocimiento transitando hacia la colaboración de los cuerpos académicos, que puedan construir nuevos conocimientos fortalecidos por la convergencia de diferentes campos del saber. En consecuencia, la primera etapa de esta estrategia es la publicidad de los trabajos investigativos ejercidos, para hacer un balance al día, pero también proyectar el futuro de cada campo y área del conocimiento. La organización explicativa está organizada por tres bloques representativos del quehacer en la generación de conocimiento del Centro Universitario, un primer bloque centra el interés en las humanidades, educación y sustentabilidad; el segundo bloque lo integra la reflexión científica sobre la construcción democrática, derechos humanos y equidad de género; en el tercer segmento se destina a la seguridad alimentaria, salud pública y sistemas agropecuarios. La actualidad de la investigación eleva la producción lograda y lo que en el momento se encuentra en construcción y los alcances que produce para la docencia, la investigación misma, y para la sociedad en general. La prospectiva es un área que todos los capítulos desarrollan con el propósito de delinear los alcances innovadores por andar en teoría, metodología e incluso en los saberes mismo

    Vitamin D in Depression: A Potential Bioactive Agent to Reduce Suicide and Suicide Attempt Risk

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    Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, more than 700 thousand people die from this cause. Therefore, suicide is a public health issue. The complex interaction between different factors causes suicide; however, depression is one of the most frequent factors in people who have attempted suicide. Several studies have reported that vitamin D deficiency may be a relevant risk factor for depression, and vitamin D supplementation has shown promising effects in the adjunctive treatment of this mood disorder. Among the beneficial mechanisms of vitamin D, it has been proposed that it may enhance serotonin synthesis and modulate proinflammatory cytokines since low serotonin levels and systemic inflammation have been associated with depression and suicide. The present narrative review shows the potential pathogenic role of vitamin D deficiency in depression and suicide and the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation to reduce their risk

    BNT162b2 Vaccination after SARS-CoV-2 Infection Changes the Dynamics of Total and Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2: A 6-Month Prospective Cohort Study

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    This study aimed to analyze the dynamics, duration, and production of total and neutralizing antibodies induced by the BNT162b2 vaccine and the possible effect of gender and prior SARS-CoV-2 infection on the generation of these antibodies. Total antibodies were quantified via chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA), and neutralizing antibodies were quantified using the cPass SARS-CoV-2 kit. Individuals with a history of COVID-19 produced twice as many antibodies than vaccinated individuals without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, with an exponential increase observed in just six days. In those without a COVID-19 history, similar antibody production was reached 45 days after vaccination. Although total antibodies decline considerably in the first two months, the neutralizing antibodies and their inhibitory capacity (>96%) persist up to 6 months after the first dose. There was a tendency for higher total antibodies in women than men, but not at the inhibition capacity level. We suggest that the decline in total antibodies should not be considered as an indicator of loss of protective immunity because most antibodies decay two months after the second dose, but neutralizing antibodies remain constant for at least six months. Therefore, these latter antibodies could be better indicators for estimating the time-dependent vaccine efficacy

    Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, Anti-Ad5 Antibodies, and Reactogenicity in Response to Ad5-nCoV (CanSino Biologics) Vaccine in Individuals with and without Prior SARS-CoV-2

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    This is the first study outside of clinical trials (phase I–III) evaluating the ability of the Ad5-nCoV vaccine to generate neutralizing antibodies and the factors associated with optimal or suboptimal response. In a longitudinal assay, 346 people (117 with prior COVID-19 and 229 without prior COVID-19) vaccinated with Ad5-nCoV were recruited. The percentage of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 (Surrogate Virus Neutralization Test) and antibodies against Ad5 (ADV-Ad5 IgG ELISA) were quantified pre and post-vaccination effects. The Ad5-nCoV vaccine induces higher neutralizing antibodies percentage in individuals with prior COVID-19 than those without prior COVID-19 (median [IQR]: 98% [97–98.1] vs. 72% [54–90], respectively; p < 0.0001). Furthermore, a natural infection (before vaccination) induces more neutralizing antibodies percentage than immunized individuals without prior COVID-19 (p < 0.01). No patient had vaccine-severe adverse effects. The age, antidepressant, and immunosuppressive treatments, reactogenicity, and history of COVID-19 are associated with impaired antibody production. The anti-Ad5 antibodies increased after 21 days of post-vaccination in all groups (p < 0.01). We recommend the application of a booster dose of Ad5-nCoV, especially for those individuals without previous COVID-19 infection. Finally, the induction of anti-Ad5 antibodies after vaccination should be considered if a booster with the same vaccine is planned

    Efficacy and Safety of Heterologous Booster Vaccination after Ad5-nCoV (CanSino Biologics) Vaccine: A Preliminary Descriptive Study

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    Several studies have reported the benefits and safety of heterologous vaccination among different approved vaccines; however, there are no specific reports on the effects of vaccination with the Ad5-nCoV and other vaccines of the same or different technologies. In the present study, we evaluated the neutralizing antibodies percentage against SARS-CoV-2 in Mexican patients immunized with the Ad5-nCoV vaccine six months after its application. Moreover, the effect of the heterologous vaccination with the Ad5-nCoV vaccine and a booster dose of ChAdOx1-S-Nov-19, Ad26.COV2.S, BNT162b2, or mRNA-127 were determined. Our results suggest that a heterologous regimen of one dose with Ad5-nCoV vaccine followed by a booster dose of a different vaccine is safe and induces a stronger humoral immune response

    Music dissemination, criticism and communication: new perspectives and challenges

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    Este proyecto tiene como objeto la formación práctica en recursos actuales de divulgación musical, crítica y comunicación, con el fin de fomentar la transferencia de conocimiento y el emprendimiento en el ámbito de la Musicología.This project aims to provide practical training in current resources for the dissemination of music, and communication, in order to promote knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship in the field of musicology. the field of Musicology.Fac. de Geografía e HistoriaFALSEsubmitte

    Mis casos Clínicos de Odontopediatría y Ortodoncia

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    Libro que conjunta casos en el área de Odontopediatría y OrtodonciaEs para los integrantes de la Red de Investigación en Estomatología (RIE) una enorme alegría presentar el tercer libro del 2021, sobre casos clínicos, revisiones de la literatura e investigaciones. La RIE está integrada por cuerpos académicos de la UAEH, UAEM, UAC y UdeG