28 research outputs found

    Modeling Temporal Trends in Aphid Vector Dispersal and Cucumber Mosaic Virus Epidemics in Snap Bean

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    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has become a major limiting factor in snap bean production in the Great Lakes region of North America, and epidemics have occurred more frequently since the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, was introduced. Major aphid vectors of CMV epidemics were identified by statistically relating their temporal dispersal trends to the incidence of CMV. Alates were monitored weekly using water pan traps in 74 snap bean fields in New York and Pennsylvania from 2002 to 2006. Plants were tested for CMV by ELISA one time during late bloom in 2002 and 2003 and weekly over the season from 2004 to 2006. Principal vectors of CMV included Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), A. glycines, Aphis gossypii Glover, and Therioaphis trifolii (Monell). Among these, A. glycines and T. trifolii were likely responsible for severe CMV epidemics because they were among the most abundant species captured, they efficiently transmit CMV, and their dispersal activity was positively correlated with periods when CMV incidence was highest. Moreover, because high numbers of A. glycines and T. trifolii disperse during July and August, snap bean fields planted beyond late June are at risk for infection during early vegetative stages and are subsequently more at risk for yield loss. In contrast, plantings up to late June are less likely to become infected during early developmental stages and should escape yield loss because major vectors are dispersing infrequently. CMV-resistant or tolerant snap bean varieties should be planted after late June to reduce the risk of yield los

    CENP-32 is required to maintain centrosomal dominance in bipolar spindle assembly

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    Centrosomes nucleate spindle formation, direct spindle pole positioning, and are important for proper chromosome segregation during mitosis in most animal cells. We previously reported that centromere protein 32 (CENP-32) is required for centrosome association with spindle poles during metaphase. In this study, we show that CENP-32 depletion seems to release centrosomes from bipolar spindles whose assembly they had previously initiated. Remarkably, the resulting anastral spindles function normally, aligning the chromosomes to a metaphase plate and entering anaphase without detectable interference from the free centrosomes, which appear to behave as free asters in these cells. The free asters, which contain reduced but significant levels of CDK5RAP2, show weak interactions with spindle microtubules but do not seem to make productive attachments to kinetochores. Thus CENP-32 appears to be required for centrosomes to integrate into a fully functional spindle that not only nucleates astral microtubules, but also is able to nucleate and bind to kinetochore and central spindle microtubules. Additional data suggest that NuMA tethers microtubules at the anastral spindle poles and that augmin is required for centrosome detachment after CENP-32 depletion, possibly due to an imbalance of forces within the spindle

    Multiple Myosins Are Required to Coordinate Actin Assembly with Coat Compression during Compensatory Endocytosis

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    Actin is involved in endocytosis in organisms ranging from yeast to mammals. In activated Xenopus eggs, exocytosing cortical granules (CGs) are surrounded by actin “coats,” which compress the exocytosing compartments, resulting in compensatory endocytosis. Here, we examined the roles of two myosins in actin coat compression. Myosin-2 is recruited to exocytosing CGs late in coat compression. Inhibition of myosin-2 slows coat compression without affecting actin assembly. This differs from phenotype induced by inhibition of actin assembly, where exocytosing CGs are trapped at the plasma membrane (PM) completely. Thus, coat compression is likely driven in part by actin assembly itself, but it requires myosin-2 for efficient completion. In contrast to myosin-2, the long-tailed myosin-1e is recruited to exocytosing CGs immediately after egg activation. Perturbation of myosin-1e results in partial actin coat assembly and induces CG collapse into the PM. Intriguingly, simultaneous inhibition of actin assembly and myosin-1e prevents CG collapse. Together, the results show that myosin-1e and myosin-2 are part of an intricate machinery that coordinates coat compression at exocytosing CGs

    Resilience and collapse: histories, ecologies, conflicts and identities in the Baringo-Bogoria basin, Kenya INTRODUCTION

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    The concept of resilience is now applied across the natural and social sciences to provide a means of examining and understanding adaptation and transformation over a longer time period, in response to environmental, economic, cultural, or political shocks or adverse events. This essay introduces a collection of 10 studies that analyse resilience in the context of the Baringo-Bogoria basin, a predominantly savannah ecological zone in Kenya's northern Rift Valley. Framed by the adaptive cycle model, the studies span a history of 200 years, but also detail current challenges to the social-ecological system of the region. Resilience has allowed the communities of Baringo-Bogoria to adapt and transform in order to maintain production systems dominated by cattle pastoralism, with intensive agriculture in niche locations. The authors suggest that the most recent challenges confronting the peoples of this region - intensified conflicts, mounting poverty driven by demographic pressures, and dramatic ecological changes brought by invasive species - have contributed to a collapse in essential elements of the specialised cattle production system, requiring a re-orientation of the social-ecological system