3,536 research outputs found

    Internal transport barriers in the National Spherical Torus Experiment

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    In the National Spherical Torus Experiment [M. Ono , Nucl. Fusion 41, 1435 (2001)], internal transport barriers (ITBs) are observed in reversed (negative) shear discharges where diffusivities for electron and ion thermal channels and momentum are reduced. While neutral beam heating can produce ITBs in both electron and ion channels, high harmonic fast wave heating can also produce electron ITBs (e-ITBs) under reversed magnetic shear conditions without momentum input. Interestingly, the location of the e-ITB does not necessarily match that of the ion ITB (i-ITB). The e-ITB location correlates best with the magnetic shear minima location determined by motional Stark effect constrained equilibria, whereas the i-ITB location better correlates with the location of maximum ExB shearing rate. Measured electron temperature gradients in the e-ITB can exceed critical gradients for the onset of electron thermal gradient microinstabilities calculated by linear gyrokinetic codes. A high-k microwave scattering diagnostic shows locally reduced density fluctuations at wave numbers characteristic of electron turbulence for discharges with strongly negative magnetic shear versus weakly negative or positive magnetic shear. Reductions in fluctuation amplitude are found to be correlated with the local value of magnetic shear. These results are consistent with nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations predicting a reduction in electron turbulence under negative magnetic shear conditions despite exceeding critical gradients.X1128sciescopu

    A simple model of complex cusp ion dispersions during intervals of northward interplanetary magnetic field

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    During northward IMF intervals, cusp ion energy-latitude dispersions observed by POLAR's TIMAS instrument often have two components. One dispersion decreases in energy with decreasing latitude. The second appears to split from the first and increases in energy as the equatorward edge of the cusp is approached. We present a simple model representing particle entry resulting from reconnection poleward of the cusp. We qualitatively show that split dispersions may arise on reconnected field lines which accelerate as they contract sunward into regions of lower magnetosheath flow velocity. The velocity filter effect produces the first dispersion by spreading particles entering near the reconnection site across a range of latitudes. The second, increasing energy dispersion, results from particles crossing the magnetopause at later times and lower latitudes. These particles are accelerated to higher energies due to the increased contraction speed of reconnected field lines at these latitudes

    Purtscher-like retinopathy following valsalva maneuver effect: case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Purtscher's retinopathy is a rare condition that is noted in cases related to various types of trauma. The characteristic finding in the fundus is the presence of multiple Purtscher flecken. Purtscher-like retinopathy has a similar presentation in the fundus, but without an association with trauma.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 43-year old Malay man presented with a sudden onset of central foggy vision in the left eye after holding his breath for two minutes while catching a falling object. It was not associated with floaters, flashes of light, or head trauma. His vision in the right eye was 6/6, and in his left eye it was finger counting. He had bilateral temporal sub-conjunctival hemorrhages. An examination of his left fundus revealed multiple white cotton wool spots and dot-blot retinal hemorrhages with diffuse retinal edema at the posterior pole. His right fundus was noted to have only mild temporal peri-papillary edema associated with a few dot-blot hemorrhages. Fundus fluorescein angiography showed good arterial perfusion and no evidence of leaking or neo-vascularization. A diagnosis of Purtscher-like retinopathy was made, and the patient was treated with indomethacin tablets for six weeks. At his six-week follow-up examination, his left eye visual acuity had improved to 6/12. His bilateral sub-conjunctival hemorrhage had resolved. His left fundus showed residual multiple cotton wool spots and reduced retinal edema.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs seems to be effective in reducing edema in patients with Purtscher-like retinopathy.</p

    Frequent use of paracetamol and risk of allergic disease among women in an Ethiopian population

