2,742 research outputs found

    Modelo de análise do potencial de promoção de centralidade com base em uso do solo, rede de transportes e configuração

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2018.A pesquisa procura compreender a articulação entre uso do solo, rede de transportes e configuração (forma urbana) na formação das centralidades urbanas. O objetivo é desenvolver um estudo para verificação do potencial de promoção de novas centralidades em zonas servidas por estações de transporte de massa. A partir da investigação do espaço urbano como um sistema, formado pela interação de fenômenos que se processam nas escalas local e global, as concentrações responsáveis pela estrutura urbana foram investigadas dentro dos conceitos propostos em estudos de natureza econômica, comportamento de viagens e ambiente construído, e de análise configuracional com base nas ferramentas da Sintaxe Espacial. A metodologia aplicada permitiu calcular matematicamente, por meio das regularidades manifestadas na associação de variáveis representativas das três dimensões propostas pela pesquisa, o potencial de geração de viagens de uma determinada zona a fim de identificar áreas no tecido urbano com possibilidade de intensificação de usos e desenvolvimento de novos núcleos de atividades.The research seeks to understand the articulation between land use, transport network and configuration (urban form) in the growth of urban centralities. The main goal is to develop a study to verify the potential of promoting new centralities in areas served by transit stations. From the investigation of the urban space as a system, shaped by global and local phenomena, the concentrations responsible for the urban structure were investigated within the concepts proposed in the studies of economic nature, travel behavior and built environment, and of configurational analysis based on the tools of Space Syntax. The applied methodology allowed to calculate mathematically, through the regularities manifested by the association of variables representative of the three dimensions proposed by the research, the potential of trip generation in a determined zone in order to identify the areas in the urban fabric with the possibility of intensification of uses and development of new activities

    Os “boat people” do século XXI e a atual Política Brasileira para refugiados

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    Este trabalho busca evidenciar os limites e problemas da política nacional e internacional do Brasil para refugiados, bem como a conexão com o fenômeno das migrações internacionais, no contexto do crescimento do fenômeno dos migrantes internacionais conhecidos como “boat people”. É apresentado o quadro de mudanças da conjuntura internacional das últimas décadas que interferem no modelo brasileiro, destacando-se a situação das migrações internacionais clandestinas no Mediterrâneo no período mais recente. Empregando-se um levantamento bibliográfico nacional e internacional recente, assim como investigação de documentos, procura-se demonstrar resultados parciais em torno dos avanços e deficiências nacionais no que tange ao sistema migratório como um todo

    Quality of health care for HIV patients: health professionals' view

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    Objective: To evaluate the quality of care provided for people with HIV/AIDS at the Reference Center for the treatment of AIDS in Natal-RN, in the health professionals’ perspective. Methods: Evaluative and quantitative research conducted in a public hospital in Natal/RN, from August 2010 to July 2011, through structured interviews with professionals who provide care for people with HIV. Results: The evaluation of the service was considered satisfactory by 58.8% of respondents, standing on nine indicators: support offered by the service, convenience of service hours, host, provided guidance on treatment, timeliness of health professionals, availability of antiretroviral drugs, availability of laboratory tests, professional/user relationship and ease of access to service. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in satisfaction with the indicators: punctuality of professionals, convenience of service timetables and availability of laboratory tests

    Evaluation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate adherence to antiretroviral treatment for AIDS patients. Method: This is a quantitative study, field, and descriptive, at Reference Center for infectious diseases in Natal/RN, from August 2010 to July 2011. Data were collected through medical records, interviews and the pharmacy dispensing records. Results: Participated in the study 402 patients, among whom (70,2%) were male, the mean age was 35 years, and 90,0 had been diagnosed of HIV infection between 1 to 5 years. It was observed that 30% of the patients adhered to treatment. Conclusion: The Adherence in the present study are lower than those recommended in the literature, to increase adherence to ART is essential to carry out strategies to increase awareness and user engagement

    Adolescent students knowledge about transmition, prevention and risky behavior related to STD/HIV/AIDS

