93 research outputs found

    Prospek Dan Kendala Pengembangan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Sebagai Bahan Bakar Nabati Di Indonesia

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    Prospects and Problems of Jatropha curcas Development as Biodiesel Energy in IndonesiaOne of potential commodities to be used as bio fuel in Indonesia is Jatropha curcas. This plant is chosen because it does not compete with food crops, while animal do not like it because it is poisonous. Moreover, this plant is adaptable in different climate conditions and may become a new business opportunity for farmers, since fuel production activities can be decentralized. There are 14.2 million hectares of land suitable for growing the plant, whereas currently only 5 million hectares are available. Indonesian Centre for Estate Crops Research and Development nowadays has superior varieties that can be used to support expansion of 2.4 million hectares of jatropha plantations in 2025. However, agriculture technologies still have to be improved in term of, for instance, pest and disease control strategies, planting patterns, as well as fertilizing, and cultivation technologies. Moreover, current seed production of jatropha is still low i.e. only 7.582 tonnes in 2007 of 68.200 hectares which becoming 7.925 tonnes in 2008 of 69.221 ha, and 8.013 tonnes in 2009 of 69.315 hectares. The main strategy to accelerate jatropha plantation areas is to find new strategy especially related to how to improve plant production. This approach may be achieved through biotechnology and plant genetic engineering as well as finding new genetic varieties from its country of origin, including countries in Latin America


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    The first fact that appeared on earth when Gabriel came to The Prophet for the first time was that the new religion (Islam) was based on science and rejected false beliefs and delusions as a whole. In the same manner as science, education is very important in Islam Method of teaching has very important role in education and narrating story was one of the Prophet’s methods. This narrating method was then followed by Muslim scholars and educators from earlier age till now, and one of them is Abu Umar Basyier who wrote Sandiwara Langit that assumed to have some values of Islamic education. The problem statement of this research is: “what values of Islamic education are contained in Abu Umar Basyier’s Sandiwara Langit?” and the objective of this study is to determine the values of Islamic education contained in Abu Umar Basyier’s Sandiwara Langit. This study is expected to give contributions of thought to the development of science, particularly the development of Islamic education, in the form of strengthening the theory that narrating story is a teaching method, and expected to be able to teach the general public, especially educators among the Muslims, that there are many lessons can be studied from a story and encourage Muslims educators that narrating story as one of the main educational methods. This research is a qualitative one because it produces descriptive data and it is a library and documentation research for the data observed are library texts and documents. The primary data source of this research is Abu Umar Basyier’s Sandiwara Langit. The technique of collecting data in this study is documentation and the techniques of the analyzing data are descriptive and inductive technique. In Sandiwara Langit, it can be found values of Islamic education. Those are honesty, courage, peaceability, self-reliance, self-discipline and moderation, self-purity, loyalty and trust, respect, love, empathy, hospitality, and value of justice and generosity. The value of honesty in the story includes honesty to others, honesty to an institution and honesty to oneself. The value of courage in the story includes the courage to oppose the majority that leads to the wrong path, the courage to attempt good deed although it is difficult, and the courage to say “no” to a demand that leads to the wrong. The value of peacebility the story is controlling the emotion. The value of self-reliance in the story is value of being independent. The value of discipline and moderation in the story are the ability to manage self-emotion and desire and the ability to manage time. The value of purity in the story includes the purity of the soul (from loving affairs of mortal life) and awareness to keep the purity itself before and after getting married. The values of loyalty and trust that are in the story include loyalty to the profession and institution, loyalty to the family, and being consistent to the promise. The value of respect that can be found is respect to the other. The value of love in the story includes love for family, love for couple, love for another Muslim brother, and love for Allah.The value of empathy in the story includes empathy to other people financial condition. The value of hospitality in the story includes hospitality to the guest. The value of justice in the story includes justice to the family, the understanding of generosity and the understanding of forgiveness


