34 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Group Investigation terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas X Mipa Man Model Sorong

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    Keterampilan berpikir kritis akan muncul dalam diri siswa apabila selama proses belajar di dalam kelas, guru membangun pola interaksi dan komunikasi yang lebih menekankan pada proses pembentukan pengetahuan secara aktif oleh siswa. Group Investigation adalah pembelajaran kooperatif yang melibatkan kelompok kecil, siswa menggunakan inquiri kooperatif (perencanaan dan diskusi kelompok) kemudian mempresentasikan penemuan mereka di kelas.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pengaruh model pembelajaran group investigation terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa.Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment).Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes keterampilan berpikir kritis, observasi dan dokumentasi.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIPA di MAN Model Sorong Sorong tahun pelajaran 2013/2014, dengan rancangan penelitian pretest-posttest design.Perhitungan statistik dengan menggunakan SPSS 16.0 for windows.Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh strategi pembelajaran kooperatif group investigation terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa kelas X MIPA MAN Model Sorong. Perbedaan nilai rata-rata keterampilan berpikir kritis dalam pelajaran IPA pada siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional dengan mean 61,30 sedangkan siswa yangmengikuti model pembelajaran group investigation denganmean 74.Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t dan diperoleh thitung 2,272>ttabel 1,68 yang berarti HO ditolak

    Analisis Kegagalan Shaft Pompa Submersible pada Unit Pengeboran Minyak Bumi = Failure Analysis Of Pump Shaft Submersible On Oil Drilling Unit

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    Vital component of a pump is the shaft, which serves to continue the torque of the driving during the operation and the seat of the impeller and other rotating parts.This research will be observed and taken action to find the cause of the damage that the sentence is not complete.The results showed that the main cause of damage to the pump shaft submersible because one shaft surfaces that are in the bearings rub against each other to generate heat, consequently between the shaft and the bearing sticking together, so the shaft is stopped suddenly resulting in rows experiencing shock loads (impact load) then the motor continues to rotate, resulting in shaft having torsional force. Because the area is an area that has a radius concentrated high voltage, then the broken shaft in the arearesulted in the remaining of word is not clear a broken pump shaft on oil drilling unit.Examinations and tests performed on the pump shaft, include: fraktografi and metallographic examination and hardness testing. Data from the results of examination and tests are then analyzed to determine the cause of the fracture on the pump shaft

    The Influence of Economic Growth, BI Rate, and Inflation and the Impact on Direct Foreign Investment in Indonesia in 2010-2017

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a long-term investment for developing countries. FDI is very helpful for Indonesia in economic development. Increased foreign investment can directly improve the living standards of Indonesian people. Foreign investment can make a company capable of controlling international business operations and increase more profits. Whereas indirect foreign investment in the form of portfolio investment in the form of investments in financial assets such as stocks and bonds.Foreign Investment (PMA) during the study period has a minimum value of 7.13 and a maximum value of 9.44. Then obtained the mean or average value of 8.4341 and obtained the standard deviation value of 74765. Judging from the standard deviation that has the highest value is the SBI, which is 1.05446, this shows that SBI is more varied than other data. And the standard deviation that has the lowest value is GDP, which is 0.24816, this shows that GDP is homogeneous compared to others. Based on the calculation F Test is the Fcount value is 364,546. While the Ftable value is 2.92. Means that the Fcount value is 364,546> Ftable 2,92. Then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on a significance value of 0,000 smaller than 0.05. This shows that Gross Domestic Product, BIinterstrate, and Inflation have a significant effect on FDI simultaneously.     Keywords: Foreign direct investment, economic development,valu

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam melalui Metode Eksperimen Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 33 Mayun

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    Improving learning activities through the Eksperimen Method in teaching natural sciences Class IV elementary school the country 33 Mayun. The aim of the research was to describe the influence of the use of the experimental method of learning activity the learners in teaching natural sciences. The methods used in this research is descriptive method with this type of research i.e. Research Action class. Based on observation (Observation) early learning activity learners only 45,18%. But as long as the application of the experimental method in Science Learning Natural sciences by using Action Research Klas, the percentage of learners learning activities increased to 54,44% on the first cycle(I) the increased and in two cycles (II), namely 67,75%. This indicates that the use of experimental methods can increase the activity of learners in learning

    Pengaruh Proporsi Tapikoka dan Tepung Beras Merah terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Kerupuk Beras Merah