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    Objective: To evaluate adolescents' knowledge, public school students in the city of Natal/RN, about transmission, prevention and risk behavior regarding STD/HIV/AIDS. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach carried out from March to December 2013 with 222 students of a public school in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected from a semi-structured questionnaire answered in the classroom. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE: 13831113.6.0000.5537. Prior written consent was obtained from parents or caregivers and adolescents. The inclusion criteria consisted of the student being regularly enrolled in school, in high school, and agree to participate voluntarily in the research. Results: The study found significant levels of ignorance about transmission, prevention and treatment of AIDS, and elucidated some risk behaviors that make young people vulnerable to STD/AIDS. Conclusion: Sexual orientation programs in schools are needed to encourage adolescents for a safe sexual behavior, healthier and less exposed to risk

    Adolescent students knowledge about transmition, prevention and risky behavior related to STD/HIV/AIDS

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    Objective: To evaluate adolescents' knowledge, public school students in the city of Natal/RN, about transmission, prevention and risk behavior regarding STD/HIV/AIDS. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach carried out from March to December 2013 with 222 students of a public school in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected from a semi-structured questionnaire answered in the classroom. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE: 13831113.6.0000.5537. Prior written consent was obtained from parents or caregivers and adolescents. The inclusion criteria consisted of the student being regularly enrolled in school, in high school, and agree to participate voluntarily in the research. Results: The study found significant levels of ignorance about transmission, prevention and treatment of AIDS, and elucidated some risk behaviors that make young people vulnerable to STD/AIDS. Conclusion: Sexual orientation programs in schools are needed to encourage adolescents for a safe sexual behavior, healthier and less exposed to risk


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    The White House legal approach to the War on Terror has been one of the most discussed and least understood topics of international law according to legal counselors of the American government themselves. Despite several speeches and official notes on the subject, the issue remains complex because it involves constitutional rights, human rights and national security. This paper analyzes the War on Terror focusing specifically on the self-defense institute in the world risk society. This means that in order to understand how terrorism is threatening the international order, it is necessary to verify the conceptual changes that determine the self-defense institute and the results of this mutation.A abordagem legal da Casa Branca na Guerra ao Terror tem sido muito discutida mas pouco compreendida, de acordo com os próprios assessores jurídicos do governo americano. Apesar de vários discursos proferidos e notas oficiais sobre o assunto, o tema permanece complexo porque envolve garantias constitucionais, direitos humanos e segurança nacional. Este trabalho analisa a Guerra ao Terror, focando especificamente no instituto da legítima defesa na sociedade mundial de risco. Isto significa que para compreender como o terrorismo vem ameaçando a própria ordem internacional, é necessário verificar as mudanças conceituais que delimitam a legítima defesa e quais os resultados dessa mutação

    Atividades socioambientais e de interpretação ambiental no Projeto Ecológico Cinturão Verde – terminal aquaviário de São Francisco do Sul – SC / Socio-environmental activities and environmental interpretation in the Green Belt Ecological Project - waterway terminal in São Francisco do Sul - SC

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    A interpretação ambiental é caracterizada por princípios e técnicas que objetivam promover estímulos que visam proporcionar uma maior compreensão em relação as questões ambientais. O presente estudo descreve a utilização de atividades de interpretação ambiental que envolvem o bioma mata atlântica em visitantes provenientes de escolas públicas, universidades e empresas privadas no Projeto Ecológico Cinturão Verde, localizado no terminal aquaviário de São Francisco do Sul/SC

    Dual-task induces significant alterations in the gait kinematics of older adults

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    Poster apresentado em 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 maio 2018, Oslo, NoruegaN/

    Conservadorismo contábil e os efeitos da pandemia nos indicadores de desempenho no setor de TI

