12,776 research outputs found

    The influence of expertise on brain activation of the action observation network during anticipation of tennis and volleyball serves

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    In many daily activities, and especially in sport, it is necessary to predict the effects of others' actions in order to initiate appropriate responses. Recently, researchers have suggested that the action-observation network (AON) including the cerebellum plays an essential role during such anticipation, particularly in sport expert performers. In the present study, we examined the influence of task-specific expertise on the AON by investigating differences between two expert groups trained in different sports while anticipating action effects. Altogether, 15 tennis and 16 volleyball experts anticipated the direction of observed tennis and volleyball serves while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The expert group in each sport acted as novice controls in the other sport with which they had only little experience. When contrasting anticipation in both expertise conditions with the corresponding untrained sport, a stronger activation of AON areas (SPL, SMA), and particularly of cerebellar structures, was observed. Furthermore, the neural activation within the cerebellum and the SPL was linearly correlated with participant's anticipation performance, irrespective of the specific expertise. For the SPL, this relationship also holds when an expert performs a domain-specific anticipation task. Notably, the stronger activation of the cerebellum as well as of the SMA and the SPL in the expertise conditions suggests that experts rely on their more fine-tuned perceptual-motor representations that have improved during years of training when anticipating the effects of others' actions in their preferred sport. The association of activation within the SPL and the cerebellum with the task achievement suggests that these areas are the predominant brain sites involved in fast motor predictions. The SPL reflects the processing of domain-specific contextual information and the cerebellum the usage of a predictive internal model to solve the anticipation task. © 2014 Balser, Lorey, Pilgramm, Naumann, Kindermann, Stark, Zentgraf, Williams and Munzert

    Anti-aliasing with stratified B-spline filters of arbitrary degree

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    A simple and elegant method is presented to perform anti-aliasing in raytraced images. The method uses stratified sampling to reduce the occurrence of artefacts in an image and features a B-spline filter to compute the final luminous intensity at each pixel. The method is scalable through the specification of the filter degree. A B-spline filter of degree one amounts to a simple anti-aliasing scheme with box filtering. Increasing the degree of the B-spline generates progressively smoother filters. Computation of the filter values is done in a recursive way, as part of a sequence of Newton-Raphson iterations, to obtain the optimal sample positions in screen space. The proposed method can perform both anti-aliasing in space and in time, the latter being more commonly known as motion blur. We show an application of the method to the ray casting of implicit procedural surfaces

    Excitation of the odd-parity quasi-normal modes of compact objects

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    The gravitational radiation generated by a particle in a close unbounded orbit around a neutron star is computed as a means to study the importance of the ww modes of the neutron star. For simplicity, attention is restricted to odd parity (``axial'') modes which do not couple to the neutron star's fluid modes. We find that for realistic neutron star models, particles in unbounded orbits only weakly excite the ww modes; we conjecture that this is also the case for astrophysically interesting sources of neutron star perturbations. We also find that for cases in which there is significant excitation of quadrupole ww modes, there is comparable excitation of higher multipole modes.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Age and sex-specific rates of leaf regeneration in the Mojave Desert moss Syntrichia caninervis

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    The extremely skewed female-biased sex ratio in the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis was investigated by assessing the regeneration capacity of detached leaves. Juvenile, green, yellow-green, and brown leaves equating to approximately 0, 2, 6, and 12 yr of age, respectively, were detached from individuals of S. caninervis collected from 10 field populations and grown in a growth chamber for 58 d at a light intensity of 33–128 µmol · m–2 · s–1. Younger leaves (0–2 yr old) tended to have a greater viability, regenerate more quickly, extend their protonemal filaments farther, produce shoots (gametophores) more quickly, produce more shoots, and accumulate a greater biomass than older leaves (6 and 12 yr old). Among younger leaf classes, regenerating female leaves were more likely to produce a shoot than male leaves and produced more shoots than male leaves. The sexes did not differ significantly in time until protonemal emergence, linear extension of protonemata, or rate of biomass accumulation. However, protonemata of male leaves tended to emerge more quickly and produce a greater total biomass, ultimately consisting mostly of protonemata, than did female leaves. The more rapid proliferation of shoots by female leaf regenerants may help to explain the rarity of males in this species

    Competing types of quantum oscillations in the 2D organic conductor (BEDT-TTF)8Hg4Cl12(C6H5Cl)2

