58 research outputs found

    Impact of preoperative factors and surgical treatment on incidence and treatment options in non-smal cell lung carcinoma local recurrence

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    UVOD: Cilj ovog rada bio je, pre svega, praćenje učestalosti i vremena do pojave recidiva nesitnoćelijskog karcinoma pluća tokom 5 godina po zavrÅ”enoj kompletnoj onkoloÅ”koj terapiji, a kod posebno definisanih grupa bolesnika. U toku istraživanja ispitivani su prognostički parametri značajni za razvoj lokalnog recidiva i njegovu operabilnost, sa namerom definisanja kriterijuma za selekciju bolesnika podobnih za naknadni operativni zahvat. MATERIJAL I METODE: Ovom retrospektivno ā€“ prospektivnom studijom obuhvaćeno je 114 bolesnika sa recidivom nesitnoćelijskog karcinoma pluća kliničkog stadijuma od Ia do IV, operisanih u periodu od 2002. do 2010. godine. KoriŔćene su baze podataka Instituta za plućne bolesti Kliničkog centra Srbije i Instituta za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije u Beogradu. Bolesnici su tokom pet godina praćeni imaging procedurama i bronholoÅ”ki. Recidivi su verifikovani patohistoloÅ”ki nekom od invazivnih dijagnostičkih metoda ili radikalnom hirurÅ”kom intervencijom. Za određivanje stadijuma bolesti koriŔćena je klinička i patohistoloÅ”ka TNM klasifikacija iz 2004.g. Statistička analiza je obuhvatila metode deskriptivne i analitičke statistike, sa nivoom statističke značajnosti od Ī±=0.05. REZULTATI: U naÅ”em istraživanju, bolesnici sa recidivom bili su uglavnom muÅ”kog pola, starosti oko 58 godina. Svi lokalni recidivi javili su se unutar 4 godine od operacije primarnog tumora, sa medijanom od 13 meseci. NajčeŔća lokalizacija recidiva bio je zid grudnog koÅ”a. PatohistoloÅ”ki, najzastupljeniji su bili skvamocelularni karcinomi umereno diferentovanog gradusa. Značajno duže vreme do pojave recidiva zabeleženo je u grupi pacijenata kod kojih su učinjene lobektomije ili bilobektomije u odnosu na ostale operacije. Pokazana je statistički značajna razlika u vremenu do pojave i učestalosti recidiva tokom prve dve godine od operacije primarnog tumora u odnosu na njegov stadijum i veličinu tumora kao nezavisnog prognostičkog faktora...PURPOSE: The primary aim of this study was 5-years follow-up of incidence and time to relapse after complete oncological treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma, in precisely defined groups of patients. In addition, prognostic parameters significant for local disease recurrence and its operability were analyzed, with intent to define criteria for selection of patients eligible for additional surgery. METHODS: This retrospective - prospective study included 114 patients with recurrent non-small cell lung carcinoma in clinical stages Ia to IV, operated from year 2002 to 2010. Database of Institute for Lung Diseases, Clinical Center of Serbia and Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade were used. Patients were followed up for five years using imaging procedures and bronchoscopy. Recurrences were verified pathologically with one of the invasive diagnostic methods or radical surgical intervention. Clinical and pathological TNM 2004 classification was used in determination of disease stage. Statistical analysis included descriptive and analytical methods, with the significance level of Ī± = -0.05. RESULTS: In our research, patients with recurrences were mainly male, aged approximately 58 years. All local recurrences were reported within four years after primary tumor surgery, with a median of 13 months. The most frequent localization of local recurrences was the chest wall. Pathologically, the most common tumors were moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinomas. Significantly longer time to relapse was observed in the group of patients who underwent a lobectomy or bilobectomy, in comparison to other surgical procedures. There was statistically significant difference in time to recurrence and frequency of relapses during the first two postoperative years in relation to primary tumor stage and size as an independent prognostic factor..

    Avoidable and unavoidable exergy destruction and exergoeconomic evaluation of the thermal processes in a real industrial plant

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    Exergy analysis is a universal method for evaluating the rational use of energy. It can be applied to any kind of energy conversion system or chemical process. An exergy analysis identifies the location, the magnitude and the causes of thermodynamic inefficiencies and enhances understanding of the energy conversion processes in complex systems. Conventional exergy analyses pinpoint components and processes with high irreversibility. To overcome the limitations of the conventional analyses and to increase our knowledge about a plant, advanced exergy-based analyses are developed. These analyses provide additional information about component interactions and reveal the real potential for improvement of each component constituting a system, as well as of the overall system. In this paper, a real industrial plant is analyzed using both conventional and advanced exergy analyses, and exergoeconomic evaluation. Some of the exergy destruction in the plant components is unavoidable and constrained by technological, physical and economic limitations. Calculations related to the total avoidable exergy destruction caused by each component of the plant supplement the outcome of the conventional exergy analysis. Based on the all-reaching analysis, by improving the boiler operation (elimination of approximately 1 MW of avoidable exergy destruction in the steam boiler) the greatest improvement in the efficiency of the overall system can be achieved

