903 research outputs found

    Influence of slow sand filter cleaning process type on filter media biomass: backwashing versus scraping

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    Biomass was assessed as a new approach for evaluating backwashed slow sand filters (BSF). Slow sand filtration (SSF) is a simple technology for water treatment, where biological mechanisms play a key role in filtration efficiency. Backwashed slow sand filters were previously recommended for small-scale filters (~1 m² of filtration area) as an alternative to conventional filters that are usually cleaned by scraping (ScSF). Biomass was never evaluated in BSF, which is a gap in the knowledge of this technology, considering the importance of its biological mechanisms. Therefore, for the first time, two filters operating under the same conditions were used to compare the influence of backwashing on biomass; one filter was cleaned by backwashing and the other by scraping. Biomass along the filter media depth (40 cm) was assessed by different techniques and compared in terms of cellular biomass (by chloroform fumigation), volatile solids, bacterial community (by 16S rRNA gene sequencing), and observations by scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy. Filters were also monitored and compared regarding filtered water quality and headloss; their differences were related to the different cleaning processes. Overall, filtered water quality was acceptable for slow sand filter standards (turbidity 1 log). However, headloss developed faster on scraped filters, and biomass was different between the two filters. Backwashing did not significantly disturb biomass while scraping changed its surface sand layers. Cell biomass was more abundant and spread across the filtration depth, related to lower headloss, turbidity, and cyanobacterial breakthrough. These results agreed with the water quality and microscopy observations. The bacterial community was also less stratified in the backwashed filter media. These results expand the knowledge of backwashing use in slow sand filters, demonstrating that this process preserves more biomass than scraping. In addition, biomass preservation can lead to bacterial selectivity and faster filter ripening. Considering the importance of biomass preservation on slow sand filtration and its biological filtration mechanisms, the results presented in this paper are promising. The novel insight that BSF can preserve biomass after backwashing may contribute to increasing its application in small communities

    Identifying Variability in Process Performance Indicators

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    The performance perspective of business processes is concerned with the definition of performance requirements usually specified as a set of Process Performance Indicators (PPIs). Like other business process perspectives such as control-flow or data, there are cases in which PPIs are subject to variability. However, although the modelling of business process variability (BPV) has evolved significantly, there are very few contributions addressing the variability in the performance perspective of business processes. Modelling PPI variants with tools and techniques non-suitable for variability may generate redundant models, thus making it difficult its maintenance and future adaptations, also increasing possibility of errors in its managing. In this paper we present different cases of PPI variability detected as result of the analysis of several processes where BPV is present. Based on an existent metamodel used for defining PPIs over BPs, we propose its formal extension that allows the definition of PPI variability according to the cases identified.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1867Junta de Andalucía P10-TIC-590

    Laboratory services contribution to supporting public health and health services in Portuguese-speaking countries

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    Objetivo: promover o debate sobre a importância do laboratório no apoio à saúde pública e aos serviços de saúde nos países de língua portuguesa, numa perspetiva global e de uma só saúde. Métodos: revisão de literatura, análise dos documentos preparatórios das comunicações do 5º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Tropical, apresentações realizadas pelos oradores de Cabo Verde, Angola e Portugal e o debate que se seguiu. Resultados: identificaram-se os desafios que deverão ser ultrapassados de forma a criar uma rede de laboratórios de diagnóstico que possa estimular o acesso universal das populações aos cuidados de saúde, tendo-se proposto medidas e estratégias com base na experiência dos sistemas de saúde dos diferentes países de língua portuguesa. Reviu-se o contributo dos Laboratórios do IHMT/NOVA para esta estratégia. Conclusão: não há acesso universal a cuidados de saúde de qualidade sem serviços de diagnóstico laboratorial de qualidade. Assim, deve-se promover uma correta, eficaz e sustentável inter-relação entre laboratórios de referência nacionais, hospitalares e privados e ainda laboratórios de investigação, todos cooperando em sintonia com os serviços de saúde de modo a garantir os melhores cuidados de saúde. Objective: To promote the debate on the importance of the laboratory services in supporting public health and health services in Portuguese-speaking countries, from a global and One Health perspective. Methods: literature review, analysis of the preparatory papers for the 5th Tropical Medicine National Congress, presentations by speakers from Cape Verde, Angola and Portugal and the ensuing debate. Results: we identified the challenges that must be overcome in order to create a network of diagnostic laboratories that can stimulate universal access to health care for the populations. Measures and strategies based on the experience of health systems in different Portuguese-speaking countries are proposed. The contribution of the IHMT/NOVA Laboratories to this strategy was reviewed. Conclusion: There is no universal access to quality health care with-out quality laboratory diagnostic services and without promoting a correct, effective and sustainable interrelationship between national reference laboratories, hospital and private, and research laboratories, all cooperating in line with health services to ensure the best quality health care.publishersversionpublishe

    Resource Selection and Its Implications for Wide-Ranging Mammals of the Brazilian Cerrado

