64 research outputs found

    Sharia-Based Regional Regulations in the Indonesian National Law System

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    This study aimed to explain the existence of sharia-based regional regulations and discuss the form of legal system regulation of sharia-based regional regulations in Indonesia. After the reformation, changes in the legal system in Indonesia began, especially the change from a centralized pattern to a decentralized one and the granting of regional autonomy authority, this was marked by the issuance of regional regulations based on the needs of each region. The next problem is the emergence of the desire to establish sharia-based regional regulations such as in Aceh, South Sulawesi, and West Java which invites legal discourse on the legal system in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative method with a normative legal approach. The subjects of this study were the namely elements of the Central and Regional Government, and Members of the DPRD. In addition, information was also collected from scholars, academics, and legal practitioners. The research procedure was carried out in four steps: observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed using an inductive model. The research findings showed that; first, the implementation of post-reform Islamic Shari'a cannot be separated from the increase in democratic life in Indonesia. Second, the application of Islamic Shari'a is the desire of the community as the foundation and order of social, national, and religious life. Third, the application of sharia-based regional regulations in addition to being elite political capital is also part of increasing identity and cultural revival and social life of the community

    A Procedure of Dispute Resolution at Village Adat Institution in Seunudon Sub-District of North Aceh Regency

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    When a dispute occurred in the community, village leaders always intervened to solve it with or without being asked the parties by using a certain dispute resolution procedures. This current research was developed to determine the procedures of dispute resolution by the village adat institutions. By using the empirical juridical method, document analysis, field survey, and interviews with the people and leaders of adat institutions, for primary data; while the literature study includes the study of laws and regulations related to the secondary data; and then all data was analyzed by descriptive method. The results of research shown that the dispute resolution was conducted by keuchik of gampong or other adat institutional leaders as justice of the peace with a certain procedure; the dispute resolution procedures may differ between one village and another village. Nowadays, no one has a written guideline in adat dispute resolution that can be used by the leaders of adat institutions. Hence it requires a regulation (qanun) as the legal basis of the dispute resolution procedures by adat institutions. Keywords: Procedure, Dispute Resolution, Adat Institution, Gampong, Aceh

    Dualism of Competences in The Settlement of Child Abusement Cases in Aceh: Case Number 231/Pid.Sus/2018/ PN Bna and 005/JN/2017/Ms-Lgs

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    There is a dualism of competences in the settlement of cases of sexual abuse of children in Aceh. The practice of dualism of competences occurs in the settlement of cases of criminal acts of sexual abuse against children in Aceh where case Number 231/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Bna was resolved in the Banda Aceh District Court and case Number 005/JN/2017/Ms-Lgs was resolved in the Court of Justice. Syar'iyah Langsa. The formulation of the problem in this thesis research is why there is dualism of authority in resolving cases of child molestation in Aceh and what is the juridical basis for the Banda Aceh District Court and the Langsa Syar'iyah Court in adjudicating cases of child abuse. This research uses normative juridical research. Dualism occurs because the Qanun Jinayat and the Child Protection Law (UUPA) regulate sexual abuse of children. The juridical basis of the District Court in the settlement of cases of criminal acts of sexual abuse against children in case Number 231/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Bna uses Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection (UUPA), and the juridical basis of the Syar'iyah Court in the settlement cases of criminal acts of sexual abuse against children in case Number 005/JN/2017/Ms-Lgs using Article 47 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law. The judicial process against Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law was carried out at the Syar'iyah Court. The norm that has the authority to adjudicate is the Syar'iyah Court by implementing the Qanun Jinayat

