13 research outputs found

    Application of interactive forms of professional self-determination: experience «Nizhniy Tagil State Professional College»

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    The article discusses the interactive forms of professional selfdetermination, used by the GAPOU SO N. A. Demidov ": professional tests, excursions to the sites of the Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia), Laboratory of professions "Old sable", interactive platform "PROFnavigator"В статье рассматриваются интерактивные формы профессионального самоопределения, применяемые ГАПОУ СО «НТГПК им. Н. А. Демидова»: профессиональные пробы, экскурсии на площадки проведения Регионального чемпионата «Молодые профессионалы» (WorldSkills Russia), лаборатория профессий «Старый соболь», интерактивная площадка «ПРОФнавигатор

    Modern Problems of Tourism Development in the Sverdlovsk Region

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    In the past few years, domestic tourism has shown good growth dynamics. However, the tourism sector of the Sverdlovsk region is characterized by a number of problems, which reflected in this article.В последние несколько лет отечественный туризм демонстрирует хорошую динамику роста. Однако для сферы туризма Свердловской области характерны ряд проблем, которые и нашли отражение в данной статье

    Types of Computer Graphics

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    Aim. To evaluate a complex clinical efficacy, tolerability and safety of statin drugs — simvastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin in patients with hyperlipidemia (HL).Material and methods. The assessment of clinical efficacy was done in 90 patients with HL and arterial hypertension of the grades 1 and 2, age 40-75 y.o.; some of them had coronary heart disease.Results. In 90 patients with cardiac pathology and HL, selected to 3 groups by 30 persons, the clinical efficacy of the listed statins was assessed. A significant hypolipidemic effect was noted as a decline of atherogenicity of the blood, with slight more prominent effect of rosuvastatin.Conclusion. The data makes it to conclude the simvastatin, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin are equally effective hypolipidemic drugs in HL type IIA and IIB patients. The time frame, type and grade of positive changes in lipid profile are almost the same, and in rosuvastatin just slightly more prominent