6 research outputs found

    Eight years of monitoring aquatic Oligochaeta from the Baía and Ivinhema Rivers

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the factors that influence spatial and temporal variations of the Oligochaeta assemblage in the Baía and Ivinhema Rivers, located in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil). Samples of Oligochaeta were collected between February 2000 and November 2007. A total of 27 Oligochaeta species were identified. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the physical and chemical variables was used to summarize the total variation in the data and to identify major environmental gradients. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was conducted to verify possible spatial and temporal gradients in the Oligochaeta species distribution. The highest Oligochaeta species densities and richness values were recorded during limnophases. The intensity and amplitude of the potamophase influenced the density, richness and composition of Oligochaeta since many species were transported by high water current velocities and/or died due to the low oxygen levels that are characteristic of this phase. L. hoffmeisteri, P. descolei and A. pigueti were recorded in the potamophase and in the limnophase and we concluded that they are adapted to different conditions of rivers (lotic and lentic) due to the presence of these species during the entire study period in both rivers. Nevertheless, these species were dominant in the potamophase periods of these rivers as they have body adaptations to survive in these conditions

    Molecular mechanisms underlying therapeutic potential of pericytes

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    Abstract Background Pericytes are multipotent cells present in every vascularized tissue in the body. Despite the fact that they are well-known for more than a century, pericytes are still representing cells with intriguing properties. This is mainly because of their heterogeneity in terms of definition, tissue distribution, origin, phenotype and multi-functional properties. The body of knowledge illustrates importance of pericytes in the regulation of homeostatic and healing processes in the body. Main body In this review, we summarized current knowledge regarding identification, isolation, ontogeny and functional characteristics of pericytes and described molecular mechanisms involved in the crosstalk between pericytes and endothelial or immune cells. We highlighted the role of pericytes in the pathogenesis of fibrosis, diabetes-related complications (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy and erectile dysfunction), ischemic organ failure, pulmonary hypertension, Alzheimer disease, tumor growth and metastasis with the focus on their therapeutic potential in the regenerative medicine. The functions and capabilities of pericytes are impressive and, as yet, incompletely understood. Molecular mechanisms responsible for pericyte-mediated regulation of vascular stability, angiogenesis and blood flow are well described while their regenerative and immunomodulatory characteristics are still not completely revealed. Strong evidence for pericytes’ participation in physiological, as well as in pathological conditions reveals a broad potential for their therapeutic use. Recently published results obtained in animal studies showed that transplantation of pericytes could positively influence the healing of bone, muscle and skin and could support revascularization. However, the differences in their phenotype and function as well as the lack of standardized procedure for their isolation and characterization limit their use in clinical trials. Conclusion Critical to further progress in clinical application of pericytes will be identification of tissue specific pericyte phenotype and function, validation and standardization of the procedure for their isolation that will enable establishment of precise clinical settings in which pericyte-based therapy will be efficiently applied