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    Interlayer magnetoconductance of the quasi-two dimensional organic metal (BEDT-TTF)8Hg4Cl12(C6H5Cl)2 has been investigated in pulsed magnetic fields extending up to 36 T and in the temperature range from 1.6 to 15 K. A complex oscillatory spectrum, built on linear combinations of three basic frequencies only is observed. These basic frequencies arise from the compensated closed hole and electron orbits and from the two orbits located in between. The field and temperature dependencies of the amplitude of the various oscillation series are studied within the framework of the coupled orbits model of Falicov and Stachowiak. This analysis reveals that these series result from the contribution of either conventional Shubnikov-de Haas effect (SdH) or quantum interference (QI), both of them being induced by magnetic breakthrough. Nevertheless, discrepancies between experimental and calculated parameters indicate that these phenomena alone cannot account for all of the data. Due to its low effective mass, one of the QI oscillation series - which corresponds to the whole first Brillouin zone area - is clearly observed up to 13 K.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Inductive power transfer in e-textile applications: Reducing the effects of coil misalignment

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    Wireless power transfer (WPT) is an attractive approach for recharging wearable technologies and therefore textile implementations are of interest. Such textile WPT systems are inherently flexible and prone to misalignments of the inductively coupled coils which affects performance. This paper investigates two methods to reduce the effect of coil misalignment in inductive WPT in e-textile applications: a single large transmitter coil and a switched transmitter coil array. Transmission efficiency and maximum received power are determined for both methods, and compared against the baseline system that uses a single small transmitter coil. All coils used in this study were fabricated using automated stitching of PTFE insulated flexible wire onto a polyester/cotton textile. This fabrication method allows coils to be sewn directly to existing garments

    Large-Scale CO Maps of the Lupus Molecular Cloud Complex

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    Fully sampled degree-scale maps of the 13CO 2-1 and CO 4-3 transitions toward three members of the Lupus Molecular Cloud Complex - Lupus I, III, and IV - trace the column density and temperature of the molecular gas. Comparison with IR extinction maps from the c2d project requires most of the gas to have a temperature of 8-10 K. Estimates of the cloud mass from 13CO emission are roughly consistent with most previous estimates, while the line widths are higher, around 2 km/s. CO 4-3 emission is found throughout Lupus I, indicating widespread dense gas, and toward Lupus III and IV. Enhanced line widths at the NW end and along the edge of the B228 ridge in Lupus I, and a coherent velocity gradient across the ridge, are consistent with interaction between the molecular cloud and an expanding HI shell from the Upper-Scorpius subgroup of the Sco-Cen OB Association. Lupus III is dominated by the effects of two HAe/Be stars, and shows no sign of external influence. Slightly warmer gas around the core of Lupus IV and a low line width suggest heating by the Upper-Centaurus-Lupus subgroup of Sco-Cen, without the effects of an HI shell.Comment: 54 pages, 27 figures, 5 tables. To appear in ApJS. Preprint also available (with full-size figures) from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/nfht/publications.html Datacubes available from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/nfht/resources.htm

    Rotational Diffusion in a Chain of Particles

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    We study the coupled rotational diffusion in a two-particle chain on the basis of a Smoluchowski equation and calculate time-correlation functions that are measurable in an experiment. This might be used to explore hydrodynamic interactions in the limit where lubrication theory is valid.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Identification of the Mass Donor Star's Spectrum in SS 433

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    We present spectroscopy of the microquasar SS 433 obtained near primary eclipse and disk precessional phase Psi = 0.0, when the accretion disk is expected to be most ``face-on''. The likelihood of observing the spectrum of the mass donor is maximized at this combination of orbital and precessional phases since the donor is in the foreground and above the extended disk believed to be present in the system. The spectra were obtained over four different runs centered on these special phases. The blue spectra show clear evidence of absorption features consistent with a classification of A3-7 I. The behavior of the observed lines indicates an origin in the mass donor. The observed radial velocity variations are in anti-phase to the disk, the absorption lines strengthen at mid-eclipse when the donor star is expected to contribute its maximum percentage of the total flux, and the line widths are consistent with lines created in an A supergiant photosphere. We discuss and cast doubt on the possibility that these lines represent a shell spectrum rather than the mass donor itself. We re-evaluate the mass ratio of the system and derive masses of 10.9 +/- 3.1 Msun and 2.9 +/- 0.7 Msun for the mass donor and compact object plus disk, respectively. We suggest that the compact object is a low mass black hole. In addition, we review the behavior of the observed emission lines from both the disk/wind and high velocity jets.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 24 pages, 7 figure

    Scattering of particles by neutron stars: Time-evolutions for axial perturbations

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    The excitation of the axial quasi-normal modes of a relativistic star by scattered particles is studied by evolving the time dependent perturbation equations. This work is the first step towards the understanding of more complicated perturbative processes, like the capture or the scattering of particles by rotating stars. In addition, it may serve as a test for the results of the full nonlinear evolution of binary systems.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Phys. Rev. D in pres