7,554 research outputs found

    Eulerian and modified Lagrangian approaches to multi-dimensional condensation and collection

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    Turbulence is argued to play a crucial role in cloud droplet growth. The combined problem of turbulence and cloud droplet growth is numerically challenging. Here, an Eulerian scheme based on the Smoluchowski equation is compared with two Lagrangian superparticle (or su- perdroplet) schemes in the presence of condensation and collection. The growth processes are studied either separately or in combination using either two-dimensional turbulence, a steady flow, or just gravitational acceleration without gas flow. Good agreement between the differ- ent schemes for the time evolution of the size spectra is observed in the presence of gravity or turbulence. Higher moments of the size spectra are found to be a useful tool to characterize the growth of the largest drops through collection. Remarkably, the tails of the size spectra are reasonably well described by a gamma distribution in cases with gravity or turbulence. The Lagrangian schemes are generally found to be superior over the Eulerian one in terms of computational performance. However, it is shown that the use of interpolation schemes such as the cloud-in-cell algorithm is detrimental in connection with superparticle or superdroplet approaches. Furthermore, the use of symmetric over asymmetric collection schemes is shown to reduce the amount of scatter in the results.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figure

    Effect of turbulence on collisional growth of cloud droplets

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    We investigate the effect of turbulence on the collisional growth of um-sized droplets through high- resolution numerical simulations with well resolved Kolmogorov scales, assuming a collision and coalescence efficiency of unity. The droplet dynamics and collisions are approximated using a superparticle approach. In the absence of gravity, we show that the time evolution of the shape of the droplet-size distribution due to turbulence-induced collisions depends strongly on the turbulent energy-dissipation rate, but only weakly on the Reynolds number. This can be explained through the energy dissipation rate dependence of the mean collision rate described by the Saffman-Turner collision model. Consistent with the Saffman-Turner collision model and its extensions, the collision rate increases as the square root of the energy dissipation rate even when coalescence is invoked. The size distribution exhibits power law behavior with a slope of -3.7 between a maximum at approximately 10 um up to about 40 um. When gravity is invoked, turbulence is found to dominate the time evolution of an initially monodisperse droplet distribution at early times. At later times, however, gravity takes over and dominates the collisional growth. We find that the formation of large droplets is very sensitive to the turbulent energy dissipation rate. This is due to the fact that turbulence enhances the collisional growth between similar sized droplets at the early stage of raindrop formation. The mean collision rate grows exponentially, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction of the continuous collisional growth even when turbulence-generated collisions are invoked. This consistency only reflects the mean effect of turbulence on collisional growth

    A fit to the simultaneous broadband spectrum of Cygnus X-1 using the transition disk model

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    We have used the transition disk model to fit the simultaneous broad band (25002-500 keV) spectrum of Cygnus X-1 from OSSE and Ginga observations. In this model, the spectrum is produced by saturated Comptonization within the inner region of the accretion disk, where the temperature varies rapidly with radius. In an earlier attempt, we demonstrated the viability of this model by fitting the data from EXOSAT, XMPC balloon and OSSE observations, though these were not made simultaneously. Since the source is known to be variable, however, the results of this fit were not conclusive. In addition, since only once set of observations was used, the good agreement with the data could have been a chance occurrence. Here, we improve considerably upon our earlier analysis by considering four sets of simultaneous observations of Cygnus X-1, using an empirical model to obtain the disk temperature profile. The vertical structure is then obtained using this profile and we show that the analysis is self- consistent. We demonstrate conclusively that the transition disk spectrum is a better fit to the observations than that predicted by the soft photon Comptonization model. Since the temperature profile is obtained by fitting the data, the unknown viscosity mechanism need not be specified. The disk structure can then be used to infer the viscosity parameter α\alpha, which appears to vary with radius and luminosity. This behavior can be understood if α\alpha depends intrinsically on the local parameters such as density, height and temperature. However, due to uncertainties in the radiative transfer, quantitative statements regarding the variation of α\alpha cannot yet be made.Comment: 8 figures. uses aasms4.sty, accepted by ApJ (Mar 98

    Ultraluminous X-ray Sources Powered by Radiatively Efficient Two-Phased Super-Eddington Accretion onto Stellar Mass Black holes

