896 research outputs found

    Análise de riscos em projetos de energia fotovoltaica off-grid case : pelotões especiais de fronteira

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, Especialização em Gestão de Projetos, 2020.A crescente demanda por soluções energéticas associada à defesa do território nacional torna relevante uma análise de riscos de projetos de sistemas fotovoltaicos off-grid em organizações militares na fronteira do Brasil. Em especial, a grande extensão territorial do país e as dificuldades de transporte e comunicação em localizações remotas na região Amazônica trazem desafios a projetos de geração de energia no Comando Militar da Amazônia do Exército Brasileiro. Esta pesquisa, baseada em um estudo de caso real de um projeto fotovoltaico para atender a um pelotão de fronteira em Tiriós-PA, busca identificar e classificar os riscos pertinentes a este tipo de projeto. Posteriormente, é conduzida uma comparação de resultados de análises utilizando métodos distintos para avaliação de riscos. Neste contexto, foi utilizado o método AHP de análise multicritério, por meio de discussão em um grupo de especialistas pertencentes às Forças Armadas. O outro método baseou-se em um levantamento, por meio de questionários, para identificar as percepções de profissionais do setor de energia solar fotovoltaica sobre probabilidade e impacto dos riscos levantados. Os resultados obtidos entre as duas abordagens foram comparados e extraídos algumas percepções sobre a priorização de fatores de riscos que pode ser utilizada para avaliação e gerenciamento de riscos em futuros projetos do Exército Brasileiro que explorem a energia fotovoltaica.The increasing demand for energy solutions associated with the national territory defenses makes relevant a risk analysis of off-grid photovoltaic systems to the military organizations on the Brazilian´s border. In particular, the country's great territorial extension and the difficulties of transportation and communication in remote locations in the Amazon region bring challenges to energy generation projects in the Military Command of the Amazon of the Brazilian Army. This research, based on a real case study of a photovoltaic project to serve a border platoon in Tiriós-PA, seeks to identify and classify the risks relevant to this type of project. Subsequently, a comparison of analysis results is carried out using different methods for risk assessment. In this context, the AHP method of multicriteria analysis was appplied and was conducted through discussion in a group of specialists belonging to the Armed Forces. The other method was based on a survey, using questionnaires to identify the perceptions of professionals in the photovoltaic solar energy sector about the probability and impact of the risks raised. The results obtained by these two approaches were compared and noted some perceptions about the prioritization of risk factors that can be used for risk assessment and management in future projects of the Brazilian Army that exploit photovoltaic energy

    Evaluation of the bond strength at the resin-dentin interface using self-etching adhesive systems containing different functional monomers / Avaliação da resistência de união na interface resina-dentina usando sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes contendo diferentes monômeros funcionais

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    Background: Self-etching adhesive systems have attracted considerable interest in dentistry, as these materials simplify the restorative protocol and allow a less sensitive adhesive technique. The objective of the present study was to analyze in vitro the performance of self-etching adhesive systems containing different functional monomers. Materials and Methods:  The adhesives evaluated were: Clearfil SE Bond (CSE) adhesive containing 10-MDP, Optibond All-in-One (OPT) containing GPDM, Palfique Bond (PB) containing 3D-SR monomer. Immediate microtensite bond strength (mTBS) and after thermocycling were realized. Interaction between the functional monomers and dentin was characterized using thin-film X-ray diffraction (TF-XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the experiments were used 60 molars. Thirty molars were divided into 3 experimental conditions (n=10) according to the adhesive system; the teeth were restored and sectioned on “toothpick” specimens for mTBS. Additionally, five teeth were prepared in the form of discs and the adhesives applied without light curing on the surface for XRD analysis. For morphological evaluation in SEM, 25 teeth were treated with the respective adhesives. The mTBS data were submitted to ANOVA two factors and Tukey's test (5%).  Results: The adhesive vs. time interaction was statistically significant (p<0.001), with the CSE adhesive obtaining the highest means and being the worst performance of BP. The analysis of XRD found that the monomers interact chemically with hydroxyapatite, but with different intensities. SEM images indicate that the applied adhesives infiltrate the dentin forming resin tags in greater or lesser amounts. Conclusions: The different functional monomers have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the adhesive bond, with the 10-MDP monomer, the CSE adhesive, highlighted by the higher TBS values. The self-etching adhesive systems allow a simplification in the restorative protocol, besides a less sensitive adhesive technique and less clinical time for the procedure. Therefore, knowing its mechanical and chemical properties is important to ensure longer-lasting restorations. 

