11 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity Of Pacu And Piapara Broodstocks In Restocking Programs In The Rivers Paraná And Paranapanema (brazil)

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    The genetic diversity of Piaractus mesopotamicus (pacu) and Leporinus elongatus (piapara) broodstocks used in restocking programs in the rivers Paraná and Paranapanema is analyzed. One hundred and twenty specimens (two broodstocks of each species) from fish ponds in Palotina PR Brazil and in Salto Grande SP Brazil were assessed. Ten primers produced 96 fragments, comprising 68 (70.83%) and 94 (97.92%) polymorphic fragments for P. mesopotamicus and L. elongatus broodstocks, respectively. Differences (p <0.05) in the frequency of 15 and 27 fragments were detected for each species, without exclusive fragments. Shannon Index (0.347-0.572) and the percentage of polymorphic fragments (57.3%-94.8%) revealed high intra-population genetic variability for all broodstocks. Results of molecular variance analyses (AMOVA) showed that most variations do not lie between the broodstocks but within each broodstock (89%). Genetic (0.088 and 0.142) and identity (0.916 and 0.868) distance rates demonstrated similarity between the broodstocks of each species, corroborated by Fst (0.1023 and 010.27) and Nm (4.18 and 4.33) rates, with a slight genetic difference due to genic flux. High intrapopulation genetic variability and similarity between the broodstocks of each species was also detected, proving a common ancestry.3742365237

    Microsatellite analysis of the parental contribution of Piaractus mesopotamicus to the production of offspring in the semi-natural system of reproduction

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity and the parental contribution of Piaractus mesopotamicus in the production of offspring in the semi-natural system of reproduction. Twenty parental fishes (eleven males and nine females) and the total of 100 larvae were evaluated by microsatellite marker. The parents and offspring had thirty-one alleles and heterozygosity of 0.550 and 0.563, respectively. The females were fertilised by two up to six males while the males fertilised three up to five females. The contribution of the females and males to the offspring were 66.6 and 58%, respectively. Such results indicated no loss in the genetic variability in the offspring, and the parents had multiple paternity and reasonable contribution to the offspring production.<br>O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade genética e a contribuição parental de Piaractus mesopotamicus na produção de descendência no sistema seminatural de reprodução. Vinte peixes parentais (onze machos e nove fêmeas) e o total de 100 larvas foram avaliados por meio do marcador microssátelite. Os parentais e a progênie tiveram trinta e um alelos e heterozigosidade de 0,550 e 0,563, respectivamente. As fêmeas foram fertilizadas por dois até seis machos enquanto machos fertilizaram três até cinco fêmeas. A contribuição de fêmeas e machos para a descendência seja 66,6 e 58,0%, respectivamente. Tais resultados não indicam diminuição da variabilidade genética na progênie e os parentais apresentaram paternidade múltipla e razoável contribuição à produção de descendência

    Avaliação do crescimento e do custo da alimentação do pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887) submetido a ciclos alternados de restrição alimentar e realimentação Evaluation of the growth and feeding costs of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) submitted to alternate cycles of feeding restriction and refeeding

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos da utilização de ciclos alternados de restrição alimentar e realimentação no crescimento do pacu, durante o período de engorda, e a viabilidade desta prática na produção comercial da espécie. Juvenis foram distribuídos em três tanques e submetidos a diferentes manejos alimentares, constituindo os tratamentos: A (alimentado ad libitum), B (restrição alimentar de 4 semanas, realimentado por 9 semanas) e C (6 semanas de restrição alimentar, realimentado por 7 semanas), em um total de 13 semanas por ciclo (4 ciclos experimentais). No final de cada ciclo alimentar, 20 peixes de cada tratamento foram amostrados e os dados biométricos registrados. Os valores obtidos para peso, comprimento total e fator de condição (K) foram submetidos a ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento C é o mais indicado somente para outono/inverno, promovendo maior crescimento, menor custo com ração, baixa conversão alimentar e maior receita líquida parcial. Entretanto, durante as estações mais quentes do ano (primavera/verão) outros programas de alimentação devem ser testados, utilizando-se períodos mais curtos de restrição alimentar. Quando se tratou da produção anual, o tratamento A respondeu melhor em termos de biomassa produzida, apesar do maior gasto com alimentação, visto que, com o aumento da temperatura, o crescimento dos peixes dos demais tratamentos ficou prejudicado.<br>The present study evaluated the effects of alternating food restriction and refeeding cycles on the growth of pacu, during the growout phase and the viability of this practice in the commercial production of the species. Juvenile fish were distributed in 3 tanks and submitted to different feeding strategies: group A (fed ad libitum daily), B (food restricted to 4 weeks and refed for 9 weeks) and C (food restricted to 6 weeks and refed for 7 weeks) totalizing 13 weeks per cycle (4 experimental cycles). At the end of each feeding cycle, 20 fish per treatment were sampled and the biometric data were registered. Values of weight, total length and condition factor (K) were submitted to ANOVA and the averages were compared by Duncan test. The results showed that the treatment C presented better results only in autumn/winter periods, promoting better growth, lower cost ration, lower food conversion and better partial net income. Otherwise, during the warmer periods of the year (spring/summer) other feeding strategies must be tested, utilizing shorter periods of food restriction. Regarding to the annual production, the treatment A showed higher biomass, although higher feeding costs. With the increase in the temperature, the growth of the fish from the other treatments was delayed