92 research outputs found

    The case for a common European refugee policy. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚8 | 2017

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    Legal and political issues left the management of the 2015-16 refugee crisis mostly in the hands of national governments, but this is incompatible with an integrated economic area that has largely abolished internal borders. It is also incompatible with some founding European Union principles, such as the existence of a common European policy on the mobility of people

    Fiscally responsible mafia clans

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    To work as an accountability mechanism, fiscal decentralization requires the democratic mechanism to function well. This is generally not the case where the quality of the institutional environment is weak, and local governments might be captured by local oligarchs. We explore this issue by studying how Italian municipalities reacted to an unexpected tax reform reducing tax autonomy at the local level. Focusing on three Southern provinces, where some municipal governments are captured by Camorra clans, our estimates suggest that captured municipalities are less responsive to incentives stemming from recentralization. We also observe a different recomposition of spending between the two groups, which we interpret – according to our theoretical model – considering the different degrees with which clans can extract rents from public expenditure

    Professional satisfaction and quality of care in oncology: the vision of health professionals

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    Objective: identifying strategies used by health professionals working in Oncology to achieving job satisfaction, beyond the resources/actions that could mitigate the sources of dissatisfaction and improve the quality of care. Method: a qualitative and descriptive research conducted with 31 professionals of the health team who works in Inpatient Unit Oncology of a General Hospital located in the State of Santa Catarina. The data were collected through semi-structured interview and analyzed according to Content Analysis. Results: the main strategy of the professionals is conducting a work that assists the patient to coping with the difficulties imposed by the disease. Among the resources emerged the increase in staff, multidisciplinary approach, minimizing turnover and continuing education of workers. Conclusion: it highlights the importance of raising efforts towards incorporation of such resources/actions as a way to reducing the wear of the worker

    Postharvest quality of 'Emerald' blueberry cultivated in a subtropical region

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos qualitativos, na colheita e na pós-colheita, de mirtilos 'Emerald' cultivados em região de clima subtropical, sem frio hibernal, no Brasil. Os frutos foram colhidos no município de Piracicaba, no estado de São Paulo, em dois picos de colheita, em agosto e outubro, e avaliados quanto aos seus atributos qualitativos na colheita e aos seus atributos físicos, químicos e bioquímicos na pós-colheita. Os frutos foram mantidos em condições de temperatura ambiente, a 22°C e 70% de umidade relativa, e analisados no dia da colheita e a cada três dias até o décimo-segundo dia de armazenamento. Os mirtilos colhidos em agosto foram maiores e mais arredondados, e os colhidos em outubro apresentaram coloração azul mais intensa e maiores concentrações de compostos fenólicos, pH e sólidos solúveis, além de maior relação sólidos solúveis totais e acidez titulável. Durante o armazenamento, observou-se aumento no conteúdo de antocianinas, quercetinas e compostos fenólicos totais, bem como na atividade antioxidante, além de redução na acidez e na firmeza dos frutos. Independentemente do mês de colheita, os mirtilos cultivados em região subtropical no Brasil apresentam boa durabilidade pós-colheita por até 12 dias em temperatura ambiente, com níveis satisfatórios de qualidade dos frutos.The objective of this work was to evaluate the qualitative attributes, at harvest and postharvest, of 'Emerald' blueberries grown in a subtropical climate region, without winter chilling, in Brazil. Fruit were harvested in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo, in two harvest peaks, in August and October, and evaluated for their qualitative attributes at harvest and for their physical, chemical, and biochemical attributes at postharvest. The fruit were maintained at ambient conditions, at 22°C and 70% relative humidity, and evaluated on the day of harvest and every three days until the twelfth day of storage. The blueberries harvested in August were larger and rounder, and those harvested in October had a more intense blue coloration and higher concentrations of phenolic compounds, pH, and soluble solids, in addition to a higher total soluble solids and titratable acidity ratio. During storage, an increase was observed in the contents of anthocyanins, quercetins, and total phenolic compounds, as well as in antioxidant activity, besides a decrease in fruit acidity and firmness. Regardless of the harvest month, blueberries grown in a subtropical region of Brazil have a good postharvest shelf life up to 12 days at ambient temperature, with satisfactory fruit quality levels


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    Quercetin, a naturally occurring bioflavonoid substance widely used in the nutraceutical and food industries, exists in various solid forms that can have different physicochemical properties, thus impacting this compound’s performance in various applications. In this work, we will clarify the complex solid-form landscape of this molecule. Two elusive isostructural solvates of quercetin were obtained from ethanol and methanol. The obtained crystals were characterized experimentally, but the crystallographic structure could not be solved due to their high instability. Nevertheless, the desolvated structure resulting from a high-temperature treatment (or prolonged storage at ambient conditions) of both these two labile crystals was characterized and solved via powder X-ray diffraction and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR). This anhydrous crystal structure was compared with another anhydrous quercetin form obtained in our previous work, indicating that, at least, two different anhydrous polymorphs of quercetin exist. Navigating the solid-form landscape of quercetin is essential to ensure accurate control of the functional properties of food, nutraceutical, or pharmaceutical products containing crystal forms of this substance

    Engineering Codrug Solid Forms: Mechanochemical Synthesis of an Indomethacin-Caffeine System

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    This article reports on the preparation and solid-state characterization of an indomethacin 12caffeine drug 12drug cocrystal (or codrug) in a 1:1 stoichiometry. These two active ingredients are frequently coadministered as part of a therapy against strong migraines, in a commercially available fixed dose combination formulation. The X-ray crystal structure of the codrug is characterized by a hydrogen bond interaction between the carboxylic moiety of indomethacin and the purinic nitrogen atom of caffeine. The combination of multinuclear and multidimensional solid-state NMR measurements (1H MAS, 13C and 15N CPMAS, 1H DQ MAS, 13C 121H HETCOR, 14N 121H J- and D-HMQC), as well as IR data, provided spectroscopic evidence about the hydrogen atom position along the hydrogen bond axis, thereby confirming the neutral nature of the cocrystal. Furthermore, dissolution kinetic tests revealed superior bioavailability of indomethacin in the codrug compared to indomethacin alone and to an indomethacin 12caffeine physical mixture. On the other hand, the melting point of indomethacin was slightly lower in the cocrystal rather than in the pure drug

    Engineering plastic phase transitions via solid solutions: the case of “reordering frustration” in ionic plastic crystals of hydroxyquinuclidinium salts

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    A family of salts of R-(+)-(3)-hydroxyquinuclidinium [QH]+, with SO42−, BPh4−, BF4− and PF6− counter-anions, have been prepared by the metathesis of [QH]Cl and metal salts of the corresponding anions. Solid solutions of formula [QH](PF6)x(BF4)1−x for x = 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 have also been obtained. The crystalline materials have been investigated by a combination of solid-state techniques, including variable temperature XRD, thermal analyses, multinuclear (11B, 13C, 15N, 19F, and 31P) solid-state NMR spectroscopy, variable temperature wideline 19F T1 relaxation measurements, and micro-Raman spectroscopy to investigate their thermal stability and phase transition behaviors. It has been shown that the salts [QH]PF6 and [QH]BF4 undergo an order–disorder solid–solid phase transition to plastic phases, whereas [QH]2SO4·H2O and [QH]BPh4 do not display any plastic phase transition. Doping [QH]BF4 into the [QH]PF6 lattice up to 30% results in the formation of a solid solution that is plastic in an expanded thermal range, thanks to a phenomenon that we describe here for the first time as “reordering frustration”