    Clinical correlates of high burden of general medical comorbidities in patients with bipolar disorder

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    Background: Bipolar disorder is associated with an increased burden of general medical conditions that might be related to a more severe illness course. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that evaluated clinical correlates of general medical comorbidities in outpatients with bipolar disorder (BD) involving 203 adult patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of BD, consecutively recruited from the Bipolar Research Program (PROTAHBI) in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Clinical, demographic and anthropometrical variables were systematically assessed, and general medical comorbidity was measured using the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS). Results: The prevalence of one or more medical comorbidities was 90.1%. The most common were those from endocrine/metabolic/breast, neurologic and vascular categories. A high burden of general medical comorbidities (defined as CIRS total score ≥ 4) was related to increasing age and body mass index and longer duration of illness after controlling for confounding factors. Limitations: The cross-sectional design limits our ability to make causal conclusions. Also, our sample consisted of patients with longer illness duration from a tertiary clinic and may not generalize to the whole spectrum of bipolar disorder. Conclusions: BD was associated with a high burden of general medical conditions related to age, obesity and longer duration of illness. Medical comorbidities must be incorporated as a core feature in the development of effective treatment strategies for bipolar disorder

    Dynamics of the seasonal airborne propagation of Staphylococcus aureus in academic dental clinics

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    Objective:  Staphylococcus aureus strains can be disseminated during dental treatments and occasionally lead to the contamination and infection of patients and dentists, which is an important public health problem. The dynamics of the airborne propagation and the genetic diversity of S. aureus isolated in an academic dental clinic environment were investigated using isoenzyme typing. Material and Methods: The isoenzymes of 44 previously reported isolates were obtained from fresh cultures and extracted using glass beads. Nine isoenzymes were investigated using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). The genetic diversity and relationship among the strains (electrophoretic type – ET) were determined using statistics previously described by Nei25 (1972) and the SAHN grouping method (UPGMA algorithm). Results: Clonal pattern analyses indicated a high level of genetic polymorphism occurring among the 33 ETs, which were grouped into five taxa. Each taxon presented one or more clusters that were moderately related and that contained two or more identical/highly related isolates, revealing seasonal airborne propagation in these dental clinic environments. Conclusions: These data suggest the occurrence of active microevolutionary processes in S. aureus as well as the possibility of environmental propagation during a 14-month time span. Such findings are important to show that multiuser academic dental clinics can retain certain strains that are spreadable to different niches

    Effect of paraquat and glyphosate for the control of poaceae and convolvulaceae specimens on hydric deficit

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    O uso de herbicidas é uma prática muito utilizada para o controle de plantas daninhas. Entretanto, sua eficácia pode ser comprometida pela menor disponibilidade de água no ambiente, influenciando na absorção, translocação e metabolismo destes pelas plantas. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito dos herbicidas paraquat (Gramoxone) e glyphosate (Roundup Original) para o controle de capim-braquiária [Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R.D.Webster (Poaceae)] e corda-de-viola [Merremia cissoides (Lam.) Hallier f. (Convolvulaceae)], em condições de déficit hídrico. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado e esquema fatorial 5×3, com três repetições. Foram consideradas cinco épocas de indução de déficit hídrico (0, 1, 3, 5 e 7 dias) e três caldas de pulverização [paraquat, glyphosate e testemunha (com a aplicação de água, apenas)]. As avaliações de porcentagem de controle foram realizadas aos 2, 5, 7, 10, 14 e 21 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. Aos 21 dias foi determinado o teor de massa seca das plantas daninhas. Pelos resultados obtidos, observou-se que a partir de 5 dias com déficit hídrico, a eficácia dos herbicidas paraquat e glyphosate para o controle de capim-braquiária e corda-de-viola foi reduzida.The use of herbicides is very used by growers for the control of weeds. However, their effectiveness can be compromised by the reduction of water in the atmosphere, influencing its uptake, translocation and metabolism in plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides paraquat (Gramoxone) and glyphosate (Roundup Original) for the control of Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. D. Webster (Poaceae) and Merremia cissoides (Lam.) Hallier f. (Convolvulaceae) when submitted to hydric deficit. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions with completely randomized design in factorial 5×3, considering three replicates. It was considered five induction conditions of hydric deficit (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 days) and three treatments (paraquat, glyphosate and untreated check, only water). The evaluations were performed at 2, 5, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days after treatment application. At 21 days, it was also determined the dry weight of weeds. From the results obtained, it was observed that from 5 days without irrigation the herbicides reduced their effectiveness for the control of weeds

