6 research outputs found

    Influence of the type of idea-generation method on the creativity of solutions

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    [EN] This paper studies the influence of the type of method, intuitive or logical, used for idea-generation on the final creative results. An experiment was developed in which 16 design teams were asked to solve a design problem using different creative methodologies. Seven of the teams used the SCAMPER intuitive method and another seven teams used the TRIZ logical method. Two groups acted as control. One of these control groups used brainstorming, and other group used no method. The creativity of the results, considered as the combination of novelty and utility, was evaluated using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Results show the differences in these parameters in the different methods used in the experiment.Chulvi Ramos, V.; González-Cruz, MC.; Mulet Escrig, E.; Aguilar Zambrano, JA. (2013). Influence of the type of idea-generation method on the creativity of solutions. 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