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    Introduction The hypothesis that paracetamol might increase the risk of asthma and other allergic diseases have gained support from a range of independent studies. However, in studies based in developed countries, the possibility that paracetamol and asthma are associated through aspirin avoidance is difficult to exclude. Objectives To explore this hypothesis among women in a developing country, where we have previously reported aspirin avoidance to be rare. Methods In 2005/6 a population based cohort of 1065 pregnant women was established in Butajira, Ethiopia and baseline demographic data collected. At 3 years post birth, an interview-based questionnaire administered to 945 (94%) of these women collected data on asthma, eczema, and hay fever in the past 12 month, frequency of paracetamol use and potential confounders. Allergen skin tests to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and cockroach were also performed. The independent effects of paracetamol use on allergic outcomes were determined using multiple logistic regression analysis. Findings The prevalence of asthma, eczema and hay fever was 1.7%, 0.9% and 3.8% respectively; of any one of these conditions 5.5%, and of allergen sensitization 7.8%. Paracetamol use in the past month was reported by 29%, and associations of borderline significance were seen for eczema (adjusted OR (95% CI) = 8.51 (1.68 to 43.19) for 1–3 tablets and 2.19 (0.36 to 13.38) for ≥4 tablets, compared to no tablets in the past month; overall p = 0.055) and for ‘any allergic condition’ (adjusted OR (95% CI) = 2.73 (1.22 to 6.11) for 1–3 tablets and 1.35 (0.67 to 2.70) for ≥4 tablets compared to 0 in the past month; overall p = 0.071). Conclusions This study provides further cross-sectional evidence that paracetamol use increases the risk of allergic disease

    Proportional/non-proportional constant/variable amplitude multiaxial notch fatigue: cyclic plasticity, non-zero mean stresses, and critical distance/plane

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    This paper deals with the formulation and experimental validation of a novel fatigue lifetime estimation technique suitable for assessing the extent of damage in notched metallic materials subjected to in‐service proportional/nonproportional constant/variable amplitude multiaxial load histories. The methodology being formulated makes use of the Modified Manson‐Coffin Curve Method, the Shear Strain–Maximum Variance Method, and the elasto‐plastic Theory of Critical Distances, with the latter theory being applied in the form of the Point Method. The accuracy and reliability of our novel fatigue lifetime estimation technique were checked against a large number of experimental results we generated by testing, under proportional/nonproportional constant/variable amplitude axial‐torsional loading, V‐notched cylindrical specimens made of unalloyed medium‐carbon steel En8 (080M40). Specific experimental trials were run to investigate also the effect of non‐zero mean stresses as well as of different frequencies between the axial and torsional stress/strain components. This systematic validation exercise allowed us to demonstrate that our novel multiaxial fatigue assessment methodology is remarkably accurate, with the estimates falling within an error factor of 2. By modelling the cyclic elasto‐plastic behaviour of metals explicitly, the design methodology being formulated and validated in the present paper offers a complete solution to the problem of estimating multiaxial fatigue lifetime of notched metallic materials, with this holding true independently of sharpness of the stress/strain raiser and complexity of the load history

    Simulating the Mammalian Blastocyst - Molecular and Mechanical Interactions Pattern the Embryo

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    Mammalian embryogenesis is a dynamic process involving gene expression and mechanical forces between proliferating cells. The exact nature of these interactions, which determine the lineage patterning of the trophectoderm and endoderm tissues occurring in a highly regulated manner at precise periods during the embryonic development, is an area of debate. We have developed a computational modeling framework for studying this process, by which the combined effects of mechanical and genetic interactions are analyzed within the context of proliferating cells. At a purely mechanical level, we demonstrate that the perpendicular alignment of the animal-vegetal (a-v) and embryonic-abembryonic (eb-ab) axes is a result of minimizing the total elastic conformational energy of the entire collection of cells, which are constrained by the zona pellucida. The coupling of gene expression with the mechanics of cell movement is important for formation of both the trophectoderm and the endoderm. In studying the formation of the trophectoderm, we contrast and compare quantitatively two hypotheses: (1) The position determines gene expression, and (2) the gene expression determines the position. Our model, which couples gene expression with mechanics, suggests that differential adhesion between different cell types is a critical determinant in the robust endoderm formation. In addition to differential adhesion, two different testable hypotheses emerge when considering endoderm formation: (1) A directional force acts on certain cells and moves them into forming the endoderm layer, which separates the blastocoel and the cells of the inner cell mass (ICM). In this case the blastocoel simply acts as a static boundary. (2) The blastocoel dynamically applies pressure upon the cells in contact with it, such that cell segregation in the presence of differential adhesion leads to the endoderm formation. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to combine cell-based spatial mechanical simulations with genetic networks to explain mammalian embryogenesis. Such a framework provides the means to test hypotheses in a controlled in silico environment

    Periodogram Connectivity of EEG Signals for the Detection of Dyslexia

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) signals provide an important source of information of brain activity at different areas. This information can be used to diagnose brain disorders according to different activation patterns found in controls and patients. This acquisition technology can be also used to explore the neural basis of less evident learning disabilities such as Developmental Dyslexia (DD). DD is a specific difficulty in the acquisition of reading skills not related to mental age or inadequate schooling, whose prevalent is estimated between 5% and 12% of the population. In this paper we propose a method to extract discriminative features from EEG signals based on the relationship among the spectral density at each channel. This relationship is computed by means of different correlation measures, inferring connectivity-like markers that are eventually selected and classified by a linear support vector machine. The experiments performed shown AUC values up to 0.7, demonstrating the applicability of the proposed approach for objective DD diagnosis

