25 research outputs found

    Developments in narrative technique and the practice of writing in the later novels of Claude Simon.

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    This study is divided into two parts. The first part deals with three novels written in the 1960’s, the second part deals with the four novels written since then. The first two chapters in Part 1 present an analysis of fundamental aspects of Simon1s narrative technique, namely narrative perspective and narrative voice. Ambiguities in point of view and mode of ’énonciation' undermine the conventions of the realist text and announce the emergence of a single discourse, that of a writing-in-process. In the two other chapters in Part 1, Simon’s practice of writing is analysed in terms of an association of textual elements through the dual mechanism of metaphor and metonymy. This practice, which guides the narration, determines the development of the fictional episodes of the text. Through this process, the linear narrative is transformed into a thematic and spatial stratification which re-establishes a hierarchy and coherence in the text through the production of a number of ’rĂ©cits mĂ©taphoriques'. The chapters in Part 2 trace the developments in narrative technique and the practice of -writing in the novels of the 1970's. A refinement of the techniques of the earlier texts and a mechanisation of the process of metaphor/metonymy transform the narration into a rigorous, formal play of elements which compose the fictional episodes. The thematic and spatial strands are no longer regrouped to constitute a ’composition unitaire' (as in the texts of the 1960’s). This disruption of narrative coherence liberates the ’signifiant’ from its attachment to a ’sens univoque' and institutes a plurality of meaning. Hence, the more recent novels break completely with the classic, realist novel by transforming the text into a space of signifying activity

    Chandra Observations of the QSO Pair Q2345+007: Binary Quasar or Massive Dark Lens?

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    The components of the wide (7.3") separation quasar pair Q2345+007A,B (z=2.15) have the most strikingly similar optical spectra seen to date (Steidel & Sargent 1991) yet no detected lensing mass, making this system the best candidate known for a massive (1e14 Msun) dark matter lens system. Here we present results from a 65ksec Chandra observation designed to investigate whether it is a binary quasar or a gravitational lens. We find no X-ray evidence for a lensing cluster to a (0.5-2keV) flux limit of 2e-15 cgs, which is consistent with lensing only for a reduced baryon fraction. Using the Chandra X-ray observations of the quasars themselves, together with new and published optical measurements, we use the observed emission properties of the quasars for further tests between the lens and binary hypotheses. Assuming similar line-of-sight absorption to the images, we find that their X-ray continuum slopes are inconsistent (Gamma_A=2.30 and Gamma_B=0.83) as are their X-ray to optical flux ratios. The probability that B suffers absorption sufficient to account for these spectral differences is negligible. We present new optical evidence that the flux ratio of the pair is variable, so the time-delay in a lens scenario could cause some of the discrepancies. However, adequately large variations in overall spectral energy distribution are rare in individual QSOs. All new evidence here weighs strongly toward the binary interpretation. Q2345+007 thus may represent the highest redshift example known of interaction-triggered but as-yet unmerged luminous AGN.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, emulateapj style, including 3 tables and 5 figures. Accepted Feb 1, 2002 for publication in ApJ Main Journal. See also http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~pgreen/Papers.htm

    Close Binary Progenitors of Long Gamma Ray Bursts

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    The strong dependence of the neutrino annihilation mechanism on the mass accretion rate makes it difficult to explain the LGRBs with duration in excess of 100 seconds as well as the precursors separated from the main gamma-ray pulse by few hundreds of seconds. Even more difficult is to explain the Swift observations of the shallow decay phase and X-ray flares, if they indeed indicate activity of the central engine for as long as 10,000 seconds. These data suggest that some other, most likely magnetic mechanisms have to be considered. The magnetic models do not require the development of accretion disk within the first few seconds of the stellar collapse and hence do not require very rapidly rotating stellar cores at the pre-supernova state. This widens the range of potential LGRB progenitors. In this paper, we re-examine the close binary scenario allowing for the possibility of late development of accretion disks in the collapsar model and investigate the available range of mass accretion rates, black hole masses, and spins. A particularly interesting version of the binary progenitor involves merger of a WR star with an ultra-compact companion, neutron star or black hole. In this case we expect the formation of very long-lived accretion disks, that may explain the phase of shallow decay and X-ray flares observed by Swift. Similarly long-lived magnetic central engines are expected in the current single star models of LGRB progenitors due to their assumed exceptionally fast rotation.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    P fluxes and prokaryotic cycling at benthic boundary layer in the deep southeastern Mediterranean Sea

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    The sediment-water interface is a site of active nutrients exchange between the geosphere and the hydrosphere. We quantified fluxes of dissolved inorganic and organic phosphorous between the deep sediments and the overlying waters of the P-limited southeastern Mediterranean Sea (SEMS) using sediment core incubations. Sediments were collected throughout the Israeli exclusive economic zone and analyzed for their pore-water physicochemical characteristics. We also designed custom-made incubation flux chambers and followed dissolved inorganic and organic phosphorous dynamics as well as prokaryotic microbial activity in the overlying waters for several days. We show that due to the low organic matter content and the well-oxygenated conditions, the sediments of the SEMS function as a PO4 sink. The sedimentary net removal flux of P is equal to a turnover time of ~90 years, similar to the deep water residence time in this basin, hence contributing to the low concentration of PO4 in the deep water of the SEMS. Our incubation experiments show that aside from abiotic processes, such as, adsorption and co-precipitation of PO4, prokaryotic microbial activity play a pivotal role in P-recycling, resulting in a flux of dissolved organic P (DOP) to the overlaying. Organic molecules containing P and C are a known limiting factor for bacteria, and upon release from the sediment stimulated increased prokaryotic microbial activity. Our results highlight the role of the seabed as a hot-spot for microbial activity

    Experiment on biogeochemical changes following Rhopilema nomadica decomposition

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    This study estimated the short-term decomposition effects of the invasive jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica on nutrient dynamics at the sediment-water interface in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea using core incubations. The degradation of R. nomadica has led to increased oxygen demand and acidification of overlying water as well as high rates of dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphate production