18,963 research outputs found

    Synthesis of oxyanion-doped barium strontium cobaltferrites: stabilization of the cubic perovskite and enhancement in conductivity

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    In this paper we demonstrate the successful incorporation of oxyanions (borate, phosphate) into Ba1ySryCo0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (BSCF) cathode materials. For low levels of dopant, a small enhancement in the conductivity was observed; e.g. 31.6, 34.4 and 35.9 S·cm-1 for Ba0.33Sr0.67Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ, Ba0.33Sr0.67Co0.76Fe0.19B0.05O3−δ and Ba0.33Sr0.67Co0.76Fe0.19P0.05O3−δ, respectively, at 700ºC. Most significantly, oxyanion doping was shown to improve the stability of the cubic form of BSCF at intermediate temperatures (especially for P-doping), helping to prevent the transition to a hexagonal cell, and maintaining its excellent electrical properties. The work shows the potential of oxyanion doping strategies to modify the performance of SOFC cathode materials

    Two-Qubit Separabilities as Piecewise Continuous Functions of Maximal Concurrence

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    The generic real (b=1) and complex (b=2) two-qubit states are 9-dimensional and 15-dimensional in nature, respectively. The total volumes of the spaces they occupy with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt and Bures metrics are obtainable as special cases of formulas of Zyczkowski and Sommers. We claim that if one could determine certain metric-independent 3-dimensional "eigenvalue-parameterized separability functions" (EPSFs), then these formulas could be readily modified so as to yield the Hilbert-Schmidt and Bures volumes occupied by only the separable two-qubit states (and hence associated separability probabilities). Motivated by analogous earlier analyses of "diagonal-entry-parameterized separability functions", we further explore the possibility that such 3-dimensional EPSFs might, in turn, be expressible as univariate functions of some special relevant variable--which we hypothesize to be the maximal concurrence (0 < C <1) over spectral orbits. Extensive numerical results we obtain are rather closely supportive of this hypothesis. Both the real and complex estimated EPSFs exhibit clearly pronounced jumps of magnitude roughly 50% at C=1/2, as well as a number of additional matching discontinuities.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, new abstract, revised for J. Phys.

    Advances in delimiting the Hilbert-Schmidt separability probability of real two-qubit systems

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    We seek to derive the probability--expressed in terms of the Hilbert-Schmidt (Euclidean or flat) metric--that a generic (nine-dimensional) real two-qubit system is separable, by implementing the well-known Peres-Horodecki test on the partial transposes (PT's) of the associated 4 x 4 density matrices). But the full implementation of the test--requiring that the determinant of the PT be nonnegative for separability to hold--appears to be, at least presently, computationally intractable. So, we have previously implemented--using the auxiliary concept of a diagonal-entry-parameterized separability function (DESF)--the weaker implied test of nonnegativity of the six 2 x 2 principal minors of the PT. This yielded an exact upper bound on the separability probability of 1024/{135 pi^2} =0.76854$. Here, we piece together (reflection-symmetric) results obtained by requiring that each of the four 3 x 3 principal minors of the PT, in turn, be nonnegative, giving an improved/reduced upper bound of 22/35 = 0.628571. Then, we conclude that a still further improved upper bound of 1129/2100 = 0.537619 can be found by similarly piecing together the (reflection-symmetric) results of enforcing the simultaneous nonnegativity of certain pairs of the four 3 x 3 principal minors. In deriving our improved upper bounds, we rely repeatedly upon the use of certain integrals over cubes that arise. Finally, we apply an independence assumption to a pair of DESF's that comes close to reproducing our numerical estimate of the true separability function.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, a few inadvertent misstatements made near the end are correcte

    Relationships between surface and column aerosol radiative properties and air mass transport at a rural New England site

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    Chemical, physical, and radiative properties of surface and vertical column aerosols were measured at a rural site in southern New Hampshire from July 2000 to September 2001. The primary objective was to determine how intensive and extensive aerosol properties vary in air masses originating in different upwind regions. The data set also allows for an investigation of some of the relationships between surface and column aerosol properties at the site, and provides an estimate of direct radiative forcing by aerosols during the study period. Extensive properties (e.g., optical depth and chemical concentration) were at maximum values during times of south-southwest (S-SW) transport, while minimum values were seen during north-northeast (N-NE) transport. Certain intensive properties such as fine particle mass scattering efficiency did not vary significantly between times of transport from different source regions. Mean optical depth (wavelength = 500 nm) was 0.24 during S-SW transport, compared to 0.10 during N-NE transport. The study period average scattering efficiency for (NH4)2SO4 was 6.54 ± 0.26 m2 g−1 (± standard error) and 3.36 ± 0.49 m2 g−1 for organic carbon, while the absorption efficiency of elemental carbon was 12.85 ± 0.80 m2 g−1. Top of the atmosphere aerosol direct radiative forcing was −0.35 ± 0.83 Wm−2 (±1 standard deviation) in winter 2000–2001 and −9.06 ± 3.77 Wm−2 in summer 2001, differences that can be primarily attributed to seasonal changes in surface reflectance (high in winter, low in summer) and the relatively low values of single scatter albedo observed in winter. The annual average direct radiative forcing was −5.14 ± 4.32 Wm−2. We generally observed a moderate correlation between surface and column aerosol light extinction, suggesting that vertical column aerosol radiative properties measured by surface-based radiometers should be supplemented by boundary layer measurements of aerosol chemical, physical, and radiative properties to help understand the mechanisms contributing to global aerosol variability

