1,912 research outputs found

    Brief of Amicus Curiae, Michael E. Spiess, et al, in Support of Lisa M. Avagliano, et al

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    Sexual selection in Drosophila silvestris of Hawaii

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    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of the following books: To the Webster-Ashburton Treaty: A Study in Anglo-American Relations, 1783-1843 by Howard Jones; The Journals of John Edwards Godfrey, Bangor, Maine 1863-1869; The Archaeology of New England by Dean R. Sno

    Social support on international assignments: the relevance of socio-emotional support from locals

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    WOS:000322696600010 (Nº de Acesso Web of Science)Social support takes on a special significance in the context of sojourners. Using the matching/specificity hypothesis we hypothesized that sojourners’ satisfaction is increased if there is an optimal match between type and source of social support. The Index of Sojourner Social Support (ISSS; Ong &Ward, 2005) Scale was used to examine this hypothesis in the context of instrumental and socioemotional support for sojourners on work assignments. The results showed that (a) both types of social support are positively related to satisfaction with the sojourn, (b) socioemotional support is more important in predicting satisfaction with a sojourn than instrumental support, and (c) support from locals is the most important source of social support. Furthermore, we found partial support for the matching/specificity hypothesis: Only the amount of support from locals was a significant moderator and only the relationship between socioemotional support and satisfaction with a sojourn was moderated. We discuss the relevance of source and type of support for cultural adjustment and the importance of contact with locals during international sojourns.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Method and system for measuring sound velocity

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    A method and system for determining the speed of sound in a fluidic medium by determining the travel time of an acoustical signal a predetermined distance in a fluidic medium by generating a cyclical reference signal of a predetermined frequency and transmitting a portion of the reference signal through the medium. The transmitted portion of the reference signal is received after travelling a predetermined distance in the fluidic medium. The cycles of the cyclical reference signal are counted during the period of time between the transmitting and receiving of the portion of the reference signal wherein the travel time of the portion of the reference signal, is the number of cycle counts divided by the frequency. The speed of the acoustical signal through the fluidic medium is a function of the path length divided by the travel time

    Time and dose dependency of bone-sarcomas in patients injected with radium-224

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    The time course and dose dependency of the incidence of bone-sarcomas among 900 German patients treated with high doses of radium-224 is analysed in terms of a proportional hazards model with a log-normal dependency of time to tumor and a linear-quadratic dose relation. The deduced dose dependency agrees well with a previous analysis in terms of a non-parametric proportional hazards model, and confirms the temporal distribution which has been used in the Radioepidemiological Tables of NIH. However, the linear-quadratic dose-response model gives a risk estimate for low doses which is somewhat less than half that obtained under the assumption of linearity. Dedicated to Prof. W. Jacobi on the occasion of his 60th birthday Work performed under Euratom contracts BI6-D-083-D, BI6-F-111-D, U.S. Department of Energy contract DE-AC 02-76 EV-00119, the U.S. National Cancer Institut

    Modeli određivanja vremena potrebnog za odmrzavanje hrane ovisno o uvjetima prerade i karakteristikama gotovog proizvoda

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    Determining thawing times of frozen foods is a challenging problem as the thermophysical properties of the product change during thawing. A number of calculation models and solutions have been developed. The proposed solutions range from relatively simple analytical equations based on a number of assumptions to a group of empirical approaches that sometimes require complex calculations. In this paper analytical, empirical and graphical models are presented and critically reviewed. The conditions of solution, limitations and possible applications of the models are discussed. The graphical and semi-graphical models are derived from numerical methods. Using the numerical methods is not always possible as running calculations takes time, whereas the specialized software and equipment are not always cheap. For these reasons, the application of analytical-empirical models is more useful for engineering. It is demonstrated that there is no simple, accurate and feasible analytical method for thawing time prediction. Consequently, simplified methods are needed for thawing time estimation of agricultural and food products. The review reveals the need for further improvement of the existing solutions or development of new ones that will enable accurate determination of thawing time within a wide range of practical conditions of heat transfer during processing.Toplinska i fizikalna svojstva proizvoda mijenjaju se tijekom odmrzavanja, pa je određivanje vremena odmrzavanja oduvijek predstavljalo problem. Razvijeni su različiti matematički modeli za rješavanje tog problema, počevši od relativno jednostavnih analitičkih funkcija koje polaze od niza pretpostavki, pa sve do raznih empirijskih modela što uključuju složene izračune. U ovom su radu kritički prikazani analitički, empirijski i grafički modeli. Osim toga, raspravlja se o uvjetima potrebnim za rješavanje problema, ograničenju i mogućoj primjeni modela. Grafički i polugrafički modeli izvedeni su iz numeričkih metoda. Numeričke metode nisu uvijek primjenjive jer izračuni oduzimaju puno vremena, a specijalizirani su programi i oprema uglavnom skupi. Zbog toga su za primjenu u inženjerstvu prikladniji analitičko-empirijski modeli. Ovaj revijalni prikaz potvrđuje da ne postoji jednostavna, točna i u praksi lako izvediva analitička metoda određivanja vremena odmrzavanja prehrambenih proizvoda, te da treba razviti jednostavnije metode. Zaključeno je da postojeća rješenja treba poboljšati ili treba razviti nove modele koji će omogućiti precizno određivanje vremena odmrzavanja u različitim uvjetima prijenosa topline prilikom obrade hrane