21 research outputs found

    RIO Country Report 2015: Poland

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    The 2015 series of RIO Country Reports analyse and assess the policy and the national research and innovation system developments in relation to national policy priorities and the EU policy agenda with special focus on ERA and Innovation Union. The executive summaries of these reports put forward the main challenges of the research and innovation systems.JRC.J.6-Innovation Systems Analysi

    Improving access to finance for young innovative enterprises with growth potential: evidence of impact on firms' output Part 2. R&D grant schemes: lessons learned from evaluations

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    This policy report explores the role of R&D grant schemes in supporting young innovative firms with growth potential. This issue is important because it is associated to the ways in which the innovativeness and growth of a myriad of young innovative firms with growth potential can be effectively be supported by policy. We have used primary literature from Science direct and Scopus databases which we have organised and conducted between March and June 2017 and policy evaluations. It contributes to the current political debate in Europe on new sources and forms of R&I funding to enhance EU level support for young innovative companies with growth potential.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    RIO Country Report 2015: Czech Republic

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    The 2015 series of RIO Country Reports analyse and assess the policy and the national research and innovation system developments in relation to national policy priorities and the EU policy agenda with special focus on ERA and Innovation Union. The executive summaries of these reports put forward the main challenges of the research and innovation systems.JRC.J.6-Innovation Systems Analysi

    RIO Country Report 2017: Poland

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    The R&I Observatory country report 2017 provides a brief analysis of the R&I system covering the economic context, main actors, funding trends & human resources, policies to address R&I challenges, and R&I in national and regional smart specialisation strategies. Data is from Eurostat, unless otherwise referenced and is correct as at January 2018. Data used from other international sources is also correct to that date. The report provides a state-of-play and analysis of the national level R&I system and its challenges, to support the European Semester.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    “Cześć chłopaku!” Rytualne aspekty okazywania zaangażowania w rozmowę w audycji radiowej

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    W rozmowach radiowych pojawia się wiele rytualnych środków okazywania zaangażowania. Rozmowy te tworzone są dla publiczności, która oczekuje od prowadzących familiarności i bezpośredniości w kontaktach ze słuchaczami. Jednakże wszystkie rodzaje rozmów prowadzonych na antenie zależne są od instytucjonalnego kontekstu emisji programów radiowych i posiadają swoiste cechy właściwe rozmowom formalnym. Autorka w artykule stawia tezę, że przyjacielska rozmowa na antenie ma, pomimo wszelkich manifestacji prywatności, wyraźnie profesjonalny charakter i pokazuje, w jaki sposób prowadzący program aplikują elementy stylu wysokiego zaangażowania, aby wywołać efekt zaprzyjaźnienia ze słuchaczami

    Envisioning Digital Europe 2030: Scenarios for ICT in Future Governance and Policy Modelling

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    The report Envisioning Digital Europe 2030 is the result of research conducted by the Information Society Unit of IPTS as part of the CROSSROAD Project - A Participative Roadmap on ICT research on Electronic Governance and Policy Modelling (www.crossroad-eu.net ). After outlining the purpose and scope of the report and the methodological approach followed, the report presents the results of a systematic analysis of societal, policy and research trends in the governance and policy modelling domain in Europe. These analyses are considered central for understanding and roadmapping future research on ICT for governance and policy modelling. The study further illustrates the scenario design framework, analysing current and future challenges in ICT for governance and policy modelling, and identifying the key impact dimensions to be considered. It then presents the scenarios developed at the horizon 2030, including the illustrative storyboards representative of each scenario and the prospective opportunities and risks identified for each of them. The scenarios developed are internally consistent views of what the European governance and policy making system could have become by 2030 and of what the resulting implications for citizens, business and public services would be. Finally, the report draws conclusions and presents the proposed shared vision for Digital Europe 2030, offering also a summary of the main elements to be considered as an input for the future development of the research roadmap on ICT for governance and policy modelling.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    Current Challenges in Fostering the European Innovation Ecosystem

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    The present report discusses innovation challenges under the following headings: The 3% R&D target and industrial structure: is it still a relevant goal? if we cannot achieve the 3% target, does it make sense to keep it? Technology diffusion: how can we combat its sluggishness and speed up adoption? Access to finance: is the large amount of liquidity being funnelled to "zombie" companies instead of highly innovative ones? Universities and skills: are higher education institutions adequately playing their role in driving innovation? The governance of the R&I system: how to remove administrative barriers and increase flexibility? Can SSH research contribute more to shaping R&I policies?JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt


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    In phone-ins on morning radio programs one can observe the presence of different ritual means which enable the host and the caller to build a rapport. These conversations are created for an overhearing audience, i.e. listeners at home who expect that the host will address the callers in a friendly and informal way. However, all radio talks are dependent on the institutional context of broadcasting and necessarily include specific features typical of formal talk. The author of the article claims that the 'friendly on-air chat' has, in spite of many demonstrations of intimacy between the hosts and the callers, a clearly professional character and shows how the hosts use the elements of high-involvement style to create the effect of bonding with the audience

    Improving access to finance for young innovative firms with growth potential: evidence of impact of equity instruments on firms' output

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    Dieses Poster fasst die Auswirkungen von Public Equity-Instrumenten auf junge innovative Unternehmen mit Wachstumspotenzial zusammen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Zusätzlichkeit der Produktion, d. H. Den Auswirkungen von Eigenkapitalinstrumenten auf die Produktion von Unternehmen (gemessen am Wachstum in Bezug auf Beschäftigung, Umsatz und Innovationstätigkeit)

    Rebooting science? Implications of science 2.0 main trends for scientific method and research institutions

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    This paper aims to analyse a set of converging trends underpinning a larger phenomenon called science 2.0 and to assess what are the most important implications for scientific method and research institutions. Design/methodology/approach: It is based on a triangulation of exploratory methods which include a wide-ranging literature review, Web-based mapping and in-depth interviews with stakeholders. Findings: The main implications of science 2.0 are enhanced efficiency, transparency and reliability; raise of data-driven science; microcontributions on a macroscale; multidimensional, immediate and multiform evaluation of science; disaggregation of the value chain of service providers for scientists; influx of multiple actors and the democratisation of science. Originality/value: The paper rejects the notion of science 2.0 as the mere adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in science and puts forward an original integrated definition covering three trends that have not yet been analysed together: open science, citizens science and data-intensive science. It argues that these trends are mutually reinforcing and puts forward their main implications. It concludes with the identification of three enablers of science 2.0 policy measures, individual practice of scientists and new infrastructure and services and sees the main bottleneck in lack of incentives on the individual level