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    Based on the importance of the information technology sector for the technological evolution and adaptation of companies during the pandemic, this study aims to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the market-to-book index and on traditional accounting performance indicators, represented by the net margin, return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA), in information technology companies in Brazil. The research is classified as quantitative in terms of approach, descriptive in terms of objectives and documental in terms of methodological procedures. The sample consists of four companies in the information technology sector in Brazil, with shares traded on the Stock Exchange (B3). The data for the net margin, ROE and ROA indicators were obtained through the analysis of the financial statements of the companies in the sample, in the period from 2018 to 2021, while the market-to-book index was obtained through calculations, observing the number of shares, shareholders' equity and unit value of shares, found on B3 and in Status Invest's (2023) quote history. Data analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney test to compare two studied samples, the first consisting of the indicators obtained in the years 2018 and 2019 (pre-pandemic), and the second by the indicators obtained in the years 2020 and 2021 (pandemic). The statistical programs Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows (SPSS) and JAMOVI were used to test the hypotheses. The results indicate that there was a significant variation in the net margin indicator, while for the market-to-book, ROA and ROE indices, it was not possible to identify large variations. It is concluded, therefore, that accounting conservatism did not cause significant changes in performance indicators in relation to the analyzed periods.Partiendo de la importancia del sector de las tecnologías de la información para la evolución tecnológica y adaptación de las empresas durante la pandemia, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto de la pandemia en el índice market-to-book y en los indicadores de desempeño contable tradicional, representados por el neto margen, retorno sobre capital (ROE) y retorno sobre activos (ROA), en empresas de tecnología de la información en Brasil. La investigación se clasifica en cuantitativa en cuanto al enfoque, descriptiva en cuanto a los objetivos y documental en cuanto a los procedimientos metodológicos. La muestra está compuesta por cuatro empresas del sector de tecnología de la información en Brasil, con acciones negociadas en la Bolsa de Valores (B3). Los datos de los indicadores de margen neto, ROE y ROA se obtuvieron analizando los estados financieros de las empresas de la muestra, de 2018 a 2021, mientras que el índice market to book se obtuvo a través de cálculos, observando el número de acciones, el valor patrimonial y unitario de las acciones, que se encuentra en B3 y en el historial de cotizaciones de Status Invest (2023). El análisis de datos se realizó mediante la prueba de Mann-Whitney para comparar dos muestras estudiadas, la primera conformada por los indicadores obtenidos en los años 2018 y 2019 (prepandemia), y la segunda por los indicadores obtenidos en los años 2020 y 2021 (pandemia). Para la prueba de hipótesis se utilizaron los programas estadísticos Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows (SPSS) y JAMOVI. Los resultados indican que hubo una variación significativa en el indicador de margen neto, mientras que para los índices market-to-book, ROA y ROE no fue posible identificar grandes variaciones. Se concluye, por tanto, que el conservadurismo contable no provocó cambios significativos en los indicadores de desempeño en relación a los períodos analizados.A partir da importância do setor de tecnologia da informação para a evolução tecnológica e a adaptação das empresas durante a pandemia, esse estudo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da pandemia no índice market-to-book e nos indicadores contábeis tradicionais de desempenho, representados pela margem líquida, retorno sobre o patrimônio líquido (ROE) e o retorno sobre os ativos (ROA), nas empresas de tecnologia da informação no Brasil. A pesquisa se classifica como quantitativa quanto a abordagem, descritiva quanto aos objetivos e documental quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos. A amostra é composta por quatro empresas do setor de tecnologia da informação no Brasil, com papéis negociados na Bolsa de Valores (B3). Os dados dos indicadores margem líquida, ROE e ROA foram obtidos por meio da análise das demonstrações contábeis das empresas da amostra, no período de 2018 a 2021, enquanto o índice market-to-book foi obtido através de cálculos, observando a quantidade de ações, o patrimônio líquido e o valor unitário das ações, encontrados na B3 e no histórico de cotações do Status Invest (2023). A análise dos dados foi feita com a utilização do teste de Mann-Whitney para comparação de duas amostras estudadas, sendo a primeira formada pelos indicadores obtidos nos anos de 2018 e 2019 (pré-pandemia), e a segunda pelos indicadores obtidos nos anos de 2020 e 2021 (pandemia). Os programas estatísticos Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows (SPSS) e JAMOVI foram usados para testar as hipóteses. Os resultados indicam que houve variação significativa no indicador de margem líquida, enquanto os índices market-to-book, ROA e ROE não foi possível identificar grandes variações. Conclui-se, portanto, que o conservadorismo contábil não provocou alterações significativas nos indicadores de desempenho em relação aos períodos analisados