    Breeding Cows Body Condition and Dry Matter Availability in Natural Pastures under Rotational System

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    The livestock production in Rio Grande do Sul is based on natural pastures, which suffer great productive seasonality throughout the year, especially due to the quantitative and qualitative deficit that it goes through in the winter months. The existing dynamic between the animal and the forage is fundamental for a better reproductive performance of the brood cows, and consequently an increase of the productivity of beef cattle. The calf herd generation is, certainly, the fundamental element of the full cycle livestock. Knowing the potentiality and understanding the dynamism of the natural fields is a fundamental condition for the choice of adequate handling methods. The present work had as an objective the analysis of the existing correlations between the availability and quality of dry matter of natural pastures in relation to the body conditions of brood cows under a rotation pasture regime. The experiment was conducted in Santana do Livramento/RS, and comprised the period of March to October, 2019. For the determination of the forage mass, visual estimation and double sampling techniques were simultaneously used. The systematization of the experimental area and rotation order of the pickets were determined through a tool developed by the National Institute of Farming Investigation (INIA). The animals were visually evaluated through the body condition score (BCS). The results obtained regarding the availability of dry matter in kg/DM/ha were: 1594, 1159, 2332, 1464, 1048 and 2022. The measurements regarding the proportion of green matter on offer (%) prior to grazing of the animals, were: 65, 45, 35, 70, 70 and 55. The BCS evaluations at the end of each month were 2.98, 2.46, 2.73, 2.85, 3.15 and 3.15. The general body condition followed the trends in GM proportion (%, an indicator of quality) and the variation of DM/ha (quantity), and despite the physiological stage of the animals, there was a BCS evolution

    Transtornos mentais comuns em estudantes universitários: abordagem epidemiológica sobre vulnerabilidades