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    The radiation spectra of many of the brightest ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are dominated by a hard power law component, likely powered by a hot, optically thin corona that Comptonizes soft seed photons emitted from a cool, optically thick black hole accretion disk. Before its dissipation and subsequent conversion into coronal photon power, the randomized gravitational binding energy responsible for powering ULX phenomena must separate from the mass of its origin by a means other than, and quicker than, electron scattering-mediated radiative diffusion. Therefore, the release of accretion power in ULXs is not necessarily subject to Eddington-limited photon trapping, as long as it occurs in a corona. Motivated by these basic considerations, we present a model of ULXs powered by geometrically thin accretion onto stellar mass black holes. We argue that the radiative efficiency of the flow remains high if the corona is magnetized or optically thin and the majority of the accretion power escapes in the form of radiation rather than an outflow. Within the context of the current black hole X-ray binary paradigm, our ULX model may be viewed as an extension of the very high state observed in Galactic sources. (abridged)Comment: 11 page

    Phonons in random alloys: the itinerant coherent-potential approximation

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    We present the itinerant coherent-potential approximation(ICPA), an analytic, translationally invariant and tractable form of augmented-space-based, multiple-scattering theory in a single-site approximation for harmonic phonons in realistic random binary alloys with mass and force-constant disorder. We provide expressions for quantities needed for comparison with experimental structure factors such as partial and average spectral functions and derive the sum rules associated with them. Numerical results are presented for Ni_{55} Pd_{45} and Ni_{50} Pt_{50} alloys which serve as test cases, the former for weak force-constant disorder and the latter for strong. We present results on dispersion curves and disorder-induced widths. Direct comparisons with the single-site coherent potential approximation(CPA) and experiment are made which provide insight into the physics of force-constant changes in random alloys. The CPA accounts well for the weak force-constant disorder case but fails for strong force-constant disorder where the ICPA succeeds.Comment: 19 pages, 12 eps figures, uses RevTex

    Angle- and spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in the region of the 6s6p(2) autoionisation of Tl

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    Müller M, Böwering N, Svensson A, Heinzmann U. Angle- and spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in the region of the 6s6p(2) autoionisation of Tl. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 1990;23(13):2267S-2275S.An angle-, energy- and spin-resolved photoionisation experiment was performed in the region of the 6s6p(2)autoionisation resonances of thallium. Using monochromatic circularly polarised synchrotron radiation the energy dependence of the spin-polarisation parameters A, xi and alpha and the angular asymmetry parameter beta of the differential cross section were determined. In the wavelength region investigated these dynamical parameters show a pronounced variation which agrees well with the results of the random phase approximation with exchange' calculation by Cherepkov (1980). A detailed discussion of the resonance behaviour for the autoionising states is given in terms of dipole-matrix elements and phaseshift differences which are extracted from the experimental data

    New Notions and Constructions of Sparsification for Graphs and Hypergraphs

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    A sparsifier of a graph G (Benczu´r and Karger; Spielman and Teng) is a sparse weighted subgraph ˜ G that approximately retains the same cut structure of G. For general graphs, non-trivial sparsification is possible only by using weighted graphs in which different edges have different weights. Even for graphs that admit unweighted sparsifiers (that is, sparsifiers in which all the edge weights are equal to the same scaling factor), there are no known polynomial time algorithms that find such unweighted sparsifiers. We study a weaker notion of sparsification suggested by Oveis Gharan, in which the number of cut edges in each cut (S, ¯ S) is not approximated within a multiplicative factor (1 + ǫ), but is, instead, approximated up to an additive term bounded by ǫ times d · |S| + vol(S), where d is the average

    Money in monetary policy design: monetary cross-checking in the New-Keynesian model

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    In the New-Keynesian model, optimal interest rate policy under uncertainty is formulated without reference to monetary aggregates as long as certain standard assumptions on the distributions of unobservables are satisfied. The model has been criticized for failing to explain common trends in money growth and inflation, and that therefore money should be used as a cross-check in policy formulation (see Lucas (2007)). We show that the New-Keynesian model can explain such trends if one allows for the possibility of persistent central bank misperceptions. Such misperceptions motivate the search for policies that include additional robustness checks. In earlier work, we proposed an interest rate rule that is near-optimal in normal times but includes a cross-check with monetary information. In case of unusual monetary trends, interest rates are adjusted. In this paper, we show in detail how to derive the appropriate magnitude of the interest rate adjustment following a significant cross-check with monetary information, when the New-Keynesian model is the central bank’s preferred model. The cross-check is shown to be effective in offsetting persistent deviations of inflation due to central bank misperceptions. Keywords: Monetary Policy, New-Keynesian Model, Money, Quantity Theory, European Central Bank, Policy Under Uncertaint

    Micro-deformation of the NEEM ice core: implications for stratigraphic interpretation

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム 氷床コアセッション 11月16日(水) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議