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    ABSTRAKAmpas sagu berpotensi sebagai sumber bahan organik untukmeningkatkan kesuburan tanah. Pengaruh ampas sagu terhadap kesuburantanah ditentukan oleh tingkat dekomposisi dan komposisinya. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat dekomposisi ampas sagu terhadappertumbuhan dan produksi lada perdu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di KebunPercobaan Institut Pertanian Bogor dan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempahdan Obat pada bulan Mei 2003 sampai April 2004. Tanaman yangdigunakan adalah tanaman lada perdu umur 4 tahun yang ditanam dibawah tanaman karet. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok(RAK), dengan 3 ulangan dan 6 tan/perlakuan yang menguji perlakuankombinasi antara tingkat dekomposisi ampas sagu(W) dan komposisinyadengan kompos (A), terdiri dari : W 0 = ampas sagu dekomposisi 0 bulan,W 1 = ampas sagu dekomposisi 1 bulan, dan W 2 = ampas sagu dekomposisi2 bulan dan A 1 = 100% ampas sagu, A 2 = 75% ampas sagu + 25% kompos,A 3 = 50% ampas sagu + 50% kompos dan A 4 = 25% ampas sagu + 75%kompos. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan mulsa ampassagu 100 % dalam bentuk segar dekomposisi 1 bulan ternyata menghambatpertambahan jumlah cabang tersier lada perdu hingga akhir penelitian.Dibandingkan dengan kontrol terjadi perbedaan pengaruh yang nyataterhadap komponen produksi, sebagai respon terhadap kombinasiperlakuanW 2 A 2 , W 2 A 1, W 1 A 3 pada panjang tandan (9,13; 9,03; 8,70 cm),dan W 2 A 2 , W 2 A 1, W 0 A 4 pada jumlah biji/tandan (46,67; 43,00; 41,73biji/tandan), serta W 2 A 2 , W 2 A 1, W 2 A 3 pada bobot kering buahlada/tanaman (323,20; 314,90; 297,85 g/tanaman). Pemberian ampas sagu75% + 25% kompos (W 2 A 2 ) dan 100% (W 2 A 1 ) dekomposisi 2 bulanmampu meningkatkan jumlah biji 91 - 107% dan menghasilkan bobotkering buah yang tinggi sebesar 323,20 dan 314,90 g per tanaman.Kata kunci: Ampas sagu, mulsa, lada perdu, produktivitasABSTRACTUse of Sago Waste and Compost to Increase theProductivity of Bushy Black PepperAs a source of organic matter to improve soil fertility, sago wastecan also be used as an ameliorant and natural herbicide. The effect of sagoand compost on soil fertility is determined by the grade of decompositionand its compositions. An experiment was conducted at the experimentalgarden of Bogor Agricultural University Bogor and Indonesian Medicinaland Aromatic Crops Research Institute, from May 2003 to April 2004.Plant material used was bushy black pepper of the Petaling variety, 4 yearsold, planted under rubber trees. The treatments used were A 1 W 0 = 100%sago waste without decomposition; A 1 W 1 = 100% sago waste after 1month decomposition; A 1 W 2 = 100% sago waste after 2 monthsdecomposition; A 2 W 0 = 75% sago waste + 25% compost, withoutdecomposition; A 2 W 1 = 75% sago waste + 25% compost, after 1 monthdecomposition; A 2 W 2 = 75% sago waste + 25% compost, after 2 monthsdecomposition; A 3 W 0 = 50% sago waste + 50% compost, withoutdecomposition; A 3 W 1 = 50% sago waste + 50% compost, after 1 monthdecomposition; A 3 W 2 = 50% sago waste + 50% compost, after 2 monthsdecomposition; A 4 W 0 = 25% sago waste + 75% compost, withoutdecomposition; A 4 W 1 = 25% sago waste + 75% compost, after 1 monthdecomposition; A 4 W 2 = 25% sago waste + 75% compost, after 2 monthsdecomposition; TBO = without organic matter (control). The experimentwas performed with a randomized block design, with 3 replicates and 6plants/plot. The results showed, that 100% sago palm waste after 1 monthdecomposition hampered number of tertiary branch until the end ofresearch. The real difference on the productivity components as a respondof combination sago waste treatments wereW 2 A 2 , W 2 A 1, W 1 A 3 for lengthof stem (9.13; 9.03; 8.70 cm), and W 2 A 2 , W 2 A 1, W 0 A 4 for number ofberries/spike (46.67; 43.00; 41.73 kernels/spike), and W 2 A 2 , W 2 A 1, W 2 A 3for dry weight of berries/plant (323.20; 314.90; 297.85 g/plant).Extension of 75% sago palm waste+ 25% compost (W 2 A 2 ) and 100%(W 2 A 1 ) after 2 months decomposition were able to increase amount ofseed 91 - 107 % and dry weight of berries /plant which were323.20 and314.90 g per plant.Key words: Sago waste, mulch, bushy pepper black, productivit

