597 research outputs found

    “No Place” in CyberSpace

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College

    Pendekatan Vector Error Correction Model untuk Analisis Hubungan Inflasi, BI Rate dan Kurs Dolar Amerika Serikat

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    Pengendalian terhadap tingkat inflasi, BI rate dan nilai tukar dolar Amerika Serikat terhadap rupiah merupakan hal yang paling penting demi terciptanya stabilitas moneter dan perekonomian di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan hubungan antara tingkat inflasi, BI rate, dan nilai tukar USD terhadap IDR, kemudian menganalisis model tersebut, dan memberikan peramalan dan analisis struktural dari model tersebut. Oleh karena itu, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis Vector Error Correction Model yang diterapkan pada data time series dari tingkat inflasi (), BI rate (), dan nilai tukar USD terhadap IDR (). Berdasarkan spesifikasi, estimasi dan pemeriksaan model, maka diperoleh model () sebagai model terbaik. Hasil analisis model mengatakan bahwa ada hubungan kausalitas jangka panjang dan jangka pendek antara tingkat inflasi dengan BI rate dan nilai tukar USD terhadap IDR. Kemudian, berdasarkan peramalan dan analisis struktural maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil yang diperoleh akurat

    Reflections about Garfield’s algorithm

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the influence of the algorithm used on scholarly search engines (Garfield’s algorithm) and propose metrics to improve it so that science could be based on a more democratic way. Design/methodology/approach – This paper used a snow-ball approach to collect data that allowed identifying the history and the logic behind the Garfield’s algorithm. It follows on excerpting the foundation of existing algorithm and databases of major scholarly search engine. It concluded proposing new metrics so as to surpass restraints and to democratize the scientific discourse. Findings – This paper finds that the studied algorithm currently biases the scientific discourse toward a narrow perspective, while it should take into consideration several researchers’ characteristics. It proposes the substitution of the h-index by the number of times the scholar’s most cited work has been cited. Finally, it proposes that works in languages different than English should be included. Research limitations/implications – The broad comprehension of any phenomena should be based on multiple perspectives; therefore, the inclusion of diverse metrics will extend the scientific discourse. Practical implications – The improvement of the existing algorithm will increase the chances of contact among different cultures, which stimulate rapid progress on the development of knowledge. Originality/value – The value of this paper residesin demonstrating that the algorithm usedin scholarly search engines biases the development of science. If updated as proposed here, science will be unbiased and bias aware

    Sistema de control administrativo para afiliados del Sindicato de Trabajadores de las direcciones departamentales de educaciĂłn del Ministerio de educaciĂłn del Estado de Guatemala. "SITRADEMEG"

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    Desarrollar un sistema de software que sea una herramienta que facilite la realizaciĂłn de las actividades que deben realizarse en el proceso de control administrativo para afiliados del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Ministerio de EducaciĂłn del Estado de Guatemala

    The Influence of Macroeconomic Factors on Credit Risk of Banks in Indonesia using ARDL Model

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    One of the efforts to maintain economic stability during the Covid-19 pandemic is to reduce the risk of in the banking sector. One of the risks in the banking sector that must be anticipated is credit risk. Non-Performing Loan (NPL) is one of the indicators used to detect credit risk. There are various factors that can affect credit risk, both from internal and external banking. One of the external factors that can affect NPL is macroeconomic conditions. This study aims to identify macroeconomic factors that affect banking NPLs in Indonesia using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. The data used is time series data from January 2015 – August 2020, which period describes the condition of the Indonesian economy before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data consists of six variables, namely the NPL ratio of commercial banks and macroeconomic factors in Indonesia such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rate, USD-IDR exchange rate, benchmark interest rates [BI 7-Day (Reverse) Repo Rate], and credit growth. The results of the data analysis show that the NPL ratio and macroeconomic variables are experiencing shocks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the ARDL model analysis show that these macroeconomic variables are able to explain the NPL of 66.61


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    Corn and cowpea from Kisar Island have been reported to have nutritional content. With its nutritional content, it will be very useful if it is combined into a cookies product that can be developed especially for diabetics. In order to be used in the manufacture of cookies, it is necessary to know the correct formulation between corn flour and cowpea flour, especially in local varieties from South West Maluku District, and also to know the organoleptic value of corn-cowpea cookies products. Thus, the purpose of this study was to test the organoleptic results of Corn-cowpea cookies with corn flour and cowpea flour as the basic ingredients. This study consisted of three combination treatments of corn flour and cowpea, namely P1 (50: 50), P2 (80: 20), and P3 (90: 10) with 3 replications. Assessment of organoleptic quality was carried out to 25 panelists which included crispness, texture, taste, color and smell. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively in the form of hedonic percentages of panelists on products with categories of strongly dislike, dislike, somewhat like, like, and really like. The results showed that on the crispness variable as much as 12% of the panelists really liked the P2 treatment (80: 20). On the texture variable, 20% of the panelists really liked the P2 treatment. For the taste variable, 8% of the panelists really liked the P3 treatment. On the color variable, 16% of the panelists really liked the P3 treatment, and for the smell variable, 12% of the panelists really liked P3. Based on these results, it can be concluded that for the variable of crispness and texture, the panelists liked the P2 treatment the most, while for the taste, color, and smell variables, the panelists liked P3 the most. Thus, the most acceptable treatment by the panelists was the combination treatment of corn and cowpea flour 80: 20 and 90: 10 (P2 and P3)
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