2,589 research outputs found

    SECaps: A Sequence Enhanced Capsule Model for Charge Prediction

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    Automatic charge prediction aims to predict appropriate final charges according to the fact descriptions for a given criminal case. Automatic charge prediction plays a critical role in assisting judges and lawyers to improve the efficiency of legal decisions, and thus has received much attention. Nevertheless, most existing works on automatic charge prediction perform adequately on high-frequency charges but are not yet capable of predicting few-shot charges with limited cases. In this paper, we propose a Sequence Enhanced Capsule model, dubbed as SECaps model, to relieve this problem. Specifically, following the work of capsule networks, we propose the seq-caps layer, which considers sequence information and spatial information of legal texts simultaneously. Then we design a attention residual unit, which provides auxiliary information for charge prediction. In addition, our SECaps model introduces focal loss, which relieves the problem of imbalanced charges. Comparing the state-of-the-art methods, our SECaps model obtains 4.5% and 6.4% absolutely considerable improvements under Macro F1 in Criminal-S and Criminal-L respectively. The experimental results consistently demonstrate the superiorities and competitiveness of our proposed model.Comment: 13 pages, 3figures, 5 table

    Chromosome location and characterization of genes for grain protein content in Triticum dicoccoides

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em História, apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.No início do século XX, com a instalação da República portuguesa, surgiu a oportunidade de se construir um lar judaico num território português de além-mar. Angola foi uma forte possibilidade. Vários fatores contribuíram para que tal oportunidade fosse possível. Os constantes massacres feitos ao povo judaico em variadíssimos países europeus, nomeadamente nos países de leste, e as dificuldades encontradas por Theodor Herzl, fundador do movimento sionista, para a edificação do desejado Estado judaico na Palestina, levou a que alguns líderes judaicos começassem a estudar outras hipóteses para o estabelecimento da comunidade judaica para além da Palestina. Era urgente encontrar uma solução para que o sofrimento dos judeus terminasse. Por outro lado, é preciso não esquecer que Portugal se debatia com uma grande questão, a necessidade de ocupar efetivamente as suas colónias, a fim de contrariar as pretensões alemãs e inglesas. A hipótese de criar uma colónia judaica em Angola, como forma de enfrentar as aspirações alheias, e a necessidade de valorizar aquele território, faziam da colonização judaica uma boa solução para Portugal. Tendo em conta as dificuldades de um povoamento de Angola com elementos naturais da metrópole, devido à fraca capacidade financeira do Estado português e a razões sociais e mentais, a colonização judaica aparecia como uma alternativa viável. No entanto, este projeto não se concretizaria. Serão identificados os fatores internos e externos que levaram a que este projeto não fosse posto em prática e tratar-se-á da posterior criação do Estado de Israel na Palestina, depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial.In the early XXth century, with the establishment of Portuguese Republic, arises an opportunity of setting a jewish home in a portuguese land overseas. Angola was a strong possibility. Several factors contributed for the possibility of such opportunity. The constant massacres the Jewish people suffered in numerous different European countries, mainly in Eastern countries, and the difficulties encountered by Theodor Herlz, founder of the Zionist movement, in order to build the desired Jewish State in Palestine, drove some of jewish leaders to study other options to establish the home of Jewish people beyond Palestine. It was urgent to find a solution for the suffering of the Jews to end. On the other hand, it’s important not to forget that Portugal was struggling with a big question, the necessity of effectively settling its colonies, in order to fight back the German and English pretensions. The possibility of creating a jewish colony in Angola as a way to prevent third-parties aspirations and the need of increase the value of Angola land turned the jewish settlement into a good solution to Portugal. As the colonization of Angola with natives from the metropolis appeared hard to reach, due to a poor financial capacity of the portuguese State as well as social and mental factors, the Jewish colonization appeared as a viable alternative. However, this project wasn’t meant to achieve the goal. We’ll describe the internal and external factors that caused the failure of this project and we’ll talk about the creation, later on, of the Jewish State in Palestine, after Second World Wa

    Classical and Quantum Equations of Motion for a BTZ Black String in AdS Space

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    We investigate gravitational collapse of a (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional BTZ black string in AdS space in the context of both classical and quantum mechanics. This is done by first deriving the conserved mass per unit length of the cylindrically symmetric domain wall, which is taken as the classical Hamiltonian of the black string. In the quantum mechanical context, we take primary interest in the behavior of the collapse near the horizon and near the origin (classical singularity) from the point of view of an infalling observer. In the absence of radiation, quantum effects near the horizon do not change the classical conclusions for an infalling observer, meaning that the horizon is not an obstacle for him/her. The most interesting quantum mechanical effect comes in when investigating near the origin. First, quantum effects are able to remove the classical singularity at the origin, since the wave function is non-singular at the origin. Second, the Schr\"odinger equation describing the behavior near the origin displays non-local effects, which depend on the energy density of the domain wall. This is manifest in that derivatives of the wavefunction at one point are related to the value of the wavefunction at some other distant point.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Minor Clarification and corrections. Accepted for Publication in JHE

    A rare myoepithelioma of the sinonasal cavity: case report

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    Myoepithelioma is a rare benign neoplasm. Pure accounting for less than 1% of all salivary gland tumors. Only three cases of sinonasal myoepithelioma have been reported in the literature. Diagnosis of myoepithelioma through light microscopy is possible and immunohistochemistry is done to facilitate the diagnosis. The lesion is so rare that there are no specific indications/guidelines for its treatment. We report to you a rare case of sinonasal myoepithelioma in a 57 year old Asian female

