355 research outputs found

    Thérapies traditionnelles aux Comores

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    Cet article présente un tableau général des divers moyens de protection des dangers et de guérison des maux, mis en oeuvre dans la société comorienne. Islamisée de façon continue depuis des siècles, cette société développe aussi une vision populaire du monde et des pratiques magico-religieuses plus ou moins tolérées par l'indulgence de l'islam local. Religion et pratiques populaires ont été elles-mêmes apportées par des groupes de population d'origine africaine, indonésienne, arabe ou malgache, qui ont juxtaposé ou mêlé divers systèmes de représentations. Leurs points communs sont : une vision déterminée d'un monde dominé par des déséquilibres et des concordances à respecter, justifiant l'observance de l'astrologie et le respect d'interdits; un relativisme social qui attribue à l'autre les intentions malveillantes qui ont provoqué le mal, les désordres et les problèmes qui affectent l'être humain, ou sa famille, dans sa vie quotidienne. (Résumé d'auteur

    Prevalence of ABCA4 Deep-Intronic Variants and Related Phenotype in An Unsolved "One-Hit" Cohort with Stargardt Disease

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    We investigated the prevalence of reported deep-intronic variants in a French cohort of 70 patients with Stargardt disease harboring a monoallelic pathogenic variant on the exonic regions of ABCA4. Direct Sanger sequencing of selected intronic regions of ABCA4 was conducted. Complete phenotypic analysis and correlation with the genotype was performed in case a known intronic pathogenic variant was identified. All other variants found on the analyzed sequences were queried for minor allele frequency and possible pathogenicity by in silico predictions. The second mutated allele was found in 14 (20%) subjects. The three known deep-intronic variants found were c.5196+1137G>A in intron 36 (6 subjects), c.4539+2064C>T in intron 30 (4 subjects) and c.4253+43G>A in intron 28 (4 subjects). Even though the phenotype depends on the compound effect of the biallelic variants, a genotype-phenotype correlation suggests that the c.5196+1137G>A was mostly associated with a mild phenotype and the c.4539+2064C>T with a more severe one. A variable effect was instead associated with the variant c.4253+43G>A. In addition, two novel variants, c.768+508A>G and c.859-245_859-243delinsTGA never associated with Stargardt disease before, were identified and a possible splice defect was predicted in silico. Our study calls for a larger cohort analysis including targeted locus sequencing and 3D protein modeling to better understand phenotype-genotype correlations associated with deep-intronic changes and patients' selection for clinical trials

    Spindle cell oncocytoma of the adenohypophysis in a woman: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Spindle cell oncocytoma of the adenohypophysis is a rare tumour recently reported by Roncaroli <it>et al. </it>in 2002. This tumour is considered a grade I tumour by the World Health Organization.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe what is, to the best of our knowledge, the 14th case of its kind in the literature. A 45-year-old African woman presented clinical and radiological findings related to a nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma. The diagnosis was made on the basis of histological and immunohistochemical findings.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The purpose of this work is to report a rare pituitary tumour and to describe its histological and immunohistochemical features, which were characterized by the expression of thyroid transcription factor 1 antigen by tumour cells. This fact could support the theory of a possible common origin of these tumours in pituicytomas. In fact, thyroid transcription factor 1 is considered to be a specific marker of pituicytes.</p

    Out of the Panopticon and into Exile:Visibility and Control in Distributed New Culture Organizations

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    This paper builds a theoretical argument for exile as an alternative metaphor to the panopticon, for conceptualizing visibility and control in the context of distributed “new culture” organizations. Such organizations emphasize team relationships between employees who use digital technologies to stay connected with each other and the organization. I propose that in this context, a fear of exile – that is a fear of being left out, overlooked, ignored or banished – can act as a regulating force that inverts the radial spatial dynamic of the panopticon and shifts the responsibility for visibility, understood both in terms of competitive exposure and existential recognition, onto workers. As a consequence these workers enlist digital technologies to become visible at the real or imagined organizational centre. A conceptual appreciation of exile, as discussed in existential philosophy and postcolonial theory, is shown to offer productive grounds for future research on how a need for visibility in distributed, digitised, and increasingly precarious work environments regulates employee subjectivity, in a manner that is not captured under traditional theories of ICT-enabled surveillance in organizations

    Toward an Identification of Resources Influencing Habitat Use in a Multi-Specific Context

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    Interactions between animal behaviour and the environment are both shaping observed habitat use. Despite the importance of inter-specific interactions on the habitat use performed by individuals, most previous analyses have focused on case studies of single species. By focusing on two sympatric populations of large herbivores with contrasting body size, we went one step beyond by studying variation in home range size and identifying the factors involved in such variation, to define how habitat features such as resource heterogeneity, resource quality, and openness created by hurricane or forest managers, and constraints may influence habitat use at the individual level. We found a large variability among individual's home range size in both species, particularly in summer. Season appeared as the most important factor accounting for observed variation in home range size. Regarding habitat features, we found that (i) the proportion of area damaged by the hurricane was the only habitat component that inversely influenced roe deer home range size, (ii) this habitat type also influenced both diurnal and nocturnal red deer home range sizes, (iii) home range size of red deer during the day was inversely influenced by the biomass of their preferred plants, as were both diurnal and nocturnal core areas of the red deer home range, and (iv) we do not find any effect of resource heterogeneity on home range size in any case. Our results suggest that a particular habitat type (i.e. areas damaged by hurricane) can be used by individuals of sympatric species because it brings both protected and dietary resources. Thus, it is necessary to maintain the openness of these areas and to keep animal density quite low as observed in these hunted populations to limit competition between these sympatric populations of herbivores

