3,437 research outputs found

    Outline of a social theory of rights: A neo-pragmatist approach

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    This article articulates a neo-pragmatist theory of human rights by drawing and expanding upon the American classical pragmatism of G.H. Mead. It characterizes this neo-pragmatist theory of rights by its anti-foundationalist, relational, fictive, and constitutive nature, and begins by providing a reconstruction of Mead’s social pragmatist approach to rights, a contribution systematically ignored by contemporary sociologists of rights. Next, it details the cost of this disciplinary oblivion by examining how much neo-pragmatism, critical theory, and legal consciousness studies have meanwhile gained by engaging with Mead’s work on rights. Finally, it discusses the contributions of this historical-theoretical exercise to the rapidly growing sociology of rights, and shows that by supplementing the neo-Meadian approach with a recent interpretation of Hobbes’s fictional theory of politics, there appear to be substantive gains in the empirical study of the origins, consequences, meaning, and denial of rights.This paper was written as part of the research project ‘‘Broken Promises. The Political Origins of Socioeconomic Inequality in Portugal, 1960-2010’’ funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CPJ-CPO/101290/2008).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Sage via http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/136843101348400

    Getting rights right: Explaining social rights constitutionalization in revolutionary Portugal

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    Constitutions are a key element of the normative script of the modern state. All constitutions lock in rights. Most include social provisions. Some are more generous than others in this regard. But none come close to the Portuguese Constitution of 1976 in the length and detail of its list of social and economic rights. Prevailing theories of institutional origins have generated hypotheses to account for the constitutionalization of second-generation rights. But they fall short of providing a full understanding of constitutionalization and the accompanying emergence of judicial review. Outlier cases, such as the Portuguese, are even more poorly explained by extant explanations. In this article, we test them against the Portuguese case, which, whenever appropriate, is compared with Spain. In doing this, we aim at two things: first, to identify shortcomings in the most familiar frameworks, theories, and hypotheses concerning the causal mechanisms leading to the inclusion of social and economic rights in constitutions; second, to propose alternative explanations where existing ones prove inadequate or insufficient.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icon/mot04

    Phosphorus availability in soils, determined by different extracting procedures

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    The objective of this paper was the comparative study of the most important extractors of soil phosphorus. It presents a literature review of papers that deal with methods of extraction for the evaluation of phosphorus availability in soils. The methods considered were: anion exchange resin, Olsen, Bray 1, Bray 2, Mehlich 1, Troug, Egner, water, 0,01M CaCl2, iron hydroxide impregnated filter paper (Pi) and the determinations of the E and L values. The comparison between results of soil analysis by different methods of phosphorus extraction in soils and phosphorus uptake by plants was initially made considering the coefficient of determination (r(2)) for several extractants. The following average values and corresponding numbers of articles in which the method was considered were obtained: resin, 70% (34); E value, 68%(16); L value, 65% (8); Olsen, 54% (48); Bray 1, 50% (42); Mehlich 1,46% (25); Egner, 44% (9); Bray 2, 42% (19); Water, 42% (15); Truog, 38% (13); CaCl3, 36% (13), and Morgan, 32% ( 13). The comparison of several methods, considering the pairs of results (r(2)) obtained for the extractants, that were tested together through linear correlation and average contrasts (t student test), indicated that the resin method was statistically superior to the other methods. The resin method presents the following favorable features: (a) highest values for the determinations coefficients for the correlations between P uptake by plants and soil P by the different methods, as reviewed in 72 papers; (b) it can be used in both acid and alkaline soils, which is not the case for the other most commonly used methods; (c) it reveals adequately the effect of liming on the increase of P availability in soils for crops, which is not the case of Mehlich 1, Bray I and Olsen; (d) it does not overestimate P availability in soils treated with rock phosphates, as is the case of acid extractans; (e) it is the method with the best theoretical background.34226728

    Can we use postal surveys with anonymous testing to monitor chlamydia prevalence in young women in England? Pilot study incorporating randomised controlled trial of recruitment methods

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    OBJECTIVES: Chlamydia prevalence in the general population is a potential outcome measure for the evaluation of chlamydia control programmes. We carried out a pilot study to determine the feasibility of using a postal survey for population-based chlamydia prevalence monitoring. METHODS: Postal invitations were sent to a random sample of 2000 17-year-old to 18-year-old women registered with a general practitioner in two pilot areas in England. Recipients were randomised to receive either a self-sampling kit (n=1000), a self-sampling kit and offer of £5 voucher on return of sample (n=500) or a self-sampling kit on request (n=500). Participants returned a questionnaire and self-taken vulvovaginal swab sample for unlinked anonymous Chlamydia trachomatis testing. Non-responders were sent a reminder letter 3 weeks after initial invitation. We calculated the participation rate (number of samples returned/number of invitations sent) and cost per sample returned (including cost of consumables and postage) in each group. RESULTS: A total of 155/2000 (7.8%) samples were returned with consent for testing. Participation rates varied by invitation group: 7.8% in the group who were provided with a self-sampling kit, 14% in the group who were also offered a voucher and 1.0% in the group who were not sent a kit. The cost per sample received was lowest (£36) in the group who were offered both a kit and a voucher. CONCLUSIONS: The piloted survey methodology achieved low participation rates. This approach is not suitable for population-based monitoring of chlamydia prevalence among young women in England