    Puzzle based teaching versus traditional instruction in electrocardiogram interpretation for medical students – a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most medical professionals are expected to possess basic electrocardiogram (EKG) interpretation skills. But, published data suggests that residents' and physicians' EKG interpretation skills are suboptimal. Learning styles differ among medical students; individualization of teaching methods has been shown to be viable and may result in improved learning. Puzzles have been shown to facilitate learning in a relaxed environment. The objective of this study was to assess efficacy of teaching puzzle in EKG interpretation skills among medical students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a reader blinded crossover trial. Third year medical students from College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University participated in this study. Two groups (n = 9) received two traditional EKG interpretation skills lectures followed by a standardized exam and two extra sessions with the teaching puzzle and a different exam. Two other groups (n = 6) received identical courses and exams with the puzzle session first followed by the traditional teaching. EKG interpretation scores on final test were used as main outcome measure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average score after only traditional teaching was 4.07 ± 2.08 while after only the puzzle session was 4.04 ± 2.36 (p = 0.97). The average improvement after the traditional session was followed up with a puzzle session was 2.53 ± 1.94 while the average improvement after the puzzle session was followed with the traditional session was 2.08 ± 1.73 (p = 0.67). The final EKG exam score for this cohort (n = 15) was 84.1 compared to 86.6 (p = 0.22) for a comparable sample of medical students (n = 15) at a different campus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Teaching EKG interpretation with puzzles is comparable to traditional teaching and may be particularly useful for certain subgroups of students. Puzzle session are more interactive and relaxing, and warrant further investigations on larger scale.</p

    Potential geographic distribution of Hantavirus reservoirs in Brazil

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    Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome is an emerging zoonosis in Brazil. Human infections occur via inhalation of aerosolized viral particles from excreta of infected wild rodents. Necromys lasiurus and Oligoryzomys nigripes appear to be the main reservoirs of hantavirus in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes. We estimated and compared ecological niches of the two rodent species, and analyzed environmental factors influencing their occurrence, to understand the geography of hantavirus transmission. N. lasiurus showed a wide potential distribution in Brazil, in the Cerrado, Caatinga, and Atlantic Forest biomes. Highest climate suitability for O. nigripes was observed along the Brazilian Atlantic coast. Maximum temperature in the warmest months and annual precipitation were the variables that most influence the distributions of N. lasiurus and O. nigripes, respectively. Models based on occurrences of infected rodents estimated a broader area of risk for hantavirus transmission in southeastern and southern Brazil, coinciding with the distribution of human cases of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. We found no demonstrable environmental differences among occurrence sites for the rodents and for human cases of hantavirus. However, areas of northern and northeastern Brazil are also apparently suitable for the two species, without broad coincidence with human cases. Modeling of niches and distributions of rodent reservoirs indicates potential for transmission of hantavirus across virtually all of Brazil outside the Amazon Basin

    Extratropical forcing and tropical rainfall distribution: energetics framework and ocean Ekman advection

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    Intense tropical rainfall occurs in a narrow belt near the equator, called the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ). In the past decade, the atmospheric energy budget has been used to explain changes in the zonal-mean ITCZ position. The energetics framework provides a mechanism for extratropics-to-tropics teleconnections, which have been postulated from paleoclimate records. In atmosphere models coupled with a motionless slab ocean, the ITCZ shifts toward the warmed hemisphere in order for the Hadley circulation to transport energy toward the colder hemisphere. However, recent studies using fully coupled models show that tropical rainfall can be rather insensitive to extratropical forcing when ocean dynamics is included. Here, we explore the effect of meridional Ekman heat advection while neglecting the upwelling effect on the ITCZ response to prescribed extratropical thermal forcing. The tropical component of Ekman advection is a negative feedback that partially compensates the prescribed forcing, whereas the extratropical component is a positive feedback that amplifies the prescribed forcing. Overall, the tropical negative feedback dominates over the extratropical positive feedback. Thus, including Ekman advection reduces the need for atmospheric energy transport, dampening the ITCZ response. We propose to build a hierarchy of ocean models to systematically explore the full dynamical response of the coupled climate system