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    Conserving animals beyond protected areas is critical because even the largest reserves may be too small to maintain viable populations for many wide-ranging species. Identification of landscape features that will promote persistence of a diverse array of species is a high priority, particularly, for protected areas that reside in regions of otherwise extensive habitat loss. This is the case for Emas National Park, a small but important protected area located in the Brazilian Cerrado, the world's most biologically diverse savanna. Emas Park is a large-mammal global conservation priority area but is too small to protect wide-ranging mammals for the long-term and conserving these populations will depend on the landscape surrounding the park. We employed novel, noninvasive methods to determine the relative importance of resources found within the park, as well as identify landscape features that promote persistence of wide-ranging mammals outside reserve borders. We used scat detection dogs to survey for five large mammals of conservation concern: giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), jaguar (Panthera onca), and puma (Puma concolor). We estimated resource selection probability functions for each species from 1,572 scat locations and 434 giant armadillo burrow locations. Results indicate that giant armadillos and jaguars are highly selective of natural habitats, which makes both species sensitive to landscape change from agricultural development. Due to the high amount of such development outside of the Emas Park boundary, the park provides rare resource conditions that are particularly important for these two species. We also reveal that both woodland and forest vegetation remnants enable use of the agricultural landscape as a whole for maned wolves, pumas, and giant anteaters. We identify those features and their landscape compositions that should be prioritized for conservation, arguing that a multi-faceted approach is required to protect these species

    Depression among women living in the outskirts of São Paulo, Southeastern Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the meaning of depression in women diagnosed with the disorder, and the context of care given by the psychiatrists who follow them up. METHODS: Qualitative study performed in Embu, outskirt of São Paulo, between August 2002 and January 2003. Etnographic observation and in-depth interview were carried out with 16 women diagnosed with depression in primary care, and four psychiatrists. After exhaustive reading, data were grouped into categories and assessed. The assessment of outcomes was based on the concept of culture. RESULTS: Women interviewed are well aware of the disorder, and accept treatment based on medication. For psychiatrists, depression is a term understood by the common sense. All women interviewed identified the onset of the disease from a past event such as: death of a son, violent episodes connected with drug traffic, unemployment, and partners' aggressiveness. Violence was common in the every day life of the interviewed women both inside and outside their homes. CONCLUSIONS: For these women, depression is a way to express their feelings, such as unhappiness in a context of poverty and violence. Psychiatrists go beyond their clinical functions and play an important role on reorganizing the daily life of these women.OBJETIVO: Analisar o significado da depressão para mulheres diagnosticadas com o transtorno e o contexto do atendimento realizado pelos psiquiatras que as acompanham. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo realizado no município de Embu, na Grande São Paulo, entre agosto de 2002 e janeiro de 2003. Foram realizadas observação etnográfica e entrevistas em profundidade com 16 mulheres diagnosticadas com depressão, pacientes de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde, e quatro psiquiatras. Após a leitura exaustiva, os dados foram agrupados em categorias e analisados. A interpretação dos resultados baseou-se no conceito de cultura. RESULTADOS: As entrevistadas tinham ampla noção do transtorno, aceitando o tratamento com medicação. Para os psiquiatras, a depressão é um termo assimilado pelo senso-comum. Todas as entrevistadas identificaram a origem da doença em eventos passados, como: morte de filho, episódios violentos ligados ao tráfico de drogas, desemprego e agressividade do companheiro. A violência era comum no cotidiano das entrevistadas, tanto fora como dentro de casa. CONCLUSÕES: Para essas mulheres, a depressão era uma forma de expressar sentimentos, como a infelicidade num contexto de pobreza e violência. Os psiquiatras extrapolam as suas funções clínicas e têm um papel na reorganização do cotidiano dessas mulheres.Universidade Católica de Santos Programa de Mestrado em Saúde ColetivaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    Differential Expression of Chemokine and Matrix Re-Modelling Genes Is Associated with Contrasting Schistosome-Induced Hepatopathology in Murine Models

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    The pathological outcomes of schistosomiasis are largely dependent on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the host immune response. In this study, we investigated the contribution of variations in host gene expression to the contrasting hepatic pathology observed between two inbred mouse strains following Schistosoma japonicum infection. Whole genome microarray analysis was employed in conjunction with histological and immunohistochemical analysis to define and compare the hepatic gene expression profiles and cellular composition associated with the hepatopathology observed in S. japonicum-infected BALB/c and CBA mice. We show that the transcriptional profiles differ significantly between the two mouse strains with high statistical confidence. We identified specific genes correlating with the more severe pathology associated with CBA mice, as well as genes which may confer the milder degree of pathology associated with BALB/c mice. In BALB/c mice, neutrophil genes exhibited striking increases in expression, which coincided with the significantly greater accumulation of neutrophils at granulomatous regions seen in histological sections of hepatic tissue. In contrast, up-regulated expression of the eosinophil chemokine CCL24 in CBA mice paralleled the cellular influx of eosinophils to the hepatic granulomas. Additionally, there was greater down-regulation of genes involved in metabolic processes in CBA mice, reflecting the more pronounced hepatic damage in these mice. Profibrotic genes showed similar levels of expression in both mouse strains, as did genes associated with Th1 and Th2 responses. However, imbalances in expression of matrix metalloproteinases (e.g. MMP12, MMP13) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP1) may contribute to the contrasting pathology observed in the two strains. Overall, these results provide a more complete picture of the molecular and cellular mechanisms which govern the pathological outcome of hepatic schistosomiasis. This improved understanding of the immunopathogenesis in the murine model schistosomiasis provides the basis for a better appreciation of the complexities associated with chronic human schistosomiasis
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