    Investigation into the effect of Y, Yb doping in Ba2In2O5: determination of the solid solution range and co-doping with phosphate

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    In this paper we examine the effect of Y, Yb doping in Ba2In2O5, examining the solid solution range and effect on the conductivity and CO2 stability. The results showed that up to 35% Y, Yb can be introduced, and this doping leads to an introduction of disorder on the oxygen sublattice, and a corresponding increase in conductivity. Further increases in Y, Yb content could be achieved through co-doping with phosphate. While this co-doping strategy led to a reduction in the conductivity, it did have a beneficial effect on the CO2 stability, and further improvements in the CO2 stability could be achieved through La and P co-doping

    One-instanton test of the exact prepotential for N=2 SQCD coupled to a symmetric tensor hypermultiplet

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    Using the ADHM instanton calculus, we evaluate the one-instanton contribution to the low-energy effective prepotential of N=2 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with N_F flavors of hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation and a hypermultiplet in the symmetric rank two tensor representation. For N_F<N-2, when the theory is asymptotically free, our result is compared with the exact solution that was obtained using M-theory and we find complete agreement.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    The Generalized Gutzwiller Method for n=>2 Correlated Orbitals: Itinerant Ferromagnetism in eg-bands

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    Using the generalized Gutzwiller method we present results on the ferromagnetic behavior of extended Hubbard models with two degenerate eg orbitals. We find significant differences to results obtained from Hartree-Fock theory.Comment: 7 pages in Latex, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Physica

    Centroidal bases in graphs

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    We introduce the notion of a centroidal locating set of a graph GG, that is, a set LL of vertices such that all vertices in GG are uniquely determined by their relative distances to the vertices of LL. A centroidal locating set of GG of minimum size is called a centroidal basis, and its size is the centroidal dimension CD(G)CD(G). This notion, which is related to previous concepts, gives a new way of identifying the vertices of a graph. The centroidal dimension of a graph GG is lower- and upper-bounded by the metric dimension and twice the location-domination number of GG, respectively. The latter two parameters are standard and well-studied notions in the field of graph identification. We show that for any graph GG with nn vertices and maximum degree at least~2, (1+o(1))lnnlnlnnCD(G)n1(1+o(1))\frac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n}\leq CD(G) \leq n-1. We discuss the tightness of these bounds and in particular, we characterize the set of graphs reaching the upper bound. We then show that for graphs in which every pair of vertices is connected via a bounded number of paths, CD(G)=Ω(E(G))CD(G)=\Omega\left(\sqrt{|E(G)|}\right), the bound being tight for paths and cycles. We finally investigate the computational complexity of determining CD(G)CD(G) for an input graph GG, showing that the problem is hard and cannot even be approximated efficiently up to a factor of o(logn)o(\log n). We also give an O(nlnn)O\left(\sqrt{n\ln n}\right)-approximation algorithm

    A priori probability that a qubit-qutrit pair is separable

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    We extend to arbitrarily coupled pairs of qubits (two-state quantum systems) and qutrits (three-state quantum systems) our earlier study (quant-ph/0207181), which was concerned with the simplest instance of entangled quantum systems, pairs of qubits. As in that analysis -- again on the basis of numerical (quasi-Monte Carlo) integration results, but now in a still higher-dimensional space (35-d vs. 15-d) -- we examine a conjecture that the Bures/SD (statistical distinguishability) probability that arbitrarily paired qubits and qutrits are separable (unentangled) has a simple exact value, u/(v Pi^3)= >.00124706, where u = 2^20 3^3 5 7 and v = 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 (the product of consecutive primes). This is considerably less than the conjectured value of the Bures/SD probability, 8/(11 Pi^2) = 0736881, in the qubit-qubit case. Both of these conjectures, in turn, rely upon ones to the effect that the SD volumes of separable states assume certain remarkable forms, involving "primorial" numbers. We also estimate the SD area of the boundary of separable qubit-qutrit states, and provide preliminary calculations of the Bures/SD probability of separability in the general qubit-qubit-qubit and qutrit-qutrit cases.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, LaTeX, we utilize recent exact computations of Sommers and Zyczkowski (quant-ph/0304041) of "the Bures volume of mixed quantum states" to refine our conjecture