    Paternal obesity is associated with IGF2 hypomethylation in newborns: results from a Newborn Epigenetics Study (NEST) cohort

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    Data from epidemiological and animal model studies suggest that nutrition during pregnancy may affect the health status of subsequent generations. These transgenerational effects are now being explained by disruptions at the level of the epigenetic machinery. Besides in vitro environmental exposures, the possible impact on the reprogramming of methylation profiles at imprinted genes at a much earlier time point, such as during spermatogenesis or oogenesis, has not previously been considered. In this study, our aim was to determine associations between preconceptional obesity and DNA methylation profiles in the offspring, particularly at the differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of the imprinted Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 (IGF2) gene

    Phylogenetic relationship and genetic history of Central Asian Kazakhs inferred from Y-chromosome and autosomal variations

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    The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China (XUARC) with 47 ethnic groups is a very colorful ethnic region of China, harboring abundant genetic and cultural diversity. The Kazakhs are the third largest ethnic group (7.02%) after Uyghur (46.42%) and Han (38.99%) in Xinjiang, but their genetic diversity and forensic characterization are poorly understood. In the current study, we genotyped 15 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci and ten Y-STRs in 889 individuals (659 male and 230 female) collected from Kazak population of the Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture using AGCU Expressmarker 16 and 10Y-STR Kit (EX16 + 10Y). For autosomal STRs, we observed a total of 174 different alleles ranging from 6 to 34.2 repeat units and FGA showed the greatest power of discrimination (20 alleles) in Ili Kazakh population. We have not observed departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) after sequential Bonferroni correction and only found a minimal departure from linkage equilibrium (LE) for a very small number of pairwise combinations of loci. The combined power of exclusion (CPE) was 0.99999998395 and combined power of discrimination (CPD) was 99.999999999999999798%. For Y-STRs, we observed a total of 496 different haplotypes in these ten Y-STR loci. The gene diversities ranged from 0.5023 (DYS391) to 0.8357 (DYS385a/b). The overall haplotype diversity (GD) was 0.9985 with random matching probability (RMP) of 0.0015. The results of population genetic analysis based on both autosomal and Y-chromosome STRs demonstrated that the genetic affinity among populations is generally consistent with ethnic, linguistic, and continental geographical classifications

    Extreme genetic fragility of the HIV-1 capsid

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    Genetic robustness, or fragility, is defined as the ability, or lack thereof, of a biological entity to maintain function in the face of mutations. Viruses that replicate via RNA intermediates exhibit high mutation rates, and robustness should be particularly advantageous to them. The capsid (CA) domain of the HIV-1 Gag protein is under strong pressure to conserve functional roles in viral assembly, maturation, uncoating, and nuclear import. However, CA is also under strong immunological pressure to diversify. Therefore, it would be particularly advantageous for CA to evolve genetic robustness. To measure the genetic robustness of HIV-1 CA, we generated a library of single amino acid substitution mutants, encompassing almost half the residues in CA. Strikingly, we found HIV-1 CA to be the most genetically fragile protein that has been analyzed using such an approach, with 70% of mutations yielding replication-defective viruses. Although CA participates in several steps in HIV-1 replication, analysis of conditionally (temperature sensitive) and constitutively non-viable mutants revealed that the biological basis for its genetic fragility was primarily the need to coordinate the accurate and efficient assembly of mature virions. All mutations that exist in naturally occurring HIV-1 subtype B populations at a frequency >3%, and were also present in the mutant library, had fitness levels that were >40% of WT. However, a substantial fraction of mutations with high fitness did not occur in natural populations, suggesting another form of selection pressure limiting variation in vivo. Additionally, known protective CTL epitopes occurred preferentially in domains of the HIV-1 CA that were even more genetically fragile than HIV-1 CA as a whole. The extreme genetic fragility of HIV-1 CA may be one reason why cell-mediated immune responses to Gag correlate with better prognosis in HIV-1 infection, and suggests that CA is a good target for therapy and vaccination strategies

    Immunological Basis for the Gender Differences in Murine Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Infection

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    This study aimed to investigate the immunological mechanisms involved in the gender distinct incidence of paracoccidioidomycosis (pcm), an endemic systemic mycosis in Latin America, which is at least 10 times more frequent in men than in women. Then, we compared the immune response of male and female mice to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection, as well as the influence in the gender differences exerted by paracoccin, a P. brasiliensis component with carbohydrate recognition property. High production of Th1 cytokines and T-bet expression have been detected in the paracoccin stimulated cultures of spleen cells from infected female mice. In contrast, in similar experimental conditions, cells from infected males produced higher levels of the Th2 cytokines and expressed GATA-3. Macrophages from male and female mice when stimulated with paracoccin displayed similar phagocytic capability, while fungicidal activity was two times more efficiently performed by macrophages from female mice, a fact that was associated with 50% higher levels of nitric oxide production. In order to evaluate the role of sexual hormones in the observed gender distinction, we have utilized mice that have been submitted to gonadectomy followed by inverse hormonal reconstitution. Spleen cells derived from castrated males reconstituted with estradiol have produced higher levels of IFN-γ (1291±15 pg/mL) and lower levels of IL-10 (494±38 pg/mL), than normal male in response to paracoccin stimulus. In contrast, spleen cells from castrated female mice that had been treated with testosterone produced more IL-10 (1284±36 pg/mL) and less IFN-γ (587±14 pg/mL) than cells from normal female. In conclusion, our results reveal that the sexual hormones had a profound effect on the biology of immune cells, and estradiol favours protective responses to P. brasiliensis infection. In addition, fungal components, such as paracoccin, may provide additional support to the gender dimorphic immunity that marks P. brasiliensis infection
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