    Peran Dan Pengelolaan Hara Nitrogen Pada Tanaman Tebu Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Tebu

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    Role and Management of Sugarcane Nitrogen Nutrient to Increase ProductivityEfforts to increase sugarcane productivity requires sugarcane with high sucrose yielding potency completed by proper cultivation method. Effective and efficient N management require on understanding physiological role and its responses. This review is aimed to discuss research findings and its implication on nutrient absorption and uptake, reduction, and amino acid biosynthesis, responses and N effects and its interaction, and supply aspect such as dossage, application method in relation to productivity and sucrose content to increase sugarcane productivity and its sucrose content. Through this review will be gotten proper N management to increase sugar productivity. Nitrate uptake needs energy and nitrate reductase. It is not for ammonium, but it need excess availability promoted toxicity., Nitrate will be reduced in roots or leaves to be ammonium, and then utilize for amino acid synthesis. Nitrogen enters to plants through fertilizer as nitrate or ammonium with other ion in fertilizer such as sulphate ammonium, chlorida ammonium, nitrate ammonium, nitrate calsium, and also urea. Proper N application wiil raise vegetative growth (LAI and tillering), photoshynthetic rate, flowering delay, lodging, and productivity rise. Response on N depend on N form and its pairs. N fertilizer dosage lower than 150 kg N/ha recomended once, at early growth phase, but dossage the higher one, supplemental application at 3 months. Right N dossage is significantly increasing sugarcane productivity, but its effect on sucrose content generally is not significantly

    Peningkatan Keberhasilan Sambungan Top-working Jambu Mete (Annacardium Occidentale L.) Dengan Aplikasi Asam Indol Butirat / Improve Grafting Success of Top Working on Cashew (Annacardium Occidentale L.) by Application of Indole Butyric Acid (Iba)

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    Produktivitas jambu mete (Annacardium occidentale L.) di Indonesia masih rendah yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan bahan tanaman dari biji dengan mutu genetik yang rendah. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas jambu mete adalah penerapan teknologi top-working yaitu teknologi menggantikan tanaman tidak unggul di lapang dengan varietas unggul secara cepat melalui cara penyambungan, tanpa harus membongkar tanaman. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan konsentrasi IBA yang tepat untuk meningkatkan persentase keberhasilan dan pertumbuhan sambungan top working pada tanaman jambu mete. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan (KP) Cikampek mulai bulan Januari sampai Juni 2016. Varietas yang digunakan untuk batang atas (entres) dan batang bawah yaitu B02, dan batang bawah berumur 7 tahun. Pada musim hujan dilakukan pemotongan batang pohon jambu mete setinggi 1,2 – 1,5 m di atas permukaan tanah. Batang atas yang digunakan berukuran panjang ± 15 cm dan diameter 5 – 7 mm dengan mata tunas yang masih tidur (dorman). Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dengan empat perlakuan dan tujuh ulangan. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah konsentrasi IBA (0, 300, 600, dan 900 ppm). Peubah yang diamati adalah persentase sambungan hidup, panjang tunas, jumlah daun, kandungan klorofil, dan kompatibilitas berdasarkan nilai konstan field determination of compatibility constant (FCC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi IBA 600 ppm dinilai cukup efisien dan efekftif dalam menghasilkan persentase sambungan hidup, panjang tunas, jumlah daun, dan kandungan klorofil