    Thermal mass impact on energy performance of a low, medium and heavy mass building in Belgrade

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    Heavy mass materials used in building structures and architecture can significantly affect building energy performance and occupant comfort. The purpose of this study was to investigate if thermal mass can improve the internal environment of a building, resulting in lower energy requirements from the mechanical systems. The study was focused on passive building energy performance and compared annual space heating and cooling energy requirements for an office building in Belgrade with several different applications of thermal mass. A three-dimensional building model was generated to represent a typical office building. Building shape, orientation, glazing to wall ratio, envelope insulation thickness, and indoor design conditions were held constant while location and thickness of building mass (concrete) was varied between cases in a series of energy simulations. The results were compared and discussed in terms of the building space heating and cooling energy and demand affected by thermal mass. The simulation results indicated that with addition of thermal mass to the building envelope and structure: 100% of all simulated cases experienced reduced annual space heating energy requirements, 67% of all simulated cases experienced reduced annual space cooling energy requirements, 83% of all simulated cases experienced reduced peak space heating demand and 50% of all simulated cases experienced reduced peak space cooling demand. The study demonstrated that there exists a potential for reducing space heating and cooling energy requirements with heavy mass construction in the analyzed climate region (Belgrade, Serbia)

    Repair of a damaged turbocharger

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    The turbocharger is among the highest quality assemblies for modern internal combustion engines. Its contribution to engine operation is immeasurable ā€“ it increases the power output of the engine while indirectly reducing fuel consumption. Like all devices, turbochargers require quality maintenance as they are susceptible to failure. Faulty turbochargers are either repaired or replaced with new ones. Repair ensures substantial financial savings. The paper presents the consequences of damage to the turbocharger and the process of its repair

    Repair of a damaged turbocharger

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    The turbocharger is among the highest quality assemblies for modern internal combustion engines. Its contribution to engine operation is immeasurable ā€“ it increases the power output of the engine while indirectly reducing fuel consumption. Like all devices, turbochargers require quality maintenance as they are susceptible to failure. Faulty turbochargers are either repaired or replaced with new ones. Repair ensures substantial financial savings. The paper presents the consequences of damage to the turbocharger and the process of its repair

    Multicomponent Modelling Kinetics and Simultaneous Thermal Analysis of Apricot Kernel Shell Pyrolysis

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    Apricot kernel shells are naturally available source of biomass with potential for conversion to clean energy through a thermo-chemical process such as pyrolysis. To facilitate further process development, an advanced mathematical model which represents the process kinetics is developed and validated on the thermal decomposition studies using simultaneous thermal analysis, over a temperature range of 30-900 Ā°C, at four heating rates of 5, 10, 15 and 20 Ā°C mināˆ’1, under argon atmosphere. Model-free analysis and numerically developed methods were utilized for determination of effective activation energies, pre-exponential factors and the fractional contribution. A novel approach is introduced in order to determine actual pseudo-components of studied biomass that are included in its composition. The comparative study of the obtained kinetic results was also presented. The results obtained strongly indicated that the pseudo-component reaction modelling method could be employed to predict the experimental devolatilization rate and biomass composition with a high likelihood of success

    Varijabilnost biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma karakačanske ovce

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    Karakachan sheep represents an endangered, indigenous sheep breed from Balkan Peninsula. There is relatively little information about the characteristics of this sheep breed in the veterinary scientific literature. The aim of this research was an examination of certain metabolic profile parameters of the Karakachan sheep blood serum, and variability of their concentrations in comparison to age and some other indigenous sheep breeds from Balkans. Examination was conducted on 14 clinically healthy sheep divided in two age groups. Blood samples were collected by puncture of v. jugularis and blood serum was separated after spontaneous coagulation. The concentrations of total protein, albumin, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, aspartate amino transferase (AST) and Ī³- glutamyl transferase (GGT) were determined. In relation to age of Karakachan sheep, statistically significant difference between the calculated mean values of examined parameters was not observed. A statistically significant difference was found between the mean concentrations of the studied parameters in Karakachan sheep and other breeds in total protein (Tsigai, Dubrovnik and Dalmatian sheep), albumin (Dalmatian), calcium and inorganic phosphorus (Tsigai, Dubrovnik) and AST's (Dalmatian, Karakachan sheep from Bulgaria).Karakačanska ovca je ugrožena autohtona rasa ovaca sa Balkanskog poluostrva, o čijim rasnim karakteristikama postoji relativno malo podataka. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se u uzorcima krvnog seruma ispitaju određeni biohemijski parametri karakačanske ovce i ustanove odstupanja njihovih vrednosti u odnosu na starost karakačanske ovce, kao i u odnosu na vrednosti istih parametara kod drugih autohtonih rasa ovaca Balkana. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 14 klinički zdravih ovaca podeljenih u dve starosne grupe. Uzorci krvi uzimani su punkcijom v. jugularis iz kojih je, nakon spontane koagulacije i centrifugovanja, izdvojen krvni serum. Određivane su koncentracije ukupnih proteina, albumina, kalcijuma, neorganskog fosfora, aspartat amino transferaze (AST) i Ī³-glutamil transferaze (GGT). U odnosu na starost karakačanske ovce, nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika između izračunatih srednjih vrednosti ispitivanih parametara. Statistički značajna razlika je ustanovljena između srednjih vrednosti koncentracija ispitivanih parametara karakačanske ovce i drugih rasa za: ukupne proteine (cigaja, dubrovačka i dalmatinska ovca), albumin (dalmatinska), kalcijum i neorganski P (cigaja i dubrovačka) i aktivnosti AST-a (dalmatinska, karakačanska ovca iz Bugarske)

