280 research outputs found

    Longshore Current Characteristics in Madura Strait

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    AbstractBathymetri became the important factors affected the stability of the ocean waves. Wave instability due to the depth changes will form breaking waves. After breaking waves came, longshore current were occurred in coastal. It is very important when studied sediment transports and its effected on the beach stability. This research aims to know the characteristics of the longshore current which is formed due to the breaking waves in Madura Strait. Wind Data during August 2008-2013 is obtained from BMKG Surabaya and became the main material in this study. Wind Data are analyzed and converted into wave parameters and calculated breaking wave and longshore currents as well as the sediment transport. Results showed the relative small longshore currents (0.865-0.918 m/s) with direction from West to East amount 150 (according to the angle of breaking waves) allegedly caused relative wave height and period, and the second parameter is assumed similar for all points is caused the conversion of wind data. Direction of longshore current is formed from West to East amount 150 (according to the angle of breaking waves). Longshore sediment transport is 0.30-0.36 m3/s, linear with the magnitude of the wave energy flux, so the height and angle of breaking waves into a decisive factor in sediment transpor

    Kesadaran dan Tanggung Jawab Pribadi dalam Humanisme Jean-Paul Sartre

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    Humanisme merupakan salah satu tema filsafat yang penting dalam kebudayaan modern

    Pengaruh Pandangan Hidup Masyarakat Jawa Terhadap Model Kepemimpinan (Tinjauan Filsafat Sosial)

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    Relevance between world view of Javanese and adopted model of leadership is reflected in their moral rules that emphasizes attitudes, such as patient (narima), introspection (waspada-eling),humble (andap asor and prasaja) which is applied by each individual in realizing harmony of their society. Java's leadershipmodel is paternalism and charismatic. They are respectful andobedient to their leader because of his/her charisma rather than acompulsion


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    Rainfall is a natural phenomenon that depends on many factors that are an important part of life on earth. The high intensity of rainfall can lead to disasters. Therefore, this study aims to forecast monthly rainfall. The data used was obtained from BMKG Bali Province, namely monthly rainfall data for Denpasar City from 2009 to 2019. The method used is backpropagation artificial neural network. The artificial neural network method is an information processing method inspired by the human nervous system. Optimal backpropagation network architecture is needed so that the prediction results have a low error rate, by optimizing the use of training data and test data taken from sample data. Based on the results of the testing and prediction process with the parameters of one hidden layer with 50 neorons, epoch 11 and learning rate 0.01, the results obtained with the MSE value in network testing are 0.037. So it can be concluded that the backpropagation artificial neural network method has good accuracy results used as a reference for decision making in predicting monthly rainfall in Denpasar City in the future. &nbsp

    The Law Enforcement against Criminal Acts Using Water Gun Types of Fire

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    The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze law enforcement against criminal acts using Air Gun types of firearms. To find out and analyze the obstacles faced in tackling criminal acts using Air Gun types of firearms and their solutions. This research uses empirical legal research. The research studied in this case is a descriptive research. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained through literature study. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative analysis. The results of this study are Law Enforcement Against Criminal Acts Using Air Gun Type Firearms is to handle in accordance with the procedurecurrent law in Indonesia by implementing the Emergency Act No. 12 of 1951 in accordance with article 1 paragraph (1) and has been given a verdict to the perpetrator to give deterrent effect for gun owners Air Gun Type. The process is investigation, investigation, arrest. The obstacles are lack of information, Human Resources, lack of community roles, geographical factors. The solution is first to the constraints of the information factor, namely, increasing cooperation with the Directorate of Intelligence to prevent the illegal circulation of firearms, increasing coordination with all Head of Regional Police in Indonesia Second by increasing the enthusiasm and motivation of members as well as training in knowledge of firearms skills, thirdly providing information and Knowledge to the public of the dangers of the misuse of firearms, and fourthly increasing supervision in each area
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