    Analisis Efisiensi dan Nilai Tambah Homeindustri Keripik Tette di Desa Taroan Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Penelitian Analisis Efisiensi dan Nilai Tambah Homeindustri Keripik Tette di Desa Taroan  Kecamatan Kabupaten Pamekasan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pendapatan, efisiensi, nilai tambah dan titik impas pada homeindustri keripik tette di Desa Taroan Kecamatan Tlanakan Kabupaten Pamekasan. Metode penentuan daerah dilakukan secara sengaja yaitu di Desa Taroan Kabupaten Pamekasan dan untuk metode penentuan sampel menggunakan metode sensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan rata-rata homeindustri keripik tette di Desa Taroan Kabupaten Pamekasan adalah Rp.2.153.128/bulan. Untuk analisa efisiensi (RC Ratio) rata-rata adalah 2,72. Hasil nilai tambah menunjukkan bahwa Rp.15.546/kg. Homeindustri Keripik Tette di Desa Taroan Kecamatan Tlanakan Kabupaten Pamekasan berdasarkan BEP volume dan harga sudah mencapai diatas nilai titik impas dan bisa dibuktikan untuk nilai titik impas volume 20,65 kg/bulan, sedangkan untuk nilai titik impas harga Rp.826.000, maka homeindustri keripik tette di Desa Taroan Kecamatan Tlanakan Kabupaten Pamekasan sudah mencapai diatas nilai titik impas dan layak untuk diusahakan. Kata Kunci : Keripik Tette, Analisis Pendapatan dan Efisiensi, Kabupaten Pamekasa

    Serapan Hara N, P, K Pada Tujuh Nomor Harapan Serai Dapur Pada Tanah Lasotol / the Nutrient Uptake of N, P, and K of Seven Promising Numbers of Lemongrass in Latosol Soil

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    The constrain of lemongrass cultivation is crop nutrient requirement does not estimate yet as a reference for determining the dosage of fertilizer needed to produce good yield and quality. The study aims to determine the NPK uptake of seven lemongrass promising numbers grown in latosol soil in Cibinong research garden, Bogor, namely: Cyci 0003, 0004, 0006, 0009, 0012, 0018 and local. Seven lemongrass promising numbers were from Boyolali, Yogyakarta, Cipatat, Cisaroni, East Nusa Tenggara, Bogor, and Cibinong which had been characterized. The design used was randomized block design with four replications and 25 plants per plots. The parameters observed were number of tillers, plant height, leaf length and width, stem diameter weight per clump, oil yield and quality, and chlorophyll content. The results showed that there were differences of nutrient uptake pattern, as well as the amount of fertilizer requirement N, P and K on all seven promising numbers of lemongrass. Local and Cyci 0003 had highest oil and sitral production compared to other lemongrass promising numbers. To generate the essential oil yield 81,39 kg ha-1 and production of citral 14,25 tonnes ha-1, Cyci 0003 absorbed 284,65 kg Urea, 49,15 kg SP-36, and 308,95 kg KCl ha-1, while local Cyci absorbed 230,29 kg Urea, 49,97 kg SP-36, and 161,8 kg KCl ha-1 to produce 97,94 kg essential oils yield ha-1 and 16,01 tonnes citral ha-1. Essential oil content of Lemongrass increased with increasing uptake of N and P, and citral oil content increased with increasing nutrient P uptake. Local Cyci promising number was relatively efficient in N, P, and K nutrient absorption
