19 research outputs found

    Turnover rates of nitrogen stable isotopes in the salt marsh mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, following a laboratory diet switch

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer-Verlag GmbH for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oecologia 147 (2006): 391-395, doi:10.1007/s00442-005-0277-z.Nitrogen stable isotopes are frequently used in ecological studies to estimate trophic position and determine movement patterns. Knowledge of tissue-specific turnover and nitrogen discrimination for the study organisms is important for accurate interpretation of isotopic data. We measured δ15 N turnover in liver and muscle tissue in juvenile mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, following a laboratory diet switch. Liver tissue turned over significantly faster than muscle tissue suggesting the potential for a multiple tissue stable isotope approach to study movement and trophic position over different time scales; metabolism contributed significantly to isotopic turnover for both liver and muscle. Nitrogen diet-tissue discrimination was estimated at between 0.0 and 1.2‰ for liver and –1.0 and 0.2‰ for muscle. This is the first experiment to demonstrate a significant variation in δ15 N turnover between liver and muscle tissues in a fish species.This study was funded by NSF LTER grant OCE-9726921

    Estimating stable isotope turnover rates of epidermal mucus and dorsal muscle for an omnivorous fish using a diet-switch experiment

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Stable isotope (SI) analysis studies rely on knowledge of isotopic turnover rates and trophic-step discrimination factors. Epidermal mucus (‘mucus’) potentially provides an alternative SI ‘tissue’ to dorsal muscle that can be collected non-invasively and non-destructively. Here, a diet-switch experiment using the omnivorous fish Cyprinus carpio and plant- and fish-based formulated feeds compared SI data between mucus and muscle, including their isotopic discrimination factors and turnover rates (as functions of time T and mass G, at isotopic half-life (50) and equilibrium (95)). Mucus isotope data differed significantly and predictively from muscle data. The fastest δ13C turnover rate was for mucus in fish on the plant-based diet (T50: 17 days, T95: 74 days; G50: 1.08(BM), G95: 1.40(BM)). Muscle turnover rates were longer for the same fish (T50: 44 days, T95: 190 days; G50: 1.13(BM), G95: 1.68(BM)). Longer half-lives resulted in both tissues from the fish-based diet. δ13C discrimination factors varied by diet and tissue (plant-based: 3.11–3.28‰; fishmeal: 1.28–2.13‰). Mucus SI data did not differ between live and frozen fish. These results suggest that mucus SI half-lives provide comparable data to muscle, and can be used as a non-destructive alternative tissue in fish-based SI studies

    Variability in the trophic position of larval fishes in theupper Paraná floodplain based on δ15N

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    The upper Paraná River floodplain is composed of several marginal lagoons, making it a natural breeding ground for many fish species at developmental stages. The aim of this study is to estimate the trophic positions of these fishes based on feed intake (measured via diet) and nitrogen assimilation (measured via &#948;15N). The monthly samplings were concentrated during the spawning season in the Ivinheima River, which is located in the upper Paraná River floodplain. The specimens were grouped into preflexion, flexion and postflexion stages. Trophic positions were estimated based on the isotope value of nitrogen and on diet. During the developmental stages of P. squamosissimus, there were significant differences in the isotope values of &#948;15N; for H. edentatus, however, no significant differences were found. During the developmental stages, both species were classified as either at or above the third trophic level. Once this information is obtained for other species and components of the ecosystem, it will not only provide a more precise view of the energy allocation and flow in the ecosystem, but will also make possible for management measures to promote sustainability in this environment.<br>A planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná é formada por várias lagoas marginais, tornando-se um criadouro natural de várias espécies de peixes nos estágios de desenvolvimento. O objetivo do estudo foi estimar as posições tróficas destes peixes, com base no alimento consumido (medido através dieta) e o nitrogênio assimilado (medido através &#948;15N). As amostragens mensais concentraram-se no período de desova das espécies, no rio Ivinheima, na planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná. Os espécimes foram agrupados em: pré-flexão, flexão e pós-flexão. As posições tróficas foram estimadas com base no valor isotópico de nitrogênio e na dieta. Nas fases de desenvolvimento de P. squamosissimus houve diferença significativa nos valores isotópicos de &#948;15N, enquanto que, para H. edentatus, não foram identificadas. Ambas as espécies, durante os estágios de desenvolvimento, foram classificadas em igual ou acima do terceiro nível trófico. Estas informações, quando obtidas para outras espécies de peixes e componentes do ecossistema, fornecerão uma visão mais precisa da distribuição e fluxo de energia no ecossistema, além de tornar possível medidas de manejo, que visem promover a sustentabilidade deste ambiente

    Stock discrimination of Southern Garfish (Hyporhamphus melanochir) by stable isotope ratio analysis of otolith aragonite

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    Stable isotope analysis (δ18O and δ13C) of otolith aragonite was used to infer ontogenetic patterns of movement, delineate sub-population structure, and determine the mixing of Southern Garfish (Hyporhamphus melanochir) in South Australian waters. Adult garfish from the 2+ age class were collected from three sites within each of six regions along the South Australian coast: Northern Gulf St. Vincent, South West Gulf St. Vincent, Kangaroo Island, Northern Spencer Gulf, South West Spencer Gulf and the West Coast of Eyre Peninsula. Significant spatial variation was detected in mean δ18O and δ13C values among sites within regions and as a function of fish age. Salinity, rather than sea surface temperature, appeared to account for regional variation in δ18O, whereas variation in diet and metabolic processes were suggested to account for observed differences in δ13C. Otolith oxygen and carbon stable isotope values indicated that the South Australian Southern Garfish fishery is comprised of multiple, regional, population components that persist through time. Both the West Coast and Northern Spencer Gulf regions constitute distinct population components that exhibit little inter-regional mixing and therefore may be considered as discrete management units. The South West Spencer Gulf region may also be considered a separate population component, however, its level of connectivity with Gulf St. Vincent is uncertain. With the exception of juvenile garfish from Kangaroo Island, there was no clear regional separation within Gulf St. Vincent.Mike A. Steer, Galen P. Halverson, Anthony J. Fowler and Bronwyn M. Gillander