    Entropy and fractal nature

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    Existing, the biunivocal correspondents between the fractal nature and the nature discovered by fractals is the source and meeting point from those two aspects which are similar to the thermodynamically philosophical point of view. Sometimes we can begin from the end. We are substantial part of such fractals space nature. The mathematics fractal structures world have been inspired from nature and Euclidian geometry imagined shapes, and now it is coming back to nature serving it. All our analysis are based on several experimental results. The substance of the question regarding entropy and fractals could be analyzed on different ceramics and materials in general. We have reported the results based on consolidation BaTiO3- ceramics by the standard sintering technology, performed with BaTiO3 and different additives (MnCO3, CeO2, Bi2O3, Fe2O3, CaZrO3, Nb2O5, Er2O3, Yt(2)O(3), Ho2O3). Thermodynamic principles are very important. Beside the energy and temperature, the entropy as a measure between the order and disorder (chaos) is very important parameter. In this paper, we establish the relation between the entropy and fractal that opens new frontiers with the goal to understand and establish the order-disorder relation

    Pljevlja lignite carbon emission charateristics

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    The anthropogenic emission of GHG especially CO has to be limited and reduced due to their impact on global warming and climate change. Combustion of fossil fuels in the energy sector has a dominant share in total GHG emissions. In order to reduce GHG emission, European Union established a scheme for GHG allowance trading within the community, and the implementation of the European Union emission trading scheme, which is a key to GHG reduction in a cost-effective way. An important part of emission trading scheme is prescribed methodology for monitoring, reporting, and verification of the emission of GHG including characterization of the local fuels combusted by the energy sector. This paper presents lignite characteristics from open-pit mine Borovica-Pljevlja, which has highest coal production in Montenegro (>1.2 Mt per year), including evaluation of its carbon emission factor based on the laboratory analysis of 72 coal samples. Testing of the samples included proximate and ultimate analysis, as well as, net calorific value determination. In accordance with the obtained results, linear correlations between net calorific value and combustible matter content, carbon content and combustible matter content, hydrogen content and combustible matter content, carbon content and net calorific value, were established. Finally, the non-linear analytical correlation between carbon emission factor and net calorific value for Pljevlja lignite was proposed, as a base for the precise calculation of CO emission evaluation

    Potential usage of fly ash and bottom ash from thermal power plant 'Nikola Tesla' landfill, Serbia

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    U Srbiji je pepeo dugo bio označen kao opasan otpad. Usvajanjem odgovarajućih zakona, pepeo je postao otpad sa upotrebnom vrednoŔću, Å”to je omogućilo razmatranje mogućnosti njegovog koriŔćenja. U ovom radu je izvrÅ”ena analiza sastava pepela i Å”ljake koji su odloženi na deponiju termoelektrane 'Nikola Tesla A'. Trideset uzoraka, podeljenih u tri seta, analizirani su na mikroelemente As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Ti, V i Zn. Procenjene su varijacije u kvalitetu, i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata procenjena je mogućnost daljeg koriŔćenja u proizvodnji cementa i betona.In Serbia, the ash from power plants has long been labelled as hazardous waste. With the adoption of the appropriate legislation this ash became waste with the potential usage. In this paper an analysis of the fly ash and bottom ash composition, which are disposed of in the power plant 'Nikola Tesla A' landfill, is presented. Thirty samples, divided into three sets, were analyzed for trace elements As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Ti, V and Zn. The first and second set of samples were taken at the depth of 0.0-0.6 m, from cassette III, at the place of waste discharge (set I) and in the centre of the cassette (set II).The third set of samples was taken from the same cassette spot but at the different depth. The estimated variations in quality within individual sets, as well as the comparison between sets I and II, were performed. The repeatability of results by the depth of cassette (set III) was also analyzed. The mixture consisting of 79.4% limestone, 17% clay, 0.5% sand, 0.55% iron ore, 0.55% of steel mill waste and 2% ash from the thermal power plant 'Nikola Tesla A' was adopted as the reputable mixture for cement making. For concrete making, the same cement mixture was used but with 2.1% of the same ash material added. The results showed possibility of further fly and bottom ash use as the cement and concrete material
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