161 research outputs found

    “Season in food" : Redesign of a cook-book

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    The purpose of this project has been to redesign an already existing cook-book. The title of the book (directly translated), “Season in food – the year around with herbs and spices”, contains what the headline imposes: spices, herbs and food. But when the author tries to entwine these parts and communicate it to the reader it is not working all to well due to a poor and inconsistent graphic design. I have followed the theories and values of information design when I redesigned the book layout with the intent to simplify the communication between author and reader. In the progress to make a complete dummie of the book I did multiple literature studies, book analysis, tests and a vast number of drafts. In this report I will describe the whole process from start to finish. It is impossible to explain every aspect of every theory and still make it interesting to read. Instead I try to explain the processes in a more comprehensive way. But details are inevitable and at those times it helps to use the appendix.Mitt examensarbete har inneburit att göra en redesign pĂ„ en redan befintlig kokbok. PĂ„ bokensomslag stĂ„r det: ”Kryddan i maten – Ă„ret om med örter och kryddor” och den handlar om just detrubriken antyder: örter, kryddor och mat. TyvĂ€rr har författarens syfte, att knyta samman dessa tvĂ„bitar, gĂ„tt förlorad i bokens inlaga. Detta beror pĂ„ en inkonsekvent och ostrukturerad formgivning. Mitt arbete har varit att med hjĂ€lp av informationsdesignens regler och teorier göra om och styraupp bokens layout pĂ„ ett sĂ„nt sĂ€tt sĂ„ att informationen pĂ„ nytt blir lĂ€ttillgĂ€nglig för anvĂ€ndaren. Föratt lyckas med det har jag förutom ett gediget skissarbete Ă€ven utfört utprovningar, litteraturstudiersamt bokanalyser.I denna rapport avhandlar jag hur hela arbetsprocessen sett ut– frĂ„n bakgrund till fĂ€rdigt resultat. Rapporten har omöjligt kunnat behandla alla de frĂ„gor och tankegĂ„ngar jag stĂ€llts inför utanbehandlar processen pĂ„ ett mer övergripande sĂ€tt. Ibland beskrivs vissa moment detaljerat för attlĂ€saren skall förstĂ„, men genom bilagorna gĂ„r det att snabbare fĂ„ en förstĂ„else för vad som menas

    Coumestrol- and 4',7-Dihydroxyflavone Content in four Alfalfa Cultivars after Ozone Exposure

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    Fertility in live-stock is sometimes known to be disturbed by the plant estrogen coumesterol, an isofalvonoid, which can accumulate in plant foliage due to biotic stresses. Leaves of soybeean have been reported to produce coumestrol after ozone exposure, an abiotic stress. Seven-week alfalafa plants of four differen cultivars were exposed to 773 ug/m3 (0.40 ppm) ozone for three hours to investigate whether coumestrol is also produced in other legumes after ozone exposure. 48 h after exposure, the most severely injured leaves have harvested for analysis. Leaves were extracted in methanol and samples were subjected to thin layer chromatography with subsequent fluorometer readings. Coumestrol was never detected in any crude extract of control or experimental sampels. However, all crude extracts from plants expsoed to ozone contained high amount of the favonoid compound, 4',7-Dihydroxyflavone. This compound was not detected in any crude extracts from the control plantsFertility in live-stock is sometimes known to be disturbed by the plant estrogen coumesterol, an isofalvonoid, which can accumulate in plant foliage due to biotic stresses. Leaves of soybeean have been reported to produce coumestrol after ozone exposure, an abiotic stress. Seven-week alfalafa plants of four differen cultivars were exposed to 773 ug/m3 (0.40 ppm) ozone for three hours to investigate whether coumestrol is also produced in other legumes after ozone exposure. 48 h after exposure, the most severely injured leaves have harvested for analysis. Leaves were extracted in methanol and samples were subjected to thin layer chromatography with subsequent fluorometer readings. Coumestrol was never detected in any crude extract of control or experimental sampels. However, all crude extracts from plants expsoed to ozone contained high amount of the favonoid compound, 4',7-Dihydroxyflavone. This compound was not detected in any crude extracts from the control plant

    Tungmetallnedfall i HagforsomrÄdet.

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    MÄlsÀttnigen har varit att med hjÀlp av vÀggmossa kartera tungmetallsbelastningen pÄ landmiljön runt Hagfors specialstÄlverk. Kadmium, koppar, mangan, molybden, vanadin, zink, kobolt, krom, nickel och jÀrn har studerats. Förhöjda halter av frÀmst jÀrn, nickel och krom har pÄvisats. En tydlig gradient kan identifierats i nordostlig riktning frÄn Hagfors för alla metaller utom mangan och kadmium. Halterna i mossan Àr inte alarmerande höga jÀmfört med bakgrundshalterna i omrÄdet.MÄlsÀttnigen har varit att med hjÀlp av vÀggmossa kartera tungmetallsbelastningen pÄ landmiljön runt Hagfors specialstÄlverk. Kadmium, koppar, mangan, molybden, vanadin, zink, kobolt, krom, nickel och jÀrn har studerats. Förhöjda halter av frÀmst jÀrn, nickel och krom har pÄvisats. En tydlig gradient kan identifierats i nordostlig riktning frÄn Hagfors för alla metaller utom mangan och kadmium. Halterna i mossan Àr inte alarmerande höga jÀmfört med bakgrundshalterna i omrÄdet