    Development and application of a next-generation-sequencing (NGS) approach to detect known and novel gene defects underlying retinal diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inherited retinal disorders are clinically and genetically heterogeneous with more than 150 gene defects accounting for the diversity of disease phenotypes. So far, mutation detection was mainly performed by APEX technology and direct Sanger sequencing of known genes. However, these methods are time consuming, expensive and unable to provide a result if the patient carries a new gene mutation. In addition, multiplicity of phenotypes associated with the same gene defect may be overlooked.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To overcome these challenges, we designed an exon sequencing array to target 254 known and candidate genes using Agilent capture. Subsequently, 20 DNA samples from 17 different families, including four patients with known mutations were sequenced using Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx next-generation-sequencing (NGS) platform. Different filtering approaches were applied to identify the genetic defect. The most likely disease causing variants were analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Co-segregation and sequencing analysis of control samples validated the pathogenicity of the observed variants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The phenotype of the patients included retinitis pigmentosa, congenital stationary night blindness, Best disease, early-onset cone dystrophy and Stargardt disease. In three of four control samples with known genotypes NGS detected the expected mutations. Three known and five novel mutations were identified in <it>NR2E3, PRPF3, EYS, PRPF8, CRB1, TRPM1 </it>and <it>CACNA1F</it>. One of the control samples with a known genotype belongs to a family with two clinical phenotypes (Best and CSNB), where a novel mutation was identified for CSNB. In six families the disease associated mutations were not found, indicating that novel gene defects remain to be identified.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, this unbiased and time-efficient NGS approach allowed mutation detection in 75% of control cases and in 57% of test cases. Furthermore, it has the possibility of associating known gene defects with novel phenotypes and mode of inheritance.</p

    Short communication: Influence of vitamins C and E on sperm motility of rabbit bucks

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    [EN] The objective of the study is to investigate the effect of vitamin C and E supplementation on rabbit sperm motility. Forty INAT breed bucks aged 8.5 mo were divided into 2 groups: control group (C) and treated group (T) receiving vitamins C (1 g/L) and E (1 g/L) incorporated in the drinking water. Semen was collected using an artificial vagina over 6 wk (C, total ejaculates=81; T, total ejaculates=76). The massal motility (MM) was evaluated in the fresh and raw semen. Then, the individual motility at 0 (IM0), 2 (IM2) and 4 h (IM4) after semen collection was determined in diluted semen and conserved at +4°C for the 2 groups. MM was higher in T than in C group (P=0.0012). However, the individual motilities IM0, IM2 and IM4 did not vary between the 2 groups. In conclusion, the supplementation of vitamins C and E in the drinking water for rabbit influenced only the MM in both fresh and raw semen.Najjar Ben Maâtoug, A.; Ben Saïd, S.; Najjar, T.; Kalamoun, S.; Ben Khalifa, N.; Ben Aïchae, E.; Ben Mrad, M. (2013). Short communication: Influence of vitamins C and E on sperm motility of rabbit bucks. World Rabbit Science. 21(1):45-48. doi:10.4995/wrs.2013.1174.SWORD454821

    Brezin-Gross-Witten model as "pure gauge" limit of Selberg integrals

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    The AGT relation identifies the Nekrasov functions for various N=2 SUSY gauge theories with the 2d conformal blocks, which possess explicit Dotsenko-Fateev matrix model (beta-ensemble) representations the latter being polylinear combinations of Selberg integrals. The "pure gauge" limit of these matrix models is, however, a non-trivial multiscaling large-N limit, which requires a separate investigation. We show that in this pure gauge limit the Selberg integrals turn into averages in a Brezin-Gross-Witten (BGW) model. Thus, the Nekrasov function for pure SU(2) theory acquires a form very much reminiscent of the AMM decomposition formula for some model X into a pair of the BGW models. At the same time, X, which still has to be found, is the pure gauge limit of the elliptic Selberg integral. Presumably, it is again a BGW model, only in the Dijkgraaf-Vafa double cut phase.Comment: 21 page

    In vivo antiviral efficacy of prenylation inhibitors against hepatitis delta virus

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    Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) can dramatically worsen liver disease in patients coinfected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). No effective medical therapy exists for HDV. The HDV envelope requires HBV surface antigen proteins provided by HBV. Once inside a cell, however, HDV can replicate its genome in the absence of any HBV gene products. In vitro, HDV virion assembly is critically dependent on prenyl lipid modification, or prenylation, of its nucleocapsid-like protein large delta antigen. To overcome limitations of current animal models and to test the hypothesis that pharmacologic prenylation inhibition can prevent the production of HDV virions in vivo, we established a convenient mouse-based model of HDV infection capable of yielding viremia. Such mice were then treated with the prenylation inhibitors FTI-277 and FTI-2153. Both agents were highly effective at clearing HDV viremia. As expected, HDV inhibition exhibited duration-of-treatment dependence. These results provide the first preclinical data supporting the in vivo efficacy of prenylation inhibition as a novel antiviral therapy with potential application to HDV and a wide variety of other viruses

    Molecular Clusters in Mesoporous Materials as Precursors to Nanoparticles of a New Lacunar Ternary Compound PdxMoyP

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    Bimetallic clusters of composition Pd2Mo2(g5-C5H5)2(l3-CO)2(l2-CO)4 (PR3)2 (R = ethyl or phenyl) were incorporated by impregnation from solution into two different silica matrices, amorphous xerogels and ordered SBA-15, and a study of their thermal decomposition under a reducing atmosphere is reported. With both matrices, a suitable thermal treatment afforded nanoparticles of a new bimetallic phosphide. Although nanoparticles of composition PdxMoyP, isostructural with Mo3P, were formed in both matrices, they were more uniformly distributed in the SBA-15 framework and showed a narrower size distribution. The samples have been characterized by powder XRD, chemical analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy, TEM and electron tomography (3D TEM)