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    Objetive: to identify the occurrence of mental disorders, common in students of a higher education institution and associate it with the socio demographic and academic caracteristics. Method: it's a data survey, exploratory, descriptive, quantitativeve approach, made with 378 university students from an institution in the inner city of São Paulo, applying the Self-Reporting Questionnaire. The data was analysed using the descriptive statistical analysis and instructions for the analysis of the instrument used. Results: 151 (39,9%) of the interviewed university students show a suspicious classification score for humor disorder, anxiety and somatization. Regarding the sociodemographic variables, the highest index was for women (43,7%), homosexuals (50,0%), black colored people (42,9%), in a stable union (50,0%). Regarding the academic variables, the highest index was between business administration students (57,5%), and morning shift students (44,0%). Conclusion: the need to planning prevention and recovery strategies related to the occurency of common mental disorders in these people is clear, in view of the vulnerability they are exposed.Objetivo: identificar a ocorrência de transtornos mentais comuns em estudantes de uma instituição de Ensino Superior e associar com as características sociodemográficas e acadêmicas. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e de abordagem quantitativa, de levantamento, realizada com 378 estudantes universitários de uma instituição do interior paulista, com a aplicação de questionário semiestruturado e do Self-Reporting Questionnaire. Os dados foram analisados com o uso de análise estatística descritiva e instruções respectivas para a análise do instrumento utilizado. Resultados: 151 (39,9%) dos estudantes universitários entrevistados apresentaram escore de classificação para caso suspeito de transtornos de humor, de ansiedade e de somatização. Das variáveis sociodemográficas, os maiores índices foram para mulheres (43,7%), homossexuais (50,0%), cor de pele preta (42,9%) e em união estável (50,0%). Das variáveis acadêmicas, destacam-se maiores índices entre estudantes do curso de Administração (57,5%) e estudantes no período matutino (44,0%). Conclusão: a necessidade de planejamento de estratégias de prevenção e recuperação relacionadas à ocorrência de transtornos mentais comuns nessa população é clara, tendo em vista a vulnerabilidade a qual está exposta.Objetivo: identificar la aparición de transtornos mentales comunes en estudiantes de uma institución de enseñanza superior y asociarla con las características sociodemograficos y académicos. Método: es uma investigación de levantamiento, exploratório, descriptivo, de abordaje cuantitativo, hecha con 378 estudiantes universitários de una institución del interior de San Pablo, con aplicación de cuestionário semiestructurado y Cuestionario de Autoinforme. Los datos fueron analizados con el análisis estadísticos descriptivos y instruciones respectivos para el análisis del instrumento utilizado. Resultados: 151 (39,9%) de los estudiantes universitários entrevistados presentaron puntuación de clasificación para caso sospechoso de transtorno de humor, de ansiedad y de somatización. De los variables sociodemograficos, los mayores índices fueron para las mujeres (43,7%), homosexuales (50,0%), color de piel negra (42,9%), en unión estable (50,0%). De los variables académicos, los que más se distinguen con índices mayores están los estudiantes de la carrera de Administración (57,5%), y estudiantes del período matutino (44,0%). Conclusión: la necesidad de planificación de estratégias de prevención y recuperación relacionadas a la aparición de transtornos mentales comunes en esta población es clara, teniendo en vista la vulnerabilidad en la que están expuestos

    Estudiantes universitarios y su incursión en el alcohol, tabaco y otras sustancias