    Gender Justice in Inheritance Distribution Practices in South Aceh, Indonesia

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    This paper explores the practices of inheritance distribution among the people of South Aceh who commonly divide inheritance property based on customary inheritance law. Heirs receive their shares of inheritance not according to Islamic law (furudh al-muqaddarah), as both male and female heirs earn equal portions. The study of this paper aims to examine the concept of Islamic inheritance law from the perspective of gender equity, the pattern of interaction and formation of customary inheritance law in social institutions, and the basis for the community beliefs in dividing inheritance according to the custom and culture of South Aceh. The study obtained data by observing the practices of inheritance distribution in South Aceh and conducting in-depth interviews with the community figures, the representatives of Ulema Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama/MPU), and the judges at the Tapaktuan Sharia Court using an empirical juridical approach. The results of the study revealed that the concept of Islamic inheritance law has been an alternative and in line with the principle of gender justice for women in South Aceh as a manifestation of the principle of balanced justice. This principle has been reflected in the patterns of inheritance distribution through the respective customary law mechanisms in accordance with the agreement of all heirs. The people in South Aceh have preferred to divide inheritance through the customary law as it has been more flexible and taken into account the socio-economic conditions and values developed in their community


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    Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) Sejahtera merupakan suatu lembaga yang menyediakan jasa dalam rangka mengoptimalisasi penggunaan alat dan mesin pertanian.  Tujuan usaha ini untuk mendapatkan keuntungan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelompok tani. Lembaga ini memiliki sejumlah pekerja yang mengendalikan mesin-mesin traktor yang disediakan oleh UPJA dengan pembayaran upah setelah pekerjaan pemotongan padi berdasarkan perjanjian yang telah ditentukan. Namun, kebanyakan pekerja tidak menerima upah sebagaimana perjanjian keduanya. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini mengandung beberapa rumusan masalah yaitu: Bagaimana sistem penetapan besaran upah jasa pekerja traktor pemotong padi pada Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) Sejahtera?, Bagaimana Praktik pengupahan pekerja traktor pemotong padi pada Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan?, serta Apakah praktik pengupahan Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan sudah sesuai dengan hukum Islam?. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitis (descriptive analytic) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Data lapangan diperoleh melalui wawancara langsung dengan pihak terkait. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sistem penetapan besaran upah jasa pekerja traktor pemotong padi pada Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) Sejahtera didasarkan pada kondisi lapangan dan berdasarkan skill para pekerja. Akan tetapi pengupahan pekerja traktor pemotong padi ditangguhkan oleh lembaga UPJA yang seharusnya dibayar berdasarkan perjanjian yaitu setelah selesainya pekerjaan, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam hukum Islam. Pengupahan pekerja Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) Sejahtera belum sesuai dengan hukum Islam, dikarenakan mengandung unsur kezaliman dari salah satu pihak terutama pekerja traktor pemotong padi di UPJ

    Putusan Talak Raj’i pada Kasus Poliandri: Analisis Hukum Islam terhadap Putusan Hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyah Jantho Nomor 216/Pdt.G/2015/MS-JTH

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    Poliandri adalah sistem perkawinan dimana seorang wanita mempunyai suami lebih dari satu orang dalam waktu bersamaan. Al-qur’an dan Hadits melarang tindakan poliandri. Namun kenyataannya, ditemukan kasus poliandri di kalangan masyarakat. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya cerai talak pada Mahkamah Syari’iyah Jantho dalam putusan Nomor 216/Pdt.G/2015/MS-JTH. Dalam perkara ini suami menceraikan isterinya karena melakukan poliandri.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dasar pertimbangan Hakim dalam memutus talak raj’i karena poliandri. Pada sisi lain, penelitian ini juga menggali pandangan hukum Islam dan hukum positif terhadap perkara talak raj’i karena poliandri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi pustaka (library research). Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hakim menjatuhkan talak raj’i terhadap isteri yang melakukan poliandri di dasarkan pada larangan Al-quran dan Hadits tentang poliandri. Di samping itu, hakim juga mempertimbangkan kemaslahatan anak Pemohon dan Termohon yang masih dibawah umur yang sangat membutuhkan kasih sayang penuh dari kedua orangtuanya. Tindakan hakim ini sejalan dengan hukum positif dan hukum Islam. Untuk mengantisipasi munculnya praktek poliandri di masyarakat, di sarankan kepada  pihak KUA dan tokoh agama agar memberikan pembinaan dan bimbingan perkawinan sehingga tidak terjadi pelanggaran hukum. Di sarankan juga kepada pemerintah untuk membuat regulasi yang dapat mencegah munculnya hukum poliandri dan mengatur hukuman kepada pelaku poliandri