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    Diversification of red rice processing can increase utilization and consumption of red rice. Preliminary processing into flour can facilitate subsequent processing. One way of using the red rice flour is processing them into crackers. Crackers is a snack that has been known by Indonesian for a long time. The main material of crackers is tapioca that is replaced with red rice flour in this study. Substitution of tapioca with red rice flour affects the physicochemical (water content, expansion volume, level of hardness, color, oil absorption, and crude fiber content) and organoleptic properties (color, flavor, and crispness) of red rice crackers. The design of the study is a single randomized group design, spesifically proportion of tapioca and red rice flour which is made up of six levels of treatment, 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. Each level is repeated four times. The results showed that proportion of tapioca and red rice flour significantly affect the water content of raw and fried crackers, expansion volume, hardness, color (lightness, redness, yellowness), oil absorption, crude fiber content, and organoleptic properties of red rice crackers (color, flavor, and crispness). The higher substitution rate of tapioca with red rice flour, the lower the moisture content of raw crackers, expansion volume, oil absorption, lightness of raw and fried crackers, and panelists preference (color), and the higher hardness, water content of fried crackers, redness, yelowness, and crude fiber content. The best treatment based on organoleptic properties is crackers with 20% substitution of red rice flour

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Buah Jambu Biji Merah terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Fruit Leather Pulpkulit Durian - Jambu Biji Merah

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    Fruit leather can be made from the pulp of durian skin. Making fruit leather pulp of durian skin has a weakness that has no taste and flavor as well as color less attractive so that material needs to be added with a strong flavor and color from the outside. One of them is with the addition of guava fruit. The concentration guava red give you different characteristics of texture, color, and flavor leather is produced. The research was done to determine the effect of concentration red guava on physicochemical and organoleptic leather pulp of durian skin red guava. The research design used was the RAK (Random Design Group) non factorial factors examined were the concentration red guava that consists of 6 (six) in the form of 10% (b/b); 20% (b/b); 30% (b/b); 40% (b/b); 50% (b/b); 60% (b/b), and repeated treatment level as many as four (4) times. The parameters tested included the physicochemical (moisture content, aw, texture (flexibility), pH, and color) and organoleptic (a fondness for taste, texture, and color). The use of red guava increased aw, moisture content, texture (flexibility), redness, on the other hand decreasing the value of pH, lightness, and yellowness of leather. The best concentration of red guava was at 40% which had pH 3.16, aw0.60, moisture content 17.35%, texture (flexibility) 36.73 N/s, lightness 43.36, redness 26.21, and yellowness 21.35 with sensory scores for flavor, texture and color were 4.59, 4.58, and 5.24 respectively with scoring 1-7


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    ABSTRACT Diversification of red rice processing can increase utilization and consumption of red rice. Preliminary processing into flour can facilitate subsequent processing. One way of using the red rice flour is processing them into crackers. Crackers is a snack that has been known by Indonesian for a long time. The main material of crackers is tapioca that is replaced with red rice flour in this study. Substitution of tapioca with red rice flour affects the physicochemical (water content, expansion volume, level of hardness, color, oil absorption, and crude fiber content) and organoleptic properties (color, flavor, and crispness) of red rice crackers. The design of the study is a single randomized group design, spesifically proportion of tapioca and red rice flour which is made up of six levels of treatment, 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. Each level is repeated four times. The results showed that proportion of tapioca and red rice flour significantly affect the water content of raw and fried crackers, expansion volume, hardness, color (lightness, redness, yellowness), oil absorption, crude fiber content, and organoleptic properties of red rice crackers (color, flavor, and crispness). The higher substitution rate of tapioca with red rice flour, the lower the moisture content of raw crackers, expansion volume, oil absorption, lightness of raw and fried crackers, and panelists preference (color), and the higher hardness, water content of fried crackers, redness, yelowness, and crude fiber content. The best treatment based on organoleptic properties is crackers with 20% substitution of red rice flour

    Perbedaan Konsentrasi Karagenan terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Jelly Drink Rosela-sirsak

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    The experimental design is Randomized Block Design with one factor which is carrageenan concentration and seven factor levels which are 0.20%; 0.25%; 0.30%; 0.35%; 0.40%; 0.45%; and 0.50% (m/v) with four replications. The parameters tested are physicochemical test (flow rate, viscosity, pH, and syneresis days 1, 7, and 14 storage) and organoleptic test (color, suction power, and taste). The data is statically analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test at α = 5% and continued by DMRT (Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test) at α = 5%. The increase of carrageenan concentration is expected significantly affect the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of rosella-soursop jelly drink. The results from this research showed that increasing the concentration of carrageenan significantly affect the value of flow rate, viscosity, pH, and syneresis days 1, 7, and 14 storage of rosella-soursop jelly drink. The higher the concentration of carrageenan increases the value of viscosity, pH, syneresis days 1, 7, and 14 storage but decreases the value of flow rate. Increasing the concentration of carrageenan significantly affect the value of preferences for color, suction power, and taste of rosella-soursop jelly drink. The best treatment of rosella-soursop jelly drink is addition 0.30% carrageenan concentration and fiber content for rosella-soursop jelly drink with addition of 0.40% carrageenan concentration is 0.66% (wb)