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    Introduction: This study aimed to identify the number of students from a higher education institution into the interior of São Paulo state who experienced their entry into alcohol, tobacco and other substances in order to evaluate the occurrence and dependency level on them. Materials and Methods: An extract of a compiling, exploratory, descriptive study under a quantitative approach was conducted in 416 undergraduate students. The data were collected over the third quarter of 2017 by applying a semi-structured questionnaire prepared by the authors in addition to the Triage Questionnaire for Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Use. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted for data analysis as well as a Pearson’ chi-squared test, according to the instructions for the application of the selected instrument. This study was received and approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: The general rates for entry and drug type are 140 (30%) for tobacco derivatives, 303 (66%) for alcohol beverages, 89 (19%) for marijuana, 32 (7%) for cocaine/crack, 24 (5%) for amphetamines or ecstasy, 30 (7%) for inhalant drugs, 45 (10%) for hypnotics/sedatives, 36 (8%) for hallucinogens and 9 (2%) for opioids. Discussion: Students showed to be involved in all types of substances which is linked to flexibility in relation to their use in the university environment and their easy access. Conclusions: Undergraduate students have a real and intense relationship with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. In addition to this relationship, the risk of addiction to these substances is presented as a major social and healthcare problem. Como citar este artigo: Silva DA, Junior RJP, Gomes CFM, Cardoso JV. Envolvimento com álcool, tabaco e outras substâncias por estudantes universitários. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(2): e641. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v10i2.641      Introdução: O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar o quantitativo de estudantes em uma instituição de ensino superior no interior paulista que vivenciam o envolvimento com o álcool, o tabaco e ou outras substâncias, e avaliar a ocorrência e nível de dependência nos mesmos. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de extrato de uma pesquisa de levantamento, exploratória, descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 462 estudantes universitários. A coleta de dados se deu no decorrer do 3º trimestre de 2017, com aplicação de questionário semiestruturado, elaborado pelos autores e Questionário para Triagem do Uso de Álcool, Tabaco e Outras Substâncias. Os dados foram analisados com uso de análise estatística descritiva e de acordo com as instruções para aplicação do instrumento selecionado. A pesquisa foi submetida e aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: Os índices gerais de envolvimento e o tipo de drogas são: 140 (30%) para derivados do tabaco, 303 (66%) para bebidas alcoólicas, 89 (19%) para maconha, 32 (7%) para cocaína/crack, 24 (5%) para anfetaminas ou êxtase, 30 (7%) para inalantes, 45 (10%) para hipnóticos/sedativos, 36 (8%) para alucinógenos, e nove (2%) para opióides. Discussão: Houve envolvimento com todos os tipos de substâncias, associado a romantização quanto ao uso das mesmas no ambiente universitário e facilidade de acesso. Conclusões: O envolvimento de universitários com álcool, tabaco e outras substâncias é real e intenso. Além do envolvimento, o risco para dependência dessas substâncias se caracteriza como grande problema social e de saúde. Como citar este artigo: Silva DA, Junior RJP, Gomes CFM, Cardoso JV. Envolvimento com álcool, tabaco e outras substâncias por estudantes universitários. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(2): e641. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v10i2.641      Introducción: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la cantidad de estudiantes en una institución de educación superior en el interior paulista que experimentan su incursión en el alcohol, el tabaco y otras sustancias, y evaluar así la ocurrencia y el nivel de dependencia de los mismos. Materiales y Métodos: Se trata de un extracto de un estudio de levantamiento, exploratorio, descriptivo, de enfoque cuantitativo, realizado con 416 estudiantes universitarios. Los datos fueron recolectados en el transcurso del 3º trimestre de 2017, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario semi-estructurado, elaborado por los autores y del Cuestionario para Triaje de Uso de Alcohol, Tabaco y otras Sustancias. Los datos fueron analizados a través de un análisis estadístico descriptivo, la prueba de Qui-Cuadrado de Pearson y de acuerdo con las instrucciones para la aplicación del instrumento seleccionado. El estudio fue recibido y aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. Resultados: Los índices generales de incursión y el tipo de drogas son: 140 (30%) para derivados del cigarrillo, 303 (66%) para bebidas alcohólicas, 89 (19%) para marihuana, 32 (7%) para cocaína/crack, 24 (5%) para anfetaminas o éxtasis, 30 (7%) para drogas inhaladas, 45 (10%) para hipnóticos/sedantes, 36 (8%) para alucinógenos, y nueve (2%) para opioides. Discusión: Los estudiantes demostraron haber estado involucrados con todos los tipos de sustancias, lo que se asocia a la flexibilización con respecto al uso de las mismas en el ambiente universitario y a la facilidad de acceso. Conclusiones: La relación de los universitarios con el alcohol, el cigarrillo y otras sustancias es real e intensa. Además de esa relación, el riesgo de adicción a estas sustancias se configura como un gran problema social y de salud. Como citar este artigo: Silva DA, Junior RJP, Gomes CFM, Cardoso JV. Envolvimento com álcool, tabaco e outras substâncias por estudantes universitários. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(2): e641. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v10i2.641     &nbsp

    Avaliação reológica da polpa e concentrado de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum schum) / Rheological evaluation of pulp and cupuaçu concentrate (Theobroma grandiflorum schum)

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    No presente trabalho, foi realizada a análise do comportamento reológico da polpa integral e do concentrado de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum schum), fornecidos por uma empresa local com o objetivo de comparar os resultados obtidos com a literatura relacionada e com os parâmetros estabelecidos pela legislação. Verificou-se os dados reológicos sobre a polpa e concentrado de cupuaçu obtidos ajustando-os aos modelos reológicos de Bingham, Herschel-Bulkley, Ostwald-de-Waele e Casson. Verificou-se que o modelo de Herschel-Bulkley adequou-se melhor aos dados experimentais, com valores para R2 de 0,9967 e 0,9991 para a polpa e para o concentrado, respectivamente. As polpas analisadas demonstraram características típicas de um fluido pseudoplástico. A partir dos dados obtidos na análise é possível utilizá-las para estudos relacionados as condições de processamento e armazenamento da polpa e do concentrado de cupuaçu, visto que seu comportamento em diferentes condições foi analisado.