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    Upah Minimum Provinsi adalah upah minimum yang berlaku untuk seluruh kabupaten atau kota disuatu provinsi. UMP merupakan suatu standar minimum yang digunakan oleh para pengusaha atau pelaku industri dalam memberikan upah kepada pekerja di lingkungan usaha atau kerjanya. Disebut UMP karena pemenuhan kebutuhan yang layak disetiap provinsi berbeda-beda.Upah minimum ini ditetapkan setiap satu tahun sekali oleh gubernur berdasarkan rekomendasi Dewan Pengupahan Provinsi.Adapun, penetapan dan pengumuman UMP oleh masing-masing gubernur serentak setiap tanggal 1 November setiap tahunnya untuk diberlakukan pada periode satu tahun berikutny

    Peranan Hakim Mediator dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Harta Bersama Pasca Perceraian di Mahkamah Syar'iyah

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    Pasal 4 ayat (1) dan (2) Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 menyatakan bahwa wajib terlebih dahulu diupayakan penyelesaian melalui mediasi, begitu pula Pasal 17 ayat (1) Hakim Pemeriksa Perkara mewajibkan Para Pihak menempuh Mediasi. Karena Mediasi diharapkan menjadi wadah pilihan untuk memperoleh solusi yang didasarkan pada kepentingan dan kebutuhan pihak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan peranan dan hambatan hakim mediator serta untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah dan mengatasi terjadinya hambatan tersebut. Jenis penelitian dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui penelitian kepustakaan untuk data sekunder dan penelitian untuk memperoleh data primer. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui peranan hakim mediator dalam menangani perkara/sengketa sudah berjalan, namun belum optimal. Terbukti dari 18 (delapan belas) kasus, jumlah kasus yang selesai melalui mediasi hanya 2 (dua) kasus, sedangkan tahun 2016 sampai 2017 belum ada kasus yang selesai melalui mediasi. Hal tersebut disebabkan jumlah mediator yang terbatas dan kurang memiliki kapastitas sumber daya yang memadai. Upaya untuk mencegahnya berupa sosialisasi manfaat mediasi dan mengikuti pelatihan mediasi serta mediasi harus dilakukan secara profesional. Ketua Mahkamah Syar'iyah Banda Aceh hendaknya melakukan sosialisasi manfaat Mediasi, dan Mahkamah Agung RI hendaknya mengevaluasi praktik mediasi dan menambah jumlah hakim.Article 4 paragraph (1) and (2) Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 states that it must first be pursued a settlement through mediation, as well as Article 17 paragraph (1) of the Judicial Examining Judge requiring the Parties to take Mediation. Because Mediation is expected to be a container of choice to obtain solutions that are based on the interests and needs of the parties. This research aims to know and explain the roles of mediator judges and obstacles faced by the judgesin settling the dispute of marital propertiesafter the divorce at Mahkamah Syar'iyah of Banda Aceh. This research also aims to know the efforts done to prevent and handlethe hurdles in settling the disputes post-divorce at Mahkamah Syar'iyah of Banda Aceh. This is juridical empirical research. The data are collectedthrough library research in order to obtain secondary data and field research is conducted in order to obtain primary data.This research applies qualitative analysis. Based on the research, it is known that the role of mediator judges in handling cases / disputes is already underway, but not optimal. It is evident from 18 cases, the number of cases completed through mediation is only 2 cases, whereas in 2016 until 2017 there have been no cases completed through mediation. This is due to the limited number of mediators and lack of adequate resource capacity. Efforts to prevent it in the form of socializing the benefits of mediation and participating in mediation and mediation training must be carried out professionally. The Chairperson of the Banda Aceh Syar'iyah Court should disseminate the benefits of Mediation, and the Indonesian Supreme Court should evaluate the practice of mediation and increase the number of judges
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