    A feature selection approach for identification of signature genes from SAGE data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One goal of gene expression profiling is to identify signature genes that robustly distinguish different types or grades of tumors. Several tumor classifiers based on expression profiling have been proposed using microarray technique. Due to important differences in the probabilistic models of microarray and SAGE technologies, it is important to develop suitable techniques to select specific genes from SAGE measurements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A new framework to select specific genes that distinguish different biological states based on the analysis of SAGE data is proposed. The new framework applies the bolstered error for the identification of strong genes that separate the biological states in a feature space defined by the gene expression of a training set. Credibility intervals defined from a probabilistic model of SAGE measurements are used to identify the genes that distinguish the different states with more reliability among all gene groups selected by the strong genes method. A score taking into account the credibility and the bolstered error values in order to rank the groups of considered genes is proposed. Results obtained using SAGE data from gliomas are presented, thus corroborating the introduced methodology.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The model representing counting data, such as SAGE, provides additional statistical information that allows a more robust analysis. The additional statistical information provided by the probabilistic model is incorporated in the methodology described in the paper. The introduced method is suitable to identify signature genes that lead to a good separation of the biological states using SAGE and may be adapted for other counting methods such as Massive Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS) or the recent Sequencing-By-Synthesis (SBS) technique. Some of such genes identified by the proposed method may be useful to generate classifiers.</p

    Close phylogenetic relationship between Angolan and Romanian HIV-1 subtype F1 isolates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Here, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of the HIV-1 subtype F1 circulating in Angola with subtype F1 strains sampled worldwide and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this subtype in Central Africa.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-six HIV-1-positive samples were collected in Angola in 2006 and subtyped at the <it>env</it>-gp41 region. Partial <it>env</it>-gp120 and <it>pol-RT </it>sequences and near full-length genomes from those <it>env</it>-gp41 subtype F1 samples were further generated. Phylogenetic analyses of partial and full-length subtype F1 strains isolated worldwide were carried out. The onset date of the subtype F1 epidemic in Central Africa was estimated using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine Angolan samples were classified as subtype F1 based on the analysis of the <it>env</it>-gp41 region. All nine Angolan sequences were also classified as subtype F1 in both <it>env-gp120 </it>and <it>pol-RT </it>genomic regions, and near full-length genome analysis of four of these samples confirmed their classification as "pure" subtype F1. Phylogenetic analyses of subtype F1 strains isolated worldwide revealed that isolates from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were the earliest branching lineages within the subtype F1 phylogeny. Most strains from Angola segregated in a monophyletic group together with Romanian sequences; whereas South American F1 sequences emerged as an independent cluster. The origin of the subtype F1 epidemic in Central African was estimated at 1958 (1934–1971).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>"Pure" subtype F1 strains are common in Angola and seem to be the result of a single founder event. Subtype F1 sequences from Angola are closely related to those described in Romania, and only distantly related to the subtype F1 lineage circulating in South America. Original diversification of subtype F1 probably occurred within the DRC around the late 1950s.</p

    Stress-induced electron emission from nanocomposite amorphous carbon thin films

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    Traditionally, the emission of electrons from materials have been explained using either the Fowler-Nordheim emission mechanism where high electric fields are used to extract electrons from surfaces or using conventional thermal emission where high currents are used to 'boil' off electrons to vacuum. In this letter, we propose an alternative mechanism for electron emission from highly compressive thin films based on stress-induced 'band structure' modification of nano-ordered sp(2) regions in the thin films. Experimental results are recorded which show that the localized compressive stress governs electron emission in the amorphous carbon thin films studied here rather than the surface nanostructures/features or the diamond-like sp(3) hybridized bond component. This analysis is in agreement with the concept of an internal or nongeometric field enhancement from sp(2) nanostructures giving rise to high dielectric inhomogeneity within the carbon thin film. The results presented could be extended to explain the anomalous field emission behavior of carbon nanotubes. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.81585385

    Effect of voriconazole on Candida tropicalis biofilms: Relation with ERG genes expression

