26 research outputs found

    Early Pandemic Experiences of Autistic Adults: Predictors of Psychological Distress

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives around the world. Autistic adults are at higher risk for co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions and may be more prone to difficulties adapting to pandemic-related changes and social distancing mandates and coping with ongoing uncertainties. On the other hand, the pandemic may lead to greater understanding and acceptance of accommodations in the broader community that may facilitate supports for autistic adults beyond the pandemic. To learn more about their early pandemic experiences, online surveys were sent to independent adults enrolled in the Simons Powering Autism Research Knowledge (SPARK). The first survey was open from March 30 to April 19, 2020; a follow-up survey sent to original responders was open from May 27 to June 6, yielding 396 participants with data for both surveys. We found that adults who were female, younger, had prior diagnoses of a mental health condition, personal COVID-19 experience (i.e., knowing someone who had symptoms or tested positive) or less frequent hope for the future reported the greatest negative impacts. Decrease in feelings of hopefulness over time predicted greater psychological distress at T2, accounting for T1 impact and distress levels and increases in total COVID-19 impact. Less perceived benefit of online services also predicted later distress. Although there tends to be a focus on coping with negative effects of the pandemic, mental health providers may consider approaches that focus on positives, such as fostering hope and understanding factors that facilitate benefit from online services. LAY SUMMARY: Autistic adults may be at risk for psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current study suggests that autistic adults who were younger, female, had a mental health diagnosis before the pandemic and knew someone who showed symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19 reported more areas negatively impacted by COVID-19 and greater difficulty coping with those effects. Decreases in hope over time were associated with greater psychological distress. Less perceived benefit from online services also predicted distress 2 months later. These results suggest important areas to further explore as we develop supports for autistic adults during the pandemic

    Effectiveness of multimodal participant recruitment in SPARK, a large, online longitudinal research study of autism

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    Abstract Background: SPARK launched in 2016 to build a US cohort of autistic individuals and their family members. Enrollment includes online consent to share data and optional consent to provide saliva for genomic analysis. SPARK’s recruitment strategies include social media and support of a nation-wide network of clinical sites. This study evaluates SPARK’s recruitment strategies to enroll a core study population. Methods: Individuals who joined between January 31, 2018, and May 29, 2019 were included in the analysis. Data include sociodemographic characteristics, clinical site referral, the website URL used to join, how the participant heard about SPARK, enrollment completion (online registration, study consents, and returning saliva sample), and completion of the baseline questionnaire. Logistic regressions were performed to evaluate the odds of core participant status (completing enrollment and baseline questionnaire) by recruitment strategy. Results: In total, 31,715 individuals joined during the study period, including 40% through a clinical site. Overall, 88% completed online registration, 46% returned saliva, and 38% were core participants. Those referred by a clinical site were almost twice as likely to be core participants. Those who directly visited the SPARK website or performed a Google search were more likely to be core participants than those who joined through social media. Discussion: Being a core participant may be associated with the “personal” connection and support provided by a clinical site and/or site staff, as well as greater motivation to seek research opportunities. Findings from this study underscore the value of adopting a multimodal recruitment approach that combines social media and a physical presence