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    Candida tropicalis has emerged as the third most prevalent fungal pathogens and its ability to form biofilms has been considered one of the most important virulence factors, since biofilms represent high tolerance to antifungal agents. However, the mechanisms of C. tropicalis biofilm resistance to antifungals remain poorly understood. Thus, the main aim of this work was to infer about the effect of voriconazole on the formation and control of C. tropicalis biofilms and disclose its relationship with ERG genes' expression. Planktonic cells tolerance of several C. tropicalis clinical isolates to voriconazole was determined through of antifungal susceptibility test, and the effect of this azole against C. tropicalis biofilm formation and pre-formed biofilms was evaluated by cultivable cells determination and total biomass quantification. ERG genes expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. This work showed that C. tropicalis resistance to voriconazole is strain dependent and that voriconazole was able to partially control biofilm formation, but was unable to eradicate C. tropicalis pre-formed biofilms. Moreover, C. tropicalis biofilms resistance to voriconazole seems to be associated with alterations of sterol content in the cell membrane, resulting in ERG genes overexpression. Voriconazole is unable to control C. tropicalis biofilms, and the overexpression of ERG genes is a possible mechanism of biofilm resistance.TheauthorsthanktheFCTfortheStrategic Project of the UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, FCT and European Union funds (FEDER/COMPETE) for the project RECI/BBBEBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462). We also would like to acknowledge Pfizer , S.A. for the kindly donation of voriconazole

    Development and validation of exhaled breath condensate microRNAs to identify and endotype asthma in children

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    Detection and quantification of microRNAs (miRNAs) in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) has been poorly explored. Therefore we aimed to assess miRNAs in EBC as potential biomarkers to diagnose and endotype asthma in school aged children. In a cross sectional, nested case control study, all the asthmatic children (n = 71) and a random sample of controls (n = 115), aged 7 to 12 years, attending 71 classrooms from 20 local schools were selected and arbitrarily allocated to the development or validation set. Participants underwent skin-prick testing, spirometry with bronchodilation, had exhaled level of nitric oxide determined and EBC collected. Based on previous studies eleven miRNAs were chosen and analyzed in EBC by reverse transcription-quantitative real-time PCR. Principal component analysis was applied to identify miRNAs profiles and associations were estimated using regression models. In the development set (n = 89) two clusters of miRNAs were identified. After adjustments, cluster 1 and three of its clustered miRNAs, miR-126-3p, miR-133a-3p and miR-145-5p were positively associated with asthma. Moreover miR-21-5p was negatively associated with symptomatic asthma and positively associated with positive bronchodilation without symptoms. An association was also found between miR-126-3p, cluster 2 and one of its clustered miRNA, miR-146-5p, with higher FEF25-75 reversibility. These findings were confirmed in the validation set (n = 97) where two identical clusters of miRNAs were identified. Additional significant associations were observed between miR-155-5p with symptomatic asthma, negative bronchodilation with symptoms and positive bronchodilation without symptoms. We showed that microRNAs can be measured in EBC of children and may be used as potential biomarkers of asthma, assisting asthma endotype establishment.Authors gratefully acknowledge the funding by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000010 - Health, Comfort and Energy in the Built Environment (HEBE), cofinanced by Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE2020), through Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) and EXALAR 21 project financed by FEDER/FNR and by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (EXALAR 21 02/SAICT/2017 - Project nº 30193). FCM kindly acknowledges the scholarship SFRH/BD/144563/2019 granted by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, as well as the Fulbright Research Grant 2019/2020 granted by Fulbright Portugal. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Distinct variation in vector competence among nine field populations of Aedes aegypti from a Brazilian dengue-endemic risk city

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    Background: In Brazil, dengue epidemics erupt sporadically throughout the country and it is unclear if outbreaks may initiate a sustainable transmission cycle. There are few studies evaluating the ability of Brazilian Aedes aegypti populations to transmit dengue virus (DENV). The aim of this study was to compare DENV susceptibility of field-captured Ae. aegypti populations from nine distinct geographic areas of the city of Belo Horizonte in 2009 and 2011. Infection Rate (IR), Vector Competence (VC) and Disseminated Infection Rate (DIR) were determined. Methods: Aedes aegypti eggs from each region were collected and reared separately in an insectary. Adult females were experimentally infected with DENV-2 and the virus was detected by qPCR in body and head samples. Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 17. Results: IR varied from 40.0% to 82.5% in 2009 and 60.0% to 100.0% in 2011. VC ranged from 25.0% to 77.5% in 2009 and 25.0% to 80.0% in 2011. DIR oscillated from 68.7% to 100.0% in 2009 and 38.4% to 86.8 in 2011. When the results were evaluated by a logistic model using IR as covariate, North, Barreiro, South-Central and Venda Nova showed the strongest association in 2009. In 2011, a similar association was observed for South-Central, Venda Nova, West and Northeast regions. Using VC as covariate, South-Central and Venda Nova showed the most relevant association in 2009. In 2011, South-Central, Venda Nova and Barreiro presented the greatest revelation associations. When DIR data were analyzed by logistic regression models, Pampulha, South-Central, Venda Nova, West, Northeast and East (2009) as well as South-Central, Venda Nova and West (2011) were the districts showing the strongest associations. Conclusions: We conclude that Ae. aegypti populations from Belo Horizonte exhibit wide variation in vector competence to transmit dengue. Therefore, vector control strategies should be adapted to the available data for each region. Further analysis should be conducted to better understand the reasons for this large variability in vector competence and how these parameters